OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE,; NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1966 Obituaries The Family Newspaper imes AND IIIF. NEPTUNE TIMES | Vol. XCI, No. 14 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF. NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1966 if . | ^Explains Position Jill Jessee’s “Perfume Album” Book Offer Residents j On Budget Cut For Lay Reader In 2nd Edition New Tree For $10 | Township Committee Re- NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP — I slates Belief Teachers The Neptune Township Shade Tree Commission ls! offering a !i| Increases Need Not Be Cut planting program to property • NEPTUNE TWP. — Represent owners of the township for the I tatlves • o£ the Ncptuno Township spring of 1966. A "share the | Teachers Association criticized the cost” plan will enable property J| municipal committee Tuesday owners to purchase either a Norway Maple or a Pin Oak at $1 night for its directive to the board : i j V o f education, ordering a 5125,000 the cost of $10 per tree. There will be a limit of one tree to-a ’.H reduction in the proposed school property owner. T|rees are to budget. be plr.nted in front- of proper­ ^ 'M a y o r Joseph Wnrdell told Leo Campbell-Reese 4 Galcher, chairmnn of the teachers' ties in all cases, inJaccordanco with the Shade' Tree Commis­ | salary a n d welfare committee, that Team Services "we reflected the opinion of the sion’s recommendations. 'h people who had defeated the hud- Tree applications are avail­ get” on two occasions,, but “we able at the Neptune Township felt - and I still feel -.that the Municipal Buildingj 137 South fiS cut can be made without cuts in Ma.ln Street. Checks or money teachers’ salaries." - The mayor orders only are payable to the L E G AL N O TIC ENATHANIEL W. DAYTON LEGAL NOTICENATHANIEL i further explained that the com- Neptune Township/Shade* Tree ST. PETERSBURG, FLA Na­ ] mittee did not specify any line Commission. Each! tree pur­ thaniel W.. Dayton; a former resi­ 5 item where the budget should be chased will be plajited by the dent of Ocean Grove, N. 'J., died j reduced. “That is the prerogative ’ nurserymen, and guaranteed here last Friday, at the age of 78. i of the board of education," he ad- for one year. ' / He is survived by his widow, May; a son, Donald G. Niles, of 1 WILLIAM KIENZLEN (left), vice president, and George Bergen, .33 *i>' Teacher representatives are now president of the Neptune Regular Republican Club, present a 25- Michigan; a daughter, Mrs. Ar­ continuing their discussion sessions pound Easter Egg to the pediatrics department at Fitkin Hospital, thur Judd, here; a sister, Mrs. i with the board of education, meet- l»rove Announces with children and Nurse Joan Neaves participating. Baby Daniala Marie Dauble, of South . Amboy, i ing Wednesday night or this week Hauice is in the nurse’s arms, while in front are little girls Marcia N. J., and five grandchildren. Sacknowitz and Chris Rible. The GOP club also presented a 25-lbs-, 1 MRS. ERNA P. GOULD j and meeting • again Tuesday night, decorated Easter Egg to the residents of the Bancroft-Taylor Rest Services were held here. Daily Leaders For NEPTUNE — Services were held .1 April 12. Home in Ocean Grove. Monday'afternoon for Mrs. Erna P. ; ij In other .business by the munl- JAMES C. STANFIELD Gould, 2900 West Bangs Avenue, | clpal committee Tuesday night, Summer Program NEPTUNE — James C. Stan­ who died last Thursday at Fitkin .|j authorization was given for the field, 19 Davis Avenue, died at his ;; • $2,500 purchase of three fuel stor- Hospital. home last Saturday at the age of Rev. Harold D; Flood, She was chief telephone operator L'J age tanks for the new township 68. He was a resident here for the Program Vice President, at the Earle Naval Ammunition garage on Willow Ave. A new or- past seven years. Appoints For Season Depot, where she was employed for dlnance was also introduced, auth- " He was born In Maryville, Tenri., more than 20 years, until six mon­ * orlzation of the extension'of sew*. nnd was a former resident of Ce­ ths ago, when she retried. i m ers on Willow Ave. to the garage. OCEAN GROVE — Appoint­ dar Grove. He was retired, for­ ■ Mrs. Gould attended Hamilton 1 ' ’This will cost an estimated $10,- ments of leaders :oJ all the daily merly a salesman. He was a mem­ Methodist Church. jp 000. The committee also plans to auxiliary meetings which are part ber of the Lutheran Church of Survivors are two brothers, Char­ I purchase $2,500 worth of office of the Ocean Grove summer pro­ the Redeemer, here, and a charter les R. Pearl,here, and Frederick A. equipment for thp garage. gram have