- » *1 IITTM» I FEDERAL %REGISTER '9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 10 NUMBER 110 * Un it e d % Washington, Saturday, /wne 2, 1945 Regulations [WFO 75-2a] CONTENTS Part 1410—Livestock and Meats REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE SCHEDULE OF GOVERNMENT BEEF PURCHASE Alien Property Custodian : AND SET ASIDE PERCENTAGES . Vesting orders: Page Chapter XI—War Food Administration Pursuant to the provisions of War Food Bamberg, Marie___________ 6524 (Distribution Orders) Order No. 75-2, as amended (supra), and Bollerslev, Carrie E___1____ 6524 [WFO 109, as Amended, Termination] to effectuate the purposes thereof, it is Hahn, Marie______________ 6527 hereby ordered as follows: Koelsch, Louis_____________ 6525 Kuehl, Gustav_____________ 6525 Part 1490—Miscellaneous F ood § 1410.27 • Establishment of base pe­ Products Ludde, Robert, and Robert riod; establishment of beef purchase and Bernherd Ludde________ 6526 SOLUBLE COFFEE AND SOLUBLE COFFEE set aside, percentages—(a) Definitions. Lukitsch, Joseph___________ 6526 PRODUCTS The terms used herein shall have the Merkel, Else_______________ 6528 meaning set forth for such terms in War Miklosovitz .Elsie__________ 6528 War Food Order No. 109, as amended Food Order No. 75, as amended (10 F.R. Muller, Johann, et al______ 6526' (9 F.R. 9134; 10 F.R. 103), is terminated 4649), and War Food Order No. 75-2, as Reindl, John___________ _ 6527 as of 12:01 a.m., e.w.t., June 1, 1945, amended. Zoberbier, Carl-___________ 6528 but all soluble coffee and all soluble coffee (b) Base period; current rate of Customs Bureau: products set aside, at the effective time slaughter. The month of June 1944 is Airports of entry, redesignation. 6501 of such termination, pursuant to War hereby established as the base period. Blocked nationals, importations Food Order No. 109, as amended, shall Current rate of slaughter is determined and exportations; licensing continue to be held as set-aside soluble by dividing the dressed weight of cattle requirements and proce- coffee or soluble coffee products and may slaughtered during a current week by the dure_____ 6502 be sold or disposed of only to a govern­ average weekly slaughter (dressed F ederal Communications Commis­ ment agency, as defined in War Food Or­ sion: weight) of cattle during the base period Ship-shore and intership com­ der No. 109, as amended, unless other­ (June 1944). wise released, from the set-aside restric­ munication, allocation___ 6520 (c) Government purchase and set F ederal P ower Commission: tion, by the Director of Marketing Serv­ aside percentages. In accordance with Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas ices, War Food Administration. the standards set forth in paragraph (e) Co., Inc., application for With respect to violations, rights ac­ of War Food Order 75-2, the following certificate of public con­ crued, liabilities incurred, or appeals schedule of percentages is hereby estab­ venience and necessity____ _ 6523 taken under said War Food Order No. lished. The quantity of each grade of F ederal Trade Commission: 109, as amended, prior to the effective Army-style beef which the persons or Eversharp, Inc., cease and desist time of this termination order, all provi­ agencies designated in War Food Order order__________________ 6501 sions of said War Food Order No. 109, as FIsh and Wildlife Service: No. 75-2 may purchase is determined by Necedah National Wildlife Ref­ amended, in effect prior to the effective applying the appropriate percentage to uge, Wis., hunting of deer_ 6520 time of this termination order shall be the total weekly production (dressed F oreign E conomic Administration : deemed to be in full force and effect for weight) of each of such grades Of Army- Philippine Islands; addition to the purpose of sustaining any proper style beef, and the quantities of Utility list (Corr.)________,____ 6503 suit, action, or other proceeding with re­ grade (Grade C) beef and of canner and General Land Office: gard to any such violation, right, liability, cutter grade (Grade D) beef which are Air-navigation site withdrawal, or appeal. required to be set aside by any slaugh­ Utah; revocation________ 6521 Opening of public lands: (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9322, 8 F.R. terer is determined by applying the ap­ propriate percentage to the total weekly California (2 documents)___ 6521 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 F.R. 5423; E.O. 9392, Colorado________________ 6522 8 F.R. 14783) production (dressed weight) of Utility Utah..................... 6522 grade beef and canner and cutter grade Issued this 31st day of May 1945. Washington______________ 6523 beef, respectively. All beef required to I nterior D épartaient: Wilson Cowen, be set aside or made available for pur­ Oil and gas operating regula­ Assistant War Food Administrator. chase by Zone 9 kosher slaughterers shall tions; government royalty [P. R. Doc. 45-9454; Filed, May 31, 1945; be in the form of hind quarters. oil____________________ 6502 3:24 