G^-..^^ / FOR OFFICIJi!^ USE ONLY. This Book is the ryA»pepty of H.B.M. Government and is to be kept in safe custody by the person to whom it has been issued. [Crown Copyright Reterved.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. JUNE, 1916. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, &C., GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 31st MAY, 1916. LISTS OF SOLDiERS' BALANCES UNDISPOSED OF TO WHICn WILL BE ADDED EVEKY QUARTER LISTS OF OFFICERS OF THE REGULAR ARMY, &c., RETIRED FROM THE ACTIVE LIST, VICTORIA CROSS, ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD, FOREIGN ORDERS, &c., &c., &c. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BT J. J. KELIHER & CO., LTD., MAUSUALSEA ROAD, S.E. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Ttiis Book is the property of H.B.IV1. Oovemnnent, and is ^o be kept in safe custody by the person to whom it has Been issued. [ Crown Copyright Reserved.'] Ij ^utbnritn. SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. JUNE, 1916. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, cSbc, GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 31st MAY, 1916. LISTS OF SOLDIERS' BALANCES UNDISPOSED OF. TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED EVERY QUARTER LISTS OF OFFICERS OF THE REGULAR ARMY, &c.. RETIRED FROM THE ACTIVE LIST, VICTORIA CROSS, ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD, FOREIGN ORDERS, &c., &c., &c. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY J. J. KELIHER & CO., LTD.; MAKSHALSEA ROAD. S.E, B3726r-Wt. 6120/893-12,625—6/ie—J. J, K. ft Co. lAAl TABLE OF CONTENTS. SUBJECT. PAGE. SUBJECT, PAGE. Promotions, Appointments, Officers of the Regular Army. etc. :— &c., retired from the » Regular Forces :— Active List Yeomen of the Guard * Commands and Staff 3 Gentlemen-at-Arms . * Royal Flying Corps 19 Regimental Lists The King's Body Guard for 25 Scotland * Army Service Corps, Army Victoria Cross * Medical Service, &c. 43 OrdersofKnighthoodj&c.:— Overseas Contingents 108 Order of the Garter «• Indian Army 113 „ „ the Thistle * Royal Marines 117 „ „ St. Patrick • Establishments 117 ,, ,, the Bath * Memoranda 118 „ ,, Merit * General Reserve of Officers... 128 ,, ,, theStarofIndia... « Special Reserve of Officers 129 ,, „ St. Michael & St. George Channel Islands Militia 140 „ ,, the Indian Empire * The King's Own Malta Regiment of Militia — Royal Victorian Order ♦ Distinguished Service Order • Territorial Force :— Imperial Service Order * Commands and Staff — Military Cross ♦ Regimental Lists 141 The Royal Red Cross -N- Army Service Corps, &c. ... 176 Foreign Orders ♦ Territorial Decorations ... — Medallists :— Promotions and Rewards Royal Artillery Institution * for Service in the Field 183 Royal United Service In- Appointments, &c., to stitution * Orders of Knighthood 187 Alexander Memorial * Deaths 196 Parkes Memorial * Soldiers' Balances Worshipful Company of Undisposed of 203 Musicians * 'Published in Jannary, April, July, and October issues oaly. Promotions, Appointments, Ac. