AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL. VIIL NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1871. No. 176 WILLIAM TUCKER. FETTRETOH & RE^SE^, WHITE & C®., LUMBEE AT WHOLESALE, Have Eemoved to their Now Store, 103G 3d AVENUE, bet. 61st and 62d Sts. j^jLTFiAjs^i^r, :]sr. TT. IK ALL ITS BRANCHES. Houses for sale and to rent. Lots for sale, with and ALSO, LARGE MANUFACTURERS. ' without Loans. Eents collected, and Money to Loan. Orders filled direct from Canada, Michigan, Chicago', 220 I^IFTH AVENUE, JOHN PETTEETCH. I. B. EEMSEN. and Oswego, via water or rail. Above 26tli Street. CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR Kianufaoturers and Builders' Bank, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 5500,000. SALE AND TO RENT. LOANS AND SHIPPING OR DOMESTIC USB, MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. 9/6 Third Avenue and 55th St., AT -WIIOLESAIiE OB EETAIIj. TRANSACTS A UP-TOWN PROPERTY COENEE OP WEST 29TH STEEET. & ll'TO AYENTJE. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, A SPECIALTY. JOHN DAVIDOOM, Prea't. C. A. WATKRBUKY, Cmliier. 14 SOUTH WILLIAM STEEET. A. KI,ABE MAJniFACTUREES' AliTD BUILDERS' FISE INSURANCE CO. J CASH CAPITAL, . §200,000. NOS. 134 AND 136 EAST 18TH STREET, Principal Office, No. 207 BEOADWAY. Branch Offices, NCAV York. BET. THIED AVE. AND mVING PLACE. No. 890 Thkd Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. 7th St. Mantels, Grates and Penders, Monuments, Head-stones, In.sures against loss or damage by fire on the moat Ploor-Tiles, Marble Counters, and Wainscoting for Hotels reasonable terms. EDWAED V. LOEW, President. and Banks, etc., etc. 3. JAY NESTELL, Secretary. THE 1193 Broadway, Apollo Bmlding, Importer of the best and heaviest grades of AEE MADE PORTLAND CEISNT: IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE FORM, The" attention of Architects, Engineers, and Buildera is AND OP THE called to this superior Cement. MOST IFFEOTUAL CONSTRUCTION. SEISTD IT-oiJ CIR.CUIL.AJR,. Are now in use on many of the finest Buildings in New PENNSYLVANIA LAND AGENCY. York and other Eastern cities. TO^VWSENI) BI£OTMEI8.S, Illustrated Sheet and Catalogue on appli­ aUIMBY'S IMPROVED NO. 62 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. cation. No. 311 Walnut St., 1 No. 1 Albany Terraee, Phila. I London. 186 CHAMBERS STREET. Special attention given to purchase and sale of Pennsyl­ These Eods have never in any instance failed to afford vania Lands. GrCological Eeports and Surveys made. Tax­ perfect protection from Lightning to the buildings upon es paid. Titles examined. 75 EIGHTH AVENUE. which they have been placed. A. N. HAMKINSOW, ABRAHAM DOWDNEY, Union Carpet-Cleaning Machine. CONTRACTOR, WALTER R. WOOD «fe CO., 9 East lOfch St., bet. Broadway and Fifth ave.. New York. Quarrymen and Wholesale Dealers in (Established in 1861.) Carpets taken zip, cleaned, and re- Nos. 205 and 207 East 61st Street, laid. Every Carpet cleaned by this Machine is cleaned under Will estimate for the excavation of Eock and Earth, and the personal supervision of tho Proprietor. Carpets are the filling of sunken lots. Building Stone and Sand fur­ AN© GRINOSITOIVSS, thoroughly beaten by this Macliine free from all dust and nished. Prom the Berea and Amherst Quarries. moths. Carpets carefuUy packed and preserved from the Office, Nos. 283 and 285 FEOUT STBEET, '' moth and kept on storage on reasonable terms. No charge JOHN TROIBIiE Sc SON, for Cartage to any part of the city. Order.s by post promptly Walter E. Wood. Near Eoosevelt Street, attended to. A. N. HANKINSON, Proprietor. i^ahogany & Lumber Dealers, Chas. P. Willianw." NEW YOEK llTri AVENUE, COR. 24TH STEEET. