E 1072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 18, 1995 reinvent itself. The leaders of CPB, NPR, and would not have completed without his inter- The budget resolution we vote on today PBS have been specifically challenged to vention. Roy was recognized for his humility, freezes funds for Head Start for the next 7 come up with new sources of funding to re- compassion, and abiding respect for the light years. This translates into a $1.4 billion cut place tax dollars. Given the realities of the def- in each of us. from current funding. Millions of low-income icit, public broadcasters were strongly encour- f children will be cut off. aged to be innovative and far-reaching in their Why are we denying kids their head start on thinking, to take full advantage of the tremen- REMARKS OF CONGRESSMAN DICK life? Because the Republicans want to give dous changes now taking place in the tele- ZIMMER COMMENDING THE NEW tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans, whose communications marketplace and the resulting JERSEY STUDENTS WHO PAR- kids will never be at an educational or eco- opportunities to get public broadcasting off the TICIPATED IN THE BEES PRO- nomical disadvantage. Federal dole. GRAM What an inappropriate birthday present. And what have they come up with? PBS Happy Birthday, Head Start. has proposed a trust fund capitalized in part HON. DICK ZIMMER f by fees from commercial broadcasters and in OF NEW JERSEY part by allocations from the Government's sale IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES INDIA SHOULD RELEASE SIKH LEADER and auction of spectrum, and CPB says that Thursday, May 18, 1995 ``no combination of cost savings and new Mr. ZIMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sources of revenue can fully `replace' the Fed- HON. DAN BURTON pay tribute to more than 80 high school stu- eral subsidy.'' OF INDIANA dents from Hunterdon County, Princeton and Anyway you look at them, the plans rely on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Government funding, slightly repackaged and Trenton who give us hope for our Nation's en- Thursday, May 18, 1995 devoid of a marketplace solution. Where is the vironmental future. As part of an innovative vision so desperately needed in order to pilot project called Building Environmental Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I rise reinvent public broadcasting for the 21st cen- Education Solutions [BEES], these students today to again speak about the human rights tury? Where is the innovative thinking in pro- have spent the last 2 months examining the situation in India, which is deplorable. I want posing an idea that died 30 years ago? Why complex public policy choices that we face to speak about two issues today. The first is should commercial broadcasters subsidize when addressing environmental issues. the destruction of a centuries-old mosque in Focusing on an abandoned industrial site in public radio and television when they them- Kashmir. The second is the continued impris- Trenton, this diverse group of students ex- selves are faced with an increasingly competi- onment of Sikh leader Simranjit Singh Mann. plored the many issues surrounding the rec- tive marketplace? The half-a-million Indian security forces in It is time for public broadcasting to reach lamation and redevelopment of the property. the valley of Kashmir have for years run ramp- beyond the tired proposals of bygone days The students were required to analyze the po- ant over the civilian population there. They and look for truly bold solutions for replacing tential environmental and economic trade-offs, have gang-raped women. They have tortured Federal funding. It is time to look to the mar- perform comparative risk assessments and and murdered political prisoners. They have ketplace for ideas, alliances, and opportuni- evaluate the arguments of the various stake- shot indiscriminately into civilian crowds, and ties. Public broadcasting is a valuable network holders. they have burned entire villages into the On Monday, May 22, the students will of local community institutions which has an ground. present their findings, which I plan to distribute intensely loyal audience. Surely this presents Just last week, in the town of Charar-e- to each of my colleagues in the hope that we opportunities for more innovative solutions. Sharies, the Indian military, with no regard for can learn from such an intense examination of I believe we can find a way to preserve the the safety of civilians, launched an attack that these very difficult issues. educational mission of public broadcasting in resulted in the burning of hundreds of homes I would also like to thank and congratulate the context of today's telecommunications and the gutting of a centuries-old walnut-wood the coalition of business, community groups market without relying on Federal funding, mosque, one of the most famous religious and government agencies that made the pro- whether