■» J.,. , ■ Average Daily Circnlation rar the Mm IS of Znty, IM l This Weathar af V. t. WaaMM y 6,784 OonsideraMa slanaiaaM taalghtt lltMBhar af tha AaSIt fair aad wanaaa Batardajr and Bmaaa af Oliaalatloaa Sunday. M anehifter^A City of Village Charm (OlaaMSad Advertiaing On raga 14) VOt. LX.. NO. 282 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1941 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS < ■ New Trans-Iran Route Will Rush U. S. Aid to Russia American-Jap Talk Tallinn Falls to Nazis; Seen as First Step Berlin Says Furious To Clear Up Issues Man to Man Di»u»ion| IsSUCS Naval Battle Raging Between Envoy and J President Impressed ' Traffic Rules Estonian Capital Is Cap- ,r /’Diplomats as Import-; _ _ Doctors Say Condition tured After Long Fight 'ant; Tokyo,Affirms It; F o F L iH D O r D h Y —Germans Assert ThatV Wants Only Peace. -------- Sea fiaaclecs H Setilea OoW: 22 Transports and 10 Of Laval Is Critical; State Police Head to Call llJlOOmJIas Washington, Aug. 29.—(/P) War Vessels Are Sunk;:: —The man-to-man discussion Out All Members of^ Others Are Badly Dam­ Infection Is Feared of American-Japanese rela­ Department as Well as "■••'W re!:” '- ■AST aged; Gaim R ^ Sol­ tions by President Roosevelt iN D in. and Ambassador Kichisaburo Training School Men. Ptam New Yefh Bulletin! diers Are Now in Trap* v to fell tea 6 oH: Nomura impressed diplomat­ 11,000 mNst Paris,“ Aug. 29,— {/F) — Doc­ Hartford, Aug. 29— (SV- SUte Psisri Where Jepea Berlin, Aug. 29.—(/P>— * ic quarters here today as a^ Police Commlseloner Edward J. Miflk ANack Kiatss tors decided to attempt an | German forces have stormed possible first step toward a* Hickey today ordered all members emergency operation on and taken Tallinn, fighting a - sweeping review of all impor­ of his department, including train­ BriUsb-Russian victory in Iran opens a second route for U. S. aid to the fiovlet. Present route to tant points at issue between ing school recruits, Into active Pierre I.ATal late this .after-! naval battle which apparent- : Vladivostok could be cut off mors easily by Japan than safer southern channel, which avoids Waters the two nations. traffic duty for the Labor Day under Japanese control. noon to remove an assassin’s ly is still continuing, a n d ; weeic-end and warned slow-driving Bolstering this conclusion have delivered a crushing motorists against piling up traffic bullet from just below his was an official announcement blow to the Red naval forces behind them. heart to save his life. from Tokyo this morning “ ’Cruisers’, as well as 'one-arm­ in the Baltic, the German^ ed* driverb and ‘Ume-kllllng’ oper­ that the message which Ad­ British and Russians | Turkey Ready Paris, German-Qccupled France. high commandi announced to­ ators,’* he declared, “are a menace day. Besides raising Adolf miral Nomura delivered to upon the trunk highways during Aug. 29- Fears for the life Hitler's banner over the Es­ the President yesterday out­ heavy traffic hours. Patrol officers of Pierre Laval mounted tonight lined the “ imperial govern­ will take necessary action in such Occupy Iran Capital; as doctors attributed a sustairied tonian capital, naval base on cases during the peak traffic hours high temperature to a possible in­ the Gulf of Finland less than ment's attitude toward the to permit reasonably moving traf- Steps Up Her Prepared­ fection in the assassin's bullet an hour by bomber from Pacific situation." fiic to obtain the right of way over wound, Just below his heart. After OaMaet Meeting such operators. Proper enforce­ ness as Nazis, British The possibility of peritonitis was Leningrad, official announce­ ment of this kind will reduce cut­ The message, this announcement ciii: Train Wreck Vie for Her Favor. regarded aa a mortal peril. ments said air and naval at­ •aid, waa delivered at the beheat ting in and out of line and tend to Physicians were said to be con­ tacks had sunk 32 Russian . of Prince Fumlnaro Konoye, Jap- keep speeding at a minimum.’’ After Four Days of In- P ro b e S tarted sidering an operation to extract Comnalsaloaer*a Statement Ankara. Thursday, Aug. 28.