NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY National Science and TedmoloaY Authority National Scientists: Juan S. Salcedo, Jr., M.D. Alfredo C. Santos, Dr. phil GrE!lorio Y. Zara, Dr. Sci· Fe del Mundo, M.D. Eduardo A. Quiaumbing, Ph.D. Executive Council Paulo C. Campos - President Alfredo V. Lagmay - Vice-President . \ Tito A. Mijares - Secretary Alfredo C. Santos - Member Carmen C. Velasquez - Member " Academicians : Teodoro A. Agoncillo, Litt. D. (honoris causa) Encarnacion Alzona, Ph.D. elare R. Baltazar, Ph.D. Julian Banzon, Ph.D. Luz O. Belardo, Ph.D. Paulo C. Campos, M.D. Magdalena C. Cantoria, Ph.D. Amando M. Dalisay, Ph.D. Conrado S. Dayrit, M.D. Jose Encarnacion, Jr., Ph.D. Pedro B. Escuro, Ph.D. Raymundo A. Favila, Ph.D. Francisco M. Fronda, Ph.D. Emerita V. de Guzman, Ph.D. Bienvenido O. Juliano, Ph.D. Alfredo V. Lagmay, Ph.D. Cecilio F. Lopez, Dr. PhiL· Melecio S. Magno, Ph.D, Fe del Mundo, M.D. Tito A. Mijares, Ph.D. GeminiaDO T. de Ocampo, M.D. Eduardo A. Quisumbing, Ph.D. Jose N. Rodriguez, M.D.· Casimiro del Rosario, Ph.D. Juan S. Salcedo, Jr., M.D. Alfredo C. Santos, Dr. PhiL Francisco O. Santos, Ph.D. Joventino D. Soriano, Ph.D. Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco, Ph.D. Dioscoro i. Umall, Ph.D. ' Carmen C. Velasquez, Ph.D. GrE!lorio T. Velasquez, Ph.D. Gregorio Y: Zan, Ph.D •• ·deceased Philippines to Host First Meeting of Vol. 4 No.1, March, 1982 Asean Scientists by End of '82 NAST Head Elected Chairman Asean Scientists convened in Kuala Malaysian Scientific Association (MSA), (1) the rich diversity of natural resour­ Lumpur, March 13-15 in an effort to who earlier invited the Academy offi­ ces both on land (especially low­ form an organization to link scientists cials to Kuala Lumpur. I n his letter to land) and in water (especially ri­ in the Asean region. The scientists pre­ the NAST, Dr. M.K. Rajakumar, pre­ vers, estuaries and shallow seas); sent aceeded on a consensus view about sident of the MSA, stated that science (2) their threatened extinction by a link bringing together scientists in and technology must playa much greater various forms of extensive or inten­ Asean region. They agreed to hold the role in planning and decision-making if sive transformation or develop­ First Meet of ASean Scientists in Manila, developing countries are to emerge from ment, and conflicting allocations; some time before the end of 1982. (Act­ backwardness. Adding that it seems that ually, the name of the association has not the contribution of our scientists and (3) their potential in enhancing econo­ mic and social development; and been drawn hitherto as well as the com­ technologists is underated. Concluding position whether to have institutional or in an optimistic tone, he said, closer links (4) their inadequate development individual members - ed.) between Asean scientists will at least and management due to simplistic enable the Asean srientists to come toge­ temperate-zone models. Dr. Paulo C. Campos, NAST Presi· ther to discuss common problems and to (Continued on next page) dent, together with council members Dr. see how we can most effectively contri­ Carmen Velasquez and National Scientist bute to the modernization of our coun­ Specialists Library for NAST Dr. Alfredo Santos, represented the coun­ tries. try in that K L meet. The areas where The scientists also took the orga­ A specialists library of Acade- . collaboration could be very effective nizer's draft on the Issues of common micians as well as for senior scien­ according to Dr. Campos, are natural re­ interest. While modifications have been tists is being established by the sources, ecology, genetic resource, conser­ worked out during the K L meet, the Academy. vation and many others. details have not reached NAST office up to press time. The idea has evolved on the Meanwhile, Dr. Campos was elected ASEAN Association for the Advancement needs of the Academicians in their chairman of the Asean Association of of Science research work. Although some lib­ Scientists which will be held some time Issues of Com'THm Interest raries carry some journals, they late this year in our country. In informing (for the advancement of science and can not afford to get all. The libra­ the Executive Council, he said that the technology) ry wi II represent current journals Secretariat as well as the Secretary and not found in most libraries but Treasurer will come from the country 1. Natural Resource Ecology are essential for the present works/ where the President resides. Two years There is a need for basic information was suggested on the tenure of the Pre­ researches of the Academicians. on the ecology of natural resources, es­ sident, although no final descision was pecially renewable resources and shared The library will likewise in­ reached. stocks for their sustainable