FREIGHT PACKAGED You’ll have complete control of your cargo with Shippers Stevedor- ing Company. Just down the ship channel from the public docks, our private terminals handle all vessels, commodities and volumes. Direct transfer from truck or rail to vessel (and vice-versa) is performeddaily our quality personnel. Twelve rail tracks (four dockside), close access to the DowntownBusi- ness District by way of U.S. Interstate freeway and the new Beltway 8 toll bridge, no truck congestion, and con- trolled berthing combine to provide a fast efficient service. The total picture is completedwith special dockside features like truck and track scales, custom crating and baggingfacilities, 50 acres of storage and further warehousespace, and the largest dockside marshalling area in the Port district. That’s efficiency. SSC / 1606 Clinton Drive Jacintoport Galena Park, Texas 77547 (713) 452-4591 (713) 672-8385 SHIPPERS STEVEOORING COMPANY 2 Port of Houston Magazine Our many satisfied and loyal customers know of our harbor tug service in Houston and other Texas TheAmerican Economic System. Twofree bookletshelp you ports. Hereare the answersto even the tough questions about our country’s econom,csystem ,n two clear and conosebooklets YO% ~-~U~e "You are the AmericanEcor]omic We can please YOURshipowners, ~e,~.~,r.~.~,~omk. S~tem System"and "Dollars and Sensei’ shipmasters, pilots, and agents. Give your inflation gunde They could be the most us the opportunity. ~~ rewarding booklets youveread .......... "- recently andacopyofeach ,s free for the asking We offer the safety, know-how, ~-~k~" Bulk orders are ,deal for dm promptness and dependability you tr,bution ,n compan,esor schools Write now r,ght now! need. A p~b#cse~,ee message of the US Departmentsof AgncuttureCommerce i, q | TheAdvertising Council, Inc. J 825Third Avenue I NewYork,NY 10022 I I Pleasesend me my free cop,esof yourbook J betsabout the American economnc system J aridinformat,or re~ard,ng bulk quanbtnes I I I ~"’~’e I Tptle I I St,e,~, I I CltyL__State Z,p I I. J ITTTUGS are pleased to donatethis space to tell others about something besides our superior tug service. INTRACOASTAL TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CORP Houston ¯ Galveston ¯ Freeport ¯ CorpusChristu October1982 3 Cut downtimewith full topside repair, cleaning, and oil spill services! Gulf coast service Full service: dockside, Completefacilities for Full stock of portable representativesfor: at sea, overseas. any job. equipment. Diesel Propulsion Foreign diesel repairs Machine and boilermaker Generators SULZER Centrifugal rebabbitting shopswith large Compressors IWl .A¯ I~1 Electronic and automated lathes, mills and presses Gangways BURMEISTER& WAIN systemsrepairs Bearing shop Pumps Refrigeration Motor and generator Electrical and motor Welders EMAIL rewinding rewind shop Boomand winch trucks CARRIER TRANSICOLD Boiler repairs and steelwork Layberth with utilities Vacuumtrucks Cranes Certified geartesting Crane barge, tug, and LIEBHERR Tankcleaning andoil spill workboats recovery IIfSINCE 1910 We’vegot the experiencedpersonnel to solve your problem.. any day, any time, ~n port or at sea ," Marine MaintenanceIndustries ROBox 5455 ¯ 8201 Cypress at BroadwayHouston, Texas 77262. (713) 928 5911 ¯ Telex 792 769 Galveston1802 Mechanic, Galveston Texas 77550 - (713) 762 7785 Divisions HARRISBURGMACHINE COMPANY ¯ CLEAN CHANNELINDUSTRIES ~, ......... 17131 928-5911 Port of Houston Magazine P()RT ()F II()IIST()N Port Commissioners Number10 October1982 And Staff Volume26 FENTRESSBRACEWELL, Chairman W.D. HADEN,II, Commissioner MRS. MARCELLAD. PERRY, Commissioner JOHN H. GARRETT,Commissioner GulfNewcomer--Farrell Lines bringsits long tradition as a HOWARDJ. MIDDLETON,Commissioner U.S.-flag carrier to the Gulf with a fine newservice to RICHARDP. LEACH,Executive Director 8 J.R. CURTIS,Director of Port Operations Australia and NewZealand. TEDWALTERS, Manager. Marine Department W.D. DUNNAHOE,Manager, Turning Basin 7~’rminals CAPT.R.G. EGAN,Manager, Barbours Cut Terminal Strings Definitely Attached--Whenthe question of salvage W.E. GREER+Manager, Houston Public Grain arises at sea, complicationscan multiplyfaster than fruit Elevator LESLIEJ. SANDERFER,Manager, Bulk Materials flies. 14 HandlingPlant A. MONROEBEAN, Manager, Storage Warehouses A.J.M. VANDE VEN, Manager, Maintenance Department CLAUDEBARTH, Manager, Security Department 20 Years Young--The Houston World Trade Club C.A. ROUSSER,JR, Director of Trade Development celebratesits 20th anniversarywith a delightful reception. 21 ARMANDOS. WATERLAND,International Sale~ Manager R.B.AKKERMAN, General Sales Manager LEONUTTERBACK, Eastern Sales Manager JACKWOJEWNIK, Asst. Eastern Sales Manager DAVIDW. SIMPSON,Western Sales Manager NewLadies--Transnave and Djakarta Lloyd send new JERRYD. KOTECKI,Midwestern Sales Manager vessels to the Port of Houstonon their maidenvoyages. 