2012 Annual report 4 Fédération Cynologique Internationale TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of conTenTs I. Message from the President 4 II. Mission Statement 6 III. The General Committee 8 IV. FCI staff 10 V. Executive Director’s report 11 VI. Outstanding Conformation Dogs of the Year 16 VII. Our commissions 19 VIII. FCI Financial report 44 IX. Figures and charts 50 X. 2013 events 59 XI. List of members 67 XII. List of clubs with an FCI contract 75 2012 Annual report 5 MessagE From ThE PrESident Chapter I Message froM The PresidenT be expected on this occasion. Although the World Dog Shows normally take place over four days, the Austrians ventured to hold the event over just 3 days. This meant a considerable increase in the daily number of competitors, which resulted in various difficulties. Experts had reckoned with more than 20,000 dogs taking part in the WDS 2012, so there was some surprise and disappointment when, with a figure of 18,608 dogs, this magic number was not reached. Looking at the causes, it is evident that the shortfall was mainly among those breeds that are still predominantly docked/ cropped in Eastern Europe, but were not admitted in Salzburg. The Austrian Kennel Club succeeded in organising and running this big event with flying colours and without any major hitches. The club and all the officials involved deserve our thanks and recognition for this performance. In appreciation of this and on behalf of the entire team, Dr Michael Kreiner, President of the Austrian Kennel Club, and Ms Margrit Brenner, the WDS Director, were awarded a badge of honour by the FCI. The active participants and the visitors will cherish the memory of a magnificent event and three fantastic days spent in Salzburg. After the centenary year, we are all back to everyday life © A. Meurer © A. once again, where we see that the health of pedigree dogs is very often criticised in the media, sometimes rightly The first year following the centenary celebrations so, but sometimes not. This is an issue where we have witnessed a return to normality for us. In very general to assert our influence. The topics of health, character terms, we can say that the transition from the first to and behaviour are very important to us. However, we the second century of the FCI proceeded without any also have to give adequate consideration to dogs being major problems. As 2011 had been an exceptional year kept in a responsible and appropriate manner. There are already a large number of scientific studies available for the FCI, various figures for the year under review that deal with trying to solve such questions. I am of the cannot be compared with the previous year without view, however, that this starts with the breeders and it certain references. As in the three preceding years, we is they who have to pay the necessary attention to the would like to use this business report to give you an problems of health and character, though the relevant outline of our activities and the financial situation of officials in the clubs for the specific breeds and the the FCI. show judges also have an important part to play in this regard. They all bear a great deal of responsibility in the In the wider sense, the 2012 World Dog Show in Salzburg domain of dog breeding. can still be included among the jubilee events of the FCI centenary celebrations on account of the Austrian The keeping of dogs is being made very difficult in Kennel Club, one of the founding countries of the FCI, various countries through statutes and regulations. having expressed their wish not to organise a centenary This causes us concern. Furthermore, assistance is being event in the anniversary year 2011. offered more and more frequently by private “experts” and institutes, though often without having the Austria, as a popular country for spending holidays, and necessary expertise. This mostly does more harm than the City of Salzburg, as a treasured travel destination, good. Such matters should once again be resolved more ensured that a high number of entries could also by the canine associations. 6 Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter I MessagE From ThE PrESident general committee sections The General Committee met twice (5 days of meetings) Our sections perform excellent work in their regions. during the year under review to perform the duties Cooperation with our office in Thuin continues to assigned to it. The Executive Committee or individual develop and is beneficial for international cynology. We members of the General Committee attended various would like to thank Mr Jürgen Hindse, Mr Miguel Ángel meetings to deal with business matters that could not Martínez, Mr Takemi Nagamura and their teams for be delayed. their great commitment. The General Committee comprised the following members at the end of the year: Hans W. Müller general remarks (Switzerland, President), Rafael de Santiago (Puerto