![DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fa] Flllnent of the Requirements For](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
/ A HI SPORT OF TWHrriBPH CH TfUKI MANAOatHfT TBDtKfflT DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fa] flllnent of the Requirements for the Decree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University JOHN FRANKLIN MEE, A.B.t A.M. The Ohio State University 1959 Approved by Organisation PREPACK Concepts bars bssn used to stats and to express the prlnciplee and the philosophies of management. In the past, as in the present, the ooncepts pertaining to management as a distinct and identifiable aental process hare bssn the symbols for the development and the under­ standing of management thought. Although some of the present ooncepts of management nay nov seat to be staple and obvious, their origins probably required a great effort in reflective thinking by someone at some tiae. The history of aanageaent thought indicates that all progress in nanage- asnt has beeq related to these Intellectual discoveries of basic ooncepts and conceptual relationships. Without management concepts, any research, teaching, or practice in the field of aanageaent would be United to absorptive or retentive thinking. With precise concepts, aanageaent knowledge and understanding can expand at an acoelerated rate. Both reasoning and creative thought can be exercised in far greater degree when ooncepts are available for the brain to use. Without concepts, cosaunloation is a subject area becomes limited to descriptions of things and activities. The concepts may be verbal, physical, schematic, or symbolic. The developments in model building in the field of economic theory have been related to eueh abstract types of ooncepts. Developments in management thought have followed in the wake of developments in econoale thought. Both disciplines have used similar methods and similar conceptual models. The ooncept of aanageaent by incentive and initiative differs from the concept of scientific management; the concept of management by ii iii objectives results In a different reaction than tha concept of to "muddle through." Tha concept of organisation atA management la different fron the concept of the management process, just as the concept of power through people results in a different image fron a concept of power over people. The ooncept of centralised control with decentralised administration enlarges the scope of nanaganent thought concerning organi­ sation. The concept of countervailing power differs fron one of Integrated power. The former nay continue to maintain a situation of conflict and waste; the latter could lead to a situation of mutual interests and waste elimination. This study of a twentieth century history of aanageaent thought la the result of the student's aental explorations into the literature of aanageaent ower the past twenty years. Probably, because of basic training in the discipline of psychology, the student developed an intellectual curiosity about the aental process involved in the manage­ ment function. Study and research of the literature of aanagoaent disclosed the concepts that emerged from the intellectual discoveries of past and present authorities in the field. It was discovered that management thought has developed along an Identifiable thought stream during the twentieth century. Consequently, management thought has a short history. Present prospects indicate that it will have a greater history in the future. In this dissertation, the student has undertaken the research task of analysing, identifying, illustrating, and recording the basic concepts of management as they appeared in the literature of management from the time that a literature of management vaa craatad to tha present. tts thought stream of tha concepts la presented in a chronological wanner. An Integration of tha concepts la wada to provide a oonceptual nodal of a modem managsm m t prooeea and a framework for prograaa in management philosophy. Thus, a twentieth century history of management thought has bean prepared for scholars interested in tbs historical development of ooncepts In tha field of management. Without tha encouragement, the assistance, and the helpful criticism of tha members of tha ooaad.ttee, this dissertation would not have been possible. Consequently, tha candidate wishes to admovledge his debt of gratitude and his appreciation to his doctoral dissertation coHdttee. Professor Ralph C. Davis inspired the candidate's initial interest in the historical development of management thought. In addition, ha guided the candidate's research efforts toward the appropriate sources of information He also provided many helpful suggestions for identifying and presenting the proper ooncepts required to illustrate the chronological development of management thought