,. NAT'L JACL SCHOLARSHIPS .. CHAPTERS FACE APRIL 1S DEADLINE o•• ..•• TO SELECT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE ..•• SAN FRANCISCO - Se\'en- dent during the 1036-38 bl­ teen awards amounting to 55.- enniwn. fD 400 for 1973 h.igh scbool grad- 8 years-Or. Taka.hi Tor. 1ft uates continuing on to college mj 'Memorial. two at $250 are to be presented through each, from Mrs. Hisako Tera- By HENRY T. TANAKA the National JACL scholar- mi of Sacramento In memory National JACL P re ident sh.ip prOgl·am. of her late husband who was VOL. 76 NO. 9 FRIDAY, III ARCH 9, 1973 aubaertpUon l\..Ite Per Year 12 CENTS the t u.s. sa. B'orelen 58.50 A year ago. I met Tom Local area chapters are to D tUUrsc BIsseki tlo earn a Ph"t' nominate their most qualified . a er e e~' an d taug Hibino, a native Connecti- candidate April 15. National mathematics at SI. Thomas cut Sansei and recent Headquarters will acknow- ~l~le::din ~~ ':"'1~~~ ~1c~~ graduate of Oberlin Col- ledge by submitting a form- bI lege, who presently is co· al application to the candi- ~~r byC h ~I:';,o:ed O~;t~,~~, ~~d ordinator of the newlv es· date. who must meet an April wife ilfari onetime J\IDC gov- MATSUNAGA BILL T · D· · M · d tablished Asian American 30 deadline. The candidate emor • should remit with transcript 7 years _ Gongoro Naka. FOR PEACE DEPT. rl- Istrlct eetlng raws Program at Oberlin Col· of grades .and letters of rec- mura Memorial, one at S400, lege. 1 also met a group of ommendation. from a trust establl.hed by Oberlin students who or· The announcement of IIfrs. Hisaye Nakamura of Los awards will be made in 1\lay. Angeles, in memory or her Nominations are open to pioneer Issei leader husband. R ~I~,~~~~~,( ; ~D Ober lin College those of Japauese ancestry 6 year u.mitomo Bank of and family members JA- CallJ. cholarshlps. two at 160 JACLers to Fresno ot CLers. The scholarsh.ips are $500 each, with preference to Senat e; C ha nce for ganized lhe college Asian not open to candidates who students in business, finance, American Alliance. Some reeei\"e 0 t b e r scholarships economics trade or account­ Passage Favora ble By DARRY K. HONDA housing. That JACL stays youth to consider other mean. the hospital •. open-minded on these i!!SUes 01 llveUhood now by study­ of the students are active w h i c h stipulate deductions ing. FRESNO, Calif. - Tbe ftrst Panel 3: Membership JACLers. from such awards of amounts 5 years-Kcl1jl Kasni ~le ~ WASHINGTON - Legisla­ is a vigorous sign for the 01'- ing the trades and protesslon. received from other scholar- morial. one at 500. from a Tri-Dlstrict Meeting involving ganizalion, Kubota sald. Harry lida of Salinas and Dr. J ames Nagatani 01 Del­ I wa impressed by the Uon to establish a cabinet­ the 60 chapters In Californla sh.ips. trust account [rom the es­ level U.S. Department 01 Unofficial support was also Robert Takahashi of San Luis ano JACL moderated the next thoughtful planning thal tate of the late Kenji Kasai here this past weekend at the panel on JACL membersblp Procedure Peace W 3!' re-introduced Feb. Townehouse distinguished it­ observed lor a JACL legis- Obispo, both non-I'!""ers, as preceded the establish· of San Francisco. lalive advocate in Sacramen- pane~sts, stated thell' concern activities, alded by Tom SbI­ 27 b)' Rep. Spark Matsunaga self on many counts. gekuni 01 Gardena Valley, ment of the Program, and Candidates are not to be 3 rea outh Park Japa- (D-Ha wali), who said that the to, but from a practical as C1t1z.ens ~d observers ot named for a particular schol­ Dse Community of "'ea ttle Over 160 delegates regis­ standpoint, it may be the the farming Sltuatlon in their SeUcbl Otow of Placer Coun­ asked Tom to send me a end ot the war in Vietnam tered including 50 from Sou­ ty and Tom Sblmasakl ot Tul­ arship with.in the 17, the Scholarship, one a t 500. from may have a favorable impact o'nd:":~'ied report which I could s hare chapters were reminded. a trust account to J ACL. thern CalifOrnia, 40 !rom Nor­ JA<?L Northern Calilornla the expansion are County. Each zealously on the bill's chances of pas­ thern California. reglonal director who will as- 01 floriculture in Watsonville espoused '" i t h PC readers. Tom YOD e~ the continulng need The judging committee wiil 2 years - i\litsuyUkl sage in the 93rd Congress. National JACL ofllcers pre­ sume thl~ r~le as part 01 bi. and Monterey, wblle Takaha- tor J ACL, the importance ot writes: rank finalists in order, the mura Memorial. onc at 250, Matsunaga. who sponsored sent wcre president