AN ECOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THREE BLACK BASS SPECIES IN TWO NORTHEASTERN KENTUCKY MUSKELLUNGE STREAMS A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences -,· I Morehead State University --, ' In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science by Albert F. surmont, Jr. -! •• , 10 December 1990 Accepted by the faculty of.the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Morehead State University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science degree. Director of Thesis Master's Committee: ,Chairman I 2-ltJ-9o Date ABSTRACT OF THESIS AN ECOLOGIC~ DESCRIPTION OF THREE BLACK BAss-sPECIES IN TWO NORTHEASTERN KENTUCKY MUSKELLUNGE STREAMS Albert F.- Surmont, Jr., M.S. Morehead state University, 1990 Director of Thesis: Populations of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), smallmouth bass (H. dolomieui), and spotted bass (H. punctulatus) were sampled in two muskellunge (Esox masguinongyl streams, Kinniconick Creek and Tygarts Creek, during 1980-1981. This study was performed to document the impact muskellunge may have on the three black bass species. The fish population was sampled with i a boat-mounted electrofishing.unit in pools known to be inhabited by muskellunge. Water quality parameters were taken and be~thic macroinvertebrates were sampled· seasonally. This study was carried out in conjunction with Dingell-Johnson Project Number F-50: Muskellunge Investigations. Spotted bass were the dominant black bass species sampled. Ten stations sampled in Kinniconick Creek represented 66.6 hours of electrofishing in 19.7 stream ki}.ometers and yielded a total of 219 spotted bass, 38 smallmouth bass, and 37 largemouth bass. Seventeen stations, encompassing 22. 7· stream kilometers .on Tygarts Creek, sampled for 46.0 hours, yielded 128 spotted bass, 16 largemouth bass, and 13 smallmouth bass. Relative weight values were slightly lower than standard weights for all three black bass species in both streams. Fish scale examinations in b.oth streams revealed ·bass growth rates typical of that found in Kentucky streams, with Tygarts Creek species showing slightly faster growth. Seven age groups of spotted bass were found in.both streams, with few spotted bass exceeding.300mm before perishing. Largemouth and smallmouth bass exceeded 300mm during their sixth and fifth year, respectively, in Ki~niconjck Creek, while both species reached 300mm during their fifth year in Tygarts Creek. Proportional stock density values were ii adequate for largemouth bass and smallmouth bass in both streams, but spotted bass were below preferred levels. Food availability was good, based on benthic macroinvertebrate and food fish sampling, in both streams. Benthic samples, fish populations, and water quality parameters indicated high quality water in both streams. Muskellunge do not appear to have an impact on the black bass population in either stream. Accepted by: ,·chairman ~---------9---- iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my appreciation to Lewis E. Kornman for his suggestions, assistance and guidance in writing this manuscript. His fish identification and library proved invaluable. Thanks are also extended to Gerald L. Buynak, the black bass research biologist for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, for his ideas and suggestions, and for his assistance with statistical analyses. I wish to thank Dr. Jerry Howell, Jr., for his assistance in reviewing this manuscript and for the time spent as chairman of my graduate committee. Thanks go to Dr. Gerald L. Demoss for the time he spent confirming the identification of benthic samples, and for serving on my graduate committee. Thanks are also extended to Mr. Fred Busroe and Mr. Les Meade for their valuable suggestions and for serving on my graduate committee. I thank Mel Warren, Jr.(Southern Illinois University), for confirming several uncommon Cyprinids and Percids identified by Lewis Kornman. Thanks are also due Dr. David Magrane for his "push" to get this manuscript completed. I wish to express my gratitude to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources for providing equipment and facilities necessary to iv complete this research. My appreciation is also extended to Debbie Mann for her fine job of typing the manuscript. And finally, special thanks go to my family for their support and patience during completion of this manuscript. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 Kinniconick Creek 4 Tygarts creek 6 II. LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Prehistoric Species Distribution 9 Recent Literature 17 III. MATERIAL AND METHODS 23 Fish SamJ?ling 23 Kinniconick creek 24 Tygarts Creek 31 Water Qualit:y 38 Data Collections and Calculations 40 IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 50 Kinniconick Creek 50 ·Tygarts Creek 79 Comparison :·--.