Rpublic of Botswana 1981 Population Lnd Housing

Rpublic of Botswana 1981 Population Lnd Housing

RPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA 1981 POPULATION LND HOUSING CINU VILLAGE LIST Pilot Census, iugust, 1980 C[NSUS OFFICE AUGUST, 1980. 1 TOWNS 01 - 00 Gaborone 02 - O0 Francistown 03 - 00 Lobatse OL - 00 5elibe-Ph.ikwe Q14 - 01 Botshabelo Village 05 - 00 Orapa 06 - 00 Jwaneng * For Census only 2 I NDEX DITRICT VILLAGS SOUTH EAST DISTETC PAGE 3 KWENENG DISTRICT PAG.E L KGATLENG DISTRICT PAGi 5 CENTRAL DISTRICT PAGE 6 NORTH EAST DISTRICT PAGE 8 NORTH WEST DI.TRICT PAGE 9 GHANZI DISTRICT PiGE 11 KGALAGADI DISTRICT PGE 12 SOUTHERN DISTRICT PAGE 13 3 SOUTH EAST_DI TRICT2J 20 - 02 Content Farm 20 - 03 Kgale 20 - 04 Mogoban.e 20 - 05 Nokgosi 20 - 06 Noswai 20 - 07 Otse 20 - 08 Pioner Gate 20 - 01 Rarnotswa 20 - 09 Ramotsw Station 20 - 10 Tlokweng 4 KWENENG DISTRI T 131 30 - 05 Boatlaname 30 - 04 Botlhapatlou 30 - 06 Dikokwana 30 - 08 Ditshegwane 30 - 10 Dutiwe 30 - 07 Gabane 30 - 11 Gasese 30 - 09 Hatsalatladi 30 - 13 Kgari 30 - 14 Kgope 30 - 16 Khudumelapye 30 - 12 Kopong 30 - 17 Kubung 30 - 18 Kurnakwane 30 - 02 Lentsweletau 30 - 15 Lephephe 30 - 19 Letihakeng 30 20 Maboane 30 - 03 Mahetiwe 30 - 21 Mantbhwabisi 30 - 22 Media 30 - 23 Metsemotihaba 30 - 24 Mmankgodi 30 - 25 Mmopane 30 - 26 Mogoditshane 30 - 01 Molepolole 30 - 27 Monwane 30 - 28 Moshaweng 30 - 29 Motokwe 30 - 30 New Nmone 30 - 31 Salajwe 30 - 32 Soje 30 - 33 Takatokwane 30 - 3/4 Thamga 30 - 35 Tshwane r KGATLENGDISTRICT 40 - 15 rtesia Mosomane - 04 Eokaa 40 - 17 Leshibitse 40 - 09 Mabalane - 13 Naloiwane 40 - 16 Malotwane 40 - 06 Matebeleng 40 - 11 Mmathubudukwane 40 - 01 Mochudi 40 - 08 Modipane 40 - 05 Morwa 40 - 07 Odi 40 - 14 Oliphants Drift 40 - 02 Pilane 40 - 12 Ramonaka 40 - 18 Ramotlabaki 40 - 03 Rasesa 40 - 10 Sikwane 6 CENTRPL DIRICT 5 55 - 02 Baines Drift 51 - 11 Maope 54 02 Basotho 54 - 14 Marobela 52 - 01 Bobonong 55 - 01 Martin's Drift 54 - 03 Borolong 54 - 15 Mathangwane 54 - 04 Borotsi 52 - 05 Mathathane 55 - 03 Buffels Drift 50 - 10 Matihakola 51 - 02 Chadibe 54 - 16 Matobo 54 - 05 Chadibe 54 - 17 Matsitama 54 - 06 Chamakando 50 - 11 Maunatlala 54 - 07 Changate 51 - 12 Mha1itsa 54 - 08 Dabgwi 52 06 Mmadinare 51 - 03 Dibete 50 - 12 Mmashoro 51 - 04 Dinokwe 53 - 04 Mmatshumo 50 - 02 Goomosweu 51 - 13 Mmutlana 50 - 03 Gootau 50 - 13 Noeng 54 - 09 Goshwe 50 - 14 Mogapinyana 53 - 02 Gweta 50 - 15 Mo ga p1 51 - 05 Kalamare S0 - 16 Mogorosi 50 - 04 Kgagodi 50 - 17 Mo! jabana 5 - 06 Khudumetse 52 - 07 Molalatau 53 - 03 Khumaga 51 - 14 Mookarie 52 - 02 Kobojango 53 - 05 Mop! pi 50 - 05 Lecheng 53 - 06 Moremaoto 50 - 06 Lerala 50 - 18 Moremi 50 - 07 Leselepola 52 - 08 Moreomable 53 - 01 Letihakane 54 - 18 Mosetse 52 - 03 Maboiwe 51 - 15 Mo shopha 51 - 07 Machaneng 51 - 16 Mosolotsane 54 - 10 Madube 53 07 Mosu 54 - 11 Maapatona 54 19 Mpapho 52 - 0'4 Magofaphste 54 - 20 Mpiti 51 - 01 MahalLapye 54 - 21 Mswazwi 54 - 12 Maitengwe 54 - 22 Nata 50 - 08 Majwaneng 54 - 23 Nkange 51 08 Makoheng 54 - 24 Nshkazhokwe 51 - 09 Makwate 54 - 25 Nyambi se 50 - 09 Malaka 04 Oerwoud 51 - 10' Malete 50 - 19 Pa j e 54 - 13 Mandunyane 50 - 20 Palapye contd./ 7 CENTRAL DLTRICT 5 contd. 