25 EWARDL. HORN,Communications Manager DONZULLO, Public’ Relations Manager NORMANE. HUENI,Director of Engineering TOMKORNEGAY, Chief Engineer F. WILLIAMCOLBURN, Director of Administration LINDAREESE, Controller Port Tidings--Apage of newsand notes about people and ALTONB. LANDRY,Manager, Personnel Department companiesin and aroundthe Port of Houston. C.G. SEAMAN,Manager. Real Estate Department 29 BETTYGARRETT. Manager. Purchasing Department ALGENITASCOTT DAVIS, Counsel LOUISF. BROWN,JR, Manager, SaJety and Insurance Department JOESCROGGINS, JR., Director of Planning TransportationObservations--The U.S. CustomsService is MICHAELSCORCIO, Director of CommunityRelations JOE F. FLACK+County Auditor seriously consideringimplementing the ModelSeaport Pro- gram,tested in Houston,at other U.S. ports. 31 EXECUTIVE OFFICES 1519 Capitol Avenue,Houston, Texas 77002 P.O. Box 2562, Houston, Texas 77252 Telephone:(713) 225-0671 TWX:910-881-5787 On The Cover Farrell Lines’ AUSTRALENVOY at Barbours Cut Terminal TERMINALOFFICES TurningBasin: (713) 672-8221 BarboursCut: {713t 470-1800 FIELD OFFICE The Port of Houston Magazine 60 East 42nd Street, NewYork 10165 Telephone:(2121 867-2780 EDWARDL. HORN,Editor JOECHAPMAN, Staff Writer DONZULLO, Associate Editor RAYCARRINGTON, Staff Photographer SHEILAADAMS, Typesetter THEPORT OF HOUSTONMAGAZINE IISSN 0032-48251 is published monthly by the Port of Official Publication HoustonAuthority and is distributedfree to maritime,industrial and transportationinterests in the ~"%~ Port of Houston UnitedStates and foreign countries. Thispublication is not copyrightedand permission is givenfor ~~ the reproductionor use of any original material, providedcredit is givento the Portof Houston.Ad- Authority ditional information,extra copies or advertising rates maybe obtainedby writing the PORTOF ~~ HOUSTONMAGAZINE. Second class postage paid at Houston,Tx. and at additional mailing of- rices. Send address change to PORTOF HOUSTON MA GAZINE, P.O. Box 2562, Houston, Texas 77252. October 1982 Sendus your card stapled to this ad. We’ll put our Port of Houstonfacilities in your hand. FREE. Get the facts, then let’s get together. ManchesterTerminal and our affiliated ManchesterStevedoring offer three docksfor ocean-goingvessels; access to a fully-equippedcontainer yard; openarea storagefor steel productsand machinery;storage warehousesfor cotton, baggedand drummedgoods; direct rail accessto all warehouses and docks;stevedoring service for all cargoes.And there’s a lot more.Send for our comprehensivenew full color brochure.See it and then see us for completecargo handlingin the \ Port of Houston. "NEWMANCHESTER" has it all. ¯ Two600 foot opendocks ¯ Container,steel andproject cargo ¯ Openand covered storage Manchester Terminal & Manchester Stevedoring The Port of Houston¯ Houston,Texas Manchester Terminal. Manchester Stevedoring MANCHESTER TERMINAL COMPANY AND MANCHESTER STEVEDORING COMPANY A wholly-owned subsidiary of Charter International Oil Company¯ 10,000 Manchester Street ¯ P.O. Box 87535 ¯ Houston, Texas 77287 ¯ (713) 926-963 CORPORATEPROFILE ADVERTISEMENT $.A.I.L. SHIPPING SYSTEMS, INC. 90 West Street, New York, New York 10006 Booking Agent: Ronald S. Wolff--RSW Enterprises 9990 1-10 East, Suite AA Houston, Texas 77029 713-672-8058 This company has earned an excellent reputation in systems in an ever changing market. The company developing unique marketing techniques to satisfy their utilizes its large cargo volumeto negotiate a lower rate in clients needs. In contrast to most NVO’s whose services a particular trade zone, or, in many cases, provides its are limited to consolidated container movements to own equipment in order to induce a rate reduction from Europe, S.A.I.L. SHIPPINGSYSTEMS has developed a full regularly scheduled lines. The President of the Com- range of cargo transport services to Europe, Africa, pany, Robert Robotti, was recently requested by DuPont R, Co., in Wilmington, Delawareto address a large group South America, the Caribbean and the Middle East. The uniquenessof S.A.I.L.’s services is that it not only offers of the company’s traffic and management executives about his company’s services and the art of the NVOin a rapid, efficient consolidation programto these areas but it also acts as a carrier for fully containerized and general. In Mr. Robotti’s presentation, he stressed the breakbuJk cargoes (not consolidated) to over thirty term "market intelligence" as the key element in the suc- foreign ports. cessful NVOCCservice. The ability to translate customer needsinto viable alternatives is the object of this market S.A.I.L. SHIPPING SYSTEMScan provide ocean intelligence. S.A.I.L.’s staff
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