Tie season* work in tb»Y. Jt l«rioi»s*ltt» opjened on. Mo»d»or alftfct; ^n^^J^Ai- ; Ktmed at When the residents of the eastern sec- !• with tbe bnalness men's class. •' Twenty- tion of the city arose Thursday morning Won From Dover five men turned out for drill, and others ibr- tkinday It was discovered that tbe bridge of the are being enrolled continually, and It la Bahway Valley Railroad Company in. Score 4 to 3 expected that between forty; and fifty KODAKS FtnUInCoHcnligLT.LI. course of erection over Asbwood ave- men will bavfrfrlntd the class within a Tb» BIoLToa nss la mort Important' couple of weeks. Medical and physical than tne eamera you use-mor* Impor- nue, tbe piers of which encroached tant than th« lens von use. The ini. upon the street and sidewalk, had been examinations will be given free of tour of experience Insists opon th« film TWELFTH BALLOT DECIDED ofezperiane«. KodakflirahMioreara torn down and tbe heavy timbers And LISTLESS GAME OF BALL charge to anyone wishing them. Among ofexperienc«behlnalt.ftJ5r*~~™" ,• CAfTTCHAM MORRIS A?. UAIE Iron girders removed from the street. the gentlemen who have signified their If it Isn't Eastman, ft Isn't Kodak Film. The company had erected this bridge Intention of joining the class may be Look for "Eastman " on the box; look for ** Kodak " on the spool. Coonciiman R«aWto»sHomIi»tln« Speech contrary to law. and then when there mentioned tbe following:- JR. Wal- o Inspect tbe Fire DepartmcBt-ttcmkal Locals Copped Six Alts From "Duke'*" lace, D. A. Youngs, J. W. Lucas, E.H. as objection by the Common Council, • . • • i Kodak Supplies Enxlac Recalled—Trottey OnUoxacc they asked permission for the obstruc- ! Delivery- and Dover Secured Fofcr Himonson, Howard V. Ormsbee^ Vin- Artiiti' Materials cent Hall, J. E. Baldwin. David A. Picture Kranx I Scbultz, PrcparcJ ant Row Beftee Oanpaaj lery— tions to remain in tbe'Btreet for one From Llndeman—Season is Over j Butler, Henry F. Wolff, Charles" K. year, when they claimed permanent All of tbe members were present ex- Snmmit captured tbe first of tije Strong, Alfred A. Bowers. John D. structures would be erected on the ii MAFLK STaaar, SUMMIT, N. J. cept President Finch, when the meet- • three names to decide the supposed Hood,- Dr. A. H. Mclntosb, Henry Saff, line of the street; this was properly ng of the Common Council was called championship of theLacka wanna league Otis D. Bacheler, J. H. Hammen, denied—by-the Council and an ap- oorderonTnesdar/nlght. Sir. Finney from the Dover team last Saturday AugnstnT" Stephens.. James'3. Gray, plication made to the Court of was chosen a* president pro tern. afternoon on the Park avenne grounds. George A. Rapelyea, B. B. Walling, hChancery for an injunction against . A communication slitned by fifteen — The game was a listless sort of an Robert L. Ormsbee, Ambrose Powell, the coiupanr; which was denied by roperrjr owners on'Ashwooij areone, affair, devoid of tbat Ringer and snappy William R, Fnser, Samuel B. Frank, Vice Chancellor Stevens, on tbe irround ailing toe attention of tbe Conncil to . play which has characterized many of Harry R. Butler, Fred Ritter, Louis W. tbat no damages were shown, though LACKAWANNA he condition of the lower end of the the contests seen on tlie local grounds Roett, Fred Jackson. Reuben H. Reeve,- he'admitted that the abutments were trwt from tbe result of the storm this season, and gave many spectators J. W. Weeks, Mr. Hall. Barron Good- illegally constructed. Xo Sght the water which collects tber* to tbe detri-, the impression that the players did not man. This is the largest business men's case in the courts wfmld entail liti- PARK ment of the property and ioconTenlence care who won, which was not so,as Sum- class ever organized in the history of gation, lasting possibly for a year or f the residents, and requesting thai mit wanted the game, and took it, by the association. Hand your name In two. some plan be adopted to drain the a score of 4 to 8. • \ and*ftet an early start Clasa meets WEST SUBMIT. treet. Referred to the Street Commit- The citizens then determined to take In the first part of this article we Monday and Friday evening* the matter in their own hands, and e*. ( aald-ysnpposed championship"—It was The Benlor department of tbe gym- Dr. W. H. Lawrence of.Snmmit se- about 11 o'clock Wednesday night men AUTTLE CASH Mr. Vreelanc] itanh that a commonl- „ advertised as a championship game— nasium turned out twenty-one men for cared the nomination for Sheriff of proceeded to saw the heavy timbers, cation from tbe Board of Fire Chiefs '* but It now appears that the Dover as- the first night's work, andjhe junior buA -very deslrible Bu&UnS Site. TTpion