Form 1 & 1A for Pirangut Project Tal Mulshi Pune APPENDIX - II (See paragraph 6) F O R M - 1 A (Only for construction projects listed under item 8 of the Schedule) CHECK LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Project proponents are required to provide full information and wherever necessary attach explanatory notes with the Form and submit along with proposed environmental management plan & monitoring programme) 1. LAND ENVIRONMENT 1.1. Will the existing landuse get significantly altered from the project that is not consistent with the surroundings? (Proposed landuse must conform to the approved Master Plan / Development Plan of the area. Change of landuse if any and the statutory approval from the competent authority be submitted). Attach Maps of (i) site location, (ii) surrounding features of the proposed site (within 500 meters) and (iii) the site (indicating levels & contours) to appropriate scales. If not available attach only conceptual plans. The proposed land use is in conformity with the DP of the area. Annexure – 1 : R P Plan Annexure – 2 : Layout Plan Annexure – 3 : Site Location Map Annexure – 4 : Contour map 1.2. List out all the major project requirements in terms of the land area, built up area, water consumption, power requirement, connectivity, community facilities, parking needs etc. Total Area of the Plot : 368190.00Sq.m. Proposed B/U Area : 147246.30 Sqm. Area under Road development: Internal Road : 47362.16 Sqm Total Open Space : 31160 Sqm. Total Landscape Area : 31160 SQ.M The overall area of the plot is 368190.00 Sqm of which an area measuring 147246.30sq. m Sqm will be built up area, 47362.16 Sqm will be developed as internal roads. Amenities of ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P-15 Form 1 & 1A for Pirangut Project Tal Mulshi Pune 46739.14 Sqm wil be provided for Club House, Childrens Play area, Indoor games 31160 Sqm will be open space. There will be total 31 number of buildings (2 & 3 BHK) and 186 nos. of Twin Bunglows having 1519 tenements. Details are as follow. Sr.no. description Area (SQ.M.) 1 Gross land area as per 7/12 extract 368190 Area of plot as per demarcation 369894.24 Taken whichever is minimum 368190 2 Deduction for a Road widening 14057.75 b Agricultural - no development zone 42537.97 3 Net Gross plot area 311594.28 4 Deduction for a amenity space 15% 46739.14 b open space 10 % 31159.43 c internal roads 47362.16 5 Net plot area (3-4a - ab) 186333.55 6 Addition for FSI a road widening 14057.75 b amenity space 46739.14 c internal road 47362.16 7 Total ( 5 + 6 ) 294492.60 8 Permissible FSI (1 of 7 ) 294492.6 9 Proposed FSI (0.5 of 7 ) 147246.30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P-16 Form 1 & 1A for Pirangut Project Tal Mulshi Pune Permissible FSI statement Sr.no. Type of Builtup No. of Builtup No. of Total builtup building area/ floors area/ Buildings/ area floor building Unit 1 B - 3 bhk 460.09 11 5060.99 6 30365.94 2 C - 2 bhk 311.57 11 3427.27 14 47981.78 3 D - 2 bhk 379.96 11 4179.56 10 41795.60 379.96 8 3039.68 1 3039.68 4 Twin 129.31 186 24051.66 Bungalow 1 TO 186 Total 15836.81 217 147234.66 TENEMENT STATEMENT: Sr.no. Type of No. of No. of No. of Total building Buildings/ Floors Ten. / Tenements in Units Floor Cluster 1 B - 3 bhk 6 11 4 258 4 C - 2 bhk 14 11 4 602 5 D - 2 bhk 11 11 4 473 6 Twin Bungalow 186 G + 1 1 186 1 TO 186 Total 217 1519 Total no. of Tenements 1519 Occupancy per Tenement 5 persons Total no. of population ( 1519 x 5 ) 7595 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P-17 Form 1 & 1A for Pirangut Project Tal Mulshi Pune Parking Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P-18 Form 1 & 1A for Pirangut Project Tal Mulshi Pune As proposed project complex will having internal road, it will be 6.0 m wide for accessing to the proposed project Internal circulation pattern will be set so as to cause no any congestion within the complex. Parking space will be allotted within the campus. There will not be any congestion because adequate space will be provided so as to park the vehicles within plot. vi) LANDSCAPING AND TREE PLANTATION The green belt area will be 31160 SQ.M to keep the campus green and environment friendly. In this plot area total 450 No. of trees will be planted. The Project proponents have proposed a landscape development plan, which includes planting of flowering and shady trees, shrubs and lawn within the plot. The open spaces inside the plot will be suitably landscaped and covered with vegetation of indigenous variety. List of trees: Sr No Botanical Name Common Name 1 Acasia auriculiformis 2 Azadirachta indica Neem 3 Albizia lebbeck Shirish 4 Alstonia lebbeck Saptarani 5 Bauhinea purpurea Kanchan 6 Erthyrina indica Pangara 7 Peltophorum ferrugineum Copper Pod Tree 8 Cassia fistula Bahava/ Golden Shower Tree 9 Lagestromia speciosa Flos Reginae 10 Butea monosperma Palas/ Flame of Forest 11 Pongamia pinnata/glabra Karanj ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P-19 