MUNDO OBRERO Inmigrantes merecen legalización 12 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org MARCH 25, 2010 Vol. 52, No. 11 50¢ Immigrants deserve legalization Full Rights for all woRkeRs By Teresa Gutierrez wo R keR s wo R ld ed I toRIal. On March 21, tens, perhaps hundreds of thou- sands of people will be demonstrating for immi- What will it take grant rights in Washington, D.C. The action arises from the frustration and deep anger that exist in the immigrant community and to end the wars? among their supporters that despite a nonstop de- mand for full rights for immigrants, especially legal- here can no longer be any doubt about the char- ization for the undocumented, such pleas have been acter of the wars being waged by the U.S. govern- ignored by Washington. Tment in Iraq and Afghanistan. The huge March 21 demonstration will continue They are not just Bush-Cheney wars, although these the massive outpouring of millions of workers in the mass murderers should not be left off the hook. spring of 2006, when immigrants poured out of the They represent more than a mistaken policy or a shadows and burst onto the scene, forever changing particularly brutal group of politicians in the pockets of the political landscape in this country. the oil companies. Immigrants and their supporters know that the These wars flow from the economic system that pre- undocumented have earned legalization. In fact, vails in the United States. The class that sits atop this they have earned it a hundred times over. vast capitalist economy is never satisfied. Millionaires Workers are forced to come to the very country have become billionaires largely on the super-profits — the U.S. — that has created the conditions back wrung from their worldwide empire. home that leave them no other option but to leave. The imperialists cannot be reasoned with, made to NAFTA, the U.S.-backed wars in Central Amer- see the error of their ways, or appealed to on a humani- ica, agreements with migrant-exporting countries tarian basis. The all-mighty profit motive is too strong such as the Philippines, the ongoing intervention for that. They will not concede that their ambition to and occupation of Haiti, the coup in Honduras, the control the world — over the dead bodies of Iraqis, Af- refusal to pay reparations for the historic plunder- ghans and U.S. soldiers — is impossible to achieve. Not ing of Africa, are all examples of U.S. policies abroad until they are confronted with rebellion at home as well that mean that millions must painfully leave their as abroad will they reconsider their course of action, as homelands in search of survival. finally happened with the Vietnam War. Then when workers arrive in the U.S. they are This explains why the current wars seem to go on forced to work in the underground economy with endlessly, why the invasion of Iraq has lasted seven absolutely no rights. years and the assault on Afghanistan even longer. It is a perfect system for the capitalist class: a vul- It explains why a Democratic administration, elected nerable, exploitable, expendable, cheap labor force very largely on the hope that it would bring home the that must serve the whims of the bosses. Continued on page 10 Despite the mantra that is constantly stated that immigration policy is broken, it does indeed work. But it is working for the bosses and the bankers, not for the people. FORGET BIDEN The demonstration on March 21 and all efforts to win rights for immigrants are extremely impor- Defend Palestine! 9 tant. But what will come out of this demonstration is equally important. What kind of reform? There is a widespread movement for what is called comprehensive immigration reform. It is im- portant to continue to elaborate exactly what kind THE POWER OF WOMEN Continued on page 2 Int’l Women’s Day worldwide 1937: Immigrants win union Subscribe to Workers World Women doctors serve in Haiti Eight weeks trial $4 One year $25 workers.org Name____________________ _Phone_ __________________ Melissa Roxas, a survivor Address____________________ Email____________________ War hits women hard City/State/Zip__ _____________________________________ Cuban women advance 6-9 Workers World Weekly Newspaper Women protest in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 55 W. 17th St. #5C, NY, NY 10011 212.627.2994 on International Women’s Day, March 8. Page_2_ March_25,_2010_ workers.org Immigrants deserve legalization WORKERS WORLD this week ... Full rights for all workers In the U.S. ing the shots in Washington. They will not declare that Immigrants deserve legalization........................... 1 Continued from page 1 the real terrors in society are the policies that shut down Tenants meet to fight for their homes...................... 3 of immigration reform is needed. The movement — not factories, evict people from their homes, violate the envi- Boston City Councilors hear report from Haiti . 