Calendar of Events October 2019 Notes: 1

Calendar of Events October 2019 Notes: 1

Calendar of Events October 2019 Notes: 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2019 Japan National Tourism Organization 2. Dates, times and functions are subject to change without notice. Especially schedule of outdoor events and flower festival may change due to the weather. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. The access shows only major route. Please refer to following URL for alternative transportation from the station where you want to start. 4. Japanese words appearing in the column provide the name of the event, the place and access for you to point out to Japanese passerby when you need help. 5. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. If you have further questions, please call TIC, JNTO at following number. TIC, JNTO Tel : (03)-3201-3331 from overseas +81 3 3201 3331 TanabataMomiji-gari Tsuyu 梅雨 七夕もみじ狩り TsuyuTanabata,As Japan is the enters Star rainy Festival into season late is autumn,heldin early on Julysummer the 7leaves in mostin Japan.begin parts turning It ofusually Japan red starts or and aroundAugustyellow. 7Peoplethe in beginningsome head areas. to of the BasedJune mountains and on aends Chinese in in search mid-July. folk ofleg tendhe vibrantly in which Glossary︓ Special Remarks: Hokkaido,twocolored starts leaves, the- Altair northernthis (Cowherd) is called part "Momiji-gari", andof Japan, Vega is(Weaver) least which aff -ected literally love eachby meansTsuyu. other Danjiri /Dashi /Yatai Floats Dates and Times are shown as follows which is common in Japan. but"hunting only allowedfor autumn to cross leaves". the MilkyMany Waypeople to meetvisit the onc anciente a year capital on - Tsuyu literally means plum rain. One of the reasons is that Karakuri-ningyo Mechanically manipulated dolls Dates : M/D April 3 ⇒ 4/3 thisof梅雨 Kyoto day. and other sites, hikers go to the forest and mountains Matsuri Festival, Event Tsuyu occurs when plums are ripening. Time : 24 hours system 8:00am ⇒ 8:00 famousWishes arefor autumnwritten onleaves. long colored strips of paper and hung from a Mikoshi Portable shrine Otabisho Portable shrine resting place 8:00pm ⇒ 20:00 Ukai 鵜飼 Cormorant fishing, an ancient method of catching Ayu (sweetfish or trout-like fish), handling cormorants. This usually takes place at night under the blazing torches fastened to the prows of fishing boats from May until October. Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Festival on the shores of Lake Akan. Marimo (unique spherical green algae) is the nation's special natural monument and a symbol of this (1) JR Nemuro Honsen festival which features traditional dances and religious rites handed Line to Kushiro Sta. Lake Akan, down by the Ainu people. From there, take bus to (1) JR根室本線釧路駅よ https://ja.kus Akan-cho, Ainu Theater Ikoro Akanko Marimo Akanko Onsen Bus Stop りバスで2時間、阿寒湖温 hiro- Hokkaido Hokkaido 10/8 〜 10/10 Kushiro and others Matsuri Schedule & Key events: (2 hrs.) 