November, 1935 Central Edition k ARMISTICE MURAL PANEL BY EUGENE SAVAGE ELKS NATIONAL MEMORIAL BUILDING CHICAGO, ILL. i What Is Good Taste? And mellow as a lute note That's the kind Old Overholt Good rye whiskey Straight rye whiskey is ... Should taste of good rye Has been for 125 years Should remind you And it's back again now When you sip it Bottled in bond Of tall stalks 4'/^ years old Heavy with sun-plump kernels And as gracious to the palate Nodding in the breeze As barreled Nature Should be extra rich A corking drink to uncork! In body too Robust in flavor Deep in color Grainy in bouquet h- m R«r. V.S.Vtu (jS. BOTTLED IN BOND UNDER U. S. GOVERNMENT SUPERVtSION , A. Ovechoh BiCo.. inc.. BrOsd Ford. Pa. A GOOD GUIDE TO GOOD WHISKCyJ November, 1935 The 7§UfSt AmMUiiQ. SHAKESPEARE 8MiqiCMt ivetOffe^tcd! Yes, Only 98c—in full and with no further pay ments—for this beautiful volume of Shakespeare's Complete Works! And you don't even have to send I the 98c now! Unless you are fully convinced that this is the biggest book bargain you have ever seen after reading the book for 7 days at our risk, you may return it. Just mailing the coupon below will bring your copy at once. But send it NOW—because this offer has never been made before and may never be made again! COMPLETE—Every Word He Ever Wrote IM , Now, in one single volume is the world's marvelous knowledge of language and supreme literature—very word Shakespeare psychology will make you a better ever wrote. In all human history only this thinker and talker, a more fluent writer. ^ ONE man has seen so deep into the hearts of all—only be has held the keys to unlock every Let us send you this book at OUR RISK. human emotion, every strength, every weak Discover the unsuspected pleasure of a Shake ness. .•. No wonder that today he is more speare your schoolday type of reading may ahve, universally and immortally, than he was never have revealed. Be fascinated by sensu 300 years agol ous Cleopatra. Shudder at murderous Macbeth Kealize anew that Shakespeare ALONE is Chuckle at Falstaff. Thrill with lovesick PAGES the cornerstone of the well-read man's or Romeo. Stand aghast at the treachery of lago. woman's culture. He teaches you history by Be enchanted with the beautiful Sonnets and making it so thrilling that you are held in the wild passion of "The Rape of Lucrece breathless suspense page after page. His and "Venus and Adonis. SEND NO MONEY Mail coupon today, without money. When To know English better—to rea<3 any book is handed to you, deposit with postman book more appreciatively—to speak and only 98c, plus few cents postage. Read and write more colorfully, effectively—you examine this handsome 1312-page volume- must know Shakespeare! Send cou printed in large, easy-reading type on thin but pon, without money, now! opaque paper, beautifully bound in morocco- Walter J. Black, ^ grained cloth. Inc., Dept. 1911, Then, after 7 days' examination if you feel 2 Park Ave., you can part with this volume—simply send it New York, back and your 98c will be refunded at once. N. y. / ALL 34 PLAYS—libSiS'l The Comedy of TKe Winter's Errors Tate Corlolatius Taming of the Anthony and Shraw Cleopatra Twelfth Nlflht Measure for Cymbcline Measure Sonnets—.ill The Merchant 134 complete of Vonice Julius Caesar Macbeth Titus Love's Labour's Andronicus Lost Merry Wives of All's Well That Windsor I WALTER J. BLACK, Inc., Dept. 1911 Ends Well King Lear A Midsummer Perlclcs. Prince • 2 Park Avenue/ New York, N* Y* Night'sDream of Tyre Much Ado About The Passionate y ' You may send me on approval your one-volume Nothing Pilgrim Two Gentlcmon Tho Rape of V edition of Shakespeare's Complete Works. When of Verona Lucrcco B postman delivers it, I will deposit with him 98c, plus The Tempest Phoenix and the ® few cents postage. If not convinced that this is the Romeo and Turtle Juliet • greatest book bargain ever offered, I will return the King John Hamlet volume within 7 days and my 98c is to be refunded King Richard 11 Othello King Henry IV Sonnets to Sun Complete — in one I la full, at once. King Henry V dry Notes of King Henry VI IVIusic single volume'every I Venus and word Shakespeare '*R?chard III Adonis H Name A Lover's ever wrote. Una "^Honry VIM Complaint Trollus and Index to tho bridged. Also con* I Cressida Characters tains index to ttid I Address - Ttmonof Athens Glossary — De As You Like It fines all terms Characters and GIo9» sarydefiningall terms. 