55 05 Parr's Halt 51 - 17 Pilikwe 55 - 06 Platjan 55 - 07 Pont Drift 53 - 08 Rakops 51 - 18 Ramokgonami 50 - 21 Ratholo 54 - 26 Sebina 51 - 19 Sefare 52 - 09 Sefhophe 50 - 22 Sekgweng 51 - 20 Seleka 54 - 27 Seloiwane 52 - 10 Sernolale 514 - 28 Senete 50 - 23 Seolwane 50 - 01 Serowe 52 - 11 Serule 51 - 21 Shakwe 54 - 29 Shashe 54 - 30 Shashe - Mooke 55 - 08 Sherwood Ranch 51 - 22 Shoshong 53 - 09 Sobea 53 - 10 Sukwane 50 - 214 Tautswe 50 - 25 Tamasane 514 - 31 Thalogang 50 - 26 Tlhab&la 52 - 12 Tobane 54 - 32 Tonota 53 - 11 Toromoja 52 - 13 Tsetsebjwe 50 - 27 Tshimoyapula 53 12 Tsoe 55 09 Tuli Lodge 54 - 01 Tutume 53 - 13 Xhumo 55 - 10 Zanzibar - 33 Zezuru 8 NORTH DL TRIO TJ 60 - 02 Botalaote 60 - 03 Butale 60 - 04 Gambule 60 - 05 Gulubane 60 - 06 Gungwe 60 - 07 Jakalasi No. 1 60 - 08 Jakalasi No. 2 60 - 08 Kalakamate 60 - 10 Letsholathebe 60 - .11 Makaleng 60 - 12 Malambakwena 60 - 13 Mambo 60 - 14 Mapoka 60 - 15 Masingwaneng 60 - 16 Masunga 60 - 17 Matselagabedi 60 - 18 Matsiloje 60 - 19 Moroka 60 - 20 Mosajane 60 - 21 Niaphane 60 - 22 Ramokgwebana 60 - 23 eche1e 60 - 24 Sekakangwe 60 - 25 Senyawe 60 - 26 Siviva 60 - 27 Tati Farms 60 - 01 Tati Siding 60 - 28 Tsamaya 60 - 29 Tshesébe 60 - 30 Zwenshambe 9 NORTH WEST DI STRI CT 7j mci. tiast N.gamiiand, West Ngarnhiand and Chobe 70 - 02 Betsaa 70 - 18 Makoba 71 - 02 Bodibeng 71 - 12 Masalanyane 71 - 03 Bo thatho go 71 - 13 Mathabologa 70 - 03 Bushman Pits 71 - 1L1. Mathamanyane 71 - 04 Danega 70- 19 Matiapaneng 71 - 05 Di thuthwane 70 - 01 Maun - 70 04 Dungu 70 - 20 Mawana 70 - 05 East Mohembo 70 - 21 Mawana 1T- l, 71 - 06 72 - 10 Mazuz swe 70 - 06 Eretsaa 70 - 22 NO tshabeng 71 - 07 Gauxa 72 - 11 Muchenj e 70 - 07 Goroku 71 - 15 Ngma s en 71 - 08 Gqoshe 72 - 12 Ngoma 71 - 01 Gumare 71 - 16 Nokaneng 70 - 08 Jao 72 - 13 Nunga - 70 09 Kabarnukuni 70 - 23 Nxaraxau 72 - 02 Kachikau 72 - 1L1. Pandamatenga 71 - 09 Kandalengo ti 72 - 15 Parakurungu - 70 10 Kaoxwe 71 - 17 Quhega 72 - 01 Kasarie 70 - 24 Qugwo 71 10 Kasho sho 70 - 25 Rekoko 72 - 03 Kasinka 70 - 26 Sango she 72 - 04 Kataba 72 - 16 Setau 72 - 05 Kavimba 72 - 17 Savuti 72 - 06 Kazungul a 71 - 18 Sehitwa 70 - Khwa 71 - 19 Sepopa 70 - 12 Khwai 70 - 27 Se ronga 70 - 13 Kombo 70 - 28 Setihanj e 70 - 14 Kudumane 71n- 20 Shakawe 72 - 07 Lesomo 70 - 29 Shorobe - 72 08 Liambezi 70 - 30 Shukumukwa - 72 09 Mabeie 71 - 21 Thale 70 - 15 Mabeleapodi 71 - 22 Toteng - 16 70 Machabe 70 -. 