University of ,Toronto Faculty of Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning and LandscapeArchitecture 230 College Street, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada Telephone (416) 9285038 You are cordially invited to attend an exhibition of recent works by Rita Letendre, painter, and Kosso Eloul, sculpture, in the Faculty exhibition ga11e:fy, from Thursday, January 4th, 1973 and continuing until Monday, January 15th, from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. (weekdays only). Rita Letendre Born in 1928 in Drummondville, P. Q, Studied 'utin Montreal "Ecole des Beaux Art". Exhibited since 1952 in 21solo shows and in more than 25 group shows, in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Quebec, New York. Los Angeles, Paris. Rome, Detroit, Tel Aviv, London England, Spolcto, Ottawa. San Francisco. Kosso Eloul Born in Russia in 1920 and migrated to Israel in 1924. He has exhibited, taught and lectured in Israel. Europe and the U. S. A. He settled in Canada in 1969 and lives at P. H. 2, 45 Ballio1 St.• Toronto. He was an artist ill residence at this Faculty during the session 1969-70. In 1971he conducted a large (28'x50'x166') steel, earth and marine plywood environmental sculpture project at Fanshawe College, London, under the sponsorship of the Province of Ontario Council for the Arts. Last year he was artist-in..:residence at Seneca College. Rita Letendre will discuss her work in the studio. Room 61. on the ground floor, (first turn to the left and go straight ahead after entering the building from Huron st. ) at 12:00 noon on Friday, January 5th. Kosso E10ul will discuss his work also in the studio, Room 61, at 11:15a. m. on Thursday, January 11th. Thomas Howarth Dean 20th December. 1972 l1B - Please note that an important exhibition of ,the early work of Le Corbusier at Pessac will be 'shown from 18th - 31st January, 1973.. RITA LETENDRE Born in 1928 in Drummondville, P.Q. Art Study in f"lontrealIIEcole Des Beaux Art II• Exhibited since 1952 in 21 solo shows and in more than 25 group shows, in ['10ntrea1, Toronto, Vancouver, Hi nni peg, Quebec, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome, Detroit, Tel-Aviv, London, England, Spoleto, Ottawa, San Francisco. REPRESENTED: I (parti al 1isting) [,1useeD'Art Contemporain, Hontreal; f/luseumof Fine Art; Quebec Provincial Museum; Sir George William University; Art Gallery of Toronto; Longbeach Museum, California; Speed Museum, Kentucky; Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, ~lass.: Storm King Art Center, New York; and others. RECENT ACTIVI TY: I SOLO SHOHS 1971 Ga11erie de f'/lontreal,fiiontreal 1972 Malvina Miller Gallery, San Francisco 1972 Bau-XI Gallery, Vancouver 1972 Moos Gallery, Toronto 1972 De Vorzon Gallery, Los Angeles 1972 Arwin Gallery, Detroit 1972 Musee D'Art Contemporain, Montreal GROUP SHOHS 1972 "Artario 172", C.N.E. Art Gallery, Toronto 1972 "4th Annual Canadian Printmaker's Showcase, Carleton University, Ottawa 1972 "Sources III", Cranbook Academy Art Gall e ry 1972 "18th National Print SholtJIIBrooklyn r'~useum, NeltJYork COMMISSIONS: SINCE 1971: 2 outdoor murals (one on Gerrard St. by Church; one on Davenport Rd. in Toronto) 2 large indoor murals: "("Berkshire House" on Duplex in Toronto; the other in the "Sheri dan fila11 II, Pickering) . 2 indoor murals for <the IIStar Expansion ~Jorks" Computer Center, New York 2 indoor murals for the J.C. Penny llead Office,New York. KOSSO ELOUL SELECTED LISTING: 1972 -- "Bau-XIII Gallery, Vancouver - Dual Show with R. Letendre. 1I0utdoor Sculpturell - r·1ackenzieArt Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan. -- 4th Annual Canadian Printmakersl Showcase • Carleton University, Ottawa. 