Rico, Vice-President), Stefan Stefik (Slovakia, Treasurer up The global economy improved again somewhat in 2012, to 27.10.2012), Dr Tamas Jakkel (Hungary), Kari Järvinen which also had a favourable effect on international (Finland), Gerard Jipping (Netherlands, Treasurer from cynology. However, there are still a number of issues 27.10.2012), Jürgen Hindse (Europe Section), Miguel Ángel that have to be worked on. I have already mentioned Martínez (the Americas and the Caribbean Section), some of these, but there are others that are equally Takemi Nagamura (Asia and the Pacific Section). important and meaningful. We have been making efforts for years, for example, to combat dog trading, especially in Europe, though only with moderate success cooperation with members and partners unfortunately. We are dependent on the support and assistance of the national organisations in this fight There was active cooperation and exchange of and it is only by working together that we may be able information between the FCI and the members and to bring these endeavours to a successful conclusion in partners and a great deal of goodwill was shown in a few years. We feel it is of great concern that important tackling and solving problems together. Improvements officials of national organisations are evidently also are still needed, however, particularly with regard to occasionally involved in this matter. the exchange of information at international level. The General Committee is currently evaluating a project The subject of the training and appointment of judges to facilitate such improvements. The members will be continues to be a perennial issue. The requirements informed about this at the 2013 General Assembly. demanded from the show judges in the different national organisations are excessively disparate. There is still too little account taken of health and a sound nature cooperation with the Kennel club, the at shows. For progress to be made, some competitors american Kennel club and the canadian really do need to change the way they think in the ring. Kennel club The extent of cooperation with the Kennel Club, the Thanks American Kennel Club and the Canadian Kennel Club was normal during the year under review, with I would like to sincerely thank my colleagues on the consensus being reached on a number of problems in General Committee and in the sections, the members relation to show judging. In the area of canine sports, of the commissions, those responsible in the national teams from England, the USA and Canada can compete organisations, as well as Mr De Clercq and his staff at in our World Championships or section championships, the FCI Office for all the good work they have performed mainly in the agility and IPO disciplines. in all the different areas for us and for the dogs. hans W. Müller FCI President 2012 Annual report 7 Mission stateMent Chapter II INTRODUcTion INTRODUcTion In accordance with the celebration of the 100 Anniversary Dans le cadre du futur 100e anniversaire de la Fédération of the Federation Cynologique Internationale, the General Cynologique Internationale, le Comité Général de la FCI a Committee of the FCI reviewed its Mission and Vision State- revu la mission, les visions et les valeurs de la FCI afin de ments and Values to maintain our leadership worldwide. maintenir notre position de leader mondial. Mission sTaTeMenT Mission de LA FCI The FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) is La FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) est the supreme authority of the canine culture worldwide. The l’autorité cynophile mondiale. Elle est responsable de la pré- FCI is responsible for safeguarding canine health and inter- servation de la santé des chiens et des activités canines inter- national dog activities to enhance the relations between nationales dont le but est de promouvoir les relations entre dogs and humans. Established in 1911 the FCI includes 84 le chien et l’homme. La FCI a été fondée en 1911 et compte 84 members and contract partners (one member per country). membres et partenaires sous contrat (un membre par pays). Each member issues their own pedigrees and train highly Chaque membre émet ses propres pedigrees et forme des qualified judges. The FCI makes sure that the pedigrees and juges de manifestations canines hautement qualifiés. La FCI judges are mutually recognized by all the FCI members, con- garantit la reconnaissance des pedigrees et des juges par tract partners and any person involved in their domestic tous ses membres, partenaires sous contrat, ainsi que par canine scene. toute personne active sur leur scène canine nationale. Vision sTaTeMenT Vision de LA FCI The FCI supports, via its members and contract partners, the Par l’intermédiaire de ses membres et partenaires sous con- well-being of all dogs Worldwide. trat, la FCI soutient le bien-être de tous les chiens dans le monde entier.
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