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS Walnut, Oak, Ash, Cherry, Cedar, Butternut, Maple. Prize Encaustic and Mosaic Tilin^. ARCHI Embossing Establishment, The undersigned begs to call attention to the Tiles manu- factiu-ed by T. & E. BOOTE, Burslem, StafEordshire, Eng­ 1366 & 1368 BII.O AD^vVAY, land, for which they have been awarded Prize Medals in Between 37th and .3Sth Streets. aU the World's Pairs ever held. "T. & E. BOOTE, by their patent process, are making NEW AND ELEG-ANT - DESI&NS OP EMBOSSED ENCAUSTIC AND PLAIN PLOOEING TILES of the WOEK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. hardest texture and the finest tints (equal to Enamel tints), which can be inlaid any depth, ensuring dui-ability, and at Also, Samples of Ground, Cut, Stained, and a much cheaper rate than hitherto charged." Enamelled Class. "For Churches, Entrance Halls, Vestibules, &c., Ac." GLAZINa PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Designs and Estimates suppUed -without charge, ,and ex­ perienced Pavers sent to suit purchasers. A large assorted DAVID N. SMITH & BRO., Proprietors. stock always en hand; Samples can be seen at the office of EDWARD BOOTE, •78 Miiarray- Street, iQ"ew "York. Wells' Patent and all other kinds of Copper and Gal­ ifarble men supplied at low rates. vanized Iron. Not au accident in 20 years. American Pence Co. Pence; H. B. Brown's "Always Cool;" Stove NATHANIKIi ROE, Lifters and Stove Dampers at wholesale and retail. Real Estate and Insurance Agent, " MARTIN,WELLS" & CO., General Agents, 200 VAEICK STEEET. N? 48: EA'ST 14m SI 55 Dey St., New Yorkj or, 36 Elison St Paterson, N.J.- Houses let and rents collected in aU parts of tho ctfcf. SOUTH.UNION SQUARE. REAL\ESTATE RECORD. -4© AM MAMPTOIS'S SOWS, MANnFACTUBEKS OF THOMAS J. STEWART, GRATES, FENDERS, & FIRE-PLAOE REAL ESTATE BROKER. IMP R, O V-E D EL E V AT E D HEATERS, Addre.ss KTo. 60 G^OlliD STRIG2ST, (Bet. Pulton and Beekman Sts.) NO. 158 WEST 21st STREET. NEW YOEK. Specialty, Business property and lots. Investments of capital judiciously made, and warranting large returns. Established 1826. MANHATTAN POTTERY, 540 to 548 "Wust lOtlx .Street, and 537 to 545 Wc.^t IStli Street. 511 and 515 West SOtli Street, Office, 539 West ISth St.; Depot, 283 Pearl. Bet. 10th and nth Aves., I^IU'W YORK. Balusters, Newels, and Clothes-Posts. GLAZED DEAIN & SEWER PIPE. Smoke and Heat Pipe, Ph-c Brick, Clumney Tops, &c.. Sac. ' TURNING of every description. Also hand-rails of .til sorts. EREfilAN KEECHLEE, BUILDER, No. I. §II^13I:T, H 554 Porty-first Street, Between 10th and llth Aves., SELLOR-AT-LAV/, -NISSV YORK. Eoom 26, Nos. 7 and 9 Warren Street, ATTORNEY POE "EEAL ESTATE EECOED." Mechanics' Liens foreclosed, Titles examined, and all pro­ ceedings affecting Eeal Estate attended to. JIANUPACTUEEES OP N^==J BETHUNE MOULDING MILL, Lead Pipe, Sheet NOS. 39 AND 41 BETHUNE STEEET, NEW YOEK. Th s i?e tf I r je m 110 e 1 la t joi s offcrel