A ••' I ,.*—» Jnsitle-'A foi Spring "Car Care Section The Zip Code for Springfield is 07081 _ IUSPS S12-7JOI Published Every Thursday by Trumar Publishing Corp. 37 Mountain Av».. SprlngflMd, N.J..07N1 M4-77OO VOL. SI NO. VI Mailing Addrtll: Subscription Rate Second Clast Poltaoe . P.O. Box 49, Springfield, N.J 07081 SPIUNGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, APRIL 17,1980 til.SOYtarly -i Paid al Springfield. N.J Regional board eliminates 14 By LINDA CARLEU chemislry teacher at Gov. Livingston math at David Brearloy and (Jov. Liv- was seven to two, with hoard members Twelve teachers were dismissed Regional High School, should not be ingston schools; Sandra Grossman, Stephen A. Marcinak and Roland because of declining enrollment and dismissed. .math at .Jonathan Dayton; John Kufel, •Ilecker casting the dissenting voles. two. others fired bceausc.of unsatisfac- She is »n "exceptional teacher...and aviation at- Jonathan Dayton and Ar- Laurie Blinder, features editor of the tory performance during a 2'2-hour has the rapport' and respect (if her thur L. Johnson; Nancy Longueil, art at (Vusader nnri-nni' of 2(1 s'tudenls present Regional Board of Education meeting students which too few teachers Jonathan Dayton and". Arthur L. to support .Traficante,' said ho is a Tuesday night. have...You say you cannot afford to Johnson; Norman. Mopsick, social "respected, admired teacher" arid, The 12 dismissals because of declin- rehireher. I say we can't afford to lose studies at Gov. Livingston; James noted their Under his leadership, the ing cnrollm'ent will bring the total her," said Lcland Key of Berkeley O'Brien, math at Gov. Livingston. paper look first plm-i'in the WO .Colum- DURIlfo OUR CUT SIU-O-TUON OUR OUS- number of teacher reductions in the Heights, president of PTA at Gov. Liv- Also, Susan Poling, science at Gov. TOIIHI* MOVED UP FROM FOMVOMm bia Scholastic Press Association ('.'(in- :hool-system-tor22-hv-Scprcmbei, ac- i —Livingston: Nicholas sarnelll, math at vention. cording to Charles Bauman, director of She has 17 years of teaching ex- David Brearley; Diane Sinisc,-science "lie did a superb job.and deserves personnel- for . the regional school perience, seven which are in the at Arthur L. Johnson and Scott Van another chance," said editor Chuck Me- district. Tenjjpsitions being vacated by regional district, noted Linda Hart, malhal Gov. Livingston. ('ulcheon. • • . resigning leaehors will not be filled, he Lodcnkamper of Berkeley Heights, the The staff cuts were made in subjects The sax survey was voluntary and 24 M.P.G. said,' I '•".•• parent of two. students at Gov. Liv- that are in less demand and by seniori- distributed-, March III to random, In another matter, Christopher ingston. She has "competence and en- ty,' according to Board President homerooms, Traficante, a throe-yeaT Traficante, English Icachor at Arthur thusiasm for teenagers," she added. Charles Vilale. "We're cramped, we're veteran Of the school, system-, .said. L. Johnson school rind advisor to the The board voted to consider hiring ' confined .with monetary restriction's.. They were collected by administrators school newspaper, was let go because Feldman as. a full time substitute It's very unpleasant th have to tell p™- right after they were distributed, he' showed poor judgment in the teacher who would be hired as a science pie they can't have their jobs hack," he Blinder said. The survey asked ques- distribution of a sex survey in the high teacher when ii position becomes va- said. ... tions about.teenage srauality, attitudes school, board members said. cant; The board will take up that issue Two other teachers were dismissed and practices, Tralicanle said. The 22 leaching positions which will im May.'Bndrd Secretary Harold Bur . Tuesday night because of unsatisfac- The name of the .second teacher be cut out next year are more than the dgeJr.said. - . tory performance. Traficanle, English dismissed because of unsatisfactory 18 positions the board anticipated The 12 whose positions will be ter- teacher at Arthur L. Johnson and ad- performance was not released. minnlnH nt- n( llinn Tl ilwludo two •Hw-t-'niimilor, (ho nohnol'ii inn *hrt»H« , Ihc liuaiil vnluil tu up.in Dcccmben,_Rauman said. During tenured teachers, Peidma.n and Gerald tlily newspaper, was dismissed because abolish two'administrative positions the public portion, of meeting, four peo- Delia Sala, a social sciences teacher at of the poor judgment he exhibited in the from. the school system. Those are ple of the more than 60 present told the the Gov. Livingston School. distribution of a sex survey at the high .director.Of instructional media services board that Barbara Feldman, a tenured The 10 others are Nicholas Di Sarro, school, board members said. The vole and director of technical services. BRAND'NEW 1 = SUNBIRDS PHOENIXS TESTINGTHESTREAM-Str«amwalk*ri*Bob Rlxonof Llnd*n, Dan