SUMMARY OF ELEMENTS UNDER STUDY How will flood waters be controlled gestions made by citizens at public along the Salt and Gila Rivers? How meetings or through correspondence will Central Arizona Project (CAP) with the two agencies. waters be stored for distribution in central Arizona? Solutions to these To date, the Bureau and Corps have terns will be evaluated using techni­ two critical water problems are being identified a number of structural and cal and environmental criteria. The sought by the Central Arizona Water nonstructural actions that singly or in systems that are determined to be Control Study (formerly known as the combination could provide for flood most acceptable will be studied at an Study of Alternatives for Salt-Gila control and CAP storage. These "ele­ increased !eve! of detail until a pre­ Flood Control and Regulation of CAP ments" were studied in Phase I of the ferred plan or plans can be recom­ Waters) . The U.S. Bbrnau- of Recla­ study and will be studied further in mended. Plans are combinations of mation, with assistance from the U.S. Phase II, along with additional ele systems with the addition of neces­ Army Corps of Engineers, is con­ ments that were added as a result of sary financial, institutional and oper­ ducting the study, with considerable public comment. ational arrangements. At each deci­ involvement of the public in helping sion point the public will be actively develop solutions to the problems. During Phase II, the elements will be involved. The following diagram Many of the ideas discussed in this combined into sys1ems that achieve shows the sequence of the planning summary are a direct result of sug- the goals of the study, and the sys- process. Process Fo "PI •i g Plans For Flood Cont AP Storage ELEMENTS SYSTEMS PLANS PREFERRED -(Phase Ila) (Phase llb) (Phase Ill) Plans - - - The most technically feasible environmentally compatible, - The most acceptable The most acceptable and publicly acceptable elements will be combined systems will De studied in plans will be selected for CAP - into systems further detail as plans storage and flood control CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONTROL STUDY Special Edition 1 SUITE 666, SECURITY CENTER 234 N. CENTRAL AVENUE PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85004 TELEPHONE (602) 271-0915 r·---· 1 ·---------·-·-·-·-·-·-·-~---·~! CENTRAL ARIZONA PROJECT ••••••• LEVE ES UNDER STUDY I -----• CHANNEL CLEARING UNDER STUDY 1/ CHANNELIZATION UNDER STUDY 'tt.~~ j ;:I- ,-r,,~ NEW WADDELL DAM SITE 7 ~~ ii: AGUA FRIA DAM SITE - if \ ,1/ "': ~ - -----t>:: ,-~-.... .... ,:rl / CALDERWOOD t NEW ' t I .., •.,, BUTTE DAM~ RIVER DAM J I ~ I "'••<!, SITE ff SITE // ,.;:- CAVE BUTTE$ DAM SITE :i -✓ -1,'"•' <r ADO~E DAM~ 1.Y- O j SITE ,,__,,_,,,+- . ,ff'~ ~ .J' --, / ~·/ ~~ ,,_,.<c., - -~ / .,~-s ""' \. • _.,,,..--, .,✓--_.,. } LUKE A F.B --1" ' ,_.,,..,. _.,,, ' CARRIZO CREEK - Ci=' (OFF THE MAP) GRANITE REEF AQUEDUCT (l.NDEA CONSl'RUCTIONI r ~ ~HANDLER l) WILLIAMS A F 8- GJLA RIVER !NOIAN RESERVAl'lON I COOLIDGE DAM­ (OFF THE MAP) FLORENCE~./ 0 COOLIDGE I q,GILA.8!!ND / I I I l __ i . ~--. ---·-·-: --------------·-·---·-----------·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-· mTERSTATE 8 .\ !I !I Central Arizona ! I Water Control Study Areas !I I\ TAT MOMOLIKOT DAM . \ \\,_/,..-\\ ~/ J ! I ~----------------------------·--~-~~~- --------------·- ---·- \ \ 2 3 ness in controlling flood waters . A systems, and finally plans will be con­ ical sites. Though further geological greater flood control. Construction of Project water storage facility, cannot Analyzing The preliminary cost-benefit analysis con­ structed. The elements range from studies are required, initial investi­ the dam could affect bald eagle and be easily modified, but a new and Elements stituted the economic evaluation proposed physical structures such gations indicate that enlargement of other wildlife habitats. Further study higher dam could be built down­ as dams and levees, to institutional Horseshoe Dam is feasible. is needed on the archaeological, so­ stream. The larger reservoir created cial, and historical impacts. Though would be used primarily for flood con­ Most of the eleme'lts have been stud­ During Phase 11, feasibility studies will measures such as water exchanges Recommendation: A further feasibility further geological studies are re­ trol with some water storage. Bald ied by the Bureau and the Corps in be performed for most of the remain­ and floodplain regulations. In various study is warranted. quired, preliminary investigations in­ eagle and other wildlife habitat could Phase I at an initial level of study. This ing elements Feasibility studies will ways, they provide for flood control dicate that this is a suitable dam site. be disturbed. The archaeological, level includes include: and/or CAP regulatory storage. Ide­ 1. More detailed analysis of water ally, an individual element would help Cliff Dam historical. and social impacts have solve both CAP regulatory storage Recommendation: A further feasibility