Board - Public Session - Agenda WATERCARE SERVICES LIMITED AGENDA BOARD MEETING Tuesday, 1 June 2021 Venue Watercare Services, Level 3 Boardroom, 73 Remuera Rd, Remuera Time 9.15am Open Public Meeting Item Spokesperson Action Sought Supporting Material 1 Opening Karakia Brendon Green 2 Meeting Administration Chair For discussion Verbal update 3 Apologies Chair Record apologies Verbal 4 Minutes of Meeting Chair Approval of minutes of the meeting of 29 Minutes of the meeting of 29 April April 2021 2021 5 Public Deputations Chair For information Verbal 6 Enterprise Model Update Graeme Johnson CEO NZ - Fulton For discussion Presentation Hogan & Peter Reidy CE Construction - Fletcher Building 7 Chief Executive’s Report Jon Lamonte For discussion Report 8 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report Bronwyn Struthers For discussion Report 9 For Information 9.1 April 2021 Central Interceptor Report Shayne Cunis For information Report 9.2 Drought Update Steve Webster For information Presentation 9.3 Iwi Relationships Richie Waiwai For information Report 9.4 CCO Review Update Rob Fisher For information Report 10 For Approval 10.1 Asset Management Plan 2021-2041 Steve Webster For approval Report 11 For Discussion 11.1 Board Committee Updates Committee Chairs For discussion Verbal 12 Directors’ Corporate Governance Items 12.1 Board Planner Chair For noting Report 12.2 Directors' Appointment Terms and Committee Memberships and meeting attendances Chair For noting Report 12.3 Disclosure of interests Chair For noting Report 13 General Business Chair For discussion Verbal update Date of next meeting Monday, 5 July 2021 1 Board - Public Session - Minutes of Meeting MINUTES 4 SUBJECT WATERCARE SERVICES LIMITED BOARD MEETING VENUE Watercare, Level 3 Boardroom, 73 Remuera Road, Remuera DATE 29 April 2021 TIME 9.15am PUBLIC SESSION Present: In Attendance: Guests: Margaret Devlin (Chair) Jon Lamonte None Dave Chambers Marlon Bridge (from 9.30am, during item 7.1) Frances Valintine Steve Webster Nicola Crauford Nigel Toms Brendon Green Amanda Singleton Hinerangi Raumati-Tu’ua Jason Glennon Graham Darlow Rebecca Chenery David Hawkins Shane Morgan Shayne Cunis Bronwyn Struthers (from the start until the end of item 9.2) Richard Waiwai Mark Bourne (from the start until item 8.1) Richie Rameka (for item 9.1) Jacky Simperingham Jodie Atkin Pinaz Pithadia 1. Opening Karakia Brendon Green opened the meeting with a karakia and welcomed Jon to his first Board meeting as Chief Executive. 2 Board - Public Session - Minutes of Meeting 2. Meeting Administration 4 The Chair of the Board formally welcomed Jon to his first Board meeting in his official capacity. On behalf of the Board, she congratulated: ∑ Hinerangi Raumati-Tu’ua on her appointment as Chair of Tainui Group Holdings. ∑ Nigel Toms (Acting Chief Financial Officer) for winning the Risk Professional of Year award. ∑ Shane Morgan (Chief Operations Officer) and Amanda Singleton (Chief Customer Officer), for their work on the Nerve Centre. 3. Apologies Apologies were received from Councillor Linda Cooper, Claire Gomas (Principal Advisor CCO Governance and External Partnerships, Auckland Council) and Rob Fisher (Company Secretary). Marlon Bridge also apologised for his late attendance (due to conflicting Deputy Chief Executive duties). 4. Minutes of Meeting The Board resolved that the minutes of the public session of the Board meeting held on 30 March 2021 be confirmed as true and correct. 5. Disclosure of Directors’ Interests Hinerangi Raumati-Tu’ua advised that she has resigned from the following positions: i) member of Venture Taranaki, and ii) Trustee of PKW Trust. 6. Public Deputations There were no public deputations. 7. For Information 7.1 March 2021 Central Interceptor Report Shayne Cunis (Executive Programme Director, CI) presented this report which was taken as read. Shayne noted that March was a difficult month in relation to health, safety and wellbeing (HSW) as the report indicates. A significant effort is being made to address the problems, especially in preparation for tunnelling which will commence in June and July. He explained that staff (supervisors and engineers) who were not performing as required, specifically in relation to HSW, have left the project and have been replaced by staff who are taking greater ownership of HSW. 3 Board - Public Session - Minutes of Meeting The Board requested that the next monthly Central Interceptor report should include the actions being taken to reduce incidents. Shayne provided examples of the actions that 4 have been taken which include the above-mentioned staff changes and replacing ladders with staircases. He noted that WorkSafe have been informed of incidents as required and it is satisfied that there has been no negligence on the GAJV’s (Ghella Abergeldie joint venture) or Watercare’s part. Shayne also explained that machinery is regularly inspected, and there are procedures are in place if machinery failures do occur. This includes the use of exclusion zones. The Board expressed its concern at the amount of crane (lifting) related incidents that