Kennedy - - U L , M: iSB to detail Cold snap new plan bites state, By Andrew J. Davis Manchester Herald Superintendent James P. Kennedy will introduce a new school redistricting plan to the sets record Board of Education tonight that will address concerns from par­ By Maureen Leavitt rector of St. Elizabeth House in ents in the Schooi Street area who Manchester Herald Hartford, said his shelter, with 23 do not want their children sent to emergency beds and 54 long-term Martin Schooi. Connecticut’s first cold snap of beds, has been full since it opened Kennedy originally proposed a the season brought record- two years ago. He said that last redistricting plan two weeks ago breaking temperatures that year more than 20,000 people u.sed to accommodate the reopening of choked dozens of cars in the homeless shelters across the Highland Park School. School Manchester area and had soup state. Street area parents objected to kitchens preparing for a flood of Firefighters in several towns that first plan because it would homeless people. struggled in the cold to put out •send their chiidren to Martin The weather also froze water several blazes, and Hartford School next year instead of their lines, caused scattered power firefighters were busy pumping current school. Nathan Hale outages affecting about 3,000 water out of the first floor of the School. The Nathan Hale Parent- people and worsened problems Legislative Office Building, Teacher Association has pro­ M 'rnmimm rnMwmmmm fighting fires, including one at the where pipes burst this morning. posed keeping area students at Legislative Office Building in The cold also affected firefight­ Nathan Hale next year. Hartford and another at the Cap’n ing efforts at the Cap'n Cork at 485 Discussion on a controversial . mintmmm mm Cork Package Store on North N. Main St. in Manchester, which new high school dress code and an **** imti mmwm mm Main Street, officials said. Ac­ was heavily damaged in a fire anti-truancy call-back system cording to the National Weather reported just after midnight, said also highlight the meeting sche­ Service in Windsor Locks, the low Thomas O’Marra. Eighth Utili­ duled at 7; 30 at 45 North School »*■ iP - - '.'..a . temperature this morning was ties District Fire Department St., said Wilson E. Deakin Jr., minus 3 degrees, which topped a spokesman. assistant superintendent. record low of minus 1 degree set “ Any place water went it froze. Patrick Flynn/McnchMtcr Herald Kennedy would not release in 1962. It was cold and it was nasty.” he details of the new redistricting PLANS REOPENING — School Super­ school will be reopened in September While workers at the Samari­ said. pian except to say it involved tan Shelter on Main Street in But overall. O’Marra said. “ It changes in the School Street area. intendent James P. Kennedy stands in 1989 to ease projected overcrowding in town elementary schools. Manchester were prepared for an (cold) was a minor impact. It “ I ’ll have a new recommenda­ front of Highland Park School. The influx of homeless people seeking didn’t make things more difficult tion based on continued study and respite from the cold, only 27beds than was usual.” meetings we’ve had over the last were occupied last night, said Dozens of unprepared motor­ two weeks.’’ said Kennedy. Denise Cabana, director of the ists found themselves calling the In addition to affecting the Reopening of Highland Park shelter. Automobile Club of Hartford for Nathan Hale and Martin school “We were really very sur­ jump-starts this morning, said districts, the redistricting plan prised." said Cabana. Two nights Mike Klein, spokesman for the would change district lines for to reverse 16-year-old trend last week, 35 or 36 of the beds were Hartford affiliate of the Ameri­ Buckley School in an effort to filled, she said. The shelter has 40 can Automobile Association. draw a school district for High­ beds. He said the club has received an land Park, which wili reopen in Bv Andrew J. Davis The school administration has predicted that “ Sometimes folks just crash average of 65 calls an hour, which September. 