This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364 https://www.wmich.edu/geographicalchange [email protected] ' OUR PHONE Published LOWELL Every 9262 Thursday I Serving Ada - Cascade - Eastmont VOLUME I THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1955 NUMBER 26 ·'\ Buffer Strips i Chambers Report Cause Headaches Under Study SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY HONORS DELORES OUENDAG A surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. Delores Ouendag at the home of her brother and sister­ in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook. Those present were her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cook, sister and brother-in-law, Mr . and Mrs. Wesley Griffin, aunt, Mrs. IJt Hazel Cahill and a sister, Miss ~ Donnelle Cook. Games were played and lunch ser ved. 2 susu RBAN LIFE, sEPT. 22, 1955 Fi"rst Aid Group P AULINE woon GIVEN Will Reveals Bequests BRIDAL SHOWER F R IDAY Of Local Woman • C ade Twenty-eight guests were present . F Ormed Ill 3SC at a miscellaneous bridal shower Mrs. Katie Srruth, former ACE The standard course of American I given for P auline Wood by Mrs. area resident who passed away Red Cross first aid will be offered j Glen Thompson, 4251 Cascade rd., August 30, l~ft an e.state valued to residents of Cascade township September 16. at $28,000. 1'."frs. Smith'. descend­ at the Cascade school starting on Miss Wood is to become the bride 1ant of a p10neer fam1l~, WhOi j 1 October 8th, Monday evening at of William Johnson on October 1st. settled nea r Ada, left severaL Serving Ada - Cascade - Eastmont Published every Thursday morning at 112 N. Broadway, Lowell. 7 :30. The course will ta ke six IThe wedding will take .place in the ~as~ . beque~ts to chu~ches an~ Monday evenings, each session last- Cascade Church of Christ. md1v1duals m both Ada and Cas Entered at Post Office at Lowell, M ich., as Second Class Matter. ing three hours. On t~e sev~nth I William is the son of Mr. ~nd Cade. Harold Jefferies Kenneth Ezinga, Editor Monday night the special c1v11Ian I Mrs. Russell Johnson of Lakeside Gifts of $1,000 each were lef t Publisher Phone GLl-2011 defense course will be given, cover- 1dr., and Miss Wood is the daughter to Ada Congregational church Ada News Reporter - Mrs. T om M orris I ing disaster situations. of John Wood, Sr., f Ada dr. and the Church of Christ in R w k The first aid course, provided at I Cascade. Cascade News .Reporter -M rs. oger Y .es the suggestion of Suburban Life, k t C A lot in Ada township was Eastmont Reporter - Mrs. E dward DeWitt, Jr. will be sponsored by the Thorn- I 8 ac 0 0 11 ege \deeded to the township w ith c - Subscr i ption Rates Iapple Post, Echo Nectar 25 Red, Cascade collegians are- on a ·1 £1000 in cash to ue used for $2.00 per year within the state of Michigan. $2.50 per year elsewhere Iof the Ground Observer Corps, a nd variety of campuses by . th is th~ purpose of setting up a par k! the Mother's Club of the Cascade week: Jill Ostrander, Shirley to be known as the John Sm ith • • OBITUARIES School. The instructor will be Geo. ! Todd, Bill Pullen and Bill Stellin 1 park. · Pubhc Notice Mrs. Irene l\'Iorgan ~B . Strain, Red Cross in.st;uctor and I ~eft for Michi?a n. State Univer s-1 Ada school was left $500 "':"hich Notice is hereby given that a Mrs. Irene Morgan, Thorncrest I membe~ of .the Sheriffs depart- 1ty Sunday. Jlll 1s a sophoi;:iore may be used for any educatwnal public hearing will be held on the drive, passed away Friday at the\ ment first aid team. The classes ;n Medical Technology, Sh.irley Pi'Oject the board decides upon. rezoning of the W 1h of the W 1h home of her daughter, Mrs. Bob fare open to both sexes, over 16 a ~resh.man. 1:3ill Pullen. ~s a An additional $1'.450 was w illed of the N 1h of the E %,, Section 4, Blanchard, of Grand Rapids, after years of age. Isemo r m Busmess Admm1stra- to various Ada residents. Bala nce Cascade Township, and known as a long illness. She is survived by Registration for the cou~se will tion; Bill Stellin is a sophomore. ot the estate went to other in­ the Walker property, on Laraway, her husband, Charles A. Morgan; b.e conducted, at. the openir:g ses- Shirley's brother J im is at Kala- stitutions and persons residing Lake road, from Class B residen-1 two