2012 LIGHTSPEED PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 375 CLIFFWOOD PARK STREET. UNIT J BREA, CA 92821 PH: 714.990.5767 WWW.LIGHTSPEEDCARBON.COM EENNTTEERR LLIIGGHHTTSSPPEEEEDD!! LIGHTSPEED PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS ARE DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED TO EXCEED THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE EXPECTED BY THE FACTORY TEAMS! LightSpeed Performance's Willie Amaradio has over 25 years of extensive working knowledge and experi- ence in product testing and development with the Factory Race Teams (including employment with Factory Yamaha for eleven years), and was directly responsible for the carbon fiber development programs with Factory Yamaha, Factory Suzuki, Geico Honda and Pro Circuit Kawasaki. Amaradio's factory level involve- ment insures having “Race Bred” products that have been and are used by Supercross, National and World Championship caliber riders alike, such as; James Stewart, Jeremy McGrath, Chad Reed, Doug Henry, Trey Canard, Tim Ferry, Travis Pastrana, Greg Albertyn, Ernesto Fonseca, Andrea Bartolini, Ricky Carmichael, Doug Dubach, Jeff Ward, Mike Brown, John Dowd, Ivan Tedesco, Nick Wey, Grant Langston, Ryan Villopoto, Ben Townley, Tony Amaradio, Austin Howell and more! LightSpeed Performance's advanced technological capabilities is further complimented by it’s continuous racing and composite engineering development programs. this heightened level of “Factory Race Team” involvement keeps Lightspeed in the forefront. Lightspeed designs, engineers and produces each compo- nent using this applied experience. All of the design aspects of a component encompass consideration of application, geometrical strength, durability, flex, stress, temperature, form, function, cost, weight and aesthetic value. Premier Factory Race Teams choose to use LightSpeed Carbon Fiber because it is fundamental superior to metals, in that, carbon fiber is the lightest and strongest substance known per weight, has superior memory properties and is easily formed into complex shapes, resulting in a formed fit part. further, All LightSpeed products are made from100% aerospace spec carbon fiber coupled with the toughest epoxy resin known. LightSpeed Performance engineering approach is very direct and effective, encompassing both, Race Bred Development and Advanced Engineering. We integrate the component to the motorcycle with the greatest attention given to design, detail, fit and finish. Insuring the best carbon fiber products in the market! enter the shape of speed. enter lightspeed! GLIDE PLATES YZ 450 (10-12) YZ450 (06-09) YZ250F-(07-09) YZ85 (02-12) CRF450R (09-12) CRF 250R (10-12) CRF 250R (04-09) CRF 150R (07-12) CRF 450R (05-08) KXF 450 (09-12) KXF450 (06-08) KXF250 ((06-08) RMZ 250 (10-12) DRZ 400 (99-12) RMZ450 (10-12) KTM YAMAHA SUZUKI YZ 85 (02-12) 011-00823 $99.95 RM 85 (04-11) 013-00841 $99.95 YZ 125 (96-04) 011-00163 $99.95 RM 125 (99-08) 013-00193 $99.95 YZ 125 (05-12) 011-00150 $99.95 RM 250 (99-08) 013-00293 $99.95 YZ 250 (96-04) 011-00263 $99.95 RMZ 250(04-06)/ KXF250 (04-05) 013-00344 $99.95 YZ 250 (05-12) 011-00250 $99.95 RMZ 250(07-09) 013-00370 $124.95 YZ/WR 250F (01-05) 011-00303 $124.95 RMZ 250 (10-12) 