use, manage­ clude the works of the National The meeting was initiated bv the ment and development because of: Scientists and Academicians. Preparations Up for 4th Annual Scientific Meeting and Investiture of Academicians For the past three years, the usual This year's Executive Council has as other details though of this yearly practice was to hold the Investiture of decided to hold the I nvestiture in the affair will be elevated to the Academy Academicians towards the end of the day morning and the scientific sessions in the at its April 24th meeting. - right after the scientific sessions. afternoon. The tentative schedule as well ASEAN Scientists .. (Continued from page 1) 2. Genetic Resource Conservation titutes, industrial materials, pharmaceuti­ (3) the competitive nature of inter­ cal products because of: national and interregional market There is a need to develop an inte­ and economic forces. grated system for genetic resource con­ (1) the rich diversity of natural resour­ servation in natural and synthetic eco­ ces and their high economic poten­ systems so that future generations may tial (e.g. 10010 of plant species being 8. Socio-culturallmpact of Technology have access to their use and development. medicinal plants); and because of: There is a need to evaluate the so­ (2) the traditional dependence on pe­ cio-cultural impact of science and tech­ (1) the rich diversity of natural resour­ troleum-based products and tempe­ nology especially in terms of belief sys­ ces; and rate zone imports. tems, value systems, kinship systems, (2) their potential for industrial, eco­ organizational systems, cultural systems, nomic and social development. 6. Individualistic Science Education national identity and political systems because of: 3. Environmental Impact Assessment There is a need to review and rein­ force science education especially around (1) the almost instantaneous dissemi­ There is a need for enhancing en­ individual development and experience at nation and diffusion of science vironmental impact assessment especially the primary, secondary and tertiary edu­ and technology and in terms of technological impacts, risk cational levels through an evaluation of ·(2) the rich diversity of socio-cultural assessment, hazard prediction, social costs, the curriculum, laboratory and practical systems in the region. quality criteria and preventive measures work and individual experiments and because of: projects, of the role of various institu­ (1) the complex and fragile nature of tions such as technical and' vocational 9. Institutional Roles schools and technical colleges, of non­ the environment due to high inso­ There is a need to evaluate the roles lation, precipitation and evolution­ formal and adult science education, of of various institutions involved in scientific international student and teacher ex­ ary state; and and technological research and develop­ changes and of adequacy and accuracy of (2) the long lag-time for environmental ment, such as universities, professional teaching-learning materials because of: restoration or recovery (at least institutions, statutory institutions, govern­ ment departmental institutions, interna­ 800 years) in the tropics. (1) the exponential growth of science tional institutions and private institutions and technology; 4. Natural Resources Reference in terms of their focus on reasearch and/ Centres (2) the inadequacy of indigenous scien­ or development, on research and/or train: tific and technological expertise, ing, on pure and/or applied research, on There is a need for establishing a and routine and/or futuristic research and system of natural resources reference development and on research evaluation centres including live and preserved ma­ (3) the need for a rapid transition into and.coordination because of: terial for accurately determini ng the a post-industrial economy. resources, and enhancing resource deve­ (1) the need to accelerate scientific 7. Choice of Technological Life-Style lopment beGause of: and technological development, and (1) the acute shortage of reference There is a need to evaluate the (2) the difficulty in achieving a state of material in this region since most choice of technological life-style in terms creative production of science and of the old collections are in tem­ of the acquisition of technology, the technology even in the best of c1 i· perate countries; and appropriateness of technology, the mates. (2) the shortage of expertise in this c.onsumer demand for technology, the region due to national preoccu­ indigenous gene:ation of new technolo­ 10. Centres of Excellence pation with applied sciences for gies, investments in science, the institu- tional mechanisms for technological trans­ economic development. There is a
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