5a. 6:. /"t . Fac-simi/f t>/ /Ae Han^^irntin^ or JoJjri (o/vi//e FromanOnr/i',a/U/fcri^f/itJSrUJHus.^G.H:MS,CaJif.C.Tm/.7r.) ^-osT^v^^A -»W ^iiv-/t^-»i^ pc/yi^-i^ v'^^i^rt, Jh>vJ) ^y\j^yp^>*^ «^ t)<7 w^ -^v^-*"-^^ ^O'fT /aC'^-'y^\ ^^O-y^^^^ £l^H-8 /^U-^ tf-/^'^^ iV>/~^^VMA^ yQv i/l» i"^ >-j- o ^ ^-jo-t^y^ /ZV ^'^'l^\Au. .^ y^'- ^ry^ ^^^wv' ^-^ -rc-:^--H.^ ^ ^-^ (fs -^'- /^W^^ ^^> ^0 -, ^^ • ^ ^cC^ /^VV/V-^V^ ^ Uv\y<M^^ /t>.^ 'iccc r^ ^/ -2^ /^yC ^-^^-.^^^W ^ ^^t/^ /^^^. -Tf <2_ 0- ^^ 'vL ':.Vrl/^frl^'/mi:/a,- sim V ORIGINAL LETTERS OF MR JOHN COLVILLE 1582—1603 TO WHICH IS ADDED, HIS PALINODE, 1600. WITH A MEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR. EDINBURGH: M.DCCC.LYIIL EDINBURQH: PRINTED BY JOHN HUQHES, S THISTLE STREET. PRESENTED TO THE MEMBERS THE BANNATYNE CLUB THE EARL OF SELKIRK. St Mart's Isle, Kirkcudbright. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. NOVEMBER MDCCCLVIII. THE EAEL OF ABEKDEEN, K.G. WILLIAM PATRICK ADAM, Esq. THE EARL OF ASHBURNHAM. LORD BELHAVEN AND HAMILTON. WILLIAM BLAm, Esq. BERIAH BOTFIELD, Esq., M.P. THE MARQUESS OF BREADALBANE, K.T. SIR THOMAS MAKDOUGALL BRISBANE, Bakt. GEORGE BRODIE, Esq. 10 CHARLES DASHWOOD BRUCE, Esq. THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY, K.G. VERY REV. DEAN RICHARD BUTLER. SIR HUGH HUME CA3IPBELL, Babt. JAMES CAMPBELL, Esq. THOMAS CARNEGY, Esq. (Deceased.) THE EARL CAWDOR. PATRICK CHALMERS, Esq. (Deceased.) RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE CLERK, Bart. DAVID CONSTABLE, Esq. 20 THOMAS CONSTABLE, Esq. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. ANDREW COVENTRY, Esq. DAVID COWAN, Esq. JAMES T. GIBSON CRAIG, Esq., {TREASURER.) SIR WILLIAM GIBSON CRAIG, Bart. THE MARQUESS OF DALHOUSEE, K.T. GEORGE HOME DRUMMOND, Esq. HENRY DRUMMOND, Esq , M.P. RIGHT HON. Sm DAVID DUNDAS. GEORGE DUNDAS, Esq. 30 WILLIAM PITT DUNDAS, Esq. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE, K.G. (Deceased.) JOSEPH WALTER KING EYTON, Esq. LIEUT.-COL. ROBERT FERGUSON, M.P. COUNT MERCER DE FLAHAULT. THE EARL OF GOSFORD, K.P. WILLL&.M GOTT, Esq. ROBERT GRAHAM, Esq. THE EARL OF HADDLNGTON, K.T. THE DUKE OF HAMILTON AND BRANDON. 40 SIR THOMAS BUCHAN HEPBURN, Bart. JAMES MAITLAND HOG, Esq. (Deceased.) RIGHT HON. JOHN HOPE, LORD JUSTICE-CLERK (Deceased.) COSMO INNES, Esq. DAVED IRVLNG, LL.D. HON. JAMES IVORY, LORD IVORY. DAVID LAING, Esq., (SECRETARY.) JOHN BAILEY LANGHORNE, Esq. THE EARL OF LAUDERDALE. VERY REV. PRINCIPAL JOHN LEE, D.D. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. 50 LORD LINDSAY. JAJVIES LOCH, Esq., (Deceased.) THE MARQUESS OF LOTHIAN. LORD LOVAT. JAMES MACKENZIE, Esq. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, Esq. KEITH STEWART 1VLA.CKENZIE, Esq. WILLIAM FORBES MACKENZIE, Esq. JAMES MAIDMENT, Esq. SIR WILLIAM MAXWELL, Bakt. 60 THE HON. WILLIAM LESLIE MELVILLE (Deceased.) THE EARL OF MINTO, G.C.B. JAMES MONCREIFF, Esq., M.P. THE EARL OF MORTON (Deceased.) JAMES PATRICK MUIRHEAD, Esq. HON. SIR JOHN A. MURRAY, LORD MURRAY. ROBERT NASMYTH, Esq. HON. CHARLES NEAVES, LORD NEAVES. THE EARL OF NORTHESK. LORD PANMURE, K.T. 70 ALEXANDER PRINGLE, Esq. (Deceased.) JOHN RICHARDSON, Esq. THE DUKE OF ROXBURGHE, K.T. THE REV. HEW SCOTT, A.M. JAMES R. HOPE SCOTT, Esq. THE EARL OF SELKIRK. PROFESSOR JAJVIES YOUNG SIMPSON, M.D. ALEXANDER SINCLAIR, Esq. JAJVIES SKENE, Esq. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. WILLIAM SMYTHE, Esq. 80 JOHN SPOTTISWOODE, Esq. EDWARD STANLEY, Esq. THE REV. WILLIAM STEVENSON, D.D. THE HON. CHARLES FRANCIS STUART. THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL SWINTON, Esq. ALEXANDER THOMSON, Esq. SIR WALTER CALVERLY TREVELYAN, Bart. WILLIAM B. D. D. TURNBULL, Esq. ADAM URQUHART, Esq. 90 ALEXANDER MACONOCHIE WELWOOD, Esq. LIBRARIES. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. THE SOCIETY OF LINCOLN'S INN. THE FACULTY OF ADVOCATES. THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. THE SOCIETY OF WRITERS TO H. M. SIGNET. THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. 10 THE SMITHSONLO: INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ORIGINAL LETTERS : M.D.LXXXII.—M.DC.III. 1581-2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1583. May [1.3] [14] 17. 18. 20. 23. [May]. No date June 1583-4. 1584. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1584. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1590. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1594. Dec. 1594-5. 1595. TABLE OF CONTENTS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1597. July 20 Colville to Lok, 286 Aug. 31 to Cecyll, 287 1598. June 12, Aston to the Same, 289 Aug. 7. Pater [the Laird of Glenorchy] to Colville, ib. Nicolson to [Bowes?] . ib. to Cecyll, 290 Dec. Lok to the Same, 291 1598-9. Jan. Nicolson to the Same, ib. Intelligence from Nicolson, 292 12, Cecyll to Nicolson, ib. 20, Nicolson to Cecyll, 293 22, Lok to Colville, ib. 1599. June 24. Colville to Cecyll, 195 26, to the Same, 196 July 4. Lok to Mr Willis, attendant on Cecyll 294 10. Colville—AdvertiscDients, 197 Anonymous to Colville, 294 Aug. 16. Jeremy Lindsay to Colville, 199 17. Colville to Cecyll, 200 18. Colville's Advertisements, 202 [19], Colville to Cecyll, 201 21. to the Same, ib. 2.3. to the Same, 205 25. to the Same, ib. 26. to the Same, 206 31. to the Same, 207 Sept. 1. Cecyll to Colville, 295 2. Colville to Cecyll, 207 9. to the Same, 208 19. Hudson to the Same, 296 Oct. Colville to Mr Bourton, 208 to Robert Longe, 209 20. ... to Cecyll, 210 1600. April 20. Nicolson to the Same, 297 1600-1. Jan. 20. Decyphered Letter, 299 1601. March 7. Do. Colville to " Justus 300 Colville to Mrs Colville, 302 1603. May 12. Lok to Cecyll, 303 Oct. 22. Colville to Sir Thomas Parry, 212 23. to the Same, . ib. to the Same, . 213 Nov. 11. Friar Gray to Colville, 214 TABLE OF CONTENTS. APPENDIX. I. —A Biiffe Opinion of the State, Faction, Religion, and Power of the severall Noble Menn in Scotlande, 1583, ..... 307 II. —A List, in the handwriting of Lord Burghley, of Scottish Nobles, and some Genealogical Memoranda of the Stewarts and others. May 1584, . 308 III. —The Names of the Heades presently entering into the Action in Scotland, 309 IV.—A List, in the handwriting of Sir Francis Walsingham, of the Nobles in Scot- land, Soundly Afl'ected, Neutral, or Opposed to England, 1585, . 310 V. —A Note of Suche Noble Men and Gentelmen in Scotlande that be Affectioned to Fraunce, Recovers and Maynteyners of the Enemyesto God, and Enemyes to our Pry nee, . 311 VI. —The Names of such Seotche Lordes as desires to drawe course be France, 1585, ib. VII.—List of Scottish Nobles, whether Affected to France or England, 1586, 312 VIII. —The present State of Scotland, 1586, with their particular Dispositions, 313 IX.—All the Earles of Scotland, with their Surnames and Years, by Estimation, for present Living, 1586, ...... 