Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 3-25-1969 The Guardian, March 25, 1969 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1969). The Guardian, March 25, 1969. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I T he uardian Volume V March 25, 1969 NUMBER VI ODJ\Y Grand Opening!! Center to Open March 25th Space Available There are two conference rooms available for meetings on a reserve basis. The larger of the two will accommodate 3545 per­ sons, and the smaller 10-15. These rooms are adjoining areas and may be used as one room to accomodate il-60 persons. Reservations for the private dining room for luncheon or din­ ner may be made through the Center Director. The dining room will accommodate a maximum of 50 persons. Arrangements may also be made for larger groups to use an area in the Cafeteria for food service. Pres. Candidates The Center will be open, Mon­ day through Thursday, 7 :30 A.M.-10:00 P.M. ; Friday, 7:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M. ; and Saturday, Take a Stand 8:30 A.M.-12:l) P.M. Food students. (2) Expansion and ren­ ,; service will be available from novation of freshman and new 7:30 A.M.-8:30 P.M., Monday Harzinski The fireplace in the adjoining area of the cafeteria has a copper student orientation programs. (3) through Tirnrsday; Friday until frontpiece . Creation of an ad hoc committee 5:00 P.M. ; and Saturday, 8:30 of students to initiate a single A.M.-12:30 P.M. Both entrees At this time I would like to uniform registration procedure. and snack facilities will be avail­ announce my candidacy for stu­ (4) Expansion of book exchange able in the Center; the Allyn Hall dent body president. Because I to a complete used books' feel that every candidate should food facility will serve only sand­ facility. (5) Extension of tutorial wiches and cold snacks plus demonstrate some proficiency in services so that all students may beverages, and will operate Mon­ public activities, I submit the participate. day through Friday only. following qualifications for of­ I ask for your views and your Everyone is most welcome to fice: (1) Member of student support during the campaign. It's use this new University facility; council-George Washington Univ., time to move ahe.ad. please feel free to call the (2) Varsity debate team-George Director concerning any ques­ Wash. Univ., (3) WSU Senate LARRY HARZINSKI tions you may have. Welfare Cont, (4) C.A.S.E. co­ ordinator-WSU., (5) 3.5 accum.- Mike Smilak WSU. (6) Phi Eta Tau. Past achievements, however, Junior-Arts College are of only secondary importance In the interest of stirring stu­ Anyone wishing to reserve in comparison to the candidate's dent body interest in the forth­ areas in the University Center program for the future. Regard- corning student body presidential may do so by contacting Eliza­ ing that program, I would first election, I have declared my can­ beth Dixon, University Center like to state my philosophy con- didacy early' with the hope thl!t j Director, Ext. 787 (after March cerning the presidency· That more people will be involved in 25, Ext. 523). View. of Cafeteria serving lines in Center. philosophy is that the president this years election. My platform must maintain a continuous rap- is as follows: port with the members of the I. Call a student Constitutional Opening Ceremonies ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!1--...-~------~ student body. Whatever a candi- Convention (1 member from date may propose or actually each campus organization and 1 Ribbon cutting ceremonies for carry out when elected is ir- from each student senate con- the opening of the Student Cen­ relevant if the student body is stituancy), and using the docu­ ter will be held on March 25 at left unaware of the program. The ment now composited as a base, 12:45. The ribbon will be cut by responsibility of educating the draw up an up-to-date constitu­ Pam Lewis, chairman f the Stu­ students lies with the elected tion, and submit it to the stu­ dent Center Board. Dr. and Mrs. represen tatives. Therefore, I dent body for approval. In no Golding will be present with . the would, if elected, create an ex- case should we let another full Board of Trustees and other Uni­ tensive communications network year pass without "legalizing" versity personnel. All students through which students could our student government. Also, in are welcome. become better. informe~ an~ no way should the document be In an interview with the could more easily transmit theu hand-written by only one of two GUARDIAN , Mrs. Dixon, man­ views to me. individuals, but should be the ager of the Student Center, em­ Sec~ n d l