Weather JfWt, and mOd tomtit, bw MM «• Twnerrow vtrUbli (SleuduwM aad mild, Ugh JMe. Outlook Wednesday, partly Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., IW6. cloudy and mild with chant* of MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 ss. NO. 186 «rttt MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1966 7c PER COPY Report U.S. Planes Raiding North Viet From Thai Bases HONG KONG (AP) — The Because of internal political cent journalistic visitor said U.S. presumably for writing about the this liberty port in the next twt> United States has added new air considerations, Thailand—strong- spokesmen in Bangkok now de- U.S. air strikes. Newsmen are weeks. Presumably Communist power to bases in Thailand from ly anti-Communist and a stout cline even to give official brief- not allowed to visit the bases Intelligence is at least as well which American war planes can supporter of U.S. policy in Viet ings on the U.S. air activity from to write about their real ac- informed. range over North Viet Nam, ac- Nam — is sensitive to any pub- Thailand, apparently on orders tivities. Here is the picture of U.S. cording to responsible informa- lication of the role U.S. Air from the Defense Department. However, the American airmen air activity provided by men who tion here. bases there play in the Viet Nam A recent U.S. news magazine speak openly of what they are should know: U.S. officials in Bangkok in- war. article outlining American ac- doing. The U.S. air role in An eighth squadron of U.S. sist these Thai bases are used Wall of Silence tivity there, caused particularly Thailand is perhaps die most Air Force fighter-bombers has only for training purposes, al- U.S. and other newsmen sta- sharp Thai reactions. Some open secret in a war with such arrived in Thailand to step up though American airmen on rec- tioned in Bangkok' normally months ago one American press gaping security leaks that al- the American air effort- over reational leave from them open- would report on the U.S. air ac- association correspondent based most any Hong Kong bar owner North Viet Nam. ly describe their participation in tivity there, but they run into in Thailand had to leave the can provide a rundown on which The locations of the U.S. base* raids over Viet Nam. a wall of official silence. A re- country, Us visa not renewed, 7th Fleet warships are due in (See PLANES, Page 3)' . , Gets Under Way at Rutgers Today FISHING LINES dangled in Shrewsbury River at Sea Bright over the weekend at Guy Convention Bi-Partisanship Dead Wilbanki, II, and his.brother Clay, 5, som of Mr. and Mn. Guy Wifbanki, 13 River St., S»s Bright, tried for e pre-ipring catch. But the fiib wer» not co-operative. By WILLIAM HENDERSON political significance, the Demo- two vice presidential slots is for- being voted in as convention gavel, but one Republican dele- NEW BRUNSWICK — Bi-par- crats are running Adrian M. mer Monmouth County Assem- president. gats, former Sen. Walter H. Spring, by the way, came in at 8:53 last night. I Daily Register staff photo by Bruce tlsanshlp may be a forgotten Foley, an active party irtan who blyman Patrick. J. McGann, Jr., It is known that Assemblyman Jones, Bergen .County Repub\ Brody.l word when the 126 Democratic reportedly has ambitions to be- of Llncroft. Alfred N. Beadleston,' R-Mon- lican chairman, is in EuropW and Republican delegates gather come governor in 1969. Mr. MoGann told The Regis- mouth, also a delegate, a stick- This gives the Republicans only' today for the opening of the The Republicans' choice to op- ter: ler on rules who has a great 55 votes and their opponents M. state's fourth Constitutional Con- pose Mr. Foley is a non-politjco, "Of course, there are bound knowledge of reapportionment, The convention rules ;provide' vention. Dr. Sammartino, president of to be some political overtones will have his say before voting that Democratic Gov. Richard J.' State Health Officials the convention, called by or- Fairleigh Dickinson ' University but after a few meetings I think on any issue. Hughes shall vote to break a der of the state Supreme Court and a delegate from Bergen things will slow down to a nor- The election of the convention tie over the presidency but the" to draft a permanent plan for County. If he loses, Dr. Sam- mal gait—I hope so, anyway, so president shapes up as the hot- Republicans say it wouldn't be reapportioning the stae Legisla- martino will run for vice presi- we can get the proper job done." test issue on the agenda. a tie because they'd ba one vote ure, convenes at U a.m. in the dent. Mr. McGann doesn't see Mr. The rules call for 57 votes to short Ask Action in Madison Rutgers University