Tt phone:725-3300 Secondclass postagepaid Franklin news-recorDat Princelon.N.J. 08540 10cents per copy; $4.50 per year Vol. 19, No. 5 20 pages Thursday, January 31, 1974 State says SRO’s must news be changed or removed. briefs The Franklin board el that the officer’s duties are allowed the officers to carry educational practices, and not exist in its present form, education has been asked by limited strictly to law on- firearms, whether it violated the Con- and’ said the board of the state commissioner of forcemcnt, and that firearms The board, said Mr. Roth, stitutional rights of students. education would tackle the education to halt the con- are expresslyprohibited in the contended that the SROwas Mr. Roth said Franklin’s problem at its regular troversial School Resource schools¯ not a public school law on- schoolboard could still appeal Thursday night conference Officer programin the high The ACLU,which petitioned forcement officer and the decision, and noted that session. An announcementof andintermediate schools, as a the state board on behalf of therefore felt the application the state commissioner had the board’s intentions for the result of a hearing two weeks Theresa Hurvath and Judith proceduredid not apply to the given the board the option of future of the SROprogram will agoin Trenton. De Poneeau, two parents of SRO. going through normal chan- probably be madetomorrow, In a letter received Tuesdaystudents in the high and in- In addition to the argument nels and revising the program Friday, said Dr. Maxwell. by school board attorney Jack termediate schools, argued about violation of the ad- to meet requirements. Mrs. Marilyn Zuekerman,a Lintner and ACLU that Franklin had not fol- ministrative procedures, the School superintendent Dr. leading critic of the SRO cooperating attorney Richard lowed the application pro- ACLUasked the state corn- Robert Maxwell confirmed program, said she felt the Thinie, the state commissionercedure, had not made a missioner to decide whether that the state had told the state decision was "definitely SENIOItTItlP asked Franklin to disband the finding of need, and had the progrumviolated accepted board the SROprogram could a win for us." The Middhibush Senior SROmonth-old SROprogram Citizens’ Club enjoyed an becauseit violateda section of outing at Radio City Music the administrativecode of the State Boardof Education. Hall in NewYork on Jan. 23, Robert Roth, president of with transportation provided Budget may lower taxes the Somerset Countychapter by the Franklin Parks and Recreation Department. of the American Civil Liberties Union, said the school board received the An increase in ratablas and utilized, and gave an item by supplementalteaeherstowurk Warrior marching band are with students whohave been NOCONTEST restraining order becauseit a decrease in students may item description of budget also a priority item on the failed to follow the proper lead to a slight loweringof the areas, although he stressed, diagnosedas having learning budget, said Dr. Maxwell.The procedurefor hiring a public township tax rate if voters "This is very muchthe board’s problems, band’s present uniforms are The Franklin Park Inn on Other funds will be used to Route 27 has pleaded no school law enforcement of- approvethe $10.4 million 1974 budget, despite the fact that over 12 years old. ficer. school budget at the polls I’m doing the speaking." "bring the fiddles out of moth- contest to a charge of pur- MARJORIEBURGER, a volunteer at the Franklin TownshipHealth Department,counsels a Dr. Maxwellestimated that chasing alcholie beverages In the normal application February 13. The budget was A "very heavy emphasis" bails, as Dr. Maxwellsaid, to patient aboutvarious familyplanning methodsat the bi-monthlyFamily Planning Clinic. procedure, said Mr. Roth, the unanimously approved by on reading is containedin the resumemusic instruction in an average property owner from an unauthorized source stringed instruments, which would pay about $16 less in betweenJan. 22 and Aug. 22, sehodiboardmustfirstmakea Franklin’s board of education proposedbudget, accordingto , , __ L | __finding of oecdand then apply after Mundaynight’s public Dr. Maxwell.Funds have been ceusedtauryearsago, taxnsnext year if the propesed ,,,, =o.,,o,,o hearing at Hillcrest School. Newuniforms for the Golden budgetof $10,395,609passes. n n n i [r~ ~[]1 ~ ~[Jp’lrl i 1 i[]1111 1 i[.,llto the countysuperintendent of allocated for books and fm Bower, director of the New ~’IP~i------’O ......