The world has had enough ... of hunger, injustice, war. IN ANSWER TO HUMANITY’S CALL FOR HELP THE WORLD TEACHER IS NOW HERE Imagine a world free of war, poverty Who are the Masters? Who is Maitreya? and injusticeÐwhere sharing and The Masters of Wisdom, together In every age, or in times of excep- cooperation have replaced greed and forming our Spiritual Hierarchy, are tional crisis, great spiritual teachers competition. What could bring about the custodians of the Divine Plan for have come forth to show humanity such a change? Only extraordinary, this planet. They have inspired all the its next evolutionary step. We have wise, incorruptible leadershipÐ great human achievements age after known some of them as Hercules, working with people of goodwill from age, working from behind the scenes Rama, Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha, every corner of the earth. According through their disciples in every field and the Christ. Now, at the dawning to British author and esotericist of endeavor. The Masters guide and of the Aquarian age, Maitreya, the Benjamin Creme, that leadership is teach, but it is humanity itself, head of the Masters of Wisdom and now among us. A colossal spiritual responding of its own free will to our eldest brother, has returned to Teacher has entered our world and their stimulus, which creates each the everyday world for the first time has begun his open work with new civilization. in thousands of years to inaugurate humanity. the age and to guide us out of the For many, an understanding is perilous situation we have created already dawning that we cannot for ourselves. proceed into the future while mil- He has been expected for gener- lions starve and perish for want of ations by the major religions under food that lies rotting in the store- different namesÑas the Christ by houses of the world. The current Christians, Krishna by Hindus, the path of greed and competition no Imam Mahdi by Muslims, the longer meets the needs of our world, Messiah by the Jews, Maitreya and a new way forward must be Buddha by the Buddhists. His coming found if we are to prevent certain fulfills each of their prophecies, but disaster. Maitreya, the World The existence of the Masters of he is not a religious teacher. Teacher, will demonstrate the path Wisdom became public knowledge Rather, he is here as an educator in of cooperation and sharing, and after 1875 through the writings of the broadest senseÑas the World guide humanity forward into an age Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who Teacher for all humanity, religious or of peace and right relationship lived among the Masters in the not. He has not come to judge, but to among all nations. Himalayas for three years and later inspire us to make the inner and Benjamin Creme sums up this founded the Theosophical Society. In outer changes necessary for our own powerful message of hope: the 1900s, Alice A. Bailey wrote 24 survival and further evolutionary ÒAs we enter into a new cosmic volumes on the Ageless Wisdom growth. cycle, under the influence of teachings , most under the telepathic Maitreya descended from his energies from the constellation impression of a Tibetan Master. ancient retreat in the Himalayas in Aquarius, humanity stands on the These books discuss topics such as July of 1977 to take up residence in threshold of a new and brilliant the nature of the soul, the Spiritual the Asian community of London, civilization. This unprecedented Hierarchy of Masters, meditation, England, which continues to be his period in human history will be esoteric psychology, and the reap- point of focus in the modern world. ushered in by a group of highly pearance of the Christ. Benjamin From there, as an apparently ordi- advanced men, the Masters of Creme continues the Ageless nary man, he works behind the Wisdom, who for countless millennia Wisdom tradition in over a dozen scenes, directing his transforming have, from behind the scenes, guided books, simplifying and bringing the energies to every corner of the earth. the course of human evolution. At teachings up to date for a modern His primary concerns are the eco- their head, and now physically public, and announcing the entry nomic, political and social imbalances present in the world, is Maitreya, the of the World Teacher into our in the world today, and the spiritual World Teacher.