Grosse Pointe News VOL 46-No 15 Grosse POinte, MIchigan, Thursday, April 11, 1985 30 cents 40 Pages for your informatIOn Council reverses earlier dec~ion fyi Park ends spraying for elm disease By Pat Paholsky tel' and make a recommendatIOn to The four-page report, submitted record than Grosse Pomte Park In \\ho apply the spray nor the cost of By Tom Greenwood On one !'llde was the Grosse the councIl. which It dId Api'll 1 by commiSSIOn members Carol terms of elm losses, accordmg to the eqUIpment The city has been POInte Park BeauhfIcatlOn Com. At the tIme, the BedutlfIcdtJon Ward and Jerome Abbs, Cited 13m- the report City offiCial!>then con- spraymg for at least 25" years, ac- ml!'lSIOn recommendmg that the CommlS~lOn concluded "We have stdnces of expenences With the dls- cluded that the benefits denved cordIng to NuntlO Ortl:.l. clerk- Criuu: up-Kelly down city dlscontmue sprayIng for Dutch found no hard eVidence that the ea~e by other cItIes and testlmonv from the spraymg program wel e controller Well, It looks like State elm disease On the other Side was sprayIng program In the Park ha~ from experts to support their rec- not suffiCIent to \\arrant the ex- The BeautificatIOn CommISSion Senator John Kell) IS SIngIn' a pldnt pathologIst urgmg the Clt) been successful or even margmally ommendatIOn pense recommended "If we are to do our the blues to contmue thE.'tree-sprayIng pro- effective m controllIng elm Elmhurst. III , which abandoned The Elmhurst example IS often best to pre~erve our elms, we John, wile Michelle, and the gram And In the mIddle was the Jo'>ses Sprd) mg In HJ7Y, has a better track CHeri1)eCdU~eL!JC CJ!Y,lIed'dly pop- ~IJUUJU IIIl>L <.JeVOLe QUI <.JOlJar~ to two younger Kellys were 111 city councl! which convened at a ulated w:th elms, began keepmg the ImplementatIOn of a carefully downtown Detroit last week speCial meetIng AprIl 1 for the ex- comprehenSive records of ItS 10~!'les planned and Implemented SanIta- when some unregistered voter press purpose of dlscu!'lsmg the to Dutch elm dlsea:.e Since 1957 tIOn/monItorIng program to m took off with the family's 1984 matter Grosse POInte Park has budgeted clude at least the follOWing a> Use BUIck Century, whICh they had By a slIm margm - .3-2 - the $16,000 thiS year for methoxychlor, of outSide contractors to mom tor, purchased one year ago to the councIl agreed to do both Spray the chemICal used III the spraymg prune and promptly remove trees day thiS year and then discontInue the program The amount does not In- b) FInes for the storage of any elm Parked JU!'ltoff Jefferson m program next year m fdvor of other clude labor costs for city workers (Contin ued on Page 15A) Bncktown, the thieves struck methods of control whIle the enhre famIly was That was Apnl 1 flmshmg up some homework m When the councIl met for Its reg- .John's offIce Taken along with ular meetmg one week later, Apnl 8, members voted to reconSider the License meeting the car were a box of Huggies, a , stroller, two mfant car seats and deCISIOn Another vote was taken " two-year-old Ryan Mae's and this' tIme, the deCISIOn to "blankle " discontInue !'lpraymg ImmedIately "What's really kInd of dis- narrowly passed 4-3 turnout iJ; light heartenIng IS that we're trymg Nobody changed posItIons The hard to teach Ryan Mae to be votmg was conSistent, except that By Mike Andrzejczyk tor control It can also deCide who good to people," said Michelle two councIl members who were not The only thunder and IIghtmng at IS served and ensure that those "We first went to Mass at St at the speCial meetmg added their Thursday night's board of direc- under age do not receive drInks Mary's and outside the church votes to the mInonty and made It a tors meelmg about the War Mem- other groups may obtaIn tem- an old man came up and asked maJonty orial's Class C lIquor lIcense ap- porary permits The center, al- us for money He said he was CouncIl members Mark Valente plIcatIon came from the thunder- though It IS dlspensmg the lIquor, starving, so Ryan Mae gave him and PatrICIa Forster JOIned Car- storm that whipped the area has no control over It because It her box of FIg Newtons Then a roll Evola and John Prost m seek- DespIte the weather, 35 people belongs to the group WIth the per- good deed hke that ends up be- Ing a stop to the tree spraying, attended the meeting The totalm- mit, he added mg rewarded by our car bemg while Mayor Palmer Heenan, Vel" cluded past and present members WeddIng receptIOns at the fa- stolen Talk about frustratIOn" non Ausherman and DaVid Gaskill of the board of directors of the War CIlIty are prOVided a "set-up" table The BUick, or what was left of voted to contmue the program for Memonal ASSOCiatIon, a four- by the center The host IS charged It, was recovered by the DetrOit one year member group representIng the a per-person fee for the