Y w 1th 1n this work of a representative sampling phasized her advisory role to the philosophy I interu:l to encourage of the student body. Center. Mrs. Dixon said that the greater studen~ participat~o~ in (1) Less student government Board will be responsible for the all areas regard1~g the admm1stra- control in setting up stu­ policies of the building. She also "' tive and educational processes of dent committees. stated that the present board is this university· (2) More emphasis on stu­ temporary. More students are i Therefore I propose the . f~l- dent participation on needed to help out. Mrs. Dixon ' · lowing initial program: ( 1) lmba- Academic Council and its extends an invitation to the stu­ tion of a professor rating system t d' ·tt To to be carried out by the students bs an mt~ cormru ees. dent body to come out and The cafeteria is decorated in green, gold and orange. The tables e ac ive1y involved · in are a wood grain . and to be made available to all . -~ __ enjoy the Student Center. Contmu.w It ,,_- 3 March 25, 1969 ' PAGE 2 Dr. Dupre .The Guafdian Requests Opinion Hearing Dear Dave, I wish to formally charge Senate Receives Award Dean Robert T. Conley and Dr. Carl C. Maneri with conspiring to The GU ARDIAN is striving past editions. (Such things ~a~ deprive me of my academic free­ for cooperation with the Student we could dig up with the mm1­ dom. I also wish to include as Senate. Our back is broken from mal amount of help we received accomplices to this conspiricy too much bending - over back­ from the "Ha! Ha!'', Senators.) the members of the Mathematics wards - so far all that we have On the advertisement for the · Department, the degree of guilt received is lip service, and a here· editor of the "Senator" (a direct not being uniform. today - gone tomorrow liaison. attempt to subvert the purpose I charge Dr. Carl C. Maneri What the hell is the "Senator" of The GUARDIAN) it states to with doing? We saw the advertisement contact Doug ·Boyd, Pan Lewis, 1) violating his professional stating that an editor was need­ Madonna Gauvey, Shelia Lykins, ethics by using his post as ed. THE GUARDIAN has repeat­ and Steve Hammons; if you are Chairman of the Department edly offered the Senate as much interested. I hereby award these of Mathematics in order to room as they require ·to com­ five people the "anti-cooperative prevent a class cf prospective . municate with the student body. and of slight benefit to the stu­ high school teachers from be­ We have already devoted much dent body" award. ing exposed to my dissenting (Unbiased) space, to the Senate in opinions about the scope and .··..·.·····..............·:·····:·:·:·:·:···:·:···:·:·:·:·······:·:····:·:·:········:·:·:·:·:":.-;:.:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:;:.:=:·· ·····. ...........= : ~ ::: : :~:~:~:~:~~:the :children:~:::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::go should: : : ::::::::::::::::.::::::::: be ex­: nature of mathematics, thus depriving me of my academic SHUT UP! panded so as to accomodate the freedom to freely express my people who belong there. · opinions with no danger of The noise situation in the reprisal ; library reflects upon the calibre 2) violating his professional of the entire student body at ethics by using his post as WSU. The students at WSU need Chairman of the Department to grow up a little. While study­ of Mathematics to attempt to ing in the library for exams I found it impossible to concen­ influence my grading pro­ trate because of the boys on my cedure, thus depriving me of left who were discussing the rela.­ . my academic freedom to tive merits of their cars. Across Lettan To The Editor grade my students fairly ; from me two girls argued about · 3) violating his professional boys! Where do these people get ethics by using his post as off! ! ! At Ohio State in the HELP! gardless of age, will have to pay Chairman of the Department undergraduate library 400 people full fare and the half-fare cards of Mathematics to attempt to influence my area of mathe­ study in one large room and you Dear Editor: which you now hold will be can hear a pin drop. What is Join the "Silencers". Cut out worthless. matical research, thus depriv­ ing me of my academic free­ wrong with the (student?) here? this button and wear it in the The way things are going, you We feel that if your readers dom to pursue mathematical The section in our library where library· and your readers are about to were fully a.ware of the situation, research in the field of my lose their privilege to fly at half­ they and their parents would choosing; fare.
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