W. B. PAYNE BtnLDlNG CONTRACTOR ~ The CROWN W. Saltford EXTENSIONS, ALTERATIONS.@ [6.nilY .l1goomtiOD ~. KENOVATIONS, ETC. ' ~iltfOrd Barry " JUDe Tborpe TARMAC. ASPHALT Accommodation in SALTfORD HALL may booked through:­ SP£OAUSTS be Food - Fine Traditional Ales - Hospitality Mrs. P Martin 8 Justice Avenue Salttord Tel. 2125 • A Function Room • A IlllJIe Car Park . ...:==. • A Skittle Alley • A Beer Garden PHONE SALTFORD 3732 EdItor S.C.A.N. - Harold Fowler, Hon . Sec. S.C.A.-<Mrs. Sheila Harrow, _. = 'Akphone: Sallford 2117 FOR FREE QUOTATION 16 Manor Road. Tel. 2219 17 Anson CI~. Tel. 3010 January 1987 No.304 M.K. TRANSPORT JANUARY DIARY CARPET" UPHOLSTERY CLEANING EXPRESS CLEANING IN SITU BY MODERN MF;THODS • • • • • DELIVERY SERVICE EVERY XOlDAY 7.30 p.Dl. SALTFORD BADXllTOI CLUB ELECTIUCALCONTRAcnNG EVERY TUESDAY 9.30 a . Dl. LADIES' BADXIITOl 7. 30 p. Dl. AVOI BADXIITO. CLUB ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Tel: REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE 7. 30 p.Dl. SALTFORD SIIGERS • • • • • Saltford 02217 3061 EVERY WEDIESDAY 9.30 a.Dl. LADIES' BADXllTOI BLINDS 7.30 p. Dl. OLD TIME AID XODERI SBQUEICE ROLLERS. VERTICAL. DUTCH DOT. ADI. MIAM DAiCE CLUB .: . EVERY THURSDAY 7.30 p.Dl. SALTFORD BADXllTOI CLUB ·.. ... SIGNS Learn to Drive Make Progress with EVERY XOIDAY/TUESDAY/THURSDAY - PLAYGROUP: 9.30 a .•. -11 . 45 a.Dl. ALL TYPES OF SIGNS EVERY 2nd/3rd/4th THURSDAY - WELFARE CLIIIC: 2 p. Dl. - 4 p.Dl. DESIGNED, MANUFAcruRED, ERECTED PROGRESS • • • • • • • • S.E.P. SERVICES School of Motoring 2nd Blood Donor sessions - Hall 2.00 or 5 . 00 pDl . 559, BA1H ROAD, SALTFOJU) . 3rd Saltford Walkers: A. G.• . and Tel. Saltford 3345 . Social Bvening - Wanadyke Roo. 7. 00 pDl DA Y11ME - BRISTOL 773206 5th Keynsham & Saltford Gardeners EVENING - SALTFORD 3709 Prop. P.J. Burris Association - Wansdyke Roo. 7.00 p .• 6th Saltford Conservative S arinp and Inyeatment Association - Somerset RooDl 7.30 pDl OSBORNE AND SON A aurance aDd Pensiona­ 9th Wansdyke Labour Party - Avon RooDl 7.00 pDl K~ynShaDl & Saltford Wine Circle-Wansdyke RooDl 7.45 pDl Bu ilder Decorator Liability. Public" Employers 12th Saltford Painting ,Club - Wansdyke RooDl 7.00 pDl Roof Repairs T IX PlanniDc If Ayoidance 13th Saltford Avon Evening W. I. - Avon RooDl 8.00 pili 15th Saltford Gramophone Society - Somerset RooDl 7.45 pDl F lee Quotation (and adYi~) Estimates Free o pen AD HolD'l 17th Saltford Scouts: "60's light" - Hall 8.00 pili Saltford Photographic Club 5 Hillview . Tel: Timsbury R m,2484 Social'Evening - Wansdyke RooDl 7. 30 pili Timsbury 71495 DAVID IJUGHES COPY DATE FOR FBBRUARY S. C. A. I . BATH BA3 1EL ~____________--I 19th Saltford Photographic Club ~ Wansdyke RooDl 7.30 pDl KeynshaDl Inner Wheel - Wansdyke RooDl 2.30 pDl Bath Road, SalUord. Tel: 3108.: ~~:: Saltford Social Vivien Lee Cakes DeDlOCratic Party - Wansdyke RooDl 7.00 pDl for that special occasion WiS~~®Re 23rd Wansdyke Labour Party - Somerset RooDl 7.00 pDl 26th Saltford Photographic Club - Wanadyke RooDl 7.30 p-. Weddings peSij@w~@f\ij 27th Saltford Floral Club: Christenings David & Rosemary Turner A.G . • . and Luncheon-Wansdyke RooDl 12.00 pDl 29th Saltford Dra.a Club: Pantomime- Hall 7. 