1245 XVII . CHRONOLOGY OF THE HISTORY OF AUSTRIAN FOREIGN AND EUROPE POLICY 1914/18-2009 June 28, 1914: Kingdom of Hungary, this document no longer The heir to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, the has any effect. nephew of Franz Joseph, who wanted to organ- October 21, 1918: ise the Habsburg empire on a federal basis and Even during the war, the members of the recognise all peoples equally, was murdered in Reichsrat elected in 1911 in the German- Sarajevo with his wife. speaking territories of the monarchy consti- July 28, 1914: tuted themselves in Vienna as the Provisional After an Austrian ultimatum not fulfilled by National Assembly in order to found their own Serbia, Austria-Hungary declares war on Ser- state “Deutschösterreich”. bia. As a result, a dynamic of alliance systems October 30, 1918: develops, followed by mobilizations and decla- Decision of the Provisional National Assem- rations of war between the Central Powers and bly to implement a provisional constitution for the Entente. “Deutschösterreich” November 21, 1916: November 3, 1918: Emperor Franz Joseph I dies after 68 years of Armistice between Austria-Hungary and the regency. His great-nephew succeeds him as Allies. Charles I on the throne. November 11, 1918: 1917: Charles I, on the condition that the choice of the Emperor Charles tries in vain to reach a form of state was left to the people, renounced peace agreement with the Entente through his “every share in the affairs of state” but not the brother-in-law Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma. throne. October 13, 1918: November 12, 1918: Abdication of Charles as King of Hungary. Proclamation of the Republic of “Deutschöster- October 16, 1918: reich” by a delegation of the National Assembly With “An meine getreuen österreichischen on the parliamentary ramp with correspond- Völker” Karl propagates the transformation ing law on the form of state and government. of the empire into a federal state. In order to In front of Pallas Athena a Soviet Republic comply with the will of the USA and President “ Socialist Republic of Austria” is proclaimed. Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen-point programme, January 18, 1919: the emperor issues a manifesto of peoples which Convening of the peace conference in Paris by transforms the Austrian empire into a federal the Entente Powers USA, Great Britain, Italy state. Since the German-speaking Bohemia are and France. It was attended by 27 states, all of not prepared to live in a Czechoslovak crown which had declared war on Germany and for country and the manifesto does not apply to the the most part on Austria. 1246 XVII. Chronology of the History of Austrian Foreign and Europe Policy February 16, 1919: July 7, 1920: First democratic election in the Republic of Establishment of a proportional government. ‟Deutschösterreich”. The Social Democrats The coalition government under Karl Renner attain a relative majority and form a coali- fails on the question of creating a new army. tion with the christian socials. Karl Renner is Michael Mayr becomes the new chancellor. The Chancellor of State. strong man in the background is the christian social Ignaz Seipel. March 21, 1919: Proclamation of a Soviet Council Republic in October 1, 1920: Hungary under Béla Kun. Resolution of the Constitution of the Feder- al State of Austria. Hans Kelsen, Professor March 24, 1919: of Constitutional and Administrative Law in Emperor Karl leaves the Republic at the border Vienna, is in charge of its preparation. crossing at Feldkirch. October 10, 1920: April 3, 1919: The majority (59%) of the population of South- The constituent National Assembly passes the ern Carinthia votes in a referendum in favor of law on the expulsion of the Habsburg-Lothrin- remaining with Austria. gen dynasty and the takeover of the assets of the House of Habsburg-Lothringen in order to April 5, 1921: prevent any tendencies towards restoration. Charles I makes a futile second attempt at restoration in Hungary. June 6, 1919: The Entente Powers decide in Paris on the ref- April 24, 1921: erendum in Carinthia. Since the republic is forbidden from joining Germany by the victorious powers, individual June 15, 1919: federal states try to decide this for themselves. Mass march of the Austrian communists for a In Tyrol there is a referendum for the annex- soviet republic. ation to Germany with the slogan “Heim ins June 28, 1919: Reich” with 98.5%. Signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty by the May 29, 1921: German Reich. A referendum in Salzburg even brings 99% for August 1, 1919: the “Anschluss”. The soviet republic in Hungary resigns. Miklós June 1, 1921: Horthy acts as “imperial administrator” Resignation of the Federal Government (“Reichsverweser”). Mayr following the announcement of another September 10, 1919: referendum for the Anschluss in Styria, alarm- Signing of the Peace Treaty of St. Germain by ing the victorious powers. Austria: recognition of the new states of Poland, December 16, 1921: Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, which