3 just immigrants, but labor, the anti-war and all progres- ronment and so on. 2004 DNC protester wins in Federal Court.................. 3 sive movements — must demand immigration reform Workers looking for survival are not terrorists. They Detroit school takeover and ‘rightsizing’ of city opposed .... 4 that is thoroughly pro-worker. are the victims of terror. Any immigration bill that has On the picket line ......................................... 4 This kind of reform will lift the standard of living not “enforcement” as its heart is an immigration bill that only for immigrants but also for the whole working class. should be rejected. Mumia: ‘A democracy of puppets’ .......................... 4 This immigration reform must at least include: Unfortunately, Democrats will tell the movement this Capitalist crisis invades public education................... 5 Immediate legalization for all the undocumented in is the best they can get. When immigration advocates Detroit 1937 Immigrant women beat cigar bosses ........ 6 this country asked Schumer to refrain from calling the undocument- Letter: Another double standard in Black and white ........ 6 An end of the militarization of the border, which is an ed “illegal aliens,” he refused. Schumer said that is the A salute to Cuba and Haitian women ..................... 7 way it is. act of war and fosters a xenophobia mentality International Women’s Day Forum in New York............. 8 Stopping the raids now and ending the division of The movement must decide Disappearing Voices: The struggle to save Black radio .... 10 families Throughout U.S. history, the capitalist class and the Ending U.S. foreign policy that creates the conditions officials in Washington that do its bidding have always Around the world for migration such as support for the Honduran coup declared in one way or another, “That is the way it is.” Melissa Roxas: An example of women’s power ............ 6 Repealing U.S. trade policies like NAFTA They will not point out that history shows just the op- International Women’s Day observed worldwide ........... 7 Jobs for all workers in this country regardless of place posite. When workers are in motion, when the move- WIDF assesses global conditions of women workers ........ 8 of birth ment is massive, what “is the way it is” can be radically Education for all regardless of place of birth changed from one day to the next. U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq hit women the hardest .......8 or economic status Slavery was abolished when many said it would not be. Forget Biden’s ‘dignity’ — What about the Palestinians? . ....9 No guest worker programs Women won the right to vote when many said they could Women doctors return from service in Haiti................ 9 Recognition of the role climate change plays not. The war in Vietnam was ended due to the resistance Pentagon’s presence in Horn of Africa exposes U.S. lies ....11 in creating refugees and policies to prevent it of the people of Vietnam, but the movement in the U.S. Greek workers resist with fourth general strike ............11 It is clear where the Republican Party stands on the was also instrumental. immigration question. While having nuances of differ- Unemployment insurance, the 8-hour day and welfare Editorial ences here and there, overwhelmingly this party contin- were all gains that the people were able to wrest from ues to maintain a vicious anti-immigrant position. The the capitalist class. Nothing was given to us. All of it was What will it take to end the wars? ..........................1 far-right inside and outside the party uses immigration won. as one of the issues to whip up a rabid right-wing cam- Legalization without enforcement and without a mili- Noticias En Español paign. It is racist and targets the first Black president in tarization of the border can be won. Inmigrantes merecen legalización an inexcusable way. But this can only happen if the people are fighting for Derechos plenos para todos/as los/as trabajadores/as .....12 In response to the massive organizing for the March 21 their own interests independent of the Democrats. The demonstration, an extreme anti-immigrant group called Democratic Party has shown over and over again that it NumbersUSA held a press conference. At it, a member puts a brake on the struggle. It will only fight for band- said, “ … the new welfare queen today is women com- aids, and it will never stand up to the powers that be, ing from Mexico with a bunch of babies. We have babies, despite the good intentions of many individuals. Workers World they have dependents.” As hundreds of thousands march on Washington on 55 West 17 Street This is thoroughly anti-poor, no matter national origin March 21, they must keep this in mind. We must be vigi- New York, N.Y.
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