Henry T. responslblll~ . shl pointed to labor problems from l\Jrs. Fusako Yonemura, the chapter membership com­ 1n its second year or opera­ top-ra te candidate receiving the bill in the last Congress Tanaka of Cleveland, vice­ Pane-l 2: Farm Labor in his area. mittee cbainnan in the JACL ' 0. I - the $500 Pvt. Ben eattle in memor)' of h u s - with Rep. Seymour Halpern presidents F rank Iwama and tion, the Pl"Ogram is one of In the panel on larm labor As for migrant labor, the scheme. the few in colleges or univer­ F ran k Masaoka memorial band, a 442nd ,'eteran CD-NY.), now retired. sald James Murakami, \l"easurer Otow wondered if the trend sities outside the West Coast scholarshlp. Now in its 28th National JACL supplement..< in a s p~h on the House Al Hatate, three district gov­ moderated by Fred Hlrasuna Flllpinos are the only Asian to U.S.-Japan trade could year, the award was estab­ the awards with f.h:e a t 200 floor today that enactment 01 ernors, Helen Kawagoe of of Fresno, Kubo pralsed the Americans in their midst, Ku­ acth·ely concerned with the all-Ch.icano city council of bo noted. lida said many new blow up a la 1941 and urged history. culture, and contem­ lished by ~ I rs. Han,ye Masa­ each. These have been pro­ the measure would be one of PSW. Dr. Hany Hatasaka ot a strong JACL to stem tbat porary situahon of Asians in oka. Los Angeles, in memory vided tor the past 17 rears. his top priorities this year. NC-WN and Dr. Izwnl Tani­ Parlier tor civic betterment Issei who tolled on tbe farms surge. Sblmasakl considered America of her son who was killed " It enacted, my bill would guchi of tbe host CCDC. And through federal funding tbat 15 years ago in San Joaquin programs in ecology, peace, The initial impetus for such in Europe while se.l·\"ing with supply the missing answer to Barry Malsumoto was on his would have never happened Valley are now the flower social conditions, right of dis­ a program was the result of the H2nd RCT. Dr. Harry the question. 'Who's in charge first west coast tour since be­ before. He noted Sen. Zeno- growers in his al'ea. sent as meeting the interests informal discussions involving Abe of Long Island, N.Y .. co­ o! peace around here any ­ ing named last fall Dave E. vich introduced a bill making TosbJko Yosblda 01 WIl­ ot youth, suggesting JACL vandalism exceeding $500 in shire J ACL added the recent­ Asian American students, fac­ reeipient of thjs scholarship Philadelphia hosts way?' It said Matsunaga. liThe Ushio, national executive di­ embark in these areas to at­ ulty. and towllspeople on a when it was initiated in 1946. purpose ot the Department of rector, and the PC editor damages a felony, know. Iy arrived Immigrants from track the Sansei. wide range of related topics. a nd National JACL supple­ Pes ce would be to promote were other JACL staffers. mecbanization will take over the P.bilippines are making Sblgekuni declared ttbe JA- fanning and hopes this will strong gains as professionals Emergi ng from these discus­ ment Mrs. Ma,aoka's contrib­ the cause and ad\'ancem ~t Content-wise, many timely Continued on Pale , sions was agreement on the ution to the award. EDC quarterly of peace by t hi s nation subjects were aired, each dis­ encourage Mexican American and technician., especially in follo,ving observations: (I) Other awards being admin­ throughout the world. The t l"iCl making its O\vn contrib­ that there are unaclmowl­ istered by National J A(,L, in Secretary of the new Depart­ ution through member pan­ edged social, economic, and terms of duration. are with installation ment would de\'elop and rec­ elists, questions and com­ mental health problems in the 11 years-Col. Walter Tsu­ ommend to the President ap­ ments !rom the floor. larger Amel"asian community; propriate plans, programs and Nisei views on Career Education kamoto Memorial, two at S250 Farm Tour (2) that the Asian American CHERRY HILL. N.J - PhJ­ policies designed to foster each; gi" en annually by Mrs. ladelph.ia JACL hosts the student at Oberlln possesses Tomoye Tsukamoto of a n peace. He would cooperate distinct academic and cultural Eastern District Council here with the governments of oth­ wi ~ ~ t~~ :f-t,:g!~\t;,~~~ (Sped at to The Paclfie Cltlz.... ) Todd Endo, in one of the to offering resolntions which I\lateo, in memory of ber hus­ Mar. 10, rulminating ,vith the Nisei farm operations. Harry WASHlNGTON--.JACLers in early Conference presenta- would be submitted to the needs that are not presentl.
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