mixers, pollce last Tuesday on the 1-75 The matter, whICh was discussed main opposItIon to the lIcense, which are ~upervlsed by the center servICe dnve near LIvernOIS for nearly three hours Apnl 1 and Farms city offiCIals and a handful staff The only thmg left was the sheet more than one hour Apnl 8, came of reSidents When clOSing tIme comes. a host metal on the car. the seats and up agam followmg a request by the Photo by Tom GreenwOOd The audience spent close to an IS responSible for removmg left- the engme They even took off BeautIfIcatIOn Commission to ap- The elm tree population, once the pride of cities throughout the hour grillIng aSSOCIatIon offIcers over lIquor and can take It out of prove a spnng tree plantIng the taillIghts. accordmg to Mrs United States, has been nearly decimated by Dutch elm disease. A about the need for the lIcense and the bUlldmg at that time, Weber Kelly The request had been tabled last said Bottles may end up In the much.debated issue in the Park over the past two weeks has been its poSSible detnmental effect on "The -car was also fIlled with month when the commiSSIOn was the commumty front seats of cars, he added fast food wrappers. so It looks given the responSibilIty of re- whether or not to continue spraying for the disease. The Beautifica- With the Ilcense. no Ilquor could tion Commission recommended that the program be discontinued in ASSOCIatIOn offlcer~ reiterated hke they were m It a while," she searching the negatIve and posItIve their stand that the license WIll be brought on the premises, asso- saId "The car seats were also aspects of spraymg for Dutch elm favor of other methods of control. Shown above are two members give the center more control over ciatIOn offIcers said An\' that was taken I at least hope they mIght disease The commiSSIOn was of the commission 10 front of a stand of elms, Carol Ward and Jerry the use of lIquor at the faCIlIty carned In could be confi~cated In save some chlld's hfe given one month to study the mat- Abbs. Those opposed told the dIrectors addItion. the center \\ ould only "I Just wish we could get that better admllllstratlOn of the serve Ilquor \"Ilh food ~o that \\ hen Ryan's 'blankle' back She real- faclhty would ehmmate many of the kitchen closed, ~el'\' Ice \\ auld ly misses It " the current problems end, l\)ey ~~, Four file for-~Juneelection The center's executive director, Warnillg Mark Weber, said the aSSOCIatIOn By Mike Andrzejczyk ThiS IS Anderson's second at- • Carol Marr. A former middle On the very seriOUS SIde, the tempt at the school board He plac- school teacher and mother of two, deCided to again seek a license In Thf're's gOing to be one new face December 1982 The future plann- MIchigan SherIff's AssociatIOn ed Sixth of 11candidates 10 1979 In Mrs Marr and her husband WIl- on the school board thiS year mg commIttee began a review of IS reporting that LSD-permeat- Catherme BrIerly's deCISIOn not announcing hiS candidacy. Ander- liam are Farms reSidents ed shckers shaped hke blue son saId .. I Intend to run a posItive Mrs Marl' served on a child care state law to see which type of lI- to seek re-election leaves four can- cense would best SUit the faCIlIty's "tattoo" stars, or square ones mdependent campaign which Will board for two years, gaIning exper- didates seekmg the two four-year needs WIth favonte children's char- Ience In matters such as budgets terms of offICe address the educatIOnal Issues The center determIned It dldn', acters, have been Circulating III Candidates have until today to Within our commumty I beheve She also served on the Early the west MIChIgan area the time has come for all factIons ChIld Study CommIttee for the fit any of the lIcense categorIes ex- accept nomInatIon. The nomInat- cept for the Class C and dIscussed The tattoo, called "Blue wlthm our commumty to work to- school district, whose report paved mg petItIOns Will be taken to the matter With ItS legal adVisers, Slar," IS a small sheet of white gether to preserve and Improve the way for the development of the mumclpal city clerks for VerIfICa- who said the center could Impose paper containIng blue stars the what can only be conSidered one of all-day kindergarten program She tIOn of the signatures regulations more stnct than state SIze of a penCIl eraser Each star Grosse Pomte's fmest InstitutIOns IS also a member of the Grosse Those who filed nom matIng petI- law IS Impregnated With LSD and POinte Chapter of the Michigan tIons before the 4 p m deadlme - its publIc educatIOn system" The associatIon has proceeded can be removed from the paper ASSOCiatIonof Children With Learn- Monday were Anderson :.aId he deCided to run slowly In seekmg the lIcense so It and placed In the mouth, says because he has "a genu me mterest Ing DisabIlities Mark Weber • Carl D.
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