~ w ~=m’wl~=lBschools. county Jersey Division of Alcoholic .u="Illl ily ’~=m=m===~ If the In response to complaints = superintendent agrees with from residents about BeverageControl. Frederick the manncrinwhiehprevious G. Ftiock,ownerof the inn, was the needfor a schooloffiecr, he then sends the application budgets have been presented, S r ordered to pay a fincof$l,875 []] a n u It"---" ma n t Chamber campaign fo in lieu of suspension of his at health-’ ~ ~wlrw,.... w- ~,, - to the state commissionerof board president Raymond liquar licenseIor 25days. edueationfor a final decision. Mesiahturnedoverthefloorto Fewresidents seemto be Centerin Nov.’arkfor further obtainedthe servicesof a newIf the commissionerdecides to superintendent Dr. Robert sen awareof tile extensive family testing. Patients also receive doctor, Dr. Triveri Patel, who grant permissionfor the hiring Maxwell. Dr. Maxwellgave a ior citizen discount excellent response to the PI.:NNYSALE planning services offered by complete internal and ab- is hoping to run the evening of the officer, said Mr.Roth, brief slide presentation on The township-wide cam- discountto the elderlyis in full the Franklin Townshipilealth dominal exams, two Pap test clinic. Dr. Patel is presentlyin there are two stipulations: ways budget moneywould be paign to offer a ten per cent swing,according to AnnetteE. request. Lists of participating Petrick, ExecutiveDirector of merchantsand businesses will The Altar-RnsarySociety of Department in their office slides, anda lecture on use of charge of the new cancer above the library at 835 wtrious types of con- detection clinic, which was the Chamberof Commerceo.f soonappear in this newspaper, St. Matthias Church will llamiltonStreet, according to traception. held for the first time last Franklin Township. and lists are also available sponsor a Penny Sale on from lhe Recreation Depart- Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 8:30 Mrs. llelen Reilly, elipic "Most womenwbo come in Monday.The clinic, reports The township Parks & coordinator, already have their minds Mrs. Reilly, was a "terrific Recreation Department is ment. p.m. Services will be held Bad water taste pinned issuing cards to all senior Mrs.Petriek announcedthat prior to the meetingat a p.m. Yet the amountof services made up on what type of Success," available to township contraception they want," In addition to the family citizens whorequest them at by Feb. t, participating firms in tim church, residents is complete, inex- says Mrs. Reilly. "But we planning clinic, the health town hall. Participating will be issued postersfor their pensiveand varied, says Mrs. answerall thcir questionsand department offers an annual to runoff fromsnow merchants are giving windows indicating their Reilly. The family planning tellthem about other methods, series of multi-phasic discounts of ten per cent, in participation. CIIAPI,IN FILMS clinics, which have been in just in euse." Amongthe screening clinics, mini-health some cases more, to card The Chamberhas issued a existence for nearly seven methodsavailabhithrough the fairs, and tri-monthly Child Water Companyhad added bearers. Some 500 elderly last call for merchants, Tile bad taste in Franklin’s water. businesses, service The Rutgers University years in the township,areheld clinic are rhythm, condom, Health Conferences. The last Mr. Carlano said the water extra chlorine to the water to havebeen issued the cards to Student Center will present a municipal water supply last date; the tmvnshiphas more organizations who want to twice a month, on the first diaphragm, the Pill, intra- are given the first three Tuesday was caused hy the might have a bad taste, but offset the flow of organic ten-week, 14-film series en- IVlondayand third Thursday. uterine devices tIUD) and Fridays of every month at I wasnot dangerousto drink. He matter into the water. than2,000 elderly living within offer a ten per cent discountto sudden thaw of snow, ac- its boundaries. the elderly to phoneor write titled "Charlie Chaplin: A Clinic hours are I p.m. until tuballigation. The last is done Parkside Street, Somerset cording to township health added that his primary con- "Sometimes the chlorine ltetrospoctivc." The first part about 4 p.m. througheither JFKl lospital in from8:30 a.m. until noon. The has a strange reaction with Tile Ctlamber of Commercethe Chamberoffice so they officer JohnCarlano. cern was that the water might maybe included in the list. of the series will be presented Franklin’s family planning Edison or the Perth Amboy Child Health Conferencesare Residents, mostly from the contain heavy metals, which substancesin tile water,"said contacted its entire mem- this Sunday,Feb. 3, at 7 and 9 clinic is fundedcompletely by llospital. limited to infants and are toxic but impossible to Mr.Carlano. "But the waler is bership asking that the The firm does not haveto be a p.m. showings. The movies Foxwood-Levitt area, com- discounts be madeavailable. township health department Nopregnancy tests are done preschool children only, says plained last week whenmany taste or smell. The analysis, okay now. 1 drink it all the member of the Chamber of shown will be "Tile Kid" funds and by donations, at the health department,says Mrs. Reilly, and only healthy noticed a "paint-like" taste in he said, revealed none. The time." Mrs. Petrick reported an Commerceto participate. (1921), and "The Idle Class" although Mrs.Reilly hopesto Mrs.Rcilly. Instead, patients children are handled for their water, Police reported Elizabethtown Water Com- (1921), both written, directed enlarge the clinic and apply desMngsuch tests are sent to immunizations and receiving over 40 calls pany, which supplies andstarred in by Mr.Chaplin.
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