THtRSDAY, APRIL 12, 1934 TORRANCE, HERALD, Torrance, California PAOBJ »- d*t in »he TRI-ClTY SHOP­ PING NEWS .v.ry week. ALL George White's "Scandals" Start "Beggars In ADVERTISING placed Iri the £qr.-. At the Fox Redondo Fri.. Sat.. Sun.. Mon.. Tues. mno* Htrald la reprinted In this great medium at NO EXTRA Tonight at the Torrance Theatre Ermine" Comes CHARGE. to the Plaza "neggnrs Tn Krnilnp," a Mnno~- gram production Marring Lionel , LOMITA Atwll), portrays tint rolt> or n ling- THEATRE gar rwlurml to that stain l>prni|f<R hn' has hnon trlck«l out. or his far'- PHONE 243 tunp reprpKi-ntfd by n stiTl niHI, Fri.,' Sat., April 13-14 and dup to HIP IOSH (if hin IPKS "Jn" nn ari'ldvnt in thp mill. "Man of Two Worlds" While trawling, IIP piirountpra FRANCIS LEDERER and a nther bp.ggars and nhtalns per' Big Ca.t rni.MKion from the authorities to organize thp beggarH/^fttto'.v.'ar, fi'a- ALSO tMPiinl org~nnlzatlon so that tlipy TIM McCOY in might not IIP a burden to thn government. He does this In mldli "Rusty Rides Alone" a way that the organization lip- comes n very wealthy on<>, and h" Sun., Won., Tues., Apr? 15-16-17 succeeds in recouping his louse* and regaining ccmtrpl of his slpfcl "LOST PATROL" business. Victor MaeLaglen, Borhv "Heggars In KrmlnP" comes to. Knrloff, Wallace Ford and tilt- I'lazu Theatre, Huwthornp. Reginald Denny Tiii-sjjay and Wednesday. April 17 and 18. The cast Includes Hetty ALSO Furncss, H. I!. Walthall. Jumleson . Laurel and Hardy in Rudy Vattee and Alice Faye have the leading romantic roles in Thomas, James flush. Stephen Their New Feature Picture George White's "Scandals," now brought before the country as Gross, George Hayes, und Astrld a Fox motion picture., Jimmy Durante has the comedy leajUn Allwyn. The picture was dln-rteil "Sons of the Desert" the {reduction. by Thll Roscn. Wed., Thun., Apr. 18-19 IF YOU SMOKE TOO MUCH KATHARINE HEPBURN Barbara Stanwyck in SMALLEST ORANGE -tenders for the 1931 Best Acting WATCH YOUR 'STOMACH Jean Parker Joan Bennett Prances Dee Award of the Academy of Motion or quick relief from indigestion VISAUA. (U.P.) Joseph Acurso Picture Arts and Sciences. Evelyn "Ladies of Leisure" Venable is excellent, as Is every And, Buck Jones in ' i and upset stomach duo to exces­ claims to have the smallest bear­ member of the cast of this well- -smoking and drinking try ing orange s tree In the-world. THe mounted production. tree,- growing In a flower- pot, Is Mad Stampede A .oldier in MeMpotamla, Vict "Fighting Code"' _ McLaglen was there with the money back, guarantee. Do'VnTy fo»r Inchct Tall. It beaFs~artnsy Three Against One . of Wild Horses Everyone 10c, We'd., Tpdrs. Britiahi force, during th. World Drug Co. Adv. orange. PLAZA THEATRE Whon"250 horsen are stampeding War. Now he si a heroic sergeant in the RKO-Radio picture, "The HAWTHORNE one needn plenty of room to ge Lo.t Patrol," set in. that land". At out of their way particularly i the Lomita Theatre 'Sunday, Mi FRIDAY AND SATURDAY they're- wild, horses. day and Tuesday, April 15, 16. APRIL 13-14 So Ken Maynard, star" o and 17. Fredric March, in "DEATH TAKES A "Strawberry Roan," .which come 1 HOLIDAY" to the Torrance Theatre next Sun "Death Takes a Alto- jay and Monday,.April 15 and, 16 Hoot Gibson in ,- took his entire company to Kern THE OUDE BANDIT" ville, California, 180 miles from ^Holiday" Ranks Popeya Cartoon News Events Los Angeles, to film the stirrln » * * Read all the advertisements below. -If your name appears in any of the story released by Universal. SUNDAY AND MONDAY "ads," . go to the store in whose advertisement your name is printed and receive Maynard reported that five can With the Best APRIL IB-16 two (2) tickets to the Torrance Theatre. Twelve free admissions^ are given away yons, covering approxlhintely Victor MaeLagf.n and 36,00 'A photoplay which each week. You are under no obligation to make a purchase in order to get your acres were used in making tin must be In- Dorothy Dall in stampede shots, which showed th iluded on anyone's list or the ten "THE" WHARF 'ANGEL" ^,g«^ ' horses rimnlng down gullle; icst pictures of 1934 will be shown it the Plaza Theatre In..-Haw- Mildred Mohtullen they drove directly Tnfo and. Ruth Hall, his 1 All Hats On MILLER FURNITURE CO., 1220 El Prado, Phone 545 It. Is ParamoUnt'B Kernvllle not only olferH negatlvi production ot Musical .. Maws- Display grandeur in the form of vqst, roll "Deuth Takes'a Holiday," starring Used'Gas Ranges, up from..... $4.50 Ing plains, with, a mountajnou Kfedrlc March and featuring E TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY -Special-^-Only Fo'r background, but also the beautifu Jyn' Venable, Sir Guy Standing and APRIL 17-18 FRIDAY s and SATURDAY Gaffers & Sattler Ranges ............$49.50, $59.50, $69.50 Kern river, clear as crystal, an< Kent Taylor.