County, on Thursday afternoon and tbe city's large steam roller was bad been mailed to the Cletk. stating sedation claims the game was played department twenty-seven strong. Ap- In the Republican-County Convention 'brought into action and used effectively hat an inspection of tbe Fire Depart' by "Tommy" Moreheftd'a Cedars, of plications are being received every day, J llftrlh DO IT KOW! ment bad been arranged for Friday Hnd~not~bj~Dover,"as they and the classes promise to be very fatroctbber 18, »t 8 o'clock', tor tbe most exciting and good natnred contests, supports from the street. From tbe had not sanctioned the play off, claim- large In the near future.' Members can jmlt.NJ convenience of the firemen, and reqaeat- ever witnessed in the Connty. amount of work accomplished, a large I. Vv ing that the schedule ended on Septenv join the classes at any time/ and a og the Mayor and Council to-helprea- ' —Snmmit was represented at the number of men inuat have been en- ber 16, and tbat Dover had won theschedule of class meetings can be had ent and participate in tbe tnspectionf^ Convention by nearly one hnndred en- gaged all night pennant. by applying to i Mr. Marcley, physical Y. M. C. A. PAKAGRAPBS. Upon motion, tbe Invitation was ac- thusiastic__and loyal citizens who This action will recall a similar oc Some people can figure at a great director. cepted. "rooted" for Summit and Dr. Lawrence. currence Jn_I898, when the New York rate when they want the figures to The new Prospectus, "Winter Eve* Mr—Ovens presented a request from -Among the number were several Demo- and New Jersey Telephone Company come out In their favor. The Dover is just out. Ask for one at tbe he Pnblic Library officials for a fur- crat*. The large delegation made the attempted to Install their exchange in management says that article 21 state* Read :tbe HERALD Want Ada. office. It Is the most complete booklet ther appropriation" of #300, and npon trip to and from Elizabeth in stages and this city withont proenrimt a franchise that the season should close on Bep- tbe association has ever Issued, and motion the request was granted. —automobiles,- on th« sides of which as from-the -governlng-bodyi-and-as a tamberlC. ana that at that time Dover tells about the -plans for the fall and Mr. Franklin, for the law and Or- veil as on the horses, were. streamers result, one Snnday morning _the poles was in the lead In the pennant race winter. dinance Committee, stated that la re- bearing tbe name of Summit's candidate and wires connecting the central office To Straighten They also claim that the protested The Bible Classes In both the Boys' gard to tbe encroachments on Ashwood for Sheriff. - • ' —__ were cnt down and removed from tbe Madison-Dover game should not be and Men's Departments, will open this avenne and Russell place by the Bab- street. 1 Upon arriving at Elizabeth the- taken from Dover, as the Madison team Children coming vreek. Two men's classes will way Valley Railroad Company, that 'vehicles-were all lined up In front of was not loaded, but simply played ' If children lived out of doors all the start- on Wednesday evening, at 0 be application by cfennsel for a .tem- tbe Convention Halt • Each of the re- - Fire Department-Inspection. Keyestofill In, and that Dover, played year around there wouldn't be many o'clock, and the four boys' classes on porary injunction had been declined t/j presentatives from Summit wearing round shoulders. It is the confinement Tfce annual inspection of the Fire its regular nine of school rooms and the relaxed sitting Thursday afternoon, at fl.fiO. Tbe Vice Chancellor Stevens, based on "a badges bearing thenaine of Dr. Law Department of this <flty by the Mayor, We are not saying that either position that cause therai As soon as the courses are announced In the Prottpec- previous decision by Vice .Chancellor -( rence for .Bhertff, mingled among the Common Conncil and Board of Fire .was "loaded," but tbe National Leagne tendency to stoop Is seen it ought to' be tus." '•' ' Emery, though permission has' been' . delegates from the- County. corrected. Tbe quicker done the easier Chiefs, will occur next Friday night rules prohibits tbe playing of a mem- done, ..There are effective -The gymnasium classes started,this given to present additional papers. The Summit' rooters occupied one The Inspection will not be of the de-ber of one team with another without week with a lanrer number enrolled Upon Mrr_Franklin's motion, a rtsola- r wction in the balcony and aang songs partment as a whole, but the quarters league sanction, and that when such SHOULDER BRACES than ever before.
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