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, &.c, since last Publication. Wur OSlce. 3\Kt Mly, 1918. REGULAR FORCES. COMMANDS AND STAFF. The undermentioned temp, apptn. are made :— Asst. Dlr., Ministry of Munitions. Mil. Attache. (Graded for purposes of ray as an Asst. Dlr. ai Lt -Col. E. S. E. W. Eardley-Russell, Jtf.r.o., B.A., the W.O.) from a G.S.O,, 1st Grade, at the W.O. Ma). W. E. Oastens. R.A., and to be temp Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 3Maj) .. ,. .. .. 4Mar.l6 whilst so empld. (Qaz. 15 May) .. 22Jan.ia The undermentioned temp, appta. are made at the The undermentioned temp, appts. are made at the W.O. :— W.O. (Gaz. 19 .May.) Dated 22 May 16 :— Dep. Asst. Dir. Asst. Dlr. Temp. M»j. A. 8. CoUard.R.E., from a 8tafl Capt., Ma]. E. C. Sandars, Res. of OB., from a Dep. Asst. for Railway Trans. (Gai. 8 May) .. 18Apr.l6 Dlr., and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld., vice Ma). T. R. P. Bate. R.A. Stiifl Capts. Dep. Asst. Dlr. Temp. Lt. J. Fenton, Sea. HlKhrs., to be transfd. to Capt. (temp. Ma).> H. p. Hambro, Res. of Oil., from Gen. List, and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. an Asst. Inspr. of Remts., and to retain his temp, (Gaz. 8 May) ., .. .. .. i6Apr.l6 rank whilst so empld., vice Ma), (temp. Lt.-Col.) (Gaz. 8 May.) Dated 18 Apr. 16. E. C. Sandars. Capt W. L. Jones, D.S.O., Midd x E., and to remain Inspr. of CatorlUK- seed. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt.) Temp. Capt. B. A. Weston, K.K. Qr.-Mr. and ITon. Capt. (temp. MaJ.) A. Sykes, Re^. Staff Capts. for Railway Trans. of Off. (Qaz. 20 May I .. .. .. IMaylO (Gaz. 8 May.) Dated 18 Apr. 16. The undermentioned temp, appts. are made :- Capt. J. W. J. Ralkes, R.B. Comdr. of a District. Temp. Capt. W. G. Clarke, B.K. Col. Q. F. Phillips, vice Col. C. H. P. Carter, C.B.. C.M.a. (Gaz. 20 .May) .. .. .. 12.Mayie Director. Gen. Sir W. H. Maoklnnon. K.C.B., K.C. V.O. (Gaz. Inspr. of Fire St^rvices 9 May) .. .. .. .. .. 8Mar.l6 (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Temp. Lt. H. A. Moatray-Read, A.S.C., and to be Staff Capt. temp./Capt. whilst so empld. (Gaz. Temp. Capt. J. M. B. Kennedy, Gen. List, from a 20 May) .. .. .. .. .. loMayia G.B.O., 3rd Grade. (Gaz. 9 May) .. lOMayia The undermentioned temp, appts. are made at the The undermentioned temp, appts. are made. W.O. :— Ministry of Munitions ; - Staff Capts. Director (with regimental emoluments). Temp. Capt. J. P. Hawkins, R.E. (Gaz. 28 May) .. .. .. .. .. IMayiO Temp. MaJ. A. G. Stern, Mach. Gun Corps. (Gaz. Bt. Lt.-Col. W. Q. C. Brown, Coast Bn. K.E. 10 May) 6Mar.l6 (Gaz. 23 May) .. .. .. ..laMaylO Asst. Director. The undermentioned temp, appts. are made ;— (Graded for purposes of pay as a Dep. Asst. Dlr. at Asst. Insprs. of Qr.-Mr.-Qen's. Services. the W.O.) (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Capts.) Temp. Ma). G. D. Wilson, Mach. Gnn (Jorpg. (Gaz. 26 May.) Dated 18 May 16. (Gaz. 10 May) ;MKr.l6 Guy Klndersley, and to be temp. C:ipt. whilst so Chief Inspr. empld. (Graded for purposes of oay as a Staff Capt. at the Temp. Capt, A. Boyd, A.S.C. W.O.) Asst. Inspr. of Qr.