PROTESTANTS DO SPLENDID WORK FOR K. OF C. WAR FUND CATH OLIC SOLDIERS SURPASS EVEN CATHOLICS FORMPERCENTAGEOF IN SOME COLORADO TOWNS; CAMPS AWAY ABOVE M G DONATIONS COMING IN THAT OF POPULATION m W IN DENVER’S DRIVE L'ate Figures from Censuses in Cantonments Are Given Parish Campaign Proves Great Success; ONE-THIRD _OF SEVERAL Business District One Next Week Far Ahead of Any Other Single Denomination in OUTSIDE CITIES ARE ORGANIZING Representation. ^ VOL. XIII. NO. 29. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1918 $2 PER YEAR. Thru the couftcsy of W. F. Secord, a Denver Knight of Columbus stationed The Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen family being visited was contributing at Camp ('uster, Mich., we are able to in an address to the Denver K. of C. something. present the results of a religious census Denver Summer College For Sisters Tuesday encouraged them to great en­ General Chairman. James A. MeSwigan taken a few days ago at that camp. deavors in the war fund drive, saying expects the Catholic parishes of Denyer Here, as everywhere else, the Catholics that the interest shown by non-(3atholics to give at least $25,000 to $30,000 in..this show up tremendously strong, overtop­ BISHOP TIHEN NAMES so far was proof of the respect felt out­ week’s drive, before the business drive ping every other denomination in cam^. side yie Church for this great Catholic commences next week. The following is from Trench and Camp, order. Such a spirit could not have been TTie Great Western Sugar company, St Anthony^s Hospital found fifty years ago. without being solicited, this week prom­ the Y. M. C. A. publication in the camp: COMMITFE TO PLAN The flsures compiled in a recent re­ 1110 Rev. Bernard E. Naughton, W. P. ised $1,500 to the fund, and said that its ligious census of the 85th division at Horan, John F. Toner and others made officers would all contribute individually Camp Custer show that out o f 20,525 eloquent appeals for workers. It will as well. C. S. Morey, prominent non- ofBcers and men in camp at the time, DIOCESAN INSTITUTE on ly 2,867 were not definitely connected Improvements $150,000 not be a victory if we defeat the kaiser Catholic business man, despite- the fact with some church organlzatlops. About and our boys do not “come back clean,” that he is confined to his home by ill­ one-third of the trooijs here are Roman said Father Naughton. ness, has been calling up his friends Catholics. The complete result of the .Superintendent of Our Parish census follows: John Devine told of a trip he had just urging them to contribute and has 1st it Con^reKational, 652; Presbyterian. Schools Also Will made into northern Colorado to organize be known^hat he intends to- come thru 1,102: Methodist, 2,909; Baptist, 1,070; the campaign there. In some places the himself. The stockyards clearing house Oampbelllfe, 269; Lutheran. 2,644; Ro­ New Annex to Arise in Silver Jubilee Year Be Chosen man Catholic, 6,867; Greek Catholic, 231; Protestants and Jews were more eager has promised $1,500. St. Leo’s pariah is Bvangelical, 149; Re-Catholic, 264; Unit­ to work than the Catholics. In Greeley practically certain of raising $1,000. ed Brethren, 76; Episcopal, 563; Seventh ' of Institution, an all-Protestant committee sent out Among the other notable gifts received Day Adventist, 64; Christian Science, TO IMPROVE EDUCATION 117; Unitarian. 17; Lattet; Day Saints, literature on the drive before even hear­ are: MePhee & McGihnity, $1,000; Mine 26; Unlversalist, 14; Church of Christ, Some announcements of the utmost ing from the Denver K. of C. & Smelter Supply company, $1,000; 60; Mormon. 6; Quaker, 8; Protestant importance to the Catholic educators of The Rev. J. P. Carrigan of Glenwood The twenty-fifth anniversaiy of the The hospital has wide corridors, large First National Bank, $500; Denver Na­ creed, preferred church not specified, Colorado were made yesterday by the 2,601; non-commltal, 266; all other dedication of St. Anthony’s hospital, and spnny private rooms, a beautiful Springs was present and spoke of the tional Bank, $500; Lawrence C. Phipps, Rt. Rev. J. Henry Tihen, D.D., bishop of creed.s. 124; men quarantined and not Denver, conducted by the Poor Sisters of chapel with a high ceiling and all the enthusiasm there. J. A. Gallaher, the $1,000. questioned, 466. Denver. He has named a eommittee to Rev. Edward Clarke of Littleton, the St. Francis of the Perpetual Adoration, equipment of a good parish church, long Two or more parishes have not as yet Rev. Mark W. lyappen- and Janies A. will occur on the F'east of St. Anthony, sun