Ó everyday lives. crisis at their root. G so that adequate food, housing, Political changes Ð In the political education and medical care become arena, for the past two decades we universal rights. have been witnessing the breakdown As we begin to accept the of old repressive regimes around the Principle of Sharing and call on gov- world and the exposure of rampant ernments to implement this princi- corruption in government and busi- ple, each country will make an inven- ness. Several major unexpected tory of its assets and needs. These events have taken place, made possi- statistics will provide a United ble only by MaitreyaÕs influence: Nations agency set up for this apartheid ended in South Africa with the election of Nelson Mandela to purpose with the information Our Choice the Presidency, following his release We are at the 11th hour. Soon, required for a rational redistribution from an unjust, 27-year imprison- Maitreya will present us with two of the worldÕs resources. That which ment. The Soviet Union dissolved alternative scenarios of the future each country has in excess of its into independent states. The Cold from which we must choose. We can needs will be put aside, in trust for War ended, and East and West continue in the selfish, greedy ways the world. Germany reunited after the destruc- of the past and destroy ourselves and The plans for such a redistribution tion of the Berlin wall. And, increas- all life on earth, or we can accept programÑdrawn up by economists, ingly, governments around the world the Principle of Sharing and create a financiers and industrialists of great have had to give way to the Òvoice of brilliant new civilization that will achievementÑare already in exis- the people.Ó guarantee a peaceful and prosper- tence, awaiting only our demand for ous future for humanity. Although it their implementation. A sophisti- is our decision which path to take, cated form of barter on a global scale Maitreya assures us, ÒMy heart tells will eventually replace the present me your answer, your choice, and is economic system. glad.Ó He foresees that we will accept Another top priority will be his guidance and rebuild our world saving, protecting, and healing the along more just and compassionate environment. This will require the linesÑthe only basis for lasting peace. creation of economic systems based on the principles of sustainability and Maitreya’s Priorities sufficiency, rather than the present Maitreya will emphasize the utter system of overproduction and waste. Maitreya as he appeared in Nairobi in 1988. necessity for peace and a total renun- The goal is to supply the needs of all ciation of war. This can only be Appearances Ð These political break- while maintaining the planetÕs health. achieved through the creation of throughs allowed more open signs of justice for all people and trust among MaitreyaÕs presence to be manifested. the nations. World leaders and ordinary citizens The immediate priority will be alike began to experience him in the saving of millions of people now person and in dreams. In one instance he appeared starving to death in the developing miraculously at a Nairobi, Kenya world. Maitreya will propose a crash religious gathering, where 6,000 program of international aid to allevi- worshippers recognized him as the ate this suffering. Christ, and many were healed. Inspiring humanity to see itself as Photographs of Maitreya were taken one interdependent family, he will help Evidence of Maitreya’s and a Kenya Times account was us understand that the worldÕs food, reported by international news raw materials, energy and technologi- Presence organizations. cal resources belong to everyone and Three kinds of evidence point to MaitreyaÕs presence in the world Since then, he and several other must be shared equitably. These Masters have increased this activity by today: astonishing and unlikely polit- resources, he says, are given by appearing to people in all walks of life. ical changes, appearances by divine right for the sustenance of all They appear in many guises, offering humanityÐnot for the use and misuse Maitreya to groups and individuals, needed insights or protection from by a relative few. He will recommend and an increasing incidence of mirac- harm, and always strengthening a a re-ordering of economic priorities ulous events throughout the world. person's faith and hope for the future. Unexplained phenomena Ð Signs of MaitreyaÕs presence in the worldÑwhich many call miraclesÑare also manifest- ing on a regular basis. They include weeping and bleeding statues; Ôcrosses of lightÕ and springs of healing water; divine messages in the seed patterns of fruits and vegetables; bronze and stone sacred statues that appear to drink milk; and intricate Ôcrop circlesÕ impressed in grain fields. The most recent of these events is a large, brilliant ÔstarÕ, visible both night and day around the world, heralding MaitreyaÕs first public interview, which took place in December 2009 on a major American television network. © Steve Alexander In many countries, statues and One of the many crosses of On September 21, 1995, news Crop circles of extraordinary vari- icons of Jesus and the Virgin Mary light that began appearing in swept around the world of ety and complexity have been are seen to weep tears, blood and 1988 in the windows of homes miraculous 'milk-drinking' Hindu appearing in agricultural fields oil, and even to move.
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