Monahanof GRN1DPRIX FIREBIRD •Clark and D«nnls Jonei of Rahway conduct ttsti on th* north branch ol the Rahway River In Mountalmlde. Th* >tr*am wai pronounced 'In good ihap*'-by the streamwalkcri. * (Photoby Linda Carlau) State moves to LOUS ME S IN STOCK! IRRIVINfilTMUON> IN STOCK! By LINDA CAItlJEU .delayed since 1973 when the first en- nring noise, did and trucks to the com- asked. EVERY MY! Cleaner water goal A stuto proposal to buy the Houdaillc vironmental impact statement was op- munity. She also Said thequarry might Kessler said the state might.consider 5 IMMEDIATE • Aeeird) • CUIee • Prelude) IMMEDIATE run „, Qiinrry iSifiM i H -pasod by groups of residents who were be used as ;i dumping area by other con- putting a fence around the property lo InunatJlnfa DaJrvaty DEllVERiD I •another. ;f|ai-£)uj> in the scven-ycar:long successful in . having- ,tlu> project struction operators or residents. prevent that problem, as the Houriiiillr *'• ..•• B DELIVERY! OnCardnSlMkl DELIVERY! 1 PRICE controversy over Die completion of delayed. ' ' . "Whose to slop stray dumpers?" shi. iCniilimicd ml IKI^C-:]) $ for streamwalkers Route78: . The. final environmental impact CATAUNA-S' 6905 The 160-acre property with borders statement is undergoing final reading By LINDA CARLEU • Avenue that ends on Merck's-pnopcrty. on Shu'npikc and Mountview Roads : hfil Itfl44 'I'll I Ml ftlJV l( T h ll l^i i Ifl 4MI * by the state DOT and the FHWA. " Raw:sewage,.detergents,Jitter_and Getting permission from Merck, of- T would=be used-as-a-tlisposalTirea; for- —Acquisition of the Houdaille Quarry is' toxic chemiclcs arc a few of the things ficials to take tests on the land has been Madeline Lancaster GMMMK-JS- *B787 construction materials during the com- nbt» listed specifically in the final en- difficult so far, she said. l«lri* tail »WHM. I ***>. « (J« M« .HUVW. that can be found in Union County pletion of Route 78, if it should go vironmental impact statement for rivers aside from water. Dangerous One case recently ended successfully, through the Watchung Reservation ac- Route 711, an<l"urdinarily-the property- FIREBIRD -wr.*B74T TRANS AM "Er "782 levels of wastes, paint and detergents when the DEP ordered Capitol Records cording to John Kessler, division head could not be aquired withqut such a earns citizen award Rp I I M f wemwei«? Seepinpgg frAftBli2d1)cth!frffriuliifabetf&e sCWesewer -.in Rosclle to install cooling tanks on its of the Federal Highway Administration statement. •. :...•'.. _.The SpringfieLd.Ljpns^Club will honor USli li W>'ol--tb' 'tfdol down water, with system into the Elizabeth River, accor- (FHWAK '•.-•. • ', Madeline E. Lancaster as ''citizen of temperatures Up "to 176 degrees "However, Kessler called the quarry a ding to the state Department of En- The proposed fi'i; mile right of way Furenheit, which it had been discharg- "special animal." The quarry is includ- the year" at a dinner-dance April 30 at vironmental Protection (DEP)V would extend 2'A- miles through the. ing into Morses creckrThe hot water, ed in the final-environmental impact the Short Hills Caterers, it was Reservation arid join completed sec- Polluters who'are discharging*6rganic which was pouring from pipes on the statement li'ri the sense that three announced this week by Arthur H. tions of the highway • now ending in solvents into King's Cre'ek in Linden bank of the creek, posed a danger to million cubic yards of excavated Buehrer, club president. ALWAYS OVER 300 USED CARS Bcrkely Heights and Springfield. have not been identified ydt. children playing npnrthftstrenmin'thnt. pg material from the constructionmust he Buehrer stated that, Lancaster "will MAXON-THE USED CAR CAPITOL IN STOOK-Wi TAKE TRADES'!!! —rThE—Elizabcth~RiveT~pnjbli!in hus"" disposed ol, Ije said. The Houdaille be the i.4th recipient oi ihls award tor primarily residential area as well as '• Springfield blficials learned bl the , been corrected for the present by harming aquatic plant and animal life, state's proposal to buy the property Quarry would be used for that purpose, outstanding community service. The unclogging - Elizabeth's aging sewer according to Moore. aftor a March 11 meeting between of- he said. Lions- do not bestow this ^honor on an lines which caused wastes to be chan- • The overall temperature of the ficials from Summit, Union County and Using the quarry.to dispose of the ex- annual basis, but' present it only when neled into the river. The source of. the stream had been raised from-39 to 69 the state Department of TranspMaiiou- xiualcdjnaterial would-be "an advan- extraordinary community service,is to chemicals which are polluting King's degrees Farenheit, a difference which (DOT). During that meeting, Russ tage to the- community because tho- be recognized." Creek and other country rivers has not exceeds limits established by.
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