013-00310 $124.95 YZ 250F (06) 011-00360 $124.95 RMZ 450 (05-07) 013-00450 $124.95 YZ 250F (07-09) 011-00370 $124.95 RMZ 450 (08-09) 013-00480 $124.95 YZ 250F (10-12) W/Built-in case grds 331-00310 $159.95 RMZ 450 (10-12) 013-00410 $124.95 YZ/WR 400/426F (98-02) 011-00400 $124.95 DRZ 400 E/S/SM-KLX400 (99-12) 013-00400 $124.95 YZ 450F(03-05)/ WR 450F(03-06) 011-00503 $124.95 KAWASAKI YZ 450F (06-09) 011-00460 $124.95 KLX 250/300 (94-12) 014-00300 $124.95 YZ 450F (10-12) 011-00410 $124.95 KX 125 (03-08) 014-00103 $99.95 HONDA KX 250 (05-08) 014-00250 $99.95 XR 250/400 (96-12) 012-10660 $124.95 KXF 250 (04-05) 013-00344 $99.95 CR125 (02-08) 012-00103 $99.95 KXF 250 (06-08) 014-00360 $99.95 CR 250 (02-08) 012-00203 $99.95 KXF 250 (09-12) 014-00390 $99.95 CRF 150R (07-12) 012-00170 $99.95 KXF 450 (06-08)/KLX450R(08-12) 014-00460 $124.95 CRF 250R(04-09)/250X (04-12) 012-00344 $124.95 KXF 450 (09-12) w/Built-in winglets 014-00490 $124.95 CRF 250R (10-12) 012-00310 $124.95 KTM - with Built-in winglets CRF 450R (02-04) 012-00403 $124.95 KTM 450/505SXF (07-10) CRF 450R (05-08) 012-00450 $124.95 450/530 EXC-R/X CR-W (08-10) 015-00470 $124.95 CRF 450R (09-12) w/Built-in winglets 012-00490 $124.95 FACTORY GLIDE PLATES, with SIDE PROTECTION YZ450F(10-12) JAMES STEWART SPEC YZ 250F (10-12) FACTORY YAM SPEC CRF250R (10-12) GEICO HONDA SPEC CRF450R (09-12) GEICO HONDA SPEC KXF 250 PRO CIRCUIT SPEC (09-12) RMZ 250 ROCKSTAR SUZ SPEC (10-12) RMZ450 ROCKSTAR SUZ SPEC (08-12) YZ 450F (07-09) WR 250/450 (07-11)/YZ 450 (06-09) CRF 250 R (04-09)/CRF 250X (04-12) CRF 450 R (05-08) CRF 450 X (05-12) YAMAHA YZ 250F(10-12) Factory Yamaha spec 331-00310 $159.95 WR250/WR450F (07-11) YZ450F(06-09) Offroad design 331-00470 $199.95 YZ450F(06-09) Factory Yamaha spec 331-00590 $199.95 YZ450F(10-12) Factory Yamaha James Stewart spec 331-00510 $199.95 HONDA CRF 250R (04-09) / CRF 250X (04-12) 332-00204 $199.95 CRF 450R (02-04) 332-00524 $199.95 CRF 450R (05-08) 332-00550 $199.95 CRF 450X (05-12) 332-01560 $199.95 KTM 250/350 SXF (2012) CRF 250R (10-12) Geico Honda factory spec 332-00310 $199.95 CRF 450R (09-12) Geico Honda factory spec 332-00590 $199.95 SUZUKI RMZ 250 (10-12) Rockstar Suzuki Factory spec 333-00310 $199.95 RMZ 450 (08-12) Rockstar Suzuki Factory spec 333-00510 $199.95 KAWASAKI KXF 250 (09-12) Pro Circuit Racing spec 334-00390 $199.95 KTM 250SXF (10-12) / 350SXF (11-12) Factory style 335-00310 $199.95 450SXF (07-12) Factory Style 335-00511 $199.95 KTM 450 SXF (07-12) ENGINE CASE GUARD(S) YZ 450F (10-12) YZ 450F (10-12) YZ 450F (10-12) KXF 250 (09-12) YZ 450F (06-09) YZ 250F/450F (06-09) CRF 450R (05-08) EXTENDED YZ-F 450 (06-09) EXTENDED YZ-F250 (06-09) CRF 150 R CRF 250 R/X CRF 250 X (04-12) RMZ 250/450 RMZ 250 RMZ 250 CRF 250R (10-12) CRF 450R (09-12) KXF450 (09-12) EXTENDED KXF450 (09-12) DRZ 400 / KLX 400 YAMAHA SUZUKI YZ 250F (01-03) / WR 250F (01-06) (SET) 021-04300 $124.95 RMZ 250 (04-06)/KXF 250 (04-05) (SET) 023-04344 $124.95 YZ/WR 250F (01-05) (RIGHT) 021-02314 $69.95 RMZ 250 (07-09) (LEFT) 023-03370 $89.95 YZ 250F (06-09) (RIGHT) 021-02360 $69.95 RMZ 250 (07-12) (RIGHT) 023-02370 $69.95 YZ/WR 400/426F (98-02) (SET) 021-04400 $124.95 RMZ 250 (10) (SET) 023-04310 $124.95 YZ/WR400/426/450F(98-05) (RIGHT) 