— ships— 22 transports and 10 'hnese premier, after a special the bullet in those circumstances cabinet meeting. In a teletype message to all vasion ! Terms Listed. ____ _ (Delayed) — (P)—Turkey stepped even though they had rejected war vessels— and heavily state police stations. Commissioner Asked at hie preae conference up her emergency preparedness to­ surgery at first aa too dangerous ' Pierre Laval damaged seven others. Hickey said: London, Aug. 29-(/i>)-Briuin Four-Way Investigation and had ordered the bullet left un­ 'The Ruarians, who had defendod today whether he was hopeful now "Extra traffic enforcement will day as the German and British and Russia moved swiftly today to touched. Tallinn fiercely, w en said by th e' that “war in the Pacific can be be necessary on the part of all Begun on Kent Acci­ ambassadors vied with each for ney were barred from the hospital averted,” Mr. Roosevelt smiUngiy complete their occupation of Iran The doctors evidently were Germans to have been Uterally patrol 'bfficers over the week-end tbs favor of this strategically anxious as Laval’s temperature room when they called before noon. pushed into the aea. dodg^ making a reply by brand and with the hope of reducing and capitalise on the gains of a dent; Two Are. Killed. ing the question too long and too placed nation. stayed at 39 degrees centigrade Broaden Campaign FranUc efforts were made to fatalities and personal injuries. Joint Invasion which ended in com- (102.2 degrees fshrenhelt) from At the same time, it waa learn­ evacuate trapped Red army forces ■ broad. South Kent, Aug. 29—(JT) — A The general commanding mar­ Anticipating heavy traffic, every pleU victory yesterday when the earlv this morning unUl 4 p. m. ed that French police had broad­ by water, they said, and this ac­ He had no comment on hie member of the department will be tial law in Istanbul, Ekiropean SMetlng with Nomura and, to a little Iranian army laid down iu four-'.vay investigation was launch­ this afternoon. ened their counter-drive against counted for the great concentra- : available for service and on duty, Turkey and the sector surrounding opposition elements to Include the Uon of tranaport#. queotioa asking whether “we are arms after a four-day show of ed today Into the derailment of a Turn for the Worse including recruits from the train­ the strategic Dardanelles StraiU The sudden turn for the worse Empire. A military tribunal at getting anywhere,” he replied resistance. slx^car paaserlgcr train that killed issued a communique ateting that Asother Doakerqae ing school. * Official quarters declined to say occurred overnight. If the high Meknes; French Morocco, sentenc­ there waa no news on Uiat toiday. Rigid Eaforcenaeat two engineers and injured a fire­ it ia "considered necessary'’ that German opokeaman called tbs The president eald it hM not yet whether the Allies had presented temnerature should prove due to ed two men to six years , at hard end of Russian realatanca m pock­ “Rigid./ anforcenoent of speed man and stveral of 284 boys and beginning Sept. 8 all male citizens the beginning of an infection, it labor for “an stack on the ex­ been determined when he would peace terms to itesa Shah Pah- must at all times carry a birth eted Tallinn “another Dunkerqua” : llmita and strict observance of the lavi’s government, but Informed girl campers returning to New waa pointed out, vital organs may ternal security of the etate.” see the ambaasador again and that rules of the. road must be main- certificate or other positive iden­ but there waa no indication how. ha could not aay bow soon or what source! expreaoed belief London York through th* Berteshire hlBa. be, affected, since the bullet is A woman was condeemed to talneO throughout the state by tification. three years in Jail. many Ruaaiana managed to escapej would 6e the reply arhtch will he and Moscow would stand on these , The New HaVen railroad Joined lodged only about one-tenth of an The once-thriving Haoeatle port state police patrol officers. We poinU: Aftsr Sept. 8, it waa decreed, all inch from Laval's heart. made to tfie lueaaaga from Konoye must also reqtiirs slow moving with the Public Utilities Commis­ Dcat*s Condition had been a pocket of Russian bt- Remhided that Um aecond hnnl- 1— That the Iranian government men will be subject et any time to Because of the danger of dis­ The condition of Marcel Deat— vehlclee to have due regard for and sion, state police and coroner in examination for identification. aiatance in German-conquered ter­ vw ew tfy of the world war was ap­ hand over all Germans atill in the I attempting., to determine what turbing Laval, the examining Is llso one of the top leaders of ritory, choked off and besieged b y ' to extend the courtesies of the Onard Against Sabotage magistrate for Paul Colette, who proaching, and aoked 'whether the hlgharsy to through traffic. cotintry — estimated to inclade caused the locomotive, tender and the group favoring stronger col- Reichawehr forces which bad paro- “outlook is any better.” Mr. Rooee- some 3,000 technicians. two cars to plunge into s pond here (This measure apparently is de­ shot LavaJ and Marcel Deat Wed­ ed it in the eastward push through “ Officers should be instructed to nesday, aiid the prosecuting attor- velt rcauu-ked he waa makiqg i take proper and reaaonahia prc' 2— That Iran guarantee facil­on a curve yesterday.
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