Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 9-21-1966 The aB tes Student - volume 93 number 02 - September 21, 1966 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 93 number 02 - September 21, 1966" (1966). The Bates Student. 1507. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1507 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "Bates Stu&nt Vol. XCIII, No. 2 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, SEPTEMBER 21, 1966 By Subscription VIETNAM FIRST-HAND American Debut: By Scott Schreiber WUHRER IN CONCERT "Our goal in Viet Nam win the war against the VC," plained, "Although the Ky continued Cameron, "The con- regime is not very good, it is Friedrich Wuhrer, Vien- should not be the military de- nese-born pianist of world- feat of the Viet Cong, but the solidated war effort is not not all bad. Recently it al- aiding us in the other war, lowed free elections, in which wide fame, will open the establishment of a stable Bates College Concert and government in South Viet the war to win the hearts and 81 percent of the people voted. minds of the people. One It is by no means a U. S. Lecture Series lor tne Nam," said history Professor 19bb'-i967 season. This Alan Cameron. Dr. Cameron, bomb dropped in the wrong puppet, but is a sovereign place undoes a lot of good state. concert, his American de- a recent visitor to Viet Nam, but, will be held in the spoke in front of an audience will. Election An Experience Limit Bombing and Killing "The purpose of the recent Chapel on Thursday, Sep- of two hundred at the Filene tember 22, at 8:00 p.m. Room last Friday night. "If killing is necessary we elections," Cameron asserted, should kill as few people as "was to give the South Viet- He will play "Sonata in B "Basically, I agree with Flat Major (opus posthum- United States policy in Viet possible and the Air Force namese experience in democ- should be used as a strictly racy and above all to teach us)" by Franz Schubert, "Son- Nam," said Cameron, who ata in A Flat Major (opus had just returned from spend- tactical weapon. We should them how to vote. It will categorically discontinue the take a long time to instruct 110)" by Ludwig van Bee- ing his second consecutive thoven, "Humoreske (opus summer in Southeast Asia. "I bombing of North Vietnam. the South Vietnamese in dem- "One major flaw in our pol- ocracy because it is necessary 20)" by Robert Schumann, believe in what the U. S. is and "Variations and Fugue doing, but also, I think that icy is that the Senior Amer- to change their concept of the ican officers, who decide our Traditional Mandarin State to on a Theme by Handel (opus we should get out as soon as 24)" by Johannes Brahms. possible once that we have military policy, stay in Sai- the idea that government gon and know little of the serves the people." Born in 1900, Professor realized our aims." Wuhrer studied music under problems of the rice farmer." Can't pg. 5/Col. 4 Traveled Throughout South In clarification of his posi- Franz Schmidt and Josef Viet Nam tion, Cameron stated, "I am Marx. At the age of 22, he be- Working with the Agency neither a hawk nor a dove, I came a professor at the Vien- for International Develop- am what is described as being WINSOME WINS ALL na Music Academy. Since ment, Dr. Cameron was able an owl." 1925, he has had an interna- tional career as a concert to travel throughout South- Blasts New Left Wing By Joe Carlson pianist, performing regularly east Asia and see how the Striking out against the so- Cheers, jeers, laughter and duct the pretty heroine and with the major European or- Vietnamese farmer actually called New Left Wing in this tears were the response to the twice they are greeted with chestras. He was appointed to lives. During his travels he country, Cameron declared, Robinson Player's initial the vocal disapproval of The the Hochschule for Musik in observed two problems that "The New Left Wing employs meeting or Tuesday, Septem- audience. Jeers become cheers Munich in 1955 and has are impeding U. S. advance- criticism for criticism's sake. ber 14, as the group presented as twice Wynchgate's villainy taught students from all over ment. One is that the means Its leaders are not informed a serious interpretation of is thwarted by the daring of the world at the Salzburg Mo- are becoming the ends, and, and its rank and file support- "Winsome Winnie", a melo- Winnie's strong, silent, but zarteum. secondly, that the military is ers are misinformed members drama in three acts. unknown rescuer (TomTodd). In addition, he has record- experimenting