320 X. —A Note of the Especiall Particularities concerning the present Estate of the Nobility here in Scotland. With Genealogical Notices by Lord Burghley, 321 XI The Names of such Scottish Men and Woomen as receive Pension of the King of Spayne, ....... 331 XII.—Names of the Papists and Discontented Earls and Lords of Scotland, and of the Protestants and well Affected to the Course of England, . 332 XIII.—The Present State of the Nobilitie in Scotland, the First of July 1592, 333 XIV. —The Names and Titles of Erles and Lords of Scotland, with the Coontris wherin tliay live, beginning in the North and so Southward (In the hand- writing of Henry Lok,) ...... 343 XV.—A Catalogue of the Scottis Nobilitie and Officiers of the Estat. By John Colville, ........ 350 THE PALINODE OF JOHN COLVILLE, 1600, 20 leaves, (not paged.) GENERAL INDEX OF PERSONS, 397 : PREFACE. The work entitled " The Historie and Life of King James the Sext" was one of the earliest publications of the Bannatyne Club. It embraces the period from the birth of James in 1566, to the year 1596, with a short continuation to the year 1617 ; and this is the only complete edi- tion which has appeared. Chiefly in reference to the controversy regard- ing the conduct of Mary Queen of Scots, this anonymous work had obtained a peculiar degree of notoriety. It was first published at Lon- don by David Crawfurd of Drumsoy, in 1706, under the following title " Memoirs of the Affliirs of Scotland, containing a full and impartial Account of the Eevolution in that Kingdom begun in 1567. Faithfuliv publish'd from an authentick MS. By Her Majesty's Historiographer for the Kingdom of Scotland. London, printed and sold by the Book- sellers of London and Westminster. 1706." 8vo. (dedicated to David Earl of Glasgow,) pp. (18,) xxxix, and 378. In 1753, the work was republished under Crawfurd's name at Edinburgh by Walter Goodall, without any attempt to revise the text ; and another edition followed in 1767. It was not until the year 1804 that the genuine work from 1566 to 1582 was published by Malcolm Laing, Esq. as contained in the Belhaven MS., the avowed prototype of Crawfurd's Memoirs. In the Bannatyne Club edition, the editor, Thomas Thomson, Esq., has given very full details connected with this work, in reference to Crawfurd's unjustifiable interpolations, and the detection of what Mr Malcolm Laing calls " the eai-liest, if not the most impudent literary b ii PREFACE. " forgery ever practised in Scotland. Every circumstance (be adds) in " the manuscript, unfavourable either to Mary or to Bothwell, or " favourable to their adversaries, is carefully suppressed : every vague " allegation in Camden, Spottiswood, Melvill, and others, or in the State " Papers which Crawfurd had transcribed from the Cotton MSS., is " inserted in these Memoirs ; and these writers are quoted on the " margin as collateral authorities, confirming the evidence of some " unknown contemporary." It was indeed a singular piece of effrontery in " Her Majesty's Histo- riographer for the Kingdom of Scotland," to accuse Buchanan of gross partiality and falsehood, and at the same time to " declare solemnly" that he himself had not wrested any words of his author, but " had faithfully published the work from an authentick manuscript." That Crawfurd had disingenuously published the Memours as a genuine work of the period was speedily detected, although not publicly exposed, by some of the most accurate inquirers into our early history.
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