泉下⾞ 北海道 北海道 釧路市阿寒町 阿寒湖、 阿寒湖まりも祭り ●10/9 (2) From Kushiro (2) 釧路空港よりバスで1時 /news/13203 アイヌシアターイコロほか 19:30- Ritual pray by Ekashi (the elder of Ainu ) Airport, take bus to 間、阿寒湖温泉下⾞ / Akanko Onsen Bus Stop 20:15- Ainu-odori (traditional folk dances) at Ainu Theater Ikoro (1 hr.) ●10/10 11:30- Ritual pray in which Ekashi in a traditional Ainu dugout canoe softly puts Marimo down one by one into the lake ©2019 Japan National Tourism Organization 1/12 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Paper Lantern Festival or annual festival of the shrine, featuring seven floats decorated with 3000 lighted lanterns, parading along the main Nihonmatsu-jinja Shrine, streets of the city daily. JR Nihonmatsu http://www. Sta., Nihonmatsu-no Schedule & Key events: Tohoku Fukushima Nihonmatsu JR Tohoku Honsen Line nihonmatsu- 10/5 〜 10/7 Kamegai Rotary Chochin Matsuri ●10/5 JR東北本線二本松駅下⾞ 東北 福島県 二本松市 to Nihonmatsu Sta. and others 二本松の提灯まつり 17:50-23:30 Parade of seven floats from Kamegai Rotary to JR 1473 二本松神社、 Nihonmatsu Sta. JR二本松駅前、 ●10/6 ⻲⾕ロータリーほか 8:25-14:50 Parade of seven floats from JR Nihonmatsu Sta. to Kamegai Rotary 16:30-18:30 Parade of Mikoshi from Nihonmatsu-jinja Shrine Summary: Festival of two shrines. The highlight of this festival is Hikifune Matsuri , Osaki-jinja Shrine, festival of towing a ship, in which Mikoshi of Osaki-jinja Shrine carried JR Tohoku Shinkansen San-jinja Shrine, onto the ship sails in Kamaishi Bay. https://iwatet Line to Shin-Hanamaki Kamaishi Bay JR東北新幹線新花巻駅よ Tohoku Iwate Kamaishi Kamaishi Matsuri Sta. From there, take 10/18 〜 10/20 and others Schedule & Key events: りJR釜石線で釜石駅下⾞、 東北 岩手県 釜石市 釜石祭 JR Kamaishi Line to 尾崎神社、 徒歩5分 p?event_id=1 ●10/19 Kamaishi Sta., and then 山神社、 27 10:00- Hikifune Matsuri walk 5min. 釜石湾ほか ●10/20 12:15- Parade of two Mikoshi from each shrine and floats 14:10- Parade of Mikoshi , leaving for each home shrine Summary: Cormorant fishing. It will be held every day during the period except on the night of the full moon (9/17 this year) or when the water is JR Tokaido Honsen Line excessively muddy. Fee is 3,100 JPY or 3,400 JPY without meal. For https://www. to Gifu Sta. From there, Chubu Gifu Gifu Nagara River Nagaragawa Ukai reservation, please call 058-262-0104 (Gifu City Ukai Kanransen JR東海道本線岐阜駅より ukai- 5/11 〜 10/15 take bus to Nagara- 中部 岐阜県 岐阜市 ⻑良川 ⻑良川鵜飼 Jimusho), or reserve through major travel agencies. バスで15分⻑良橋下⾞ bashi Bus Stop (15 ai/ min.) Schedule & Key events: ●daily (except 9/17) 19:45-20:30 (Departure time: 18:15, 18:45, 19:15) ©2019 Japan National Tourism Organization 2/12 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Cormorant fishing. Fee is 3,000JPY without meal. There are also lunch cruise every Tue., Thu., Sat. and Sun. with 5,000JPY. For reservation, JR Tokaido Shinkansen please call 0568-61-2727 (Kisogawa Kanko) or reserve through major Line to Nagoya Sta. From there, take Chubu Aichi Inuyama Kiso River Kisogawa Ukai travel agencies. JR東海道新幹線名古屋駅 http://kisoga 6/1 〜 10/15 Meitetsu Inuyama Line 中部 愛知県 犬山市 木曽川 木曽川鵜飼 より名鉄犬山線で犬山遊園 to Inuyama-Yuen Sta. 