021-02583 $69.95 RMZ 450 (05-07) (SET) 023-04450 $124.95 WR400/426/450F(98-06)(RIGHT) 021-02583 $69.95 RMZ 450 (08-09) (SET) 023-04480 $124.95 YZ 250F/450F(06-09) (LEFT) 021-03560 $89.95 RMZ 450 (10-12) (SET) 023-04410 $124.95 YZ 450F (06-09) (RIGHT) 021-02560 $69.95 DRZ 400 E/S/SM / KLX 400 (99-12) (SET) 023-04400 $139.95 YZ 450F (06-09) (RIGHT) (EXTENDED) 021-05560 $99.95 YZ 450F (10-12) (RIGHT) 021-02510 $69.95 KAWASAKI YZ 450F (10-12) (LEFT) (EXTENDED) 021-03510 $89.95 KXF 250 (06-08)(SET) 023-04360 $124.95 YZ 450F (10-12) (RIGHT) (EXTENDED) 021-05510 $99.95 KXF 250 (09-12) (SET) 023-04390 $124.95 HONDA KLX 450 R (08-12) (LEFT) 024-03660 $89.95 CRF 150R (07-12) (SET) 022-04170 $124.95 KXF 450 (06-08) (LEFT) 024-03460 $89.95 CRF 250R (04-09) / CRF 250X (04-11) (LEFT) 022-03340 $69.95 KXF450(06-08)/KLX450R 08-10)(RIGHT) (EXTENDED) 024-05460 $99.95 CRF 250X (04-12) (SET) 022-04344 $124.95 KXF 450 (09-12) (LEFT) 024-03490 $89.95 CRF 250 R (10-12) (LEFT) 022-04310 $69.95 KXF 450 (06-08) / KLX 450 R (08-011) (RIGHT) 024-02460 $69.95 CRF 450 (02-04) (SET) 022-04400 $124.95 KXF 450 (09-12) (RIGHT) 024-02490 $69.95 CRF 450 R(02-08) /CRF450 X(02-12)(RIGHT) (EXTENDED) 022-05520 $99.95 KXF 450 (09-12) (RIGHT) (EXTENDED) 024-05490 $99.95 CRF 450 R/X (05) (SET) 022-04450 $124.95 CRF 450 R (05-08) /CRF 450 X (05-12) (SET) 022-04460 $124.95 CRF 450 R (09-12) (LEFT) 022-03490 $69.95 FRAME GUARDS (SET) CRF 250/450 R KXF 450 YZ-F 250/450 RMZ 450 HONDA XR 250/450 (96-12) 032-10600 $112.95 CRF 150R (07-12) 032-00170 $112.95 KAW KLX 250/300 (94-12) 034-01300 $112.95 CRF 250R (04-05) 032-00344 $112.95 KX 125 (03-05) KX 250 (03-04) 034-00203 $99.95 CRF 250R (06-09) 032-00360 $112.95 KX 250 (05-08) 034-00250 $99.95 CRF 250X (04-12) 032-01344 $112.95 KXF 250 (06-08) 034-00360 $112.95 CRF 450R (02-04) 032-00400 $112.95 KXF 250 (09-12) 034-00390 $112.95 CRF 450R (05-06) 032-00450 $112.95 KXF 450 (06-08)/ KLX 450 R (08-12) 034-00460 $112.95 CRF 450R (07-08) 032-00470 $112.95 KXF 450 (09-11) 034-00490 $112.95 CRF 450X (05-12) 032-01450 $112.95 KXF 450 (12) 034-00420 $112.95 CRF 250R (10-12) /450R (09-12) 032-00490 $112.95 YAMAHAYZ 85 (02-12) 031-00823 $99.95 SUZUKI RM 250 (04-08) 033-00203 $99.95 YZ 125/250 (03-04) 031-00203 $99.95 RMZ 250 (04-06) / KXF 250 (04-05) 033-00344 $99.95 YZ 125/250 (05-12) 031-00250 $99.95 RMZ 250 (07-09) 033-00370 $112.95 YZ 250F (01-02) / 400/426F (98-02) 031-00400 $112.95 RMZ 250 (10-12) 033-00310 $112.95 YZ 250F/450F(03-05)WR250F/450F(03-06) 031-00503 $112.95 RMZ 450 (05-07) 033-00450 $112.95 YZ 250F/450F (06-09) 031-00560 $112.95 RMZ 450 (08-09)/RMX450 (10-12) 033-00480 $112.95 WR 250F/450F (07-11) 031-00670 $112.95 DRZ400E/S/SM/KLX400 (99-12) 033-00400 $112.95 YZ 250F (10-11) 031-00310 $112.95 KTM KTM250/450/505SXF (07-10)/530(09-10) 035-00470 $124.95 YZ 250F (12) 031-00320 $112.95 (with built in muffler mid-pipe heat shield) YZ 450F (10-12) 031-00410 $112.95 TANK COVER IGNITION AND CLUTCH COVER OUTER WRAP CRF 250R (09-12) / CRF450R (10-12) (GOES OVER STOCK COVER) YAMAHA YZ-F 450 (10-12) 081-00410 $55.95 HONDA CRF 150R (07-12) 082-00170 $55.95 HONDA CRF 250R (04-09) 082-00340 $55.95 IGNITION COVER OUTER WRAP CRF 450R (02-04) 082-01400 $55.95
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