Today's weather: A five star Partly cloudy All-American NON PROFIT ORG with highs in newapaper U 5 POSTAGE PAID the 50s. And Newark Del this is ~pring? Perm•t No 26 Vol. 114 No. 26 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716 Fri., April 29, 1988 Blac.ks call for BAS requirement by Maureen Boland Staff Reporter About 75 black students pro­ tested in front of the Student Center and then marched to Hullihen Hall Tuesday, peti­ tioning the university ad­ ministration to make a Black American Studies course re­ quired for all students. According to Deirdre Cooper (AS 89), president of the Black Student Union, there is a need for the course requirement because racial discrimination and ignorance exist throughout campus and have to be stopped. The BSU has formulated a proposal which they submitted to President Russel C. Jones for his consideration, Cooper said. Although the administration has not made a decision, Cooper said she is optimistic about th~ course requirement being implemented. "It's up to the university to give everyone a well-rounded quality education," Cooper said. "This rally was the first step to setting the founda- tion.," _ As the students rallied in a circle on the Student Center patio, they carried signs sup­ porting their cause. "We want to enhance racial harmony and cooperation," Cooper continued, "and limit the amount of racial and ethnic misunderstanding." Cooper spoke to the students SPECIAL TO THE R_EVIEW/ Lloyd Fox about "taking action" and A black student protests for the requirement of a Black American Studies course for all university students during a rally out­ side the Student Center Tuesday afternoon. continued to page 6 Proposed alcohol regulations tabled. Steven Amick, H.-UeL, a represen­ aspects of the problem," Amick said, by Anne Wright wants to drink, it doesn't matter if it's a Happy Hour." tative to the state legislature, said the "and are not dealing with the central - Assistant News Editor Brenda Walter, manager of the Deer ABCC Happy Hour proposal was re­ issues." . Proposals shelved Friday banning Park Tavern, said as long as jected after massive public opposition. "These [ABCC] rules tend to be Happy Hours, pitchers of beer and two bartenders serve responsibly, Happy "Part of it was entirely political in somewhat picky and minute," he for one drinks by the Alcoholic Hours are not a hazard. that enough people were opposed to suggested. Beverage Control Commission <ABCC) Many local tavern and restaurant those regulations that the ABCC deter­ The ABCC may discuss at their May have uncorked a mixed response from managers said .they believe the pro­ mined it wasn't worth pursuing," he 4 meeting a proposal to eliminate pit­ area businesses and state officials. posal to eliminate two for one drink said. chers of beer and two for one drinks Claire 6 'Leary, chairperson for the specials, is a plausible way to help Amick said the government should although O'Leary said the proposal ABCC liaisoh·committee and Delaware reduce highway deaths. concentrate more on the problems that banning pitchers is not a viable solu­ Restaurant · Association, said "Two for one's and half priced drinks arise from alcohol abuse rather than tion to the high incidence of traffic­ eliminating Happy Hours is not the are a disaster," O'Leary said. the symptoms. related deaths in Delaware either. solution the state needs to reduce "Nobody's arguing with that. Amick cited drunk driving and the O'Leary said the proposal is poten­ alcohol-related traffic deaths. "If they abolish two fur one's and serving of alcohol to minors as two top tially "disastrous" for establishments "Saying you can't take 50 cents off half-priced drinks, that's wonderful," priorities. with large capacities. of a drink isn't going to stop the she added. He said harsher penalties for those "You might as well get your drink highway deaths," she said. A Stone Balloon manager said she violating alcohol regulations should be and get at the end of a line," she said, "People are going to drink whether agreed with O'Leary. "[Two for one's] implemented. "because by the time you get back up they pay $2 for the drink or $1.50," force you to drink that other drink "[Happy Hours, selling pitchers or [to the bar] again, you're out of a O'Leary added. "If someone really when you migh! not ~a~t it." she said. two drinks for one] are really minute continued to page 10 Page 2• The Review • April 29, 1988--------------------------------------------- Liquor laced <·andy Senate subpoenas Fonner Nazi guard The HPG-:w vaccine, Bush also said he can developed by Viral answer questions about his <·auses controversy North's diaries sentenced to df'ath Technologies of Washington, foreign policy credentials D.C., will be tested on 24 AIDS­ after the Iran-contra affair, John