Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-25-1989 University News, April 25 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. More than you care to know Boise about the latest Hemingway State Center publishing effort. University See page nine. Volume IX Issue 26 April,25, 1989 Boise human rights marchers holdiug thc hunner nsu scnt to thc Coeur d 'Alcnc 1II11rch prntestlng thc na- tionul skinhead conference hosted hy the ArY:lII Nutions orgunlzutiou. Photo by' Jeff Faulkner BSU students, staff join Coeur d'Alene anti-Nazi march h)' Jeff Faulkner und not as a representative of the univer- Hayden resident Theresa Hernandez ment videotaped the people attend- Elementary school student Isaac Karen Knnnnunu " sity, said, "l think as a society we've said, "I'm glad this thing is happen- ing the rally. He said the tape would Turner of Coeur d'Alene -said he The University Neil'S become too willing to sit in front of, ing now cause there's been so many not be part of an intelligence file. marched because "Mom and Dad the TV and watch people do things. " harrassmcnts against us this year." Dickson taped at least one man who came. I wanted to come, 100." When Lisa Anderson of Coeur March organizer Spencer Ham of She said she and her family had said he objected and covered Turner said of interracial relations, d'Alene announced, "The Aryan Na- Spokane said at the rally, "I'm go- been threatened by anonymous, anti- Dickson's lense with his hand. "I think they should just get along tions is not here," Iter audience, more ing to dedicate the rest of my life to Hispanic phone callers earlier in the Dickson questioned people's con- together and not try to spoil each than 1,000 people, cheered .and , promoting racial equality. I'm not year. cerns with his videotaping and said, other, " applauded. genua run from anyone." , 13SU students Eric Love and Rick '" may be filming for posterity." Issac's mother, Chris Turner, said, Anderson spoke at a human rights The marchers varied in age, Overton were among the Boisean -He later said he was making the "It (racism) is here, and it's terrible rally which was the culmination of political affiliation, religion, color, marchers. Love, also the Black Stu; tape "for my grandchildren." that it's here, but it's not all of us; the seven-mile march she and her nationality and sexual preference. As dent Union's president, said after the A contingent of Guardian Angels it definitely isn't all of us." listeners made April 22 as an affir- they marched, they carried signs, march, "I feci great. I think the from Portland, Vancouver B.c., Seat- Somcuf the signs the marchers mation of human rights. banged drums, chanted and sang in march was a 100 percent success. We tic and Yakima also attended. "To us, carried displayed such slogans as The march, which began in Coeur support of human equality. ucccmplishcd everything IVewanted this is a part of the ongiong fight "Abolish Apartheid in IDAHO and d'Alene and ended in a, field ncar Lennea Magnuson of Moscow said. to do and there were no casualties." against racism," Guardian Angel So" Africa;" "Smash the Nazi Richard Butler's Aryan Nations com- she joined the march because "I've Lo~al' residents who did not par- Tim Meyerhoff of Portland said. skinheads;" "Silence = Death;" pound at Hayden Lake, also was a been fighting it (racism) since I.was ticpate in the march lined areas' along Meyerhoff said skinhead recruit- "Aryan Nations to Beirut;" and response to the national skinhead about two yeats old, when we the way silently. Several of them men! in Portland is up and added "I gathering and celebrationof Hitler's adopted my brother. I decided to do refused to comment, including one don't like their type of scum in my See "March, , page 12. birthday being held at the it in a 'more public way." Magnuson employee of Home Video in Hayden city." compound. said her adopted brother had one who said her employer would not BSV' Student Union Assistant black parent and one white parent, allow her to speak to the press. Director Brian Bergquist, who said Other marchersalso.spoke of per- Captain TOIi) Dickson of the he marched for personal reasons and sonal experiences with prejudice. Kootenai County Sheriff's Depart- ,SRL raises BSU apartment rents by Russell T. Gould There is conflicting information However, Sheridan said another The University Neil'S' about thc reasons for the increase, he reason for the rent increase is'to make said. the university apartments more com- .Rents in the university apartments Sheridan said, "Why can't