gym. The Democrats' pick for one of Foley having too much trouble in name the man who'll swing the (See CONVENTION, Page 3) By JACQUELINE ALBAN son for health services »s com- of New Jersey (1965) as weU as All signs of non-partisanship, MADISON TOWNSHIP — "Hiepared to the recommended mini- the Food and Beverage Vending the basis upon which all the dele- •tate Department or Health, af- mun of (1.50. Machine Code of New Jersey gates were elected March 1, are ter an exhaustive study here, has The Recommendations (1981) or adopt comparable lo- expected to evaporate during made a series of recommenda- cal codes.. prolonged floor fights over the Bedell Still Asks State Ruling The study contains these rec- tion? for health improvements in —Request the health officer to naming of a convention presi ommendations: dent, interpretation of rules, the the township. —Employ the services of a administer a planned food estab- One of them, that' a full-time lishment program to Include an election and seating of officers full-time licensed health officer and other regulations. health officer be employed, al- to administer a comprehensive annual Inspection of each estab- ready is being followed by the lishment, more often U neces- Two other headaches confront- On Spending of College Funds public health program on ing the delegates are decisions local Board of Health which this a planned basis. sary: documentation and filing week will advertise for appli- of a standard Inspection form on how many reapportioiunent FREEHOLD — Monmouth mouth - College spends coun- —Employ the services of a 11-. So far, Mr. Bedell said, he has college had expanded to a, four- cants. for each establishment; sam- plans should be submitted to the Countji Freeholder Eugene J. Be- ty funds legally. had no answer. year program, as long as the censed sanitary inspector on a voters next November and the The state study was made at pling of foods, on a project dell said last night that theStati The lone Democratic freehold- Dr. Kilpatrick told a reporter use was for the junior full-time basis. As recommended method of breaking tie votes. Department of, Education ant! the request of Councilman Rich- programs are activated, it is basic to determine compliance g er said he doesn't doubt the Friday that the issue of use of exclusively. ard A. Deally, Jr., Republican witt lqcal and state require- For convention president, a not County Counsel John M. PiU> county's right to allocate funds county funds should ba raised •fall to See' . : probable that one additional full bury should rule whether Mon member of the board. time sanitary Inspector will- be ments; embargoing of foods post which carries plenty of to Moinhouth for Us junior dlvi- with count? counsel. Mr. Pills- "Since the college charger tx-. known or suspected to b» adul- actly the same tuition to junior In the process of the survey, needed. '• *wn- but disputes wnether they bury had previously held that the terated, mlabranded or. unwhole- have been used properly to bene- use was proper on a basis of a division students as to four-year state Inspectors uncovered more —Provide the health officer and students, I fail to' see how the than SO health violations, sever- some within the meaning of local fit junior; division students. 1958 opinion from the office of his staff with adequate support ordinance or state law, and com- former Attorney General Graver county money beqeflw the junior al of them "major" violations. in clerical assistance, office Hotiwrd to Testify' This question, along with a re- damnation, destroying or otherT C. Richman. division exclusively or offset* its The study complained that the space, supplies and equipment. quest for .an opinion on alloca- costs." ' ' wise disposing of food unfit for tion of state funds which might "The 1958 opinion," said Mr. township has not properly en- —Rescind the current food human consumption. it handling establishment code and On Traffic Bill be authorized for Monmouth Col- Bedell, "was that the county The college has explained forced tht state housing code —Recommend to council that adopted in 1963, and said that adopt for reference the updated WASHINGTON-Rep. James J. Howard, D-NJ.,SdDlJt., lege; was raised March 1 in a could contribute funds for sup- that it credits county funds Madison spends 58 cents per per-retail food establishment Code (See MADISON, Page 2) will be one t>f the main witnesses Wednesday when his com- tetter to Dr. Edward Kilpatrick", port of the Monmouth College against the cost of operating the mittee on Public Works opens bearing* on traffic legislation. an assistant state commissioner.
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