sons, Arthur and Frederick, s10n. Students. will .be required. to Imazoo college for the second in other areas. tial to Commercial purposes. At both of Grand Rapids; two addition- have an American Red Cross First year. ______ the Cascade Township Hall Satur- al daughters, Mrs. John McGinley Aid text of 1945 or later,,date, and Pete Jensen went to Alma SCOUTS ENJOY OUTING, day, Sept. 24, at 8 :00 p.m. Use of of Lansing, and Mrs. Gerhard Wes- a. triangular bandage 45 on each college, where he is a soph~more, IEVEN CHICKEN DINNER the property is to be for the erec- sels of Baptist Lake ; two brothers, side. Both of these items r_nay be last Sunday. Georgia S tram de· Siideen Boy Scouts a nd Explor­1 tion and use of an American Legion Thomas Wilde of Marne and Fr~d purchased for 85c from the mstruc- parted this week for t.he .Univers- ers of Cascade-Martin troop 334 and Hall and children's playground. Wilde of McAllister, Wyo.; one sis- tor, or borrowed from others who ity of Mich_i_gan, as a JUmor. Sat-· half as m any fathers and leaders M. J . Vanderve.en, Clerk ter, Mrs. Mary Finkbein.er of Cale- 1may hav.e had the course. The urday, Jim Scripps went n~rth camped last week-end at Chief c-21-22 Cascade Township donia; fourteen grandchildren, and course will be ~bout 30% lecture, to Houghton to enter the Mich- INoonday Camp at Yankee Springs. 5 nine great-grandchildren. 12 .0% demonstratwn and 0% prac- igan College of Mining and Tech- Hio-h point of the outing was a Cascade H o m e Demonstration Funeral services were conducted I tree, so women students are re- r.ology; and Roger Wykes was so~thern fried chicken dinner, in­ group has had to alter its meet­ by Rev. Herbert C. Barnard ~t Iquested to wear ~lacks or . blue to drive Wednesday with a car- eluding five pumpkin pies, entirely ing date a second time. The meet­ VanderPool chapel in Godwm Jean~ for a~ sessions. After t~e load of students for Har vard. cooked by the fathers, Saturday Heights, with burial in Graceland opemng s~ss10n each student will night A three-mile hike after dar k ing will be next Monday, at the Cemetery also prov1de an old blanket, as- . · h f d f d home of Mrs. Sol Wanrooy, rather I Mrs Morgan· who had lived m· most of the work w ill b e d one on Other News m Ssearc t ot eeV r o11 oweRe bur. n a than Tuesday, because of a conflict . ' · · f h M th ' 1 b f cou mas er ernon y , with the Spiritual Retreat at Cas­ Cascade six years, maintained Wlth the floor. Members o t e o er s cu o chef during his Navy service, sup- her husband a lovely yard and flow- Due to the location of the village Cascade school No. 4 are baking . d d th d' Oth d cade Christian church. lt~ ~ ers She was generous with gifts on the new hig· h way, an d a t the busily· this· week f or sa1 es s a t ur- ermten e. e Rmn b er.t K er a u d':'/' ~ of blossoms· and plants to friends Ischool, primary· emp h as1s· w1· 11 b e day on two mark ets, L eonard an d I were Assistantd 'nk o erE oomen,Bl k an w ANT ADS make qulcK sales. and neighbors. placed on first aid for auto acci- Cottage Grove. Mrs. Grover Fase I M~rton Al en Cl .ar 1 ~ e\~e,1 . Ident s, and for small children. How- and Mrs. Robert Mcintyre are co- Milton Heaven, arence ;,os a, Mrs. Faith Z. Fletcher Iever, the entire text will be cover- I1 chairmen. Myrn Oatman and Tommy ay. Mrs. Faith Z. Fletcher, 42, of ed, -including the new rules for Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J . Czapek, . ? • FUEL OIL 2950 Thornapple River dr., passed use of the tournequet, and the Eastmont dr., drove to Marquette 1. LOSr somethmg. L ook for it Plus away suddenly Sund~J:' evening at j modern chest-pressure-arm-! if t Monday to get a six-months'-old I m the Want Ads. her residence. SurVJvmg are her Iartificia l respiration for drown- baby girl for adoption. Mr. and G&G STAMPS husband, John W. Fletcher; her iJ1g and electrical shock victims. Mrs. Orrie Pullen, Grand Rapids, mother, Mrs. T.hresia Farrington, I Followipg the completion of accompanied them. Gasoline Delivered of Cascade; a sister, Mrs. Charles the course, American Red Cr oss Mrs. Estelle Crane returned from Davis; a nephew, Nayland Davis, first aid certificates will be the hospital Sunday after major I LIVE BAIT of Grand Rapids.
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