A P S N E W S JANUARY 1999 THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 8, NO. 1 APS News[Try the enhanced APS News-online: [http://www.aps.org/apsnews] APS Centennial 22 March 20-26, 1999 Months to Go www.aps.org/centennial Undergraduates Participate in DNP Meeting new program for undergraduate whom were women. Participants were Physics, summarizing students debuted at the 1998 Fall selected on the basis of submitted re- topics of current re- meetingA of the APS Division of Nuclear search abstracts and statements of their search interest, such as Physics (DNP) held in October in Santa individual contributions to the larger re- nuclear astrophysics Fe, New Mexico. Entitled The Conference search effort. Travel and lodging awards and cosmology, the Experience for Undergraduates (CEU), were granted to many, funded in part Standard Model, solar the program featured several activities by the National Science Foundation and neutrino experiments, designed to provide a capstone the Department of Energy. searches for the quark conference experience for undergraduate The CEU program included several ac- gluon plasma, and students in experimental and theoretical tivities intended to provide students with studies of nucleon sub- nuclear physics research. CEU students a broader conference experience. On one structure. presented their research in two separate afternoon students attended a reception Students also at- poster sessions, and met with members hosted by DNP Chair Stuart Freedman, tended the evening of the professional community to discuss where they met with several officers and DNP reception, fol- Undergraduate CEU participants at the DNP Meeting. research and graduate school opportunities. members of the DNP community. Eric lowed by a special A total of 59 students from 41 col- Norman of the Lawrence Berkeley Na- memorial presentation: David Schramm: North Carolina and Michigan State Uni- leges and universities around the country tional Laboratory delivered a keynote Celebration of a Life in Science. On versity, respectively, sponsored lunches and abroad attended, more than 25% of address entitled Whats Hot In Nuclear Thursday and Friday, the University of for the students, during which they pre- Continued on page 7 INTERNATIONAL NEWS Putting a Face on Physics hat good is physics, who are Centennial, and to find ways to use the Latin American Societies Take Lead in physicists and what on earth do event to raise public awareness and ap- theyW do? APS is keenly aware that most preciation for physics. PFP is now an Enhancing Physics Collaboration Internationally people cant answer those questions with independent experiment, lead by APS any specificity, and that a deeper public Executive Officer Judy Franz and 1990 n unprecedented number of promoting scholarly exchange in the appreciation of physics is important for APS President Eugen Merzbacher. representatives from 21 national Americas, with particular emphasis on the continuing health of the field and the Franz and Merzbacher asked physics andA regional physical societies education and research collaborations. nation. A fuzzy but increasingly positive department chairs nationwide for recom- throughout the Western Hemisphere Historically, there has always been a image of science and physics appears to mendations of faculty members who including the APS met in Cuernavaca, special relationship between the U.S. be forming in the minds of the American were superb communicators. Nomina- Mexico in early November for a and Latin American physics communi- public, thanks to the recent vigorous tions were also sought from the public conference on enhancing physics ties, said Irving Lerch, Director of efforts of many individuals and relations network of DOE laboratories collaboration in the Americas. The International Affairs, pointing out that a organizations. A new APS project, Public and from industrial members of APS meetings primary purpose was to decade ago, Fermilabs then-director Face for Physics (PFP) aims to sharpen Council and key committees. The re- examine the status and potential for Leon Lederman specifically promoted the focus. sponse was overwhelming, Merzbacher such programs. More recently, APS Ex- In short, PFP seeks to identify a cadre said. A few people declined for personal ecutive Officer Judy Franz and outgoing of physicists who are so enthusiastic and or professional reasons, but most were President Andy Sessler have sought to articulate in explaining their research that eager. The resulting group of over Inside further encourage Latin-American par- their personalities and the clarity of their twenty individuals represents the diver- CENTENNIAL ticipation through an invigorated program A Century of Physics ................................. 3 communication will put a face on phys- sity of physicists and the work they do. of collaboration among the physical so- 1985-1995 Taking a Second Look ics when they appear in broadcast or print To begin the process, each member Physics Festival .......................................... 3 cieties. The growing presence of Latin- media. The idea arose as APS worked was asked to provide a concise bio and Mastering the Mysteries of the Universe. A sum- American physicists in North America has mary of special events featured at the APS with the Edelman Worldwide public re- an essay on his or her work, written for a created new opportunities to promote Centennial Physics Festival. lations firm to publicize the 1999 reader who has no physics background. Education Centennial Session ................. 5 increased participation in hemispheric re- Four experienced A special session at the APS Centennial meet- search and academic programs. ing to honor Lillian McDermott for her APS and AIP sci- The Cuernavaca conference was contributions to physics education research. ence writers then unique from past regional meetings not NEWS worked with the Friedman Outlines Priorities for Centenial only in its format a structured agenda teams to refine the Year and Beyond ......................................... 2 with specific items for discussion but An interview with incoming APS President essays. At this also in the sheer range of the countries Jerome Friedman. point Edelman APS Receives EIS Donation ...................... 2 represented: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, took over, bringing Physical Review Focus .............................. 3 Cuba, Nicaragua, Ecuador, the Domini- the team together Antigravity in a sandbox. can Republic, Bolivia, Panama, in two subgroups Apker Awards .............................................. 6 Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, El Salvador, Gwendolyn Bell and Brian DUrso receive to undergo media Guatemala, Uruguay, and Costa Rica, as awards for undergraduate achievements. training. After a well as Spain, the U.S. and Canada. I OPINION presentation on Unlocking the Future ................................. 4 dont think theres ever been a meeting the principles of George Brown, Minority Leader of the U.S. of this magnitude before, with this level House Science Committee, offers comments dealing with the on the Ehlers report. of participation, said Gordon Drake PFP participants at their recent media training session. APS Views .................................................... 4 Continued on page 6 Continued on page 6 How to become an APS Fellow Letters .......................................................... 4 DEPARTMENTS Inside the Beltway ...................................... 5 CRITICAL CENTENNIAL MEETING DEADLINES Gridlock or Governance, Whatll It Be? Zero Gravity ................................................. 5 Early Registration 1/15/99 Post Deadline Abstracts 2/19/99 Slakey on Political Libido. Late Mail/Fax Registrations 2/20/99 (Posters only) Announcements ......................................... 7 Late On-Line Registrations 3/08/99 Nomination Calls for APS Fellowship and Housing and Tours Deadline 2/20/99 Council and Committees; Congressional and Mass Media Fellowships; Whats in RMP. See Enclosed APS Meeting Announcements for complete The Back Page ............................................ 8 Centennial Registraion Information A summary of a POPA report on Physics, Tech- nology, and Economic Growth. APS News January 1999 Friedman Outlines Priorities for Centennial Year and Beyond erome Friedman, an Institute Professor developed from them. But the Centennial is J of Physics at Massachusetts Institute of just the beginning. The physics community My personal vision is an Technology, assumed the APS presidency must keep addressing these issues, because on January 1st, 1999. In the following the publics memory is quite short. We would APS that enhances the interview, he outlines his prevailing concerns like to find out whats successful in our ““ability of physicists to do and priorities for the Society in the coming Centennial outreach programs and build upon “““ their work and contribute Centennial year. those successes. to society, and also plays What primary goals do you Why is public outreach still so a role in establishing Qhope to see the APS accomplish Qimportant, and what role can the during its Centennial year? APS play in encouraging public support educational levels of for science? This is a celebration of 100 years of excellence. the APS, and 100 years of enormous The nation has many diverse needs, Jerome Friedman advancesA in physics. But we also want to and the scientific community must Incoming APS President use this event as an opportunity for extensive ensureA that the public and the policy
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