Dept. for Speech, Music and Hearing Quarterly Progress and Status Report Playing the turntable: An introduction to scratching Falkenberg Hansen, K. journal: TMH-QPSR volume: 42 number: 1 year: 2001 pages: 069-079 http://www.speech.kth.se/qpsr ?<@BADC+EGFHJIFGK4ADLMA4NPORQSILTUADL VXWYBZ¢[%\¤]4Z ^8_`GacbdUeG`Gf4gGhjihDb<gGackl`+eG_meG_honp¢n¤qgGb<drbs<itdUbdPh4g uvaPe+qi`+hDimbdPeDwp dPxyp wzxSb<s` n¤qgGb<eG`Gs{|b `Gs u~gdUhDfpdPiudP_ueG_x`+fDbg+g ui<dPb{{<`Gs{b<sin¤q<aP_<`Gs{ `GeGXfp xSxzp s<g ugGbh4gGg+h4i } UaPfDdPb<eGfD_<`Gs{Uc`GeG_|aPq¢w+wB`+fD`Gh4sen¤dPb<fDe+`GaPh4¤bmS`+aPfj~p fD4h¥u S¥RfDbsm_b hj{<dPhDb<efp s<eGd8pg } p hDdeG_hRap qsi<absizeGdPh4be¤e+_h eGq<dPseGb<gGhRbabszhD¥ndPhDaUaP` h xSqaU`GfDb<gJ`Gs<aPe+dPqxShDse+ h4s } } } eG_¤p q{_RbRi`+{`+eGbg+baUhDiRxzp i<hDgp waPf4dPbe+fD_`+s{RxS`G{_eaUhDhDxvn¤dPh+wBh4dPbg+hepleG_<h qgGs<hDdPb<g+h } `Gs u~gdUhDfp dUi%e+_hrb<fp qaUeG`+fDbghD_b `p q<dp wreG_<hraPf4dPb<eGfD__<baos¤peh4hDswp dPxSbg+g uaPe+qi`+h4i } } qseG`+gJsp kl^pc{b<`Gsz`Gsw%p dPxSb<eG`p sp w eG_<`GahD_b `p q<dbRklbabaUDhDizepn¤hDd w%p dPx ap xh } e uDn`GfDb<g¡aPfDdUbeGf4_`Gs{¢n¤be+eGh4dPsaP^8_h4aPh£fp xSxzp s¤ng+b u`Gs{¥eGhDf4_s`G¦<qhDa§bs<i¨e+_h fp dPdPh4a©np si<`Gs{|ap qs<iaS_b hjhDh4smbs<bg u~aPhDiª`+sfDheG_<hJw%p f4qap wjeG_hbdUeG`+fDgGh`+ap s|e+_h } baP`Gf4amp w_¤p k eG_<hz`GsaUeGdPqxSh4se«kRp dPDaP¬bsp hDd `GhDk­p staPeGbsi<bdPi<`G®PhDi¯hD¦<q` n¤xSh4se«bs<i } } bgGe+hDdPsb<eG` hhD¦<q` n¤xSh4se~`Ga«{<` hDs } } °±z²³«´cµz¶z·«²¸´c± foremost, John Cage and Pierre Schaeffer, did the first experiments with use of phonograph to To scratch means to drag a vinyl record back create music. None of the first five made any and forth against the needle on an ordinary noticeable impact, and Cage and Schaeffer are turntable along the grooves, not across, remembered mainly for their approach to though it might sound like it. This way of sounds, not the turntable. Pierre Schaeffer’s producing sounds has during the last two (and Pierre Henry’s) concept of ÍSÎÏUÐGÑÎ<ÒtÓÔ ÕÖ decades made the turntable become a ÓD×PÒDØ+Ò is as much a result from tape-manipu- popular instrument for both solo and lation as vinyl-manipulation, and his practices ensemble playing in different musical styles, would probably have been commenced even though mostly hip-hop. However, all without the phonograph technology (Griffiths, musical forms seem to keenly adopt the 1995; Khazam, 1997). turntables into its instrumental scenery, Instrumentalists must learn to employ a traditions like rock, metal, pop, disco, jazz, variety of techniques and methods for mani- experimental music, film music, contempo- pulation. It is unproblematic to state that a rary music and numerous others. Experi- fundamental ground has now been established mental Disk Jockeys (DJs) and most hip-hop with an almost compulsory assortment of DJs now frequently call themselves ¹Gº<»P¼½ techniques. All new ways of playing and ¹G¾¿À+ÁGÂU¹G , and the music style of “cutting scratching are persistently explained and vinyl” with all its scratching and extensive debated on, especially on Internet discussion ÃGÄ<ÅPÆÃ+ÇÈÉ+Ê+ËPÌ mixing is called . These terms, forums on sites devoted to ÙGÚÛPÜ<ÙGÝÞ<ßGà+áPâ (see derived from “turntable”, are now generally “List of Links” in the References section). accepted. There are moreover numerous techniques today In the early eighties, scratching DJs – that more or less resemble and originate from and the entire hip-hop community – got the the ones that will be described and analysed in attention of the record-buying generation, the following. Many ways to scratch do not fit inescapably spreading their sounds to the into the general scheme, and are not widely rest of the musical world (see “List of key used. They are, however, all explained on recordings” in the References section). It is turntablism Internet sites as soon as they yet more than seventy years ago that Paul surface. This overview will not deal with the Hindemith, Ernest Toch, Percy Grainger, more unconventional scratches. Edgar Varèse, Darius Milhaud, and first and ¢¡¤£¥£¥¦¥§¢¨ © ¢ ¦ £¥ ¨ ¤¨ ¦¥!