to the Public as the most Complete, Convenient, and De­ DROP SHOT, MOULDINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON sirable Elevated Oven Range in the ]lfarket, and is tho re- HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. suU of long experience in the Uauufacfure and Setting of Cooking Ranges; and we do not hesitate in recommend­ BUCK SHOT, EAE LEAD, &c. BASE, DOOE-JAMBS Al^D CASINGS. ing it as the nea7'eit to perfection of any Elevated Oven Range in the Country. ITo. 60 DUANE STEEET, CIRCULAR AND ELLIPTIC MOULDINGS OF U'ho ]iody of this Itnngo is higher than other Patterns, Cor. Jil-m Street, NE'?^ YORK. ANY RADIUS. and is more like the Frenrh Kitcheners, making it much PICTITEE-FEAME MOULDINGS JIADE TO OEDEE. more convenient and e«.s?/ for the cook. JAMES McCULLOUGH, President. PLANINC, TUIINING, AND ALL KINDS OF JOB SAWJKG. The Hot Closets .arc more accessible, placed in a natural position, being in the body of the Eaugo, instead of above • M. MURPREY. B^V:&IAN & CAPON, ]\IANUFACTUIIEES the ovens, as in other patterns. OP BUILDEES' HAED WARE, PATENT HOTEL ALSO, ANNHNCIATOES, PATENT SLIDING-DOOE SHEAVES &c. Offioe and Wareroom, 1172 B'way; Factory, 157 West FUMAOSS, HEATERS, AND STOVES 2Uth Street. ENCAUSTIC kW MOSAIC TILES. IN LAEGE VARIETY. GILBEET ELLIOT & CO., 49 Barclay Street, call the "We always guarantee the work we do ourselves ONRAD BOLLBR & CO., PINE FURNI- attention of Aicliitects and Builders to theii- stock of these to fee perfectly satisfactory. C. „. J^^^ ^"'^ DECOEATIONS. Also, Manufacturers Tiles for Churches, Halls, Vestibules, &c. of BANK and OPFICE PUKNITUEE.. Warerooms 30 Having secured the services of ilr. ZOE LEMAIEE, so Last 14th Street. Pactories, 110 .and US Wooster Street, well known to the trade, we are enabled to guarantee that and Ave. A, cor. SOth Street, New York. all work will be of the very best. To marble-dealers especially we offer a superior quality 234 WATER STREET, New York. of Blue and Black Tiles in all sizes. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. GILBEET ELLIOT & CO., 49 Barclay St., New York. ALTERS, FOSTER «fc CO., W AUCTIONEEES, CHARLES COWEN, EEAL ESTATE AND INSUE.'VNCE AGENTS. DK.ALEH JN jMcrchandise and property of evei-y other description Porthoroughlyw.arming Private Houses. Storot^, and Pub­ NORTB RIVER BLVE STONE AND FLAGGING bought, sold, and exchanged. lic BiuldmKs, consisting of a Low Pressure Steam Genera­ of every description. tor, .arrjinged for from aibs. toSlljs. pres.sxu-e, and wronsrht- BEOOICLYN SALESEOOJf, 891 PULTON STEEET Water table, siUs and lintels, pier and chimney caps, Opposite Citj' Hall, Brooklyn. '' iron tubes for Eadiators. curb and gutter, coping .ind basins.. We respectfully refer to tho following parties for whom Also Granite water table, bases and pier caps. Loans negotiated,-Houses let, Bcnits collected wc have heated dwelling-houses, stores, &,c., diu-un,' the past season. W. 21st St., bet. lOtli and llth Aves., New York. AKDKUW J. GAJIVEY, Esq., No. 7 Ea.st 47th Street. Eesidence, 143 West aith Street. J.«lES H. I.NGEI!.S0LI.. Esq.. No. 550 Pifth Ave. ASSAM R. WELCH, A. L. LOOMIS, 3LD., West 25th Street, near 0th Ave. BERNiiELMKR & Co., corner Broadway and Pe.arl St 259 ¥.27t{i& 258 ¥. 28th Street, IJ.
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