have occurred and requested that Shayne and Jon Lamonte (Chief Executive) obtain an independent critical risk assessment of crane lifts by the GAJV. The Board noted that whilst the Central Interceptor project is on a critical pathway, the Board does not support cutting corners, and safety must remain paramount. The Board asked whether there are sufficient resources in place to ensure safety. Shayne advised that it is challenging to recruit and retain people. He said that at this time it is not a matter of needing more people, as the workload is insufficient to fully utilise them. At this stage we have been able to cover extended work hours with existing staff prepared to work on altered patterns. If the GAJV open more sites, this will not be possible and we are working with them to optimise productivity for both parties. The Board asked whether, in light of the recently published review of HSW at the Ports of Auckland, staff on our sites feel safe. Shayne advised that staff do feel safe and comfortable coming to work, especially following the replacement of some supervising staff (mentioned above). The new supervisors are owning problems, and providing solutions. He said the workforce is confident in the safety culture, and know that they will be looked after. He also noted that upcoming milestones for the project, such as launching the TBM (tunnel boring machine) and the MTBM (micro-tunnel boring machine) will increase morale. The Board requested that Francesco Saibene (project director of GAJV) attend the 29 July Board meeting, following the launches of the TBM and MTBM. Bronwyn Struthers (Head of HSW) advised that following the crane rigging incident at the Haycock Rd site, two new specialists have been brought in (by the contractor) to conduct an internal review of the lifting operations. In response to a question from the Board, regarding whether this is done on other Watercare projects, both Bronwyn and Steve Webster (Chief Infrastructure Officer) confirmed it is standard for contractors across New Zealand to have such specialists in place. The Board noted the need to ensure that responsibility is taken for safety procedures to be followed as it is not sufficient to merely have procedures. The report was noted. Marlon Bridge (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) joined the meeting during this item. 4 Board - Public Session - Minutes of Meeting 7.2 Drought Update 4 Mark Bourne (Head of Servicing & Consents) presented this paper, which was taken as read. He also tabled the latest drought related figures. In particular he noted that lake levels were stable throughout April. He advised that demand remains very low which indicates the domestic sector is maintaining low demand. This resulted in the need to decrease storage production, and at Ardmore WTP (water treatment plant) production will move to low-flow as of next week. Mark advised that a new winter forecast will be provided as of next month. He said NIWA has forecast normal rainfall over the winter. Mark spoke to the graphs, noting that actual demand is significantly below what it was at this time last year. This is a result of the cumulative effect of all the levers pulled by the business since May last year. He explained that, had the interventions (augmentation projects, water restrictions, increased leak detection) not been undertaken, lake storage would now be at 28% (they were at 52.5% at the end of March, with April figures not final at the date of the meeting). He noted that it is the long-term, cumulative effect that is significant; short-term measures do not have such substantial impacts. In response to a question from the Board, there was discussion regarding the reductions and deferrals of works under the AMP due to Council debt constraints. Mark explained that Management are undertaking a prioritisation process. The Board noted that a change to reporting on leakage figures had previously been discussed. Shane Morgan advised that a working group is currently working on the use of a factor that will enable international comparisons to be made. This will involve a short-term SOI target and a longer-term water strategy target. A paper will be provided to the Board next month. The Board noted the need to communicate any change in reporting to Auckland Council. It was also noted that we need to facilitate increased water literacy across all our stakeholders, in line with one of the Aurecon recommendations. The Board asked if there were any delays due to Covid-19. Shane advised that supplies are generally being delayed by several weeks due to stevedoring issues but nothing on the critical pathway to date. The report was noted. 7.3 Iwi Relationships Richard Waiwai (Poutiaki, Tikanga Māori (Principal Advisor)) presented the report which was taken as read. He explained that two iwi (Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust and Te Ara Rangatū o Te Iwi o Ngāti Te Ata Waiōhua Incorporated) have been introduced together because over the past two years, leadership for both iwi has been uncertain.
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