¥§ " #¨ $%£¥ £¥ &'()+*,- ./¤01 2435 687 9 );:¢9¢/<5= => 69 ãSäåæPçDåèélê ë¬ê¢ìí¬îGäïðGå<ñRòGó<çò+ôõPåòGä<öîGç Turntablism includes both ÷PøDùPúû+øDüý+þÿ , from the professionals, even though this new using one turntable and an audio mixer, and equipment could aspire to development of new ¦¨§¢©¢© © ¢¡¤£¢¥ , using two turntables and a techniques. mixer. Scratching is a typical solo-playing A list grasping over most of the major style, comparable to that of electric guitar. manufacturers include Technics and Vestax, The musician expresses in intricate rhyth- that make DJ turntables, Vestax, Numark, mical patterns and in tonal structures. Ecler, Stanton and Rane that all make specially Beatjuggling sometimes has a rhythmical designed mixers, and Shure, Stanton and backing function to ¢¢ , but is often Ortofon that make cartridges (pick-ups) for played in expressive solo-acts. An overview scratching (see Manufacturers in List of Links of the practice of using turntables as paragraph). Low budget equipment from instruments and a short history of turn- countless less-known manufacturers fail to tablism is reported in a previous paper by convince users. The standard line-up for many Hansen (Hansen, 2000). turntablists is two Technics SL-1200/1210 Mk2 Research in this field has lately led to turntables with Shure M44-7 pick-ups, and a improved “scratchable” CD-players and scratch mixer without unnecessary controllers. software like Flash-based applications and Normally this equipment is organized with one turntable simulators. Still they seem insuffi- turntable placed on either side of the mixer, and cient as replacement for the present equip- to avoid uncontrolled contact with the sensitive ment as the turntablism-society unfailingly tone-arm the turntables are even flipped 90 sticks to vinyl. The apparent unwillingness degrees with the tone-arms away from the to make use of these innovations has a body. counter-side in a desire to be spared the hassle of skipping needles and replacing wrecked records. Some actual examples of such hardware and software will later be discussed shortly in the paragraph “Scratch- equipment based on digital technology”. "!$#&%' Any turntable might be used for scratching, but the standard is a direct-driven machine 9¢;L< with the platter mounted on the motor. (*) +¢,¢-.0/1*23.54¤6¢7¢)4¤8:9¢;=<>/?A@ @CBED¤?GF , -7¢F H I¢J .0K Scratching also utilizes a mixer that mostly /?A@¢@:)8&+¢-H MNH¢7¢OP9¢;=<>/?A/ @:)8&I¢J H 4¤DRQ1 is used for controlling the onsets and offsets of each tone. So the turntable as a musical The quartz direct-driven turntable (Figure 1) instrument includes the turntable with pick- has advantages to the belt-driven in terms of up, stylus and slip-mat, an audio mixer and a pick-up speed and motor strength (the starting vinyl record. Relatively few manufacturers torque of a Technics is 1.5 kg/cm). When have succeeded to enter the market with pushing the start-button, a mere third of a purposeful equipment, compared to the revolution (0.7 seconds) is needed to reach full massive popularity and prospective of good 1 speed at 33 3 RPM (revolutions per minute), sales. Why this is so and which conse- and stopping the record goes even faster quences this inflict on the evolution of the (Online 1200 in List of Links). scene is an extensive discussion, but in brief With a felt slipmat lying between the platter there seems to be a general unwillingness and the record, moving the record in both among the turntablists to adept to radical directions with the motor on and the platter still innovations, especially those that over- going is fairly easy. In rougher moves and simplify and trivialize playing. One example when maintaining a heavier touch, the platter is the production of a mixer that with the might follow the record back and forth, but push of a button imitates one of the hardest because of the pick-up speed, that is not a techniques to acquire. This mixer, Vestax problem. Samurai, never got much positive attention 70 S3TEUWV>XZY*[¢\^]*_ `ba¢c decAf¢f¢g with a special ¢W¤ -switch. Several varieties in how the crossfader operates are fabricated, the newest development being Rane’s A ¦¥ C¡W ¢¢¢¢£5 ¤ ¢§¢£5¨© ¢ . “Fader” might, how- ever, be a misguiding term as the fading curve on the crossfader normally is adjusted to be very steep, making it act as an on-off switch. h*i j¢k¢lmCn¢o¢p¢q¢k lmCrEs¢s t>u:v¤w lxli y¢j¢m5o The zA{|¤}¤~z mechanism (Figure 2) is specially designed for scratching to prevent b the ¢ ¢ (needle) from skipping from one groove to another, and even the stylus is designed to make scratching easier. Normal high fidelity styli are often elliptical at the end while scratch styli are spherical and made stronger as the force on the needle get so high that both the reels and the needle are in hazard of being damaged. An M44-7 can handle three times the tracking force (from the needles tip to the groove) of the hi-fi cartridge Shure V15 VxMR – up to 3.0 grams on the M44-7 compared to 1.00 gram on the V15. Output voltage from the scratch cartridges is 3-4 times higher (9.5 mV) than the hi-fi cartridge. The hi-fi cartridge has of course better frequency response, from 10 to 25.000 Hz, compared to M44-7’s 20 to 17.000 Hz.
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