- great groves of pines at hlghe Donald Cook and ; 3 New Models The solitary, defenseless male Is Fredric March, .star Its grandiose settings, Its superb Qenevieve of Paramount's "Death Takes a Holiday," coming on Sun­ elevations. dialogue and splendid acting make Tobin in Your Choice 95c this provocative, dramatic -romance, THE NINTH GUEST" BED DAVENPORT. SET. day and. Monday, April 15, 16 to the'Torrance-Theatre. In ' Also In Good Condition................ $37.50 one of the' great pictures of all the bevy of beauties are Evelyn Venable, featured player, time. From the famous play by Lionel Atwell and Katherine Alexander and Gall Patrick. His Heart Astray .Alberto Caaella, adapted to Eng­ H«nry B. Walthall In TERMS TO SUIT - LIBERAL I 'CASH PAID FOR USED On the same bill, "Strawberry Roan." with Ken' M lish by Walter Ferria, Paramount "BEGGERS IN ERMINE", i S.K.SHOP TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE | FURNITURE gave the" screen play Into the Novelty . Cartoon 1621 Cabrillo.. Ton Local and Long Distance Hauling nard and Tarzan the Won36r Horse. capable hands of Maxwell Ander- son, Pulltzer prize winner, and THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND Gladys Lehman. SATURDAY, APRIL 19-20-21 Alma Smith [Itchell Leisen, the picture's Warner Bros. Greatest Ramona Pageant Opens April 21 ictor, may well be proud of Achievement Frespuro TORRANCE PLUMBING CO. tin i.. his second picture. Like Ricardo Corker, Dolores Del Rii "Cradle Kong," the picture vhlch. Al Jolson, Kay Francis Artesian Water 141 a Marcelina, Opposite Post Office. Phone 60. brought Dorothea . Wieck Dick Po^well in Bottled »t the well, delivered American; screen, It IH a master­ "WONDER BARS •'• direct to your home, regularly. See the New Air-Cooled piece of photoplay art. For Immediate ELECTROLUX Gas Refrigerator ' ;drlc March delivers a splen­ Service, Call did performance, one which Is Andrews' Ventilating Wall Heaters General Water Heater bound to bring him to the fore « Sheet Metal Work ' Plumbing Work and Fixtures -as . one. of the ' outstanding con- Paul Lessing 2009 Arlington.. , Ph. 6DO-R. TORRANCE TORRANCE FEED & POULTRY STORE T. '5. LOVELADY, Proprietor Carson & Gran WE DELIVER Phone 115-W: . Fresh, Local Ranch Eggs Daily Choice Poultry and Rabbit Fryere Francis Lederer in "Man of Two "Stop Wear" BIRD SEED - CAGES - SUPPLIES Worlds," at the Lomita Thaatre, Complete Line of Reliable Mashee - Also a Complete Line of Friday 'and Saturday, April 13 and Lubrication service. Give GLOBE MASHES AND FEEDS, N GLISBY'S FEEDS AND Tim McCoy in "Rusty Ride your motor' and chassis pYoper TAYLOR'S ALL-IN-ONE PELLETS AND MASHES Alone" is also shown on. thesi lubrication. We know how Choice Alfalfa Hay dates. and do it Every Service For Your Car. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY APRIL 12-13-14 CECIL SMITH L. B. Godwin Super Service Station 2172 Torranoe Blvd. at Portola FAMOUS No. 2 "GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS" Phone Torrance 212 UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION AND IRENE HAYES and JOHN ROGERS OUNCE D17I7D 1 A« SANDWICHES GLA'SS Ddl-ilx 1UC - ' PIE, ETC. "COME ON MARINES" IT'S NO SECRET WITH OPEN MORNING 'TIL MIDNIGHT with Richard Aden and Ida Lupino GOOD DRESSERS AVALON,BOULEVARD that tl)e best and most stylish AT WILLOW as Well as perfect fitting suits are-to bii found at J. Lepkin'; SUNDAY, MONDAY, APRIL 15-16 store, and what IH more to th Mrs. J. \V. Corbitt You Can Now point, you save money by THE OLD BELL Fredrio March in buying here besides. Ask any DID THE TRICK FRICTIONITE well-druaaod man who Is our ON Your Own Brakes or customer. Clutch Claudia Llghtfoot, who will appear this y.ar as Juanita, Spanish "DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY" ELECTION DAY ieita singer, in the eleventh annual Buy a'Jar of Friotlonlte and Ramona Pageant, to be produced AND That ! Patted Hi.tory >y a cast of nearly 200 players in DO YOUR OWN WORK th. famous Ramona Bowl at Hemet, J. LEPKIN Saturday and Sunday afternoons, April 21 and 22, April 28 and 29, MERCHANT TAILOR » and May 6 and 6. 1320 /iartori T<"ranoe HEM K T. April 5. Announce- KATHARINE "STRAWBERRY ROAN" Sherwin & WiJJiams We Offer the Beet Ken Maynard and Tarzan the Wonder Horse Towing as made today by Edward of the amphitheater, and Viola H E P, B U R N Service n, president and general Bills Walker, operatic contralto, with PAINT In Town r of the eleventh annual who will'sing "Majella, the Wood I. JOAN BENNBTT Will Do the Trick pageant that Mips Claudia Dove," a song especially written 4> TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17-18 NOW ilKhtfoot of Itlyllwlld been PAUL,LUKAS BUCK'S GARAGE sleeted for the role "Juanita." for the Ramona pageaiit by Mrs.
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