-- 105 Physical - Chemical Determinations 119 Fishes of Kinniconick Creek 132 Fishes of Tygarts Creek 140 Species Catch Rate 148 Kinniconick creek Benthic Invertebrates 154 T¥garts Creek Benthic·Invertebrates 162 Fish stocking 170 Food Habits of Spotted Bass in Streams 171 V. CONCLUSIONS 175 LITERATURE CITED 181 APPENDIX A 195 Fishes of Kinniconick Creek, various collections APPENDIX B 200 Fish stocked by the Kentucky DeJ?artment of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Kinniconick, Creek, Lewis County APPENDIX C 201 Fishes of Tygarts creek, various collections APPENDIX D 207 Fish stocked by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Tygarts Creek, Carter and Greenup counties vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. stream Map of Kinniconick and Tygarts Creek Drainages 5 2. Kinniconick Creek with Sampling Locations 25 3. Tygarts Creek with Sampling Locations 32 4. Length - Weight Relationship of Spotted Bass Captured in Kinniconick Creek during 1980 - 1981 57 5. Length - Weight Relationship of Smallmouth Bass Captured in Kinniconick Creek during 1980 - 1981 58 6. Length - Weight Relationship of Largemouth Bass captured in Kinniconick Creek during 1980 - 1981 59 7. Kinniconick Creek Spotted Bass Relative Weights (Wr) per Centimeter Group 62 8. Kinniconick Creek Spotted Bass Relative Weights (Wr) per Sample Station 64 9. Smallmouth Bass Age and Growth in Kinniconick Creek 68 10. Largemouth Bass Age and Growth in Kinniconick Creek 70 11. Spotted Bass Age and Growth in Kinniconick Creek 73 12, Mean Length and Range of Age II Spotted Bass per Pool Sampled in Kinniconick Creek 74 13. Kinniconick Creek Spotted Bass Catch Rates (CPUE) per Sample station 77 14. Catch Per Unit Effort of Spotted Bass and Muskellunge per Sample Pool in Kinniconick Creek 78 vii 15. Length - Weight Relationship of Spotted Bass Captured in Tygarts Creek during 1980"- 1981 86 16. Length - Weight Relationship of Smallmouth Bass Captured in Tygarts Creek during 1980 - 1981 87 17. Length - Weight Relationship of Largemouth Bass Captured in Tygarts Creek during 1980 - 1981 88 18. Tygarts Creek Spotted Bass Relative Weights (Wr) per Centimeter Group 91 19. Tygarts Creek Spotted Bass Relative Weights (Wr) per Sample Station 92 20. Smallmouth Bass Age and Growth in Tygarts Creek 96 21. Largemouth Bass Age and Growth in Tygarts Creek 99 22. Spotted Bass Age and Growth in Tygarts creek 102 23. Mean Length and Range of Age II Spotted Bass per Pool Sampled in Tygarts Creek 103 24. Tygarts Creek Spotted Bass Catch Rates (CPUE) per Sample Station 104 25. Catch Per Unit Effort of Spotted Bass and Muskellunge in Tygarts Creek 106 26. Catch Per Unit Effort Per Sample Pool for Spotted Bass 115 27. Mean Length at Capture Per Sample Pool for Spotted Bass 116 28. Oil Shale in Kentucky 131 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. stream survey form 44 2. Black bass captured in Kinniconick Creek, 1980 - 1981 51 3. Black bass mark - recapture results, Kinniconick Creek 54 4. Black bass population estimates based on mark - recapture efforts in Kinniconick Creek 55 5. Relative weight values (Wr) for black bass species collected from Kinniconick Creek in 1981 61 6. Average calculated total len~th of smallmouth bass collected from Kinniconick Creek in 1981 67 7. Average calculated total length of largemouth bass collected from Kinniconick Creek in 1980 - 1981 69 8. Average calculated total len~th of spotted bass collected from Kinniconick Creek in 1980 - 1981 72 9. catch rates ~er hour (CPUE) of black bass and muskellunge in Kinniconick Creek, 1980 - 1981 76 10. Black bass captured in Tygarts Creek, 1980 - 1981 81 11. Black bass mark - recapture results, Tygarts Creek 83 12. Black bass population estimates based on mark - recapture efforts in Tygarts Creek 84 13. Relative weights values (Wr) for black bass species collected from Tygarts Creek in 1980 - 1981 89 14. catch rates per hour (CPUE) of black bass and muskellunge in Tygarts Creek, 1980 - 1981 93 ix 15. Average calculated total length of smallmouth bass collected from Tygarts Creek in 1980 - 1981 95 16. Average calculated total length of largemouth bass collected from Tygarts Creek in 1981 98 17. Average calculated total length of spotted bass collected from Tygarts Creek in 1980 - 1981 100 18. Comparison of black bass percent composition in various Kentucky streams 107 19. Com~arison of spotted bass growth from various streams 109 20. Comparison of largemouth bass growth from various streams 111 21. Comparison of smallmouth bass growth from various streams 112 22. Comparison of black bass catch rates per hour (CPUE) from various streams 113 23. Historical black bass size limits in Kentucky streams 117 24. Gradient, stream kilometers (sk), and sampling stations at Kinniconick and Tygarts Creeks 120 25. Physical characteristics of each pool sampled in Kinniconick Creek 122 26. Physical characteristics of each pool sampled in Tygarts creek 123 27. Water quality determinations from Kinniconick creek (1981) 128 28. Water quality determinations from Tygarts Creek (1981) 129 29. List of fishes collected in Kinniconick creek 133 30. List of fishes collected in Tygarts Creek 142 31. Species and length distribution of fish sampled from Kinniconick Creek in 1981 150 X 32. Species and length distribution of fish sampled from Tygarts Creek in 1981 152 33.
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