some- petitive with those in the surrounding arc going up 3.7-11 percent July I, ac- one just explain to us in a straight- ' community. cording to Assistant Directorof Stu- forward manner why our rents arc Salary and utility cost increases deni Residential Life Dave Boerl. being raised?" and adjustments in the varying costs, The reasons for the increase, Bocrl , Tenants were informed of the in- for similarly sized units in the said, are legislature-mandated salary .crease request in the March and April University Heights, Manor and increases, utility rate increases and , issues of the SRL newsletter, Apart- Courts arc the reasons S RL Director maintenance needs. ment Life, The March issue says the Richard Mckinnon cites for the rent However, some students who live reason for the increase is "to con- .incrcase ina Feb. 14 memo to 'Vice in the University Courts, where rents tinue to provide quality services and President for Student Affairs David will be increased 8-11 percent, said programs and to fund legislated Thylor. These changes will begin to that thcy think the reason for the in- salary increases." However, the April make "our ratcs be'morc competitive crease is"unclear and that the increase Apartment Life says the. reas'on is to ' with those in the surrounding com- is forcing some families to move. meet salary incrcases and "new utility munity," according to the memo, Sophomore Phil Sheridan, who, costs." . Also in the'memo, McKinnoilsays, with his wife and three children, livcs Boerl said electricity rates arc go- "I plair ncxt year to continue· ad- in the Courts, said, "My feeling is ing up. "Idaho Power has reached an . justing the rents to eliminate internal Bill Weber tries to cat his icc creum bcrorc iI melts during thc'Stude"1 that SRL legitimately needs the agreement with the IPUC (Idaho incqui.ties and to be more competitive Organizational Fair held in.the quad April 19. Photo by Brian Becker money .... On the other hand, 'I Public Utilities Commission) for an know there are families leaving." 8 percent increase." See 'Rent,' page 12. , ~;.','. 2 The University News April 25. 1989 r-F-.··R·E- E·-scHOLAiHjjiroRMAnoNFOR· I~t~,=~~ IsruDENTS WHO NEED I _ 8q,~~J;9~22 I MONEY FORCOLLEGE I~~~~ Top students, alumni honored I Every Student Is Eligible for Some 'TYpe of IB ..~ . El Ten of BSU's best and brightest students and four of its finest I Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. I~ ~ alumni were recognized this week at the BSUAlumni Associaton's II • We have II data bank of over 200,000 listings of s~hotarahlps, fellow- IIa ~c. a annual Distinguished Alumni and Top Ten Scholars Banquet in the ships. grants, and loans. representing over $10 billion in private sector , rc funding. "'-' Crystal Ballroom of the Key Bank Tower. I .ManyscholllrshlpsllreglventostudentsbllSedonthelrac:ademl~lnterests, e ~ Distinguished alumni receiving honors were WilliallJ~. Agee. eareer plans, family herllageand place of reslden~e.· III C/) 0 Dr. C Patrick Fleenor, Michael Hoffman and Anne Millbrook. I .There's money lIYallable for students who have been newspaper carriers, I Z z Agee. a Boise native, is chairman, president and chief executive I .~~~~~~e:r~.aders.non-smokers ... etc. IEl >..J ~ a officer of Morrison-Knudsen Corp. Fleenor, a professor at the AlbersSchool of Business of Seattle University, has been awarded I CALL FOrA Free Brochure • a-l I~ ~ oct ...J ~ ~ BSU's Teaching Excellence Award. Hoffman. BSU's first Rhodes I Scholar, graduated fro,tn BSU i~ ~979 as a theater arts. major and ANYTIME <t::::» ~ I (800) 346;.6401 6J I ill ill currently is teaching a screcnwnung and film productIOn. class at L :::; __ u, BSU/I'tillbrooke, a native of Ocean Park, Wash., received her --::=--.J~~ ~ i~bachelor of arts degree in history from ESC in 1973. Students receiving awards, with the faculty members they chose as most instrumental in helping them with their academic achievements, were: Lisa.Kimball, finanee and business manage- ment major, with faculty member Bruce Hepner; Jerry B. Cowley, English/secondary education major, with Glenn Selander and ~my~RQr~i~(~p~~; ~j ~ Adrien Taylor Jr.; Suzanne Mark, elementary education major, with Karen Ritchie. Mari L. Knutson, elementary education major, with Robert Friedli; Debra L. Mathews, English/secondary education major, with Debbie Kiser; Lisa Geisler, elementary education ma- jor, with Phyllis Emundson; JoNell Strough, psychology major, with Garvin Chastain and William Mech; Debra D.
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