30 pDl Anniversaries IIORNII«i COFFEE WNCHES Saltford Gramophone Society - Somerset RooDl 7.45 pDl LICENCED Childrens Novelty Birthday Cakes EVENING MEALS: THURS: FRI : SAT. 30th Saltford Dra.a Club: PantoDlime- Hall 7. 30 p. 31st Saltford Dra.a Club: PantoDlime- Hall 2 . 30 p. Close<! All Day ' Mondays Saltford 3393 .. -....:..----1 Saltford Dra.a Club: PantoDlime- Hall 7. 30 pDl For details of events at locations other than Saltford Hall. please see the announcements overleaf. Q .. J. B. RIST • • • FOHTIICOKIIG BYlIITS OMEGA PRgSS February 2nd Saltford Dra.a Club: A. G.K. Hi Stranon Road. Saltford 3rd NEWSPAPBR AID MAGAZINE COLLECTIOI 7th Saltford Branch R.I.L. I. Lunch For your Printing Requirements 476 Bath Itoad, Sutford 19th S.C.A.COUICIL MEETIIG T~hoae:Sa1tford2287 26th St. Mary's Coffee Xorning 27th Lions Club of KeynshaDl: Barn Dance Telephone: Soltford 2657 • • • aftII&'ID naIOJUL na &'l'ftJftlo. S.C,A, ANNOUNCEMENTS P. WEYMOUTH NEVSPAPER AND MAGAZINE COLLECTION T .AXll The DeceDlber collection amounted to 10. 96 tonnes, which is Call your local .servlce rAlNl'BB rather less than usual, but there was still a shortage of helpers for the sorting and tying . Please .ake a special note of "RaJBAmB... the next effort and come along. even if you can only spare an .Salford hour or so. It helps greatly if papers are sorted and tied ready' 62, NORMAN ROAD for our collectors - the larger papers (such as Tbe T1ll1Bs) Mini-Cob folded double. the s.aller papers (such as the Even1118 Post). SALTFOItD · T81:-2OM left flat and .agazines in a separate bundle . .. ., TELEPHONE SALTFORD 2047 For house buying or selling visit your LOCAL INDEPENDENT Agents: REPAIRS A L T ER ATIONS HEATING INSTALLATIONS Er Cooper & Tanner ­ Auctioneers and Valuers: House. Land and Estate Agents . w. M. STOCK. 480 Blth Road, Slltford 2,TYNING ROAD, SALTFORO, 3439 Telephone: Slltford 3408 Agents for HAUfAX BUILDING SOCIETY MGISTERED PLUMBER and HEATING ENGINEER lIAS INBTALLER . Also at Frome. Glastonbury. Keynsham. Castle Cary. Street. AEili&I EAELJi CDIU Shepton Mallat, Warminster and Wells A. J. SARTAIN CROWN GARAGE Electrical Contractor M.OT TESTING Complete Rewires, Extra Points, SERVICING Repairs, Electric Showers, REPAIRS OPEN OVERHAULS Central Heating MONDAY TO SUNDAY ALL MAKES Telephone: N.I.C.El.C. 7.00am-9.00pm SALTFORD 2257 Approved Contractor 504 BATH ROAD SALTFORD" TEL 2256 Tel.Saltfard 3203. SALTFORD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 1986/87 Afftl .. ed Organlntlona s.ttford Ev.rgrHI'I Club Mrs StaIIbWIs. 2" Sir_non Ro.ct s.ttford FIot81 Club M,. Rudd. 12 WItNm Aoed. K.."......." R G StrNt. 1 Home~ CIoN KlIYf\ltwIn MIIthodit1 Ctvd'l S.ltford Footbel Club H Hurtow. 3 Chel:wood Aoed Mr " M,. Met1c..... , E~ Way. KnnsNim SaIt'Ofd Ev~" Church S.ltford GoH Club TlwI Sect........ Club HoIAe. Galt Club ~ St. MIwy', p~~ ~ R.v. 5 G W'" M.A. The "-<tory s.ttford Guides • 8tOwNn M,. J Gay. 38 Rodney Ro.d A51...... Dutwt__ Aom4In C.tholic Church RE~ . 