emerged Treaty of Lana between the Republic of Aus- on the territory of the Austro- Hungarian monar- tria and the Czechoslovak Republic, signed chy. New border demarcation between the new by Chancellor Schober and Foreign Minister republics Austria, Hungary, Italy and Romania. Edvard Beneš, with the obligation to respect No concrete reparation obligation but general the Treaties of Saint Germain and the reciprocal lien (Generalpfandrecht) for the victorious pow- guarantee of their territories. Austria receives a ers on Austrian state property. Prohibition of loan of 500 million Czechoslovak crowns. The Austria’s Anschluss to Germany, prohibition of Greater Germans in Austria experience this as general conscription, professional army with a “betrayal” of the Sudeten Germans. maximum of 30,000 men. The new name of the state now has to be “Republic of Austria”. XVII. Chronology of the History of Austrian Foreign and Europe Policy 1247 December 29, 1921: 1925: In the old town hall in Wipplingerstraße/ Vienna Treaty of Locarno between Germany and the the “National Socialist Association for German victorious powers, which defines the western Austria” holds a protest meeting against the borders of the German Reich and the Rhineland Treaty of Lana: The chairman of the associa- as a demilitarized zone. tion Walter Riehl and “the representative of the 1925: National Socialist Party from Munich” Adolf The crown currency is replaced by the shilling Hitler speak. and the hard currency policy (“Alpine dollar”) April 10, 1922: is continued. The currency is restored, but the Genoa Conference for the reconstruction of economy is down. Europe. The Soviet Union takes part in this con- October 24, 1929: ference. Austria receives loan commitments. Stock market crash in New York with During his negotiations in Genoa, Chancellor consequences of mass unemployment in Schober is overthrown and replaced by chris- Austria (around 600,000) and Germany (around tian social Ignaz Seipel. The Genoa Conference 6 Million). fails because of the Treaty of Rapallo. 1929/1930: April 16, 1922: First as Chancellor, now as Foreign Minister, In the Rapallo Treaty between Germany and Johannes Schober achieves at the Hague Con- the Soviet Union, mutual renunciation of ference, in which it was a question of finally reparations takes place. settling the war debts of the nations defeat- October 4, 1922: ed in the First World War, to persuade the A League of Nations loan of 650 million gold Allied powers to renounce the general lien crowns is granted to restore the shattered state (Generalpfandrecht). budget, combined with the partial waiver of the March 3, 1931: general lien (Generalpfandrecht) to secure the Secret agreements are reached between the Geneva loan. Above all, Austria undertakes German Foreign Minister Julius Curtius and not to seek affiliation with Germany and ac- his Austrian counterpart Johannes Schober on cepts the control of the League of Nations. The a customs union with Germany. France and the stabilization of the currency required drastic Czech Republik veto the agreement. sacrifices, and at least 100,000 civil servants are to be dismissed. The loan is granted by Great May 8, 1931: Britain, France, Italy and Czechoslovakia. The The government learns of the imminent four states undertook to respect Austria’s spe- collapse of the Creditanstalt. The League of cial international status. Austria again had to Nations demands the abandonment of the cus- commit itself to its independence under the toms union project with the German Reich for Treaty of Saint-Germain. The German Reich its help. Federal Chancellor Otto Ender resigns. was subject to a 20-year ban on joining. Federal President Wilhelm Miklas commis- sions Seipel to form a government, inviting the October 27-29, 1922: social democrats to form a “concentration gov- March on Rome by the fascists under the ernment”, which they reject. Karl Buresch was leadership of Benito Mussolini. then commissioned to form the government, November 14, 1922: which formed a coalition government with The Austrian central bank is created. After a christian socials, greater germans and the Land few months, the currency stabilized. After two Federation (Landbund). The customs union years, the national budget was in balance. Un- project failed. The government grants guaran- employment rose rapidly, even at a time when tees for the rescue of the Creditanstalt. Europe was otherwise experiencing a boom. 1248 XVII. Chronology of the History of Austrian Foreign and Europe Policy September 5, 1931: March 1, 1933: At the request of the League of Nations Warning strike of the Austrian railway work- Council, the Permanent International Court of ers. All railway stations are occupied by the Justice shall issue a legal opinion concerning gendarmerie and the army. the organisation of customs between Germany March 4, 1933: and Austria, in which it examined the compat- Social Democrats call for a Nationalrat meet- ibility of membership of a customs union with ing.
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