31 Totoga - 71 11 Makakung 71 - 23 Tsau - 17 70 Makaiabedi 71 - 24 Tshoiolamoro 71 - 25 Tshi lonyane 10 NORTH WST D±3TRICT 7 Contd. mci. ast Ngamiiand, vest Ngamiiand and Chobe 70 - 32 Txatxaba Camp 71 - 26 West Mohembo 70 - 33 Xaa 71 - 27 Xada 71 - 28 Xangwa 71 - 29 Xaoga 71 - 30 Xeidum 3L 70 - Xhoro 71 - 31 Xomoxdo 70 - 35 Z2nkuyo ii GH NZI DISTRICT j 80 - 02 Bere 80 - 03 Dekar 80 - 01 Chanzi 80 - 04 Kalkfontein 80 - 05 Karakobis 80 - 06 Kule 80 - 07 MakuncIa 80 - 08 Mmono 80 - 09 Ncojane 80 - 10 Takathwane 80 - 11 Xanagas Block 12 KGALf GP. DI DITRICT 3outhern Kgalagadi md0 go, Northern Kga1gadi 91 90 - 02 Bogogono 90 - 03 Bokspits 90 - 014 Bray 90 - 05 Gakhibane 91 - 01 Hukuntsi 91 - 02 Kang 90 - 06 Khisa 90 - 07 Khuis 90 - 08 Kolonkwaneng 91 - 03 Lehututu 91 - 04 Lokgwabe 90 - 09 iviakopung 90 - 10 Maleshe 90 - 11 MaralEleng 90 - 12 Middlepits 90 - 13 Molopo Farms 91 - 05 Monong 91 - 06 Ncaa 91 - 07 Ofe Pan 90 - 1L+ Ornaweneno 91 - 08 Pepani 90 - 15 Rappel's Pan 90 - 01 Tsabong 91 Q 09 Tsetseng 91 - 10 Tshane 90 - 16 Werda 13 .3OUTHERN DISTRICT mci. Southern 10, aroiong ii 11 - 02 Borobadilepe 10 - 25 Mmakgori 10 - 02 Digawana 10 - 26 Mmathethe 10 - 03 Dikhukhung 11 - 15 Mokatako 11 - 03 Dinatshana 10 - 27 Mokgomane 10 - 04 Pitshanyane 10 - 28 Molapowabojang 10 - 05 Ditshukudung 10 - 29 Morwamosu 10 - 06 Gamoswana 10 - 30 Moshaneng & Mabe lane 10 - 07 Gasita 10 - 31 Moshupa 10 - 08 Gathwane 11 - 16 Ngwatsau 11 - 01 Good Hope 10 - 32 Ntihantihe 11 - 04 Hebron 11 - 17 Papatlo 10 - 01 Kanye 11 - 18 Pihetswane 10 - 09 Keng 10 - 33 Pitsane Molopo 10 - 10 Kgomokasitwa 11 - 19 Pitsane Potlokwe 11 - 05 Kgoro 11 - 20 Pitsane SDG. 10 - 11 Khakea 11 - 21 Rakhuna 10 - 17 Kokong 11 - 22 Ramatiabama 10 - 13 Lekgoiobotlo 10 - 34 Ranaka 10 - 14 Leporung 10 - 35 Samane 11 - 06 Logagane 10 - 36 Sedibeng 10 - 15 Loroiwane 10 - 37 Sedibeng Farms 11 - 07 Lotihaje 10 - 38 Sekoma 10 - 16 Lotihakane 10 - 39 Selokolela 11 - 08 Mabete 11 - 23 Tihareselele 10 - 17 Mabule 10 4o Tshidilamoiomo 10 - 18 Mabutsane 10 - 41 Tswaaneng 11 - 09 Maditlou 11 - 24 Tswaanyaneng 10 - 19 Magoriapitse 10 - 20 Magotihwane 10 - 21 Magwegojwe 11 - 10 Maiphitiwane 11 - 11 Makokwe 10 - 22 Manyana 10 - 23 Maokane 11 - 12 Marojane 11 - 13 Matlojane 10 - 24 Metiobo 11 - 14 Metiojane S.C Census Project C,S.O. Republ i c ci Potswana DISTRICT: CODE. LIEF VILLAGE CODE: LOCILITY: LODE JTIJII `7ts locality is: A. Village B. Land area C. Cattlepost D. Border post E. Workers' camp F. Eailway settlement G. Freehold farm H. Other specify .. 2. Sumthãry from the Prelisting Form: B U I L D I N G POPULATION Total Occunied Partly Occupied I Empt number Code 1 Code 3 & ` 0cc. Rest 3. Language spoken circle all languages understood by the majority: a Setswana e Ceyei i Sesarwa b Engli-i f ernbukushu j Sesubia c Kalanga g Sekgalagadi k Sekgothu d Herero h Afrikaanse 1 Other: .. 4. Commercial transportatiou to this locality: a Daily a Notorable all year bWeekly bOnlyrntorablepericd: ... c Less frequently c Not motorable, specify: 5. Water supply circle answer a Stand pipe e Pan/Lake b Mechanical well f Stream/River c Hand drawn well g Spring d Borehole h Otiier9 specify: . *1S contd/ .......... 6. Facilities: Please indicate if tue :[ol1oiring lao I lit I e s exist in the local- 1itii ialth ervice AHeal.tost .13.

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