been made for 1966, it member of the Cedar Grove Lodge, C. Pearl, Interlaken. Lj An ordinance appropriating $8,- was announced tbi$ week by the F&AM. Services were from the Fran­ i 000 for the purchase ot NCR Rev. Harold D. Plood, program Mri Stanfield was a veteran of cioni, Taylor and Lopez Funeral f equipment for the sewer billing vice president of fhje Ocean Grove Home, 10th and Atkins Avenue, p department was a ls o authorized. Association. with Interment In Monmouth Mem­ I Three properties with homes .. .The leaders o l tficvTouth Meeting orial Park. will be offered nt public sale April each day at 9 A. M. iif the Uncle LARRY MIERAS FLOWERS reminds everyone that 26. .They are, with minimum bids, Bill Thomson Youth Center will be KENNETH G; RUSSELL ! 1829 Columbus Ave.,' $4,150; 321 the Rev. S T Kimbrough, Jr., for - SARASOTA, FLA. — Kenneth G. f Myrtle Ave., $6,000, and 1705 Straf- the month of July, and the Rev. State Winuer Robert M. Green, August. Rev. Russell, a former resident of Nep­ Here Comes Peter Cottontail with an Easter Prize ■ ford Ave., $5,250. Tho properties Kimbrough Is pastor of St. Paul's tune, N .'J. for ten years, and tea­ [. were acquired through tax fore- Methodist Church, Bay Head, and cher at Neptune (N. J.) High id ft.dosure. P H P P Full Course Easter Dinner for Two Rev. Green Is pastor of the Teaneck School, died of a heart attack here, P J C r .P . at Christie’s Restaurant 5th District Clubwomen Vie Methodist Church. '• on March 21, at his home. Mr. Russell had been born in 301 Main St., Bradley Beach : Mrs. J.F.Mullin The Bible Hour Monday through Oneonta, N. Y „ nnd resided in Nep­ For Creativity & Art Awards Saturday at 9 A. M. in the Temple Be the Lucky Winner — adults only. Fill out and bring this will be in charge of Dr. John D. tune, N .J . until 1944, when he coupon to the store.before drawing on Friday, April 8, 1966, at Grove - City Leads Bell Ringers Blair, pastor of First Methodist moved here. 12 Noon. Winner need not be present. He Instructed business subjects Cleaners Church, Oakhurst, in July. The leader August 1 - 17 will be Dr. in the high school. Name ................................... ............ ......................______ ______ _ For Mental Health Here he was a certified public ac­ PICKUP AND Wallace G. Sorenson, pastor of First Methodist Church, Asbury countant, with his own offices. DELIVERY SERVICE Named Chairman of Address Park. From Aug. 18 through Sept. He is survived by his widow, We Operate Our Own Cleaning Neptune Area; Ask Dorothy.' 3, the Bible Hour leader will be the Telephone and Pressing Machines Volunteers for Drive Rev. William R, McClelland, pastor SOCIAL 40- Pilgrim Pathway, Occan Grove of St. Paul's Methodist Church, DAVID MITCHELL MILLER SHREWSBURY — ' Dr. William 122 S. Main street, Ocean Grove Ocean Grove. BRADLEY BEACH — The four- Goldflne, County Chairman for the SECURITY Tel. 771-2.100, 4-2301 Lewis A. Daniels, director' . of month-old ;son; .of Miv and Mr,s. Mental Health Drive for funds to Order Y our Easter Plants^ N music, and Beverly E. Davis, ac­ David Miller, David Mitcholi Mil­ be conducted in May announces the companist,-will be-in charge of the ler, died last Wednesday at his SOCIAL SECURITY appointed of Mrs. J. F. Mullin .of music program of the Bible Hour. home, 101 Fourth Avenue, About 180,000 widows are eligi­ Pincwood Drive, Neptune Town-1 Mrs. Eleanor B. Weber will re­ : 1 Other survivors' are one bro­ EASTER LILIES ble to get widow’s social security ship, as chijirman of the drive in turn as director of the Children's ther, Christopher, at home; his benefits sooner than before because the Neptune area. Serving with her Hour, which is hold weekdays at 9 maternal grandpnrents, • Mr. and of a recent change in the law, Ben­ as co-chairman will be Mrs. Ernest A. M. in Thornley Chapel, and-on Mrs; Onnic Mitchell, and his pater­ m A O m m 'AZALEAS :- jamin Sandberg, social security dis­ Guenther, 10 Pinewood Drive Nep­ For Old Gold and Sundays at 10:30 A. M. ' i nal grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. trict manager in Asbury Park, said Silver and tune. Otto G. Stoll, Jr., will again be David Miller, all of Olavoriek, N. Y. today. The drive will consist of a door Old Jewelry leader of the Beach Meeting each Mass of the Angels was held TULIPS ; < GARDENIAS A widow whose husband was in­ • Paco four, please Sunday at G P. M. last Friday morning .at St. James sured under social security can Dexter R. Davison is returning Episcopal Church, here, with the choose to start her monthly pay­ “ Y ” Program by Bus as youth .director,'music'leader'for.
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