p. m.] (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 6495 6496 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, June 2, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— Selective Service System: Page Continued. Page Army occupational and educa­ FEDERA^pEGISTER Bituminous coal (MPR 120, Am. tional record and veterans’ V, »**TtO’ ¿r 140)__________________ 6514 assistance program; pre­ Foods: scribed forms___________ 6502 Perishable, sales at retail S urplus P roperty B oard: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, (RMPR 268, Am. 12)___ 6514 Preferences for veterans_____ 6519 and days following legal holidays, by the Processed (Rev. RO 13, Am. 60 War F ood Administration: Division of the Federal Register, the National Archives, pursuant to the authority contained to 2d Rev. Supp. 1) ------- 6516 Coffee, soluble, and coffee prod­ in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Retail ceiling prices: ucts (WFO 109, Termina­ 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Group 1 and 2 stores (MPR tion) ____ 6495 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the 423, Am. 45)_____—— 6514 Livestock and meats, set aside: Administrative Committee, approved by the Group 3 and 4 stores (MPR Beef (WFO 7^-2, Am. 24)___ 6496 President. Distribution is made only by the 422, Am. 46)________ 6514 Schedule of government Superintendent of Documents, Government Fruits and vegetables, fresh; purchase and percent­ Printing Office /‘Washington 25, D. C. The regulatory material appearing herein is sales except at retail (MPR ages (WFO 75-2a)___ 6495 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, 426, Am. 109 and 110) (2 Pork (WFO 75-3, Am. 15)___ 6499 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant documents)_________ 6517, 6519 Schedule of government to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Meats, fats, fish and cheeses purchase and percent­ amended June 19, 1937. (Rev. RO 16, Am. 44 to 2d ages (WFO 75-3a)___ 6500 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Rev. Supp. 1)___________ 6516 War P roduction Board : mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Melting pots and rings, clay Bags, textile (M-221)----- 6507 per m onth or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Bends-for-repair, manufactur­ vance. The charge for individual copies glass; modification of max­ (minimum 15<i) varies in proportion to the imum prices (MPR 188, Am. ers’ cutting (M-310, Dir. size of the issue. Remit check or money 80 to Order A -l)_____— 6533 13) ______ 6512 order, made payable to the Superintendent Mileage rationing; gasoline reg­ Cotton duck (M-91) _________ 6511 of Documents, directly to the Government ulations (Rev. RO 5C, Am. Insect screen cloth, metal Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. 1 ) _____________ _______ 6515 (L-303)_______ 6509 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Millwork, stock (MPR 525, Am. Newspapers (L-240, incl. Ints. tion of material appearing in the F ederal 7; RMPR 293, Am. 7) (2 doc­ 1—4)____ 6503 R egister. uments)___ ...-----. 6512, 6516 Steel producers, operations Plywood, hardwood (MPR 568, (CMP Reg. 1, Dir. 71)___ 6506 Am. 4)_________ —------- 6514 Suspension order; Liberty In­ NOTICE Regional and district office or­ candescent Supply Co------ 6503 ders. See also Adjustments. The 1943 Supplement to the Code Bananas, imported fresh; Percentage of beef production of Federal Regulations, covering Williamsport, Pa., dis- (dressed weight of slaughter) Current rate of slaugh- the period June 2,1943, through De­ tric t__________________ 6538 ter (percent of June cember 31, 1943, may be obtained Community ceiling prices, 1944 weekly aver­ Army style Utility and age) canner from the Superintendent of Docu­ lists of orders filed (4 and cutter documents) ___________ 6533, Regular Kosher grades ments, Government Printing Office, 6534,6536,6537 at $3.00 per book. Fluid milk: Less than 90.1______ 44.8 34.3 7.1*1 Alabama________________ 6538 90.1-95.0........................ 45.8 35.5 71.6 Book 1 : Titles 1-31, including Presi­ 95.1-100.0...................... 46.7 36.5 72.1 dential documents in full text. Atlanta region_________ 6538100.1-105.0................... 47.5 37.5 72.5 New Hampshire..________ 6538 105.1-110.0________ .. 48.2 38.4 72.9 Book 2: Titles 32-50, with 1943 Gen­ 110.1-115.0............. 48.9 39.2 73.2 Millwood, certain; East Lake 115.1-120.0__________ 49.5 39.9 73.5 eral Index and 1944 Codification Washington area___ _ 6539 120.1-125.0.................... 50.1 40.5 73.8 Guide. Spirits, distilled, shipped from 125.1-130.0__________ 50.6 41. 2 74.1 130.1-135.0_________ , 51.1 41.7 74.4 The complete text of the Cumula­ Puerto Rico (MPR 183-A, 135.1-140.0................... 51.5 42.3 74.6 Am. 3)__________________ 6512 140.1-145.0.................... 51.9 42.8 74.8 tive Supplement (June 1, 1938- 145.1-150.0__________ 52.3 43.2 75.0 Tires and tubes, new rubber 150.1-175.0__________ 53.3 44.4 75.5 June 1, 1943) is still available in ten (RMPR 143, Am.
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