TWBLVB SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22,188«, \ — I ' ' ’ ~ ^ ^ ' - '' ATHKARf DAn.TlULT CnodlA'nON neUher prsaetiBwnnir-prMiglj WIFI ' i l l M B for the . THE WEATHER named In that verse. Fenonalljr,Peraonalbr. be JU ir U s SUPPLY OF KE I ForeeMt-OtJC.JI^Wwitker Bntb—, AHNJyUWN tald be did not like the word SCANNATOlNIIIATE floWws and n^ni|i.. Hartford "preacher” and advised the congre­ for im ooenalons. \ 1 \ gations represented to refrain from ^ C O T T fflS WINTER Delivered anywbetel ' Gloiidy, probably foOowed by snow 6 ffloera and tesehen the South calling their ministers.- by that o Member o t ttbsA ndt Uetbodlit church school will meet NEW PASTOR HERE BIG CLASS TONIGHT >AIRE G MMERICAL cbonglng to rain tonight; rain Toes, name. The term Is never mentioned Boreon of «jticaHt|pns day, rising temperature. Monday evening a t the church for a in thee new testament, except as a It Has Been Easy to Fin Stor­ Inialness session, and to make plans verb "preach'preach the goepel” or ^‘preach""•■••eu JWANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE ('HARM for the spring program of the age Houses Because of Con­ the word." Altogether too many tinued Cold Weather. IGERATION VOL. LV„ NO. 124. (UaaoOled Advorttalng on 1U.| school. Dr. Story will speaU On' the Dr. F. E. Reynolds Welcomed men are preachera and nothing else. Degree Team to Be Seieq in BiANCHESTER, CONN-, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1 ^ 6 . "Privileges and Rcsponslbllftles of Dr. Potter went on to give the Greek (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THKEE CENIN ' the Church School Worker." mot of the word "pastor” which There la little likelihood of an All T ypes^ IniitaUations, Including: Into Hartford Ea^t Associ­ corresponded with the i^gllsh New Regalia; Many Visit* Mr. and Urs. Frank V. Wlillamt of "shepherd", whose mission Is to Ice. ehortage next summer. ' Both TNC^FLOWST Tolland Turnpike have ^as their ation Last Night. take the sheep where the tenddr- S. !a. Buck and L. T. Wood, who are 17 Oak Street Gets First Pension Check At 109 guests Mr. and Mrs. 3 . C. Owcrs pt grass grows, carrying out Jesus’ ad­ Mancheater'a principal ice . deolera ors bpected. OOLERS EROSION BILL HAGOOD, ARMY and who cut and etore natural Ice, New Haven, formerly of this town. monition to "Feed My Lambs". (New Asrating S yste^-l No Bulky Brine Tank) CROSS MAY SUMMON Mr. Owers was formerly superin­ Pr. Ferris E. Reynolds, the new Dedication Prayer have both harvested their crops A large claaa of candidates for tendent of the Second Congrega­ from ponds. Mr. Wood in addition minister at the Second Congrega­ The prayer of dedication was. also membership will be Initiated to- IS BOOSTED BY CRITIC OF WPA, tional church school and Is a deacon to manufacturing Ice at his plant on night at 7:30 o'clock at a special WALk-IN BOXES —\DISPLAY CASES of the church. Ho came up to a t­ tional chiireh was officially wel­ given by Dr. Potter, with Dr. Rey­ Blssnll street cuts Ice from the pond RITCHIE IS D meeting of Scandia Lodge, No. 23, tend the recognition service last comed Into fellowship of the H art­ nolds Standing by his side. Rev. near the railroad stattoh In Bolton. A SPECIAL SESSI Andrew Stanton of Immanuel Con­ Order of 11080, at Orange Hall. It BUREAU HEADS night for Dr. Ferris E. Reynolds. ford East A.ssoclatlon of Congrega­ He has filled the Ice house there TOWN advertisement / Wa t e r c o o lin g ^ ic e m a k in g IS DlSgPLINED gregational church, Springfield, who will mark the first appearance of tional churches, at an Impressive Which will be more than la needed to At the midweek service of the was to have thus officiated, was im-. draw upon this year., Hla atock of the men's degree team In tuxedos NationaBy Known Figure In South Methodist church the coming .scK'icc of recognition held a t' the. able to he present. and red fezzes-bearing the Scandia \ IV AIR-CONDITIOI^G manufacture. Ice Is much larger In insignia, and black tassels. TICE OF THE ■ PUERTO RICO’S |gs Attended by Fed- OF STATE ASSEMBLY Wednesday evening, Dr. Earl Story church last evening and attended by Dr. Truman Woodward who gave GeneranYho A M e d Gov- .slor^o this year than in the past. Delegations from other lodges will begin a series of Dentcn talks a large number of eminent clergy the charge to Dr. Rejnolds as he Mr. Buck has to cut Ice twice from E s tim a te s F u rn is lu Democratic Party Passes stood h^tde the pulpit gave an eH- throughout the state are expected end that will extend through Holy Week. men from this section of the state his pond jn order to fill his bbuse. cials Who Tell of emment Policies Sfripped The subJecUor the first meeting is: . „ , quent-discourse'disc on the value of »n- There has been ample cold weather to attend and the Invited guests In­ AXCOlLECTOIlf POUCE CHIEF C0V€ ._l!Why.. Wa-Qbserve LienL."