Trail Preservation • Pompeys Pillar Vandalism • Letters from Readers • Along the Trail Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation February 2014 Volume 40, No. 1 George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and the West Also 46th Annual Meeting: “The Great Columbia River,” August 3–6, 2014 Contents Message from the President 2 The Jefferson River Canoe Trail Project 5 L&C Roundup: Vandalism to Pompeys Pillar; Grants Sought 7 for Development of Lewis and Clark ‘Descent Trail’; “Ocian in View” Cultural Weekend; New Books on Lewis and Clark Letters: Visitor at Fort Clatsop 10 The 46th Annual Meeting, “The Great 46th Annual Meeting Registration Material 11 Columbia River,” p. 11 George Rogers Clark: Jefferson’s First 15 Emissary in the West By Carolyn Gilman End Notes: Jefferson Letter Offered at Auction 31 Along the Trail: Sioux City Road Trip Inside back cover Trail Preservation • Pompeys Pillar Vandalism • Letters from Readers • Along the Trail George Rogers Clark at the Wabash, p. 20 Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation February 2014 Volume 40, No. 1 George Rogers Clark, On the cover: Thomas Jefferson, The petition of Jones and Clark is and the West paired with portraits of Clark and Jefferson from Carolyn Gilman’s feature article. See that section for captions and credits. Along the Trail—Sioux City, inside back cover Also 46th Annual Meeting: “The Great Columbia River,” August 3–6, 2014 We Proceeded On welcomes submissions of articles, proposals, inquiries, and letters. Writer’s guidelines are available by request and can be found on our website (www.lewisandclark.org). Submissions may be sent to Robert Clark, WSU Press, P.O. Box 645910, Pullman, WA 99164-5910, or by email to [email protected]. A Message from the President February 2014 • Volume 40, Number 1 We Proceeded On is the official publication of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Founda- tion, Inc. Its name derives from a phrase that When President itage Foundation should put this into appears repeatedly in the collective journals of Jefferson autho- practice. This is why I have asked our the expedition. ©2014 rized the acqui- Board of Directors to take additional E. G. Chuinard, M.D., sition of the time this year to review our organiza- Founder, We Proceeded On ISSN 02275-6706 Louisiana Ter- tion’s vision and mission. It is imper- ritory, he had a ative that we validate the best uses of Editor Robert A. Clark vision of what our staff and volunteer time and our Washington State University Press our nation could become. To help ful- funding to accomplish our mission. Volunteer Proofreaders fill that vision, we all know he assigned The original purpose of the Lewis H. Carl Camp and Jerry Garrett Meriwether Lewis to lead an explor- and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Publisher atory expedition whose primary mis- as spelled out in our incorporation Washington State University Press sion was to find the headwaters of the papers in March 1969, is still remark- Pullman, Washington Missouri River and to find a possible ably relevant today: Editorial Advisory Board route to the Paific Ocean. Captain Wendy Raney, Chair Barbara Kubik “…To encourage, support or under- Cascade, MT Vancouver, WA Lewis, with mission in hand, thought take, individually or jointly with the Jay H. Buckley Glen Lindeman about the journey ahead and developed federal, state and local governmental Provo, UT Pullman, WA his action plan for success. He already agencies, and others the construction, H. Carl Camp J.I. Merritt knew something of what might be dedication, and maintenance of pub- Omaha, NE Pennington, NJ required, but there were many uncer- lic markers and monuments, parks, Robert C. Carriker Robert Moore, Jr. Spokane, WA St. Louis, MO tainties. What unknowns and dangers and rest and recreation areas adjacent Carolyn Gilman Gary E. Moulton would he encounter? How long would to the Lewis and Clark Trail; the pub- Washington, DC Lincoln, NE he be gone? What skills would he need lication and distribution of journals, James Holmberg Philippa Newfield and how would he acquire them? How books, and similar material; such other Lousville, KY San Francisco, CA many men would be needed and how projects as may be appropriate to stim- Membership Information would he care for and feed them? What ulate and increase public knowledge Membership in the Lewis and Clark Trail Her- would it take to move forward every and awareness of the historical, social itage Foundation, Inc. is open to the public. Information and applications are available by day to reach his goal? I’m sure he spent and cultural significance and heritage writing Membership Coordinator, Lewis and many sleepless nights developing what of the Lewis and Clark trail; the facil- Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, P. O. Box we today would call an “action plan.” ities available for those studying or 3434, Great Falls, MT 59403 or on our website. Although I believe the Corps of retracing the Lewis and Clark Expe- We Proceeded On, the quarterly magazine of the Foundation, is mailed to current mem- Dis covery had a little bit of Lady Luck dition; and the natural wealth and bers in February, May, August, and November. on their side, I can’t help but conclude beauty of our land.” Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and that much of the success of the expe- Over the years, this original vision America: History and Life. dition was attributable to Lewis and and mission have broadened to empha- Annual Membership Categories: Clark’s preparations and their ability to size the equal importance of the signif- Student: $30 think and plan ahead. They restricted icance of the story as a teaching tool. Individual $49 their actions to only those that were This dual mission is well embodied in Individual 3-Year: $133 Family/International: $65/$70 required to accomplish their mission. our motto: “Keepers of the Story— Trail Partner: $200 This is one of many important les- Stewards of the Trail.” Heritage Club: $100 Explorer Club: $150 sons I have learned from studying The Board will be revalidating and Jefferson Club: $250 this historic expedition. In order to refreshing our mission and vision state- Discovery Club: $500 achieve your mission, you must have ment and developing an action plan Lifetime: $995, $2,500 and $5,000 a clear vision that can be accomplished for the next two to three years. Hope- The Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation. Individ- through well-thought-out actions fully it will help us set the stage for ual membership dues are not tax deductible, The focused on the mission. I believe the leading us into the fiftieth year of our portion of premium dues over $40 is tax deductible. work of the Lewis and Clark Trail Her- organization in 2019. It is important 2 We Proceeded On February 2014 President’s Message for everyone to know that I am not advocating any major changes, but it Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage is time to reaffirm that, of the unlim- Foundation’s Trail Stewardship ited choices of things “we could do” as an organization, your membership Grants: A Bicentennial Legacy dues and donations are being most By Margaret Gorski effectively used to fulfill our mission. While most people don’t find it very exciting, this type of planning work is The Lewis and Clark Bicentennial to pass on the proceeds of the sale of important to the health and sustain- years of 2003-2006 were commem- the coin to worthy non-profit organi- ability of an organization. As is always orated in many different ways. Hun- zations. Much credit can be given to the case, the end product is always bet- dreds of events and festivals were Bob Archibald, then president of the ter when people who are interested in hosted by communities across the council, for making this happen. the outcome get involved. We will pro- country where creative commercial The Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage vide opportunity for members to share products honoring the commemora- Foundation was extremely fortunate to your thoughts and advice throughout tion years were too numerous for one be the recipient of $1.6 million of the the year. Look for updates on the web person to collect. New books were profits held by the U.S. Mint in 2006. (www.lewisandclark.org). written, old books reprinted, and new The current policy, application, and As a final note, I want to remind public facilities were constructed pro- operating guidelines for this endow- you of our annual meeting which viding new and improved access to his- ment are governed by the “Lewis will be held this summer in Richland, toric places along the rivers and trails and Clark Trail Heritage Founda- Washington, hosted by the Washing- of the expedition’s route. tion Trail Stewardship Policy,” which ton Chapter. Registration and infor- It took years of planning to orga- was approved by the Board of Direc- mational materials are included in this nize a commemoration of such diverse tors on March 16, 2012, and revised issue of We Proceeded On. Attending potential and enormous scale. The April 20, 2013. This policy is based on our annual meeting is always the best National Council of the Bicentennial, Public Law 109-232 passed June 15, way to interact with your Board of organized in 1994, did an extraor- 2006, and further refined by a Fund Directors and other members. I hope dinary job of corralling the tremen- Agreement and Guidelines signed by you can attend! dous diversity of voices, focusing all the National Council of the Lewis and I am excited about this year’s venue the “what if’s” into a slate of “signa- Clark Bicentennial, The Missouri His- on the Columbia River.
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