5 City. State. m <Me Sl^sMagazine National Publication of the Benevolent AND Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. Published Under the Direction of the Grand Lodge by the Na tional Memorial and Publication Commission To inculcate ihe principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship. .. —From Preamble to the Constitution, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Joseph T. Fanning Charles Spf.ncer Hart Editor and Executive Director Business Manager I\OVEIIIBER 1935 General Features News of Elkdoin This Month Cast and Broadcast. 5 An Open Letter to HE editors this month are especially anxious to hring to the altcntion of py^ry Every Elk from the Elk the handsome mural panel, "Armistice." Fergus Ferguson reproduced on the cover. The painting is Grand Exalted Ruler 3 particularly significant today when half the Reprieve 6 world is frenziedly arming itself in prepar ation for another major conflict and when already two nations are at war. Grand Lodge Officers Also we wish to point out an open letter and Committees.... 4 William Hazlett Upson to every Elk from the Grand Exalted Ruler which appears on page 3 of this issue. The Ballad of Bill Judge Hallinan expresses his appreciation for the achievements of those many Lodges Editorial 20 Bozemaii 8 which have organized a Joseph T. Fanning Class to be initiated on November 14tb. The editors are especially happy this month in being able to publish the story, Under the Spreading William C. Robertson "The Ballad of Bill Bozeman," which ap pears on page 8. Mr. Upson has written a Antlers Golf in the Dark. 11 very funny story with admirable restraint. His use of the ballad form is a novel meth od of short story writing. News of the State Charles Spencer Hart Also we are fortunate in the possession of a short short story by Fergus Ferguson, Associations 28 "Reprieve." Others of Fergus Ferguson's The Boy Who Walked stories have appeared in the Magazine be fore and have met with considerable atten Like a Man 12 tion. The Grand Exalted Another of Charles Spemer Hart's splen did historical articles opens on page 12. Ruler's V^isits 29 Harlan Ware This one, "The Boy Who Walked Like a Man." is a fine story and an inspiring ex Out of His Class. 16 ample of ])atrioti<i heroism. Harlan Ware Cover Design from has told an amusing and yet somehow touch ing story in his "Out of His Class" wbi<rh Mural Painting contrasts agreeably with the other material On Stage and Screen 19 which yon will find on these pages. hy Eugoiie Savage Address All Communications to The Elks Magazine, BO East 42nd Street, P\Jew York, N. Y. Tlic KIki, Mnuazllii'. VoluiiH' ]4. Xii. 'i, .VoVc'IiiIilt. Pi|liU;linj inritllfllv nl VV:ikIiIiij(1ii|| nticl Kmilli Avi-IKlc-, Diiiiclli ii, N. J., I),v the Hi'tiWdlciit I"ii in 11 Vc> Oi .ici •if KlUs of lilt I'liiU'd Sliltt's of Aliicrlrii hnliTi'iI >,i ctii.sn Niivuiiibir 'iT, iil llii' I'ml 'Ull'f .it I Il'Ii, N. iiiiilri tile Ai'l of AtiKUsi L' I AUilllimiiil cillry nl llif omce ill VjfH, i Arc'i,) fur miilUiiH ut spopliil nil'' of iKiiCiai' iiiovliliil fi.r iii Soctiim 1 lo:i. Afl uf rietiil(ui :i. lii 1iiiillinn/n) M;iy JO. IH'J".;. I'M1/"If ' :itKii|lni1'M IxiMiiK" !>.ii'JiI J. Mtlglt''5" (oi'V iirlcH. 'in'"li'lKO roms.lnisliiKi:MilliSCfiljIinnailcl ll.lIUiirlcc a yuiir. in UicSulinrrliillujis Cnitcil sniitc-iiiri' iiiiilimyiit'li' Its i'lHr-t-Hsloni,in iiilviimc.fur Jni';il<s oKlciini:SI on{•hanuc a vimiof ; fora<lilr<—^ nun Kll;-;.n :i yonr. you scckI ub J. y>ur h(»rnhor; 'J, Xiur»hci of your LndKo; Nvw address: 1. Old addross: 5. Ot cupsjUon or hMsiness Plousv also TiotiVy your LmJ«0 of cnuJJjfe iifld Additaa of Hjiuikcjs to Tjik J''rd%K MAtiAVJNi:, WjishhiKttm ;mu1 South Avctuk^s, Uuncllcn, N. J , <>r \i) ihc I'uhlicalion's Exoeu- tlvo i>r\Hvt. j/O Kii«l lina Hiroei, rscyv TorK, V Mnuu-^rrinis must be lypowriuun ond acoompauit'J ^unJcietit pustuRc f<iv lUelr ruiurn via Ur.it class timkl. Thoy will be hiin'Hfd ulth carr bin ihU asHUmcK nu rc.spunslbnUy for Miclr liafely. Vof/i/nj/ht. Ilhi',. hv Ihv llmtvohnl 'infl i'rotccticr: Ordvr of iUke of ihc Vnitcd Statcn of Awirlca. irj N ovember, 1935 An Open Letter to Every Elk From Exalted Ruler @5ni ^'•AMen.cA Grand "ALTeoExalt ;?ULeR Room 1107 than ha^i?7/^^oroCeryor'^' t^hrough a iL '"®®bersh7»f iod^ec.
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