1I0ntario Artists" Oakville, Public Library Centennial Gallery. "Sources II III - Cranbrook Academy Art Gall eri es. III8th f'lationalPrint Show" - Brooklyn f~useum. Benson Gallery - Bridgehampton, L.I., rle\l!Yorl<. (5 outdoor and 6 indoor sculptures) Summer 172. C.N.E. Art Gallery - Toronto "Artario '72 Shm'J". Commission: IIAlat" 61 x 161 X 41 stainless & ground work ~ placed at 'Greenwin Place', Bal1io1 & Pai1ton St., Toronto. "Artario '72" - participated in the multiple project of the Ontario Art Council. Artist-at-Residence: Seneca College Seneca College Lecture Series (summer). 1971 -- One-man show at Dunkelman Gallery, Toronto and O.K. Harris Gallery, N.Y. "Nowll .Environmental sculpture, h: 281 x 50' X 1661, steel, earth & marine plywood - Fanshawe College project under P.O.C.A.ls sponsorship. "Double Oneil Art Gallery of Onario - the Sam and Ayala Zacks collection. Received: Canada Council short term grant. 1970 113-Dinto the 701s" Travelling Shm'l organized by the Art Gallery of Ontario. -- uDouble-You" 11 ft. stainless, commissioned . by GreenwinCorp., placed at 111 Davisville, Toronto. -- "r'1eetll·18 ft. stainless, commissioned by J.D.S. :I.nvestments, 1111 Ffnch Ave. l'Jest,Toronto. 1969 . -- :One-!\1anShow: Galerie Sherbrooke, !\10ntreal. Artist-at-Residence: University of Toronto Faculty of Architecture (Lecture & Projects Cri ts.) Lectures: Universite Du Quebec, Montreal. 1968 -- One-f'1anShow: Jerrold fc10rrisGallery, Toronto. Collection: Northern & Central Gas Corp.; The Waxer Collection; Sam & Ayala Zacks Co 11ecti on. 1964 -- 1I0ptimax" h: 15' x 135' stone and concrete sculpture on Mount Royal Park, Montreal 1st Canadian Sculpture Symposion. IISplitll 8 ft. stone and steel sculpture exhibited on sidewalk on Bishop St. near Sherbrooke (1964-1968). One Man Show: Galerie Camille Hebert, Montreal. I PARTIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY: I -- Vie Des Arts' Numero 67 - IIKosso E1ou1: Now!1I ,1972 by Jean-Loup Bourget (Ete 1972) I 1972 -- IILandscape Architecture Quarterly - Oct. 1972 (Ill us. p. 15) 1972 -- "Printmaking Todayll - by Jules Heller 2nd edition (i11ust.) 1972 -- IIKosso Eloul: Unexplainable-UII - Ontario Art Counci 1, 1972. 1971 -- IIArtscanadall Vol. 156/157 liThe Razors Edge" • by Theodore Heinrich (Illust. 1971). 1969 -- IIArtscanadall No. 138/139. IIKossolI by Gilles Henault (Illus. Dec. 1969) 1968 -- IIArt in Architecturell by Louis G. Redstone • McGraw-Hill, 1968 1966 -- IIAujourd'huill No. 53. IILa Sculpture Dans L'Environement Architectural II par Simone Frigerive (Illus. pp. 105; Mai 1966). 1966 IIFortune II Apri 1 '66 "Scu1 ptors in the Factoryll A portfolio (Illus. pp. 140-145). 1965 IILos Angeles r!lagazinell Oct. 1965 - liThe Art of ~lelding 'Talent Together" by La\'lrenCe Allison. 1965 -- IICanad:ian Art II No. 96 - by rvli chae 1 Ball antyne (Ill us. p. 14-16; 1965) 1965 -- IIVie Des Artsll No. 37 - by Guy Viau (Illust. p. 26-31;)1965). 1964 -- "Art Internationalll lX/3 IlKossolI by Fernande St. tftartin - IILettre de ~'lontrealll 1965. 1964 -- Art Internati ona 111No. VIII - 9 - Nov. 1964 - by Fernanrle St. r,1artin. IIArt in Israelll "Dr. H. Gamzu - Tel-Aviv. -- IIIsrael Art" B. Tamuz - Jerusalem. -- IISculpture in Israelll Dr. H. Gamzu - Tel-Aviv. -- IIArt Israelll by HilHam Seitz - ~,1useumof r·1odern I Art, New York. * Listed at the National Gallery Documentation and Archives Section (Files of Canadian Material) SCHEDULED FOR 1973: One Man Show at Galerie de Montreal (May) One Man Show at York University Art Gallery (October) One Man Show at Dunkelman Gallery, Toronto (October) One r4an ShO"1at O•.J. Harris, New York, (November).
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