駅下⾞ (東⼝)、徒歩3分 Schedule & Key events: (East Exit), and then ●10/1-10/15 19:00-19:45 walk 3 min. Lunch Cruise (every Tue., Thu., Sat. and Sun.) 11:50-13:50 Summary: Autumn Festival of the shrine, registered as the Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Festival comes its climax when all the floats lighted with over 100 lanterns each are carried through the city. Karakuri-ningyo and stage plays are offered on one of those floats. If it rains heavily, the events will be canceled. Schedule & Key events: ●10/9 Sakurayama 9:00-16:00 Exhibition of most 11 lavishly decorated floats along http://kanko Hachiman-gu Omotesando Street Shrine, 12:00- & 14:00- Karakuri-ningyo and stage plays in the precincts of JR Takayama Honsen Chubu Gifu Takayama Takayama Matsuri JR高山本線高山駅より徒 10/9 〜 10/10 Omotesando Street the shrine Line to Takayama Sta., 中部 岐阜県 高山市 高山祭 歩20分 0002/200002 and others and then walk 20 min. 13:00-15:00 Procession of Mikoshi and people in traditional costumes 4/2001386.h 桜山八幡宮、 from the shrine, through the city tml 表参道ほか 13:30-16:00 Procession of four floats, through the city 18:00-21:00 Procession of all the lighted floats, through the city ●10/10 8:30-11:30 Procession of Mikoshi and people in traditional costumes from the shrine, through the city 9:00-16:00 Exhibition of most 11 lavishly decorated floats along Omotesando Street 11:00- & 13:00- Karakuri-ningyo and stage plays in the precincts of the shrine 13:30-16:00 Procession of Mikoshi and people in traditional costumes from Otabisho , through the city ©2019 Japan National Tourism Organization 3/12 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Cutlery Festival in Seki, noted for its production of exquisite cutlery. Seki Kaji- Demonstration of making edged tools by swordsmiths is shown at Seki JR Takayama Honsen denshokan, Line to Mino-Ota Sta. Seki-no Hamono Kaji-denshokan. Admission is free. About 40 stalls selling edged tools JR高山本線美濃太田駅よ Chubu Gifu Seki Honmachi-dori From there, take http://seki- 10/12 〜 10/13 Matsuri are set up along Honmachi-dori Street on both days. り⻑良川鉄道線で関駅下 中部 岐阜県 関市 Street and others Nagaragawa Tetsudo 関の刃物まつり ⾞、徒歩7分 関鍛冶伝承館、 Line to Seki Sta., and 本町通りほか Schedule & Key events: then walk 7 min. ●daily 10:30- , 13:30- & 15:00- Demonstration of making edged tools https://www. JR Tokaido Shinkansen Kaimeiza Theater in Summary: city.hamamat Line to Hamamatsu Sta. Higashi-Yomura Local Kabuki , classical stage dramas with a 200-year history. su.shizuoka.j From there, take bus JR東海道新幹線浜松駅よ Chubu Shizuoka Hamamatsu Noson Community Yokoo Kabuki Admission is free. p/shiminkyod 10/12 〜 10/13 (for Okuyama) to Inasa りバス奥山⾏で60分引佐横 中部 静岡県 浜松市 Center 横尾歌舞伎 o/tyuusankan Yokoo Bus Stop (60 尾下⾞、徒歩3分 東四村農村コミュニティ event/yokook Schedule & Key events: min.), and then walk 3 センター内開明座 abikiteikikoue ●daily 16:00-20:00 min. n.html Summary: Autumn Festivals of the shrines. The highlight of this festival is Kaichu- togyo in which townspeople jostle each other to carry Mikoshi into the Yukawa-jinja Shrine, sea. Matsubara-jinja Ito Orange Beach: 伊東オレンジビーチ: Shrine, Schedule & Key events: From JR Tokyo Sta, take Chubu Shizuoka Ito Ito Aki Matsuri JR東京駅よりJR特急"踊り https://itospa 10/12 〜 10/13 Ito Orange Beach ●daily JR Limited Express 中部 静岡県 伊東市 伊東秋まつり ⼦"で伊東駅下⾞、徒歩3 .com/ and others "Odoriko" to Ito Sta., daytime Parade of Mikoshi of each shrine, through neighborhoods 分 湯川神社、 ●10/13 and then walk 3 min.

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