Form 1 & 1A for Pirangut Project Tal Mulshi Pune 12 Millingtonia hortensis Indian Cork Tree 13 Terminilia cuniata Arjun 14 Parkensonia aculeatea 15 Samania saman Rain Tree 16 Brassia actinophylla Umbrella Plant 17 Plumeria alba Chapha 18 Bambusa vulgaris Goplden Bamboo Verigated List of Shrubs Sr No Botanical Name Common Name 1 Thevetia nerifolia Bitti 2 Nerium oleander Kanher 3 Murraya exotica Kunti 4 Ficus benjamina Ficus 5 Raphis palm Lady Palm 6 Pogonatherum paniceum Bamboo Grass 7 Hibiscus rosa sinensis Hibiscus 8 Catharanthus rosea Sadaphuli, Vinca 9 Hamelia patens Hamelia petans 10 Chrysaltis carpus Areca palm 11 Tabernaemontana Tagar 1.3 What are the likely impacts of the proposed activity on the existing facilities adjacent to the proposed site? (Such as open spaces, community facilities, details of the existing land use, and disturbance to the local ecology). Although it is a construction activity, its impact on air quality, water quality, noise and soil will not be notable. As a matter of fact this activity will have positive impact on socio-economic culture of people residing in the vicinity of the proposed area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P-20 Form 1 & 1A for Pirangut Project Tal Mulshi Pune There will not be any disturbance to the local ecology as the selected site for the construction is a barren land. The project site and the surrounding area have propsed buildings. The open area will be occupied by vegetation, which will be helpful in increasing green cover of the area. Proposed project will require manpower during construction phase and operational phase thereby creating job opportunities. Local skilled and unskilled laborers will have an opportunity for employment directly or indirectly. There will be additional employment for the poor strata of society by way of domestic helpers, drivers, cleaners etc. Due to the proposed project, facilities are likely to grow in line with the development. As during the construction and operational phases of the project a workforce will be needed this will be including both skilled and unskilled people. The introduction of workers from areas outside the region, could introduce a potential effect on the local culture, habits and economics. 1.4 Will there be any significant land disturbance resulting in erosion, subsidence & instability? (Details of soil type, slope analysis, vulnerability to subsidence, seismicity, etc may be given). A. Details of Soil quality and slope Generally, soil types found in Pune district are black, copper, red and paddy soil. Soil blends of variable proportions are modified by sand, gravel, lime salts and other ingredients. Soil erosion is acute in these soils because of the sloppy nature of lands mostly unprotected by natural vegetation due to over grazing. Samples were collected within a radius of 10 Km in the study area. Soil samples collected and were analyzed for pH, moisture content, water holding capacity, organic matter, ammonia nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, Magnesium as Mg, Chlorides as - -- Cl , Sulphates as SO4 using standard methods of Association of Official Agricultural Chemist. Results of analysis are presented in Annexure-5 Land at the project site is tableland and has no major slopes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P-21 Form 1 & 1A for Pirangut Project Tal Mulshi Pune (REFER ANNEXURE 5 – Soil Analysis Report) (REFER ANNEXURE 4 - CONTOUR MAP) The geology of the Pune consists of Deccan traps with inter-trapped beds. The volcanic lava flows are spread out in the forms Horizontal sheets or beds. Pune is a plateau city situated near the western margin of the Deccan plateau. The main system of hills is Sahyadri, which run south in the western portion of the district. Pune is o o situated at latitude of 18 31’ N and longitude 73 51’east. Mean elevation of the site is 560 meters. B. Vulnerability to Seismicity and precautions: As per the Seismic Zoning Map of India (given in Enclosures) Pune region falls under Zone- 3. Stability Certificate, as per prevalent IS Code will be obtained for these buildings from registered Consulting Structural Engineer considering the seismic forces and wind forces etc. (REFER ANNEXURE 6 – Seismic Zoning Map) C. Vulnerability to Subsidence Ground level of the plot is plain land. Backfilling in the vicinity of site is not included in the project plan. Hence, subsidence is not expected. 1.5 Will the proposal involve alteration of natural drainage systems? (Give details on a contour map showing the natural drainage near the proposed project site) Not Applicable. 1.6. What are the quantities of earthwork involved in the construction activity- cutting, filling, reclamation etc. (Give details of the quantities of earthwork involved, transport of fill materials from outside the site etc.) During construction total earthwork involved 1000 Cu Ft.
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