is direct appropriations or redirecting sites in Kashmir. The Indian Government, time gram work, particularly the American Re-Insur- Federal revenues into a trust fund. For public and time again, has shown absolute disregard ance Corp. of Princeton, which spearheaded broadcasting to remain viable, its leaders must for basic standards of human rights in Kash- the effort. This program is an example of the first recognize that the congress will cut the mir, Punjab, and other areas. India must be type of responsible environmental activism umbilical cord to the Federal Treasury. held to account for the crimes that have been that benefits all segments of society, but is f committed against the Muslims of Kashmir, in- most effective when government and business cluding the destruction of the sacred shrine of TRIBUTE TO LEROY WESLEY work together. Charar-e-Sharies. The Indian Government's WATTS, JR. Mr. Speaker, through programs like this utter disregard for Moslem mosques and other one, we can prepare a generation of decision- holy places is shocking and must not be swept HON. NANCY L. JOHNSON makers who appreciate the interdependence under the rug. of the environment and the economy. I con- The Indian Government must also be held OF CONNECTICUT gratulate the students for their accomplish- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to account for the horrible human rights ments and thank them for assuming the re- abuses committed against the Sikhs in Punjab Thursday, May 18, 1995 sponsibility for protecting our precious natural and the Christians of Nagaland. Few people Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speak- resources in the 21st century and beyond. know about what is happening in those areas er, I rise to honor the memory of LeRoy Wes- f because the government will not allow the ley Watts, Jr., professor emeritus of social HEAD START media or human rights groups into those work at Eastern Michigan University. areas. Some people are able to reach young peo- Indian paramilitary forces in Punjab are re- ple at definitive moments in their livesÐand HON. JOHN W. OLVER sponsible for thousands of cases of well-docu- open new vistas of insight and opportunity to OF MASSACHUSETTS mented disappearances and extrajudicial them. Such a man was Professor Watts. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES killings. Thousands of Sikhs are held in pris- served in key academic and administrative Thursday, May 18, 1995 ons throughout Punjab, and human rights roles within Eastern Michigan University, was Mr. OLVER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- groups have reported that virtually all Sikhs instrumental in the development of the univer- ute to Head Start. held in prison are routinely tortured. sity's African-American Studies Department, Head Start is 30 years old today. Four months ago, I came to the House floor and advocated for minority and disabled stu- Over those 30 years, 13 million low-income to talk about the detention of Sikh leader dents. Roy sat on the boards of several civic kids have gotten their head start for success. Simranjit Singh Mann. Mr. Mann is a former and professional organizations that focused on Parents and staff have worked together to member of Parliament and probably the most health and social welfare and worked quietly give poor kids a better chance in school. prominent of all the Sikh leaders. He has been but ceaselessly to make the world a better But today is not a happy day for Head Start. a forceful, but peaceful, advocate of independ- place for us all. He was a friend and mentor On the very day we should be celebrating ence for a Sikh homeland called Khalistan. Mr. to many students and encouraged them to 30 years of successÐfunding for Head Start is Mann was arrested in January after address- continue educational programs that they likely about to be slashed. ing a gathering of thousands and speaking out May 18, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 1073 for freedom and democracy for the Sikh peo- 27. Jan. 6, 1993, arrested in Kaunke (Dis- continued to praise him as a musical prodigy, ple. It was the most recent of dozens of times trict Ludhiana). Camara hasn't forgotten his commitment to Mr. Mann has been arrested for peacefully ex- 28. No. 1, 1993, arrested in Amritsar. others. 29. Dec. 15, 1993, arrested at Gurdwara pressing his political views. He was arrested Pariwar Vichhora Sahib (District Ropar). Camara's mother, Anana, has sacrificed and held without trial for 5 years in 1984. He 30. Jan. 5, 1995, arrested at village Bassi over the years in order to see both her chil- was the target of an assassination attempt in Pathana (Dist. Fatehgarh Sahib). dren's talents flourish. She has never failed to 1993. He has been a victim of constant har- f encourage, support, and share in the growth assment by the Indian Government, and is and development of her children.
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