Demjanjuk, convicted infected v·olunteers, and will questions he believes Dukakis The century-old European The Senate Foreign Rela­ last week of war crimes com- determine if the vaccine is will raise. tradition of adding small tions Committee voted Tues­ . mitted .at the Treblinka con­ safe and stimulates immune reactions. amounts of liquor to day to subpoena the private centration camp during World ' • . chocolates has some candy diaries of Lt. Col. Oliver L. War II,.was sentenced by an This will be the first time an companies claiming that the North, as they may contain in­ Israeli judge Monday to be AIDS vaccine is tested on Accutane linked. practice can help turn formation about international hanged, The News-Journal humans. chocoholics into alcoholics, drug smuggling operations, reported. to 'birth defects The News-Journal reported. according to The Philadelphia Demjanjuk, known as "Ivan The Chocolate Manufac­ Inquirer. the Terrible," operated the turers Association has taken gas chambers at Treblinka, Rush wins GOP no position on this controver­ ~en. John F. Kerry, D­ where s;;o,ooo Jews were kill­ non1ination in P A A Food and Drug Ad­ sy becaus~ is "a divisive Mass., said North and his at­ ed between 1942 and 194:~. ministration panel has recom­ torney, Brendan V. Sullivan mended restricting the issue''....-atiiong its members, The 14-month trial was the With the victory in the Penn­ said-Susan Smith, director of Jr., could be held in contempt second in Israel in which so­ distribution of Accutane, an of Congressional proceedings sylvania primary Tuesday, acne drug linked to birth public and legislative affairs meone was charged with war Vice President George Bush in McLean, Va. if they defy the subpoena. crimes. Adolph Eichmann had defects, The New York Times has won the Republican reported. Thomas Fey, president of Kerry chairs a Senate sub­ been the first. presidential nomination and Godiva Chocolate, said the committee investigating possi­ has started his battle against fear of children getting drunk ble links among drug smug­ his likely opponent, . A study by the panel has in­ on chocolate is "not a signifi­ glers, the CIA, and New AIDS vaccine Massachusetts Gov. Michael dicated 900 to 1,300 infants cant problem. You would get Nicaraguan contra supply ef­ S. Dukakis, according to The have been born with defects sick to your stomach from all forts led by North and others. ready for testing Wasl).ington Post. caused by the drug. the chocolate you've eaten Bush stated he plans to fight before you would get any im­ In hearings earlier this A U.S-developed experimen­ Dukakis through the failures If the restriction is approv­ pact from the alcohol." week, convicted smugglers tal AIDS vaccine will be tested of Jimmy Carter and the dif­ ed it will mark the first time Delaware has no bill testified they flew into Central on humans in Britain this sum­ ferences between the can­ the FDA has placed restric­ regulating the alcoholic con­ America with weapons they mer, according to The New didate's stances on major tions on a drug they had tent of candy. believed were for the contras. York Times. issues. previously declared safe. COLD RING SALE ssoOFF18K S4QOFF14K S2QOFF10K Jostens Gold Sale. For one week only. Order and save on the gold ring of your choice. JOSTENS University AMERICAS COLLEGE RINGTM ~.Bookstore Monday-Wednesday, May 2-4 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. $15.00 Deposit Bookstore Concourse -------------------------------~----------------April 29,' 1988 • The Review •P.age 3 DUSC candidates to run unopposed by Craig Harleman ing Student Concerns, is the only contested seats this year. Contested Staff Reporter registered party in this year's election. races generate interest in DUSC and "I hope it's not a sign of student therefore increase [voting]." For the first time since 1984, the race apathy," said Steve Considine CAS 89), He said DUSC is looking for 20 per­ for the majority of seats in the candidate for DUSC president. "I think cent of the student body to vote. but Delaware Undergraduate Student Con­ that students just feel that being a part does not expect it. gress (DUSC) will be uncontested in of DUSC may not be a worthwhile thing . Considine said those running on the the May 4 election. to do." unopposed ticket are"very team­ · · "I think the fact that so many seats Outgoing DUSC President Rick oriented'' and that every member of are going uncontested shows real stu­ Crossland CAS 88) said he feels that the ballot has been involved in DUSC. dent apathy," said Alice Molina <HR neither of these possibilities may be the Considine is currently president of 89), candidate for voting member on case. the Inter-Fraternity Council and the the Faculty Senate.
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