not been fully assessed. Preliminary 1. Preliminary analysis of the ele­ supply or flood control capabil­ Cliff Dam would be constructed on and flood control problems. However, study is warranted. geological investigations indicate that ment's effectiveness for flood ities of the element the Verde River, immediately up­ most elements offer only partial so­ this is a SU1table dam site. control or supply of CAP water stream from Bartlett Reservoir. Cliff 2. Drilling program to determine lutions to these problems and must Dam would provide limited control of 2. Relationship between dam geological conditions below the be combined with other elements to Verde River flood flows but could be New Bartlett Dam Recommendation: A further feasibility height and reservoir capacity surface provide both storage capacity and combined with other elements for The existing Bartlett Dam, a Salt River study is warranted. flood control capability. 3. Literature review of geological 3 Site-specific engineering de­ information sign and cost estimates All of the elements that have been evaluated to date are described in the 4 Preliminary cost estimates 4. Studies of environmental, social, following sections of the brochure. A Salt River confluence of the Black and White neither flood control nor regulatory economic, demographic, and map showing the locations of all the Rivers near Alkali Canyon and east of storage needs. 5. Review by geologists and engi- other relevant non-engineering currently viable structural elements Sites to be considered for dam con­ Roosevelt Lake. The dam would im­ neers in the field factors may be found on page 2. At the end struction along the Salt River are pri­ pound flows of poor quality water Klondike Buttes Dam of the description of the elements. a marily suited for flood control, except thereby improving the quality of water Klondike Buttes Dam would be con­ Based on this initial level of study, Elements that have been recently table may be found that shows the for the sites at the confluence of the in downstream segments of the Salt structed on the Salt River just above some elements were recommended added at the suggestion of the public function of each element and the rec­ Salt and Verde Rivers and at Granite River. The dam would allow for the Roosevelt Lake, and its primary pur­ for further study, while other elements will receive initial study and, if war­ ommendations concerning further Reef. At this site, regulatory storage diversion of water to the Gila River to pose would be flood control of the were eliminated. The recommenda­ ranted, feasibility study. study. can also be provided. Additional auament the natural inflow to the San upper portion of the river It would not tions were based on three main fac­ water conservation may exist at other Carlos Reservoir. Carrizo Creek Dam be suitable for CAP storage. A dam tors: ( 1) geotechnical considerations, Your comments on any of the ele­ 1 sites through the use of water ex­ would be too far upstream to offer ef­ ' and reservoir at this site would impact (2) site location, and (3) economics. ments described or the issues dis­ changes between CAP and the Salt fective flood control for the Phoenix vegetation along the stream and Geotechnical considerations focused cussed may be added to the tear River Project. area, and it cannot be used for reg­ What Are The would encroach upon a proposed on foundation preparation, particu­ sheet at the back of the brochure. ulatory storage needs. larly the prevention of seepage at "Wild and Scenic Rivers" area. A dam Elements? This tear sheet can be detached and Carrizo Creek Dam the dam sites Sites were evaluated mailed. If you have no comments, you at this site would not control Tonto for their proximity to the CAP aque­ As the diagram of the planning pro­ may wish to return the card and have Carrizo Creek Dam would be con­ Recommendation: No further study is Creek, a major tributary to Roosevelt duct system or for their location in the cess shows on page 1, the elements your name added to the Central Ari­ structed on the Salt River below the warranted because the site meets watershed, and thus their effective- are the building blocks out of which zona Water Control Study mailing list. deep under the dam site. At this time Verde River Verde River Area THEODORE no feasible method is known of effec­ ROOSEVELT The four elements that have been tively controlling these springs. Foun­ LAKE considered on the Verde River are dation material underlying the pro­ posed left abutment is unsuitable, dams that would be built primarily for IENLARGEDI flood control. These structures could and treatment is not economically FORT McDOWELL SALT RIVER INDIAN RESERVATION _/J _ r also be used for CAP storage through feasible. i1 ~ v'v ,, the use of water exchanges between APACHE LAKE the CAP and the Salt River Project. HORSESHOE DAM Recommendation: No further study is KLONDIKE BUTTES DAM SITE (RE CONSTRUCTED! warranted because of geotechnical SAGUARO LAKE problems.
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