1989. Manchester Herald between 400 to 600 more elementary school children wherever they might land rather is not unusual for the Highland Park, which was will be in Manchester within five years. There are than try to make it back here.” temperatures. ciosed four years ago because of When Highland Park School reopens in Sep­ currently 3,670 elementary school children com­ Cabana said. Connecticut Transit’s fleet of declining enrollment, is being tember 1989. it wili reverse a trend of closing town pared to 5.565 in 1972, school records show. She said she planned to keep the older buses was having some reopened to ease projected in­ schools that began 16 years ago. “ We're back into the echo of the baby boom,” said shelter open this morning until 10 difficulty coping with the sub­ creases of elementary school Since 1972. seven schools, including Highland Kennedy. “ That’s what's happening now. All or 10; 30 because of the extreme zero temperatures. enrollment of 400 to 600 new Park, have been closed by the Board of Education, children born in the height of the baby boom (are) cold. About 15 people remained at “ We do have some stalling and students within the next few said James P. Kennedy, school superintendent. having children now.” the shelter early this morning. breaking down,” said Steve years. Highland Park. Lincoln. Buckland. South. Man­ Is the reopening of Highland Park School only the Shelters in Bridgeport were Warren, spokesman for Connecti­ The redistricting plan also chester Green. Bentley, and the main building of first step in attempts to cure the predicted filled to capacity while New cut Transit. He said there would would shrink Nathan Hale’s boun­ Bennet Junior High schools have all been closed burgeoning elementary school enrollment? School Haven shelter officials were be some delays because of the daries. so the school could be over the last two decades. Kennedy said. The officials have talked about adding a wing onto forced to put people in motels breakdowns. There are about 37 made into a “ magnet” school. A ciosings can be attributed to a downturn in Martin School, but have taken no action. because of overcrowding. magnet school is one with special­ elementary school enrollment, while the reopening “ There is a real possibility we are going to need Dennis Oullete. executive di­ See WEATHER, page 10 ized curriculum that would at­ of Highland Park is a reverse of that trend, he said. additional capacity for 200 students.” Kennedy said. tract students townwide. The reopening of the Highiand Park School has “ (But) at best, it’s an educated guess.” The Manchester Interracial resulted in a controversial redistricting plan. That A decision on adding to Martin School will not be Council said at the board’s Nov. proposal, which has drawn largely negative made until school officials can gauge whether there Bolton petitioners 28 meeting that it supported responses from parents and some school board indeed are enough additional students to warrant a “ equitable distribution” of stu­ members, would affect Nathan Hale. Martin and new wing, Kennedy said. Though growth is dents within town schools. “ By Buckley school district boundaries. predicted in the center of town, an addition would be providing cultural, ethnic, raciai Kennedy also has proposed making Nathan Hale a built at Martin School since there is space for it predict 225 names and economic balance, a school “ magnet” school two or more years from now. A there. Kennedy said. Redrawing school boundary not only prepares a student for magnet school is a schooi with specialized lines may be necessary if an addition was built, he Carl A. Preuss voted against the the needs of the present but also curriculum that draws students townwide. The said. By Andrew J. Davis school board is scheduled to vote on those proposals Manchester Herald proposed charter changes at the selectmen’s Dec. 8 meeting, See REMAP, page 10 tonight. See SCHOOLS, page 10 BOLTON — A member of the mainly because of the provision former Charter Revision Com­ which would change the town’s AP photo mission said that she probably form of government from the has enough signatures to override selectmen form to a town man­ Little hope left for more quake survivors the Board of Selectmen’s veto of ager style. Other proposed proposed changes In the Town changes Include eliminating the buildings remained standing af­ Bv Mark J. Porubcanskv with the devastation that left an Charter and bring the matter up Board of Finance and eliminating Related stories ter Wednesday's quake. The Associated Press estimated half million people for a townwide vote. the right of the people at the on pages 4 and 7 Tragedy struck again Sunday homeless, more ethnic violence Virginia Wickersham said she Annual Town Meeting to recom­ when a Soviet military transport YEREVAN. U.S.S.R. - was reported. could not specify how many mend specific cuts in the town plane carrying soldiers to aid in Rescue workers toiled today to Armenian activists said people instability in the ethnically people have signed the petition budget. rescue efforts crashed as it find more survivors in the wreck­ clashed with troops Sunday over troubled republic and said, “ They because there are about 10 copies approached the airport of Lenina- First Selectman Sandra W. age of the mammoth Armenian the arrest of several nationalist must be stopped.” of the petition circulating in town. kan, a city hit hard by the quake.
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