-Mr.-Gen's. Services, Temp. Capt. K. P. Symes, Mach. Gun Corps. (Unpaid.) (Gaz. 10 May) 8MarTl6 J. Leigh Wood, C'.Jf.G., and to be temp. Capt. whilst Asst. Dir., Ministry of Munitions. so empld. (Gaz. 26 May) .. .. .. 22Mayl6 (Graded for purposes of nay as an Asst. Dlr. at the Starr Capt. W.O.) 2nd Lt. (now Lt.) J. Forbes Lelth, Are. & Suth'd MaJ. (temp. Lt.-Col.) L. C. P. Mllman, R.A., and to Hl^hrs., to bo seed., and to be temp. Capt. whilst retain his temp, rank whilst so empld. (Qai soe.mpld. (Gaz. 28-May).. .. .. 27Aug.l6 "May) lOJania The uQ-dermentioned temp, appts. are made at the The undermentioned temp, appts. are made :— W.O.:- G.O.C.-ln-C.,l8t Cl. Dep. Asst. Dlr. Lt.-Gen. S<i-J. W. Murray, K.C.B., vice Gen. S(rH. Cant, F. C. Jenkins, E.P.C. Spec. Res , from a M. L. Rundle, O.C.B., O.C.M.O., O.C.r.O., D.S O . Squadron Comdr., Mil. Wing, and to relinquish resigned. (Gaz. 13May) .. .. SMa'yie the rank ot temp. Ma). (Gaz, 29 May) ,. 27.Viar.16 Promotions, Appointments, Ac. REGULAR POBCiKS—COMJtiWDS AND STAFF—conM. Staff Capts. (Gaz. 8 JLiy.) Dated 8 Fob. l(j. Capt. L. V. S. Blacker, Corps of Guides. Ind. Army, Temp. Capt. T. S. Krlge (Defence Forces, Union of from a Balloon Oftr., vice Maj. B. flopkinson, S. Afr.) Unattd. List. T.F. (Gaz. 29Miiy) . 27Mar.l6 Temp. Capt. G. D. Luckoff (Defence Forces, Union Capt. I. M. Bonham-Carter, North'd Fus., from of 8. Atr.) a Flight Comdr., in guccossion to temp. Capt. G. Capt. Aga Casslm Shah, Native Ind. Land Forces. M. R. A. MacSwlnov. (Gaz.29May) ..22Apr.l6 Temp. Lt. H. A. P. Disney, Camb. K., T.F., from all The undermentioned temp. appt. is made:— Asst. Equip. Offr. and to be temp. Capt. whilst A.D.C. so empld.. vice Maj. C. Mellor, R.E. (Gaz. 28Ma.v) .. IMa.vlO Capt. D. Q. Davidson, Cam'n Hlghrs., and to be Temp. Hon. Capt. .T. 8. Nicholson, and to be temp seed. (Gaz. 8 May) .. .. .. 3Mayl6 Capt. whilst ao empld. (Gaz.29 Ma.v) .. 8Ma.vl6 Temp. Capt. L. Sadler, A.S.C., from an Asst. The undermentioned appts. are made :— Kquip. OfTr. (Gaz. 29 May) .. 8.Mayl6 A.D.C. Temp. Cant. The Hon. E. E. Charterls. Temp. Lt. A. van der Hoff. (Gaz. 9 Mar.).. UDec.ls (Gaz. 29 May) .. .. .. .. 8.Mayl6 Temp. Lt. H. RisSlK. (Qaz. 9Mar.) .. 22N'ov.l.'i Temp. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) H. F. Bnrke, R.A. (Gaz. Staff Lts. 9 Mar.) .. .. .. .. .. 28Feb.l6 Lt. W. W. W. EeiUy, Conn. Rang., and to be seed., Temp. 2nd Lt. E, L. Bnry, E E., vice temp. Lt. J. E. vloe Lt. G. \V. Wentworth, Norf. K. Henderson, K.A. (Gaz. 9 Mar.) .. .. 9ApiM6 (Qaz.29May) .. .. .. .. 19Apr.I6 The undermentioned temp. appt. is made :— (Gaz. 29 May) Dated 8 May 16. A.D.C. 2nd Lt. P. L. Mond, E.P.A., T.F., from a Flying Lt. Hon. A. P. Methnen, S. Qda. Spec. Res., from Oflr. A.D.C. (extra), vice Lt. H. M. Bullock, H. Gds. 2nd Lt. .T. N. Mearns, R.F.C. Spec. Res., from an Spec. Res. (Gaz. BMayl.. .. .. 22Apr.l6 Aest. Equip. OtTr. Temp. Capt. E. A. Coote. The undermentioned appts. are made :— Temp. 2nd Lt.
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