during the twentieth century. Professor Robert D. Patton constructively criticised the presentation of the research findings; he also contributed valuable suggestions which were used in the final draft of tha dissertation. Professor Elvln P. Donaldson gave helpful guidance regarding the language and the style of the text of the manuscript. His instructions improved the ooMunication of the basic concepts in the finished dissertation. Professor Charles A. Dice made useful suggestions in relation to the points of view which should be considered in the collection of data from the research sources in the Iltinturt of aana|a<nt> Tha candidate also wlahaa to express appreciation to Mrs. Mildred H. H a s son for her diligence in typing and paging the ■annscrlpt. TABLE 07 COROTS C H A F T R P i n i nraouocrioH ........................................... 1 btttn of tha Study 1 Praaantatlon of tha Study ........... • ............ 10 Slgnlfloaaoo of tha S t u d y .......................... 13 n POTATO TO TVOTZSTB C O TUBT HUUfflMBT TBDTOHT .......... 13 loonoado and Indna trial Cllnata ............ 15 Baflootlono of Industrial Darolopnant In tha Literatur e .................. 17 Sona Saada of Kaiu«««t Thought .................. 23 in EHOflocB or scionnc naiaooot (1 9 0 0-1 9 2 0) ............ 29 Eoononlo and Indnatriol Cllnata ............. 29 Plonaara in Kanagaaant Thought .................... 31 Pirat Confarapoaa on Solantlflo Kanagaaant ......... 65 PLrot Textbook* in Hanoganant Thought ............... 70 Pirat Diooart&tion and Papara in Honagmant ......... 78 IT IETBODOCTIOE OP KAIftflmr BOCATIOH (1921-1970).......... 65 Eoononlo and Indnatriol C l l n a t a .................... 85 Profaaaional Hanoganant Aaaielation* ............... 88 Sohoola of C w a r o a and Itogl nearing ................. 90 Slgnifioant Katlonal laaaarch Stndiaa ............... 100 Tort hooka for Conraaa in Hanoganant................... 114 T HTBQTOCnOH TO N i K U a m KDOCATIOH (Continaad) ...... 151 Books Canoamlng Kanagaaant in Qanaxul ............... 151 Collaetod Papara Coaearnlng Soiontifio Hanoganant • • . 169 Kotahla Eranta Affacting Kanagaaant ......... 179 Jonrnala and Wagaiinae in tha Hanoganant Plaid .... 182 TI MPHASXS OH TOCTI0H8 OP OSOdKIZATIQE AID HAHAC9MBT (1 9 3 I-I94O) ............................................ 200 Eoonendo and Indnatriol Cllnata ...................... 200 hpharli an Organisation ........... 202 frond to Kanagaaant and fixocntl'ra Punetione......... 217 Oannrol Contrlbutlona to Hanaganont Thought ...... 232 yii mfhasis ok a n n a iT , H A H A a n m r (1941-1 9 5 0) ............... 241 Tha Baglnaarlng, Sdanoa, and Hanoganant War Training Pro #0*01 ................. 241 A Oooarol Hanoganant Tiovpoint . ................... 244 Creative Thinking and Gone Theory ........... 265 Spaoifie Contribationa to Hanoganant T h o n g h t ......... 269 Vi Til TiHLl OP 00RBR8 (Contiimad) CHAPTBt PACT T in TSB M U B n R PROCESS AID HAIAGBODR PELOSOPHI (1951-1959) . 284 Tha ItaM fM it Priom at Mid-Can tw y ........................................ 2B4 Xaaafenent Oonoapta ia H a n a fit Education .............................296 Ai M a i f it Approach...................... 322 Social Raapaaaibilitj of Maimanant . ............... 327 Haaacanant Sdanoa and Oparatlona H aaaareh .............................335 Tha B ehavioral S d a n o a a .................................................................... 342 IX CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 353 BCBUOQBAPHI................................................................................................................... 367 l i s t o f fiotjkes FIGURE PAGE 1 Conceptual Model for Mana g ^ i t Pr o o e a s ............... 7 2 The Functions of Ma n a g s u n t .......................... 157 3 Logioal Prane of ths Principles of Organisation........... 207 4 Basic Factors in Organisation and Operation........ 221 5 Conceptual Franevork for Managsaent.................... 364 rill LIST or TABLES TABLE PASS 1 Breakdown of tha field of Management................... 96 2 Coersee of Studiee in the Management F i e l d ............ 97 ix GHAFTSl I OTSODDCTIOV IAIOHB OF THK 3TODT Tha uatura of this study of tha development of management thought in tha twentieth cantury will ba axplaluad by discussing In turn tha problem, tha methodology usad in tha study, tha limitations of tha methodology, and tha significance of tha findings. j h t f i a U m Tha purpose of this dissertation is to (l) identify and illustrate tha significant developments In management thought during tha twentieth century; (2) record tha chronological development of management ooncepts; (3) indicate any relationship of economic and industrial developments to tha development of management thought; and (4) identify*any stages of aanageaent
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