---- ------- as Jhual^-m_church • work.-rightemis clude, Dlstrlot-M oeter Mies -Hsther . Aiay Jn d d e n ly - a t. Hia ■—men. xru.ioMusic In'u charge" "^"^-flndlgatlonbf'O r when there Is ne.5 of It. to • get the ■ hscessfiry "Two cutOnge' M A S O I im ilr and he has In storage 200 tons of GuIIberg of New Britain asd’ otli^r All persons liable by law pay Perils of Loi^ SoO and of Command by Order W St. Margaret's Clrcje, Daughters ganist E; A. Wilbur of. Wethersfield He deplored the frequent change of members of the state board. En^el- to and the singers Included Mr. and Ice in hla-house on Birch mountain ■the Old Age Assistance Tax of $3.00, Home in Baldmorel IS MURDERED Necessary Y^ongreii of Isabella, will form a study club fiastoratcs made by some ministers fuad. brecht Lodge of Meriden wlllXpre- Iri the Town of Manchester,' are at the regtilar meeting of the circle Mrs. Percy Cooley of Rockville, Miss and referred to Rev. Russell Conwell sent the program after the/lnltla- Silted G ovem m ^D am s. the Secretary of War. TOWN'S SOOAl Helen Bailey. Mi.ss Geraldine Ten­ au^tlior of "Acres of Diamonds”, who hereby notified that 1 will have a to be held in. the Knights of Colum­ cercmpnles. and. will /'featu re rate bill for the Enrollment Of 1935, Baltimore, Feb. 24;—(AP) —y Does Not Change Ksf bus home on Tuesday evening of ney, Roger "WrnlBTi"a'nd"Tf;"M,"Tc!r-" remained BO years In his Philadel­ numbers by junior members. Former D. S. Army Colonel ney who sang aa a solo, "Just for duo and payable on February l Former Gov. Albert C. Ritchie, a nexJL week. Following the buslne.ss phia pastorate, and touched briefly MISS SQUATRITO GIVEN Tho local degree teaiVia captain- 1936. Washington, Feb. 24.—(API Washington, Feb. 24 — (AP) — FETE, Today," accompanied on the piano on the splendid accomplishments of LIKE GOOD THINGS TO EAT? Security Act—Wonld 'meeting a social will be held, this by his niece, Mi.ss Tenney. In ad- ed by Amandus Johnifon ana the Nationally knowm figure In the Shot to Death by Two Na­ DeciaraUons that the farmer’s' \ Major General Johnson Hogood was part of the evening’s program being Mr. Conwell In that field, where officers are Herbert ^hnson, chair­ Said Tax Payable at the Tax Democratic Party, died atiddcnly at financial status has shown "vast In charge of a committee consist­ dllinn to the congregational sing­ were literally "acres of diamonds." A BIRTHDAY PAR man; Oscar Johnson, vice chair­ TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS his apartment here early today. He summarily relieved from his com­ Called After Election. ing of Mrs. George H. Williams, ing the choir song two anthems. Rev. Dr. Watson Woodruff, jins- Collector’s Office in the was 59 years old. Improvement” and that the nation ,. I" ^ mand of the 8th corps area at Srin The platform was decorated with man; William prison, chaplain: 60c tionalists Who Are Slain Antonfo, Tex., today and ordered by Most Pop Eyeilt of^ Mrs. James McVeigh. Mrs. \Vllllam tor of the Center Congregational Carl J. B. Andep^n, past president; Municipal Building from Ritchie, pioneer advocate of pro- la threatened with "billions of dol­ Hunter, Mrs. John Lappen,' Miss ferns and cut flowers and several church of Manchester, who gave the. Mrs. Lillian Yeomans of Cen- Roast. Turkey with All the Fixings hlbltlon repeal and recentl,- an out­ lars” loss by soil erosion were plac­ President Roosevelt’s direction to Turkish rug.s. Elmore Thor^, master of cere­ his borne and "await orders.” Hartford, Feb. 24.—(AP) —Uri-. Margkret Zorskis, Miss Nellie .Smith right hand of fellowship, said that ler Street; Entertains Oak monies; and Evald Erickson, assist­ Genuine Ndtive Calves’ Liver and B spoken critic of the Roosevelt New by Police. ed before Congress today by gov­ son to ^ f g e At- and Miss Stephanie Tonskl. Presents Paper. February 1 to March 2 Hagood tn recent testimony be­ less Congress changes Its Social Se- - At the council meeting of the part would have been his eholce had Street Young Woman. ant master/of ceremonies. Refresh­ Ckimplete, Full Course Dinners Deal, apparently died of a stroke. ernment agencies. fore a House appropriations sub­ association in the afternoon. Dr. he had anything to do with the pro- ments wilt be served by a commlt- Inclusive..
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