23~Roed S.ltford L..din a..d-nlntotl M,. L s.mmon•• "IS a.v.rton Roed w..t ... J Scon. 30 1...IrcQnda Aoed s.tt'ord lAwn Teonia o &rur.1ir.JII. illS MMof Roed. I(~ ... J 21 H.-h W • .,. W~ Avon a.drrIOnlOtl Club Hv, s.ttford 8t8nCh NSflCC M,. F HIneOtft. Unle On:1\IIt'd, MMof Aoed Avon County G Hoc\'-v. 11 C'lllvenon Aoed RowinO eM. Settford ~ScI'lOOl Aey Group MrI M Hudd. e Howard CIoN arillot AIIOft 5.ei6inoC"-'D M,.. [) M PMtridQe. YMd LAIne s.ttfotd ScI'lOOl Par.ntITNC~ Auoc'-Dort Mra P H.,aoeth. '2 a...ch Ro.d Britiah ~ tto.. s.1tford Soc.I.t Democratic Pa"y ~~~.~~~Ao.d ~ .. "'re. Rfd.o £"""a-ncY Serve. R n-. 8 NonnIon Roed s.1tford Rnlc»nta Auoci.alion ..... P Vlne, ScJring", High StINt ... H GOblin. 35 a.1h Roed. Kn-nen.m I(~" Oirtric:' l..a<irte Orde s.Itford Ridtn9 Club ..... J ..IonM. 31l.ar1dM.r_ Roald, longwoII Ot.en 1(~.Oielric t fOflhe~~ J New. 9 ~ CIoH s.tt1ord 1If'~ . RNlI MrI 0,...,..,. 12 ~ Ro.d A T SNppMd, 37 Mon~ Roed ~"*-" " Oiettcl """'-S T-... ....... SOOU.. It. ti-'I. 431 a.m Roed I(..,.~I,.,...,W~ ... A W.t:Ib. 402. &Uh AoMI s.tttord Spom Ctub Social Seclion It. T....,. 19 CheIwood Roald M,.. sUnfield. e ~0tI CIoM Key""m Otctww. s.ttford Toe H Bnlnch MiN PC....... 21 M.nor ~ KrtNhM'I Ro*1C1 CU:I It. M ow... 23 Aodtwy Aoed Satttord Under Th_ Group Mn K V.... , II Cawndlllh ao. I!Ieth I(~" Saltford ~ ~tjon o GiItMt1. "38 Aoed s.tr1ordW...,. 0 ......, 31 St. Georges Roed. ~ K.,-nahIIm .. SetttOfd V.t'llc:t. for twndicapped TUISI C 0 Getnah. Par'll. ~ . SudOin RGed. Knnshlm SattfordW.I. Mrli ...., 41S Upt..-.ds Roed I(..,...Nm .. Seftford L..-bcu Pwty R Griffit... M Nc:wrnat'I Roed I(~ .. SMfotd Loal Hic10ry Society E ljnr..ld. e <MN"0tI 00.. Sectional Orga....atlons I(~m .. SMtord W .... Cilde o Bigwood. TlwI AIv.... TlwI SNIIows l,jonl Club of K.Y"'...,.. Moulclr.."V~Oo.. s.tttord DrM\.I Club Mn J Rot.on. &r.uknock.,. High S.....c N.~PritnI.II.'~Soc:iety Mrs J W.,d. 15 uwtOn CIoI. s.tr1ord Ao_ Show Commin.. 8 Coomt-. 12 Chetwood Road RotW¥ Club of I(~ G I( ~. 3e High St s.ttford Gt~ SodIItv ,.. P AMI. Hllknlf. ttcwn.fWd Roa:I s.htorG Awon Evri'lg W.I. ....... 0 M WooIeon. 21 Tyn4ng Road S.lt1ord oTO • MS D.,-.ce Club J L -0--. 18 a.-rton Ao.d $eItfot(I BeodrroOnlon CI..b R G SttNt. 1 HOfNtiticI CIoN Sanford Pllintlng Club G Htu:ttClOdr. 8 WIndruM GtMn. I(~ s.tf0l"d eon..v.,...... .... lQCi.elion M,. Jeff....., Woet MovM F~ $.ehtord Photogteptllc Club R Sta\nrt. INS ,.,. Roed. ~ s.ntOfd CI>Ct., QuO F-J ~d , 115 ~Roed , I(~ s.ttford~ T Pol. IS Boyd Ao.d ' S.C.A. CHRISTMAS FAYRE AND DRAW SALTFORD CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Including the proceeds from the Draw. nearly £700 was raised for A ·Punch and Pie" buffet lunch will be held by the SaltfoI'd Association funds and thanks go to all who helped and attended Conservatives at Wickhouse Farm, Bath Road, Saltford on Sunday, the Farre. January 11th at 12 noon. Prize winners in the Draw were: SALTFORD FLORAL CLUB £30 - Fisher; £20 - Draks; £10 - P.Stone; Bottle of Whisky ­ The Annual General )(eeting of the Club will be held in the D.llardity; Bottle of Gin - Mrs.lorris; Bottle of Sherry - Wansdyke Room at 2.00 p.m.
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