corridors, roomy porches and every­ prepare for a six weeks’ institute or grasped the splendid opportunity offered Censuses taken recently at the Rock­ MeSwigan also spoke. ^ ford, 111., camp and at Camp Logan, .June 13, and will be fittingly celebrated. thing else that a first-class hospital summer college to be conducted in Den­ them to get behind this wonderful move, The teams are now formed for the Texas, both keep up the great record of The new annex to be erected in the com­ incdb. The institution is one of which ver next ’summer and each year here­ but we feel sure that all will see that C atholics. business district drive in Denver, the The figures for Rockford, 111., are as ing spring and summer will contain for^ - the Catholics of Denver have reason to after for the teaching sisterhoods of the they have done their duty when the first four days of next week. follows: Catholics, 7,678; Lutherans, five private rooms for patients, in addi­ feel proud, and the Franciscan sisters are state. After a time, it is also proposed campaign is finished Saturday night. 3,943; Methodists, 3.610; Presbyterians, to name a superintendent of the paro­ 2,188; Baptists, 1,733; Episcopalians. tion to the other rooms necessary for to be congratulated on the proof that is The campaign thru the atate is being chial schools of the state and to hold TTie parish campaign is now under organized rapidly with the best people in 1.096. In addition to these, forty-six hospital work. being given of their efficiency as nurses way, and from reports received it will other denominations are represented. Including the basement and attic, there in their being compelled to increase the regular examinations for the Catholic all the towns. The religious census of Camp Logan, be a wonderful success. Contributions will be five stories in the annex, which teachers. It is purposed to work for It is really morvelbus the way the Houston. Texas, shows seventy-four re­ facilities of the institution. of one hundred dollars are common. At ligion s represented am ong the 32,079 will eost $150,000 and which will be on uniformity in the ]>aroehiaI schools of the people outside of Denver are responding. a meeting of Denver council, K. of C., on men and olficers of the camp. Of these the west side of thp institution, running state, in order to increase their effi­ Tliey are willing to give all their time the greatest membership belongs to the ciency. Tuesday night, it was reported by CTiair- to this work to sec that it succeeds and C atholic Church, with 10,786. parallel with an eastern wing, but ex­ man Joseph C. Maguire of the Blessed tending back farther. The sisters have FINAL CORRECT LIST On the committee in charge of the that their town makes a good showing summer college are the Very Rev. J. J. Sacrament parish, that it had already of which they may be proud. The percentage of men professing ad­ recently purcliased a large plot of ground raised $1,108.75, despite the fact that Brown, SJ., president of the Sacred herence to various creeds in the army to the west of the hospital, to make sure there are only seventy families in the C. H. Wolff, of the war activities com­ Heart college, Denver, and superior of ramps scattered all over the country is that the light will never be cut off from OF FEB, 22 ORATORS; parish and no non-Catholica were solicit­ mittee of Greeley, which is a committee the Colorado and New Mexico mission of surely a topic of vital interest to every­ there. ed. Every man, woman and child in the organized for the period of the war, one. It may be "stated as an absolute In the basement of the new annex will the Society of Jesus; the Very Rev. parish will be represented in the final every member of which is a non-CTatho- fact that the percentage of Catholics is be dining rooms, rooms for the help and M’ GAURAN IS GOING Father Walter, O.S.B., president of the report, ho promised. ’Die Rev. B. E. lic, has called up the headquarters, and nowhere a negligible quantity. Only re­ other quarters, while’ the first, second Benedictine college, Pueblo; the Very Naughton, of St. Philomena’s, reported it sounds as tho Greeley will give not cently the New York American published and thifd floors will be given over to The final official list of speakers Rev. J. J. Oonin, C. M., president of St. that over $1,500 had already been raised less than $2,000, and may raise $3,000. an article stating that at Camp McClel­ private rooms for patients, together with for tile Washington’s Birthday exercfscs Thomas’ seminary, Denver, a^d the Rev.
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