too much with who have just jumped on the Before an enthusiastic au- There is more sadness as ed the Schubert Piano Son- the "toys of modern technolo- bandwagon." dience, Leslie Stewart intro- Winnie despairs that her un- atas, as well as piano con- Speaking of Vietnamese in- gy". duced Mr. Warye, master of known birth prevents her certos by Beethoven, Grieg, "Although I believe we can ternal problems, Cameron ex- ceremonies for the evening, from marriage with her hand- and Weber, the complete and the genial, but most some liberator. The climax Beethoven Cello Sonatas proper host never allowed the brings sunshine as it is re- (with Schuster), and the excitement of the opening vealed that the whole epi- Schubert "T r o u t" Quintet. London Grafica Arts scene to wane until the final sode has been a hoax, a test Moreover, he has published a credits were completed. to prove Winnie's moral fiber. book on a pianist's repertory "Winsome Winnie" con- Actually, she is of distin- as well as several articles cerns the misadventures of guished birth, her fortune has about Beethoven, Schubert, Exhibit and Sale Miss Winifred (Elaine Koury) not been lost, and she is re- S c h u m ann, Rachmaninoff, whose inheritance has been united with her hero. and Pfitzner. squandered by its executor, Fine mid-scene entertain- After the recital in Lewis- Mr. Bonehead (Peter Bates), ton, Professor Wuhrer will London Grafica Arts will and whose uncertain parent- ment was provided by the collection from which he may travel to Texas, where he will present an exhibition and age has made her marital singing of Sam Richards, Mar- select. serve as a jury member at the sale of its original litho- prospects dim. But things ilyn Osgood, and the star graphs, etchings, woodcuts, grow darker, much darker. herself, Elaine Koury. Musi- Con't pg. 4/Col. 5 lino-cuts and silkscreens at Twice the black-hearted cal accompaniment was dell- the Student Lounge from 10 CONCERT Wynchgate (Vincent Pollina) ered by Marilyn Caps and a.m. to 5 p.m. and the Treat enters on stage with his vil- Claudia Files. Also appearing CINEMA SEASON Gallery from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., LECTURE lainous, cohorts (Bert Arming- in the cast were Suzanne on Wednesday, September 21. ton and Bruce Bouley) to ab- Johnson as Lady Muddlenut, Robinson Players film en- SCHEDULE and Mararet Smith as Budge. tertainment will begin this The collection consists of weekend, Sept. 24, with the Thursday, September 22 graphic arts ranging histori- FROSH OPENINGS Plays for This Year Rogers and Hammerstein's cally from 15th Century wood- 8:00 p.m. - Chapel production of Oklahoma. Star- cuts to contemporary British Friedrich Wuhrer Any freshman interested in At the conclusion of the ring Gordon MacRae and and French printmakers. The Pianist serving on the Judicial Board performance Miss Lavinia Shirley Jones, this movie will price range of the prints is Thursday, October 20 this year can now apply to his Schaeffer, director and advis- be in cinescope and techni- from $10.00 up to and includ- 8:00 p.m. • Chapel proctor to be considered as or to the Robinson Players, color. The price is only .25c ing those higher priced items Jules Feiffer possible nominees in the Oc- announced this year's two per person, and there will be which might especially ap- Author, Playwright, Cartoonist tober 26 elections. Applica- productions: Ugo Betti's "The two showings, at 6:45 and peal to the collector. Thursday, November 10 tions must be in before Sep- Queen and the Rebels" to be 9:30. Other fine movies which 8:15 p.m. - Lewiston High tember 27. presented in November, and have been scheduled for Sat- Each show that London School Auditorium Two men and two women Goldoni's "Servant of Two urday evenings throughout Grafica Arts brings to a uni- Indianpolis Symphony will then be chosen by the Masters" in the second se- the semester include "To Kill versity has been 300 and 400 Sunday, December 4 Advisory Board to face each mester. A reception for inter- A Mockingbird", "The Hus- works of art and thereby 3:15 pan. - Lewiston High other in the election. One man ested students, and sign-ups tler", "The Bridge Over the gives to the individual stu- School Auditorium and woman will be elected to for Rob Players committees River Kai", "The L-Shaped dent, as well as the selective Lee Evans Trio serve as at-large-members to concluded the evening's acti- Room", and several other out- print collector, a diversified Classical Jazz the Judicial Board.
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