-- ------------- APPROVED BY ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEC 0 3 2013 CAs/AJf ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Location: Commission Chambers, Orange County Administration Center, First Floor, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, Florida Members Present: County Mayor Teresa Jacobs; Commissioners S. Scott Boyd, Fred Brummer, Pete Clarke, Jennifer Thompson, Ted Edwards, Tiffany Moore Russell Others Present: County Comptroller Martha Haynie as Clerk, County Administrator Ajit Lalchandani, County Attorney Jeffrey J. Newton, Deputy Clerk Katie Smith, Documents Coordinator Kathy Heard • CALL TO ORDER, 9:09a.m. • INVOCATION- Pastor DavidS. Jacques, The Kingdom Church • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • PRESENTATION Proclamation designating October 23 through October 31, 2013 as Red Ribbon Week • PRESENTATION Proclamation designating November 2 through November 9, 2013 as Week of the Family • PUBLIC COMMENT The following person addressed the Board for public comment: Shannon Hoagland. •COUNTYCONSENTAGENDA Motion/Second: Commissioners Clarke/Boyd AYE (voice vote): All members Action: The Board deleted Administrative Services Department Consent Item 4; and further, approved the balance of the County Consent Agenda items as follows: County Comptroller 1. Approval of the minutes of the September 5, 10, 19 and 24, 2013, meetings of the Board of County Commissioners. (Clerk's Office) 2. Approval of the check register authorizing the most recently disbursed County funds, having been certified that same had not been drawn on overexpended accounts. Periods are as follows: October 22, 2013 page 1 of 18 - October4, 2013, to October 10, 2013; total of$22,883,109.21 -October 11,2013, to October 17, 2013; total of$28,495,742.76. (Finance/Accounting) 3. Disposition of Tangible Personal Property (Property/Accounting) Approval is requested of the following: a. Cannibalize asset, abandon in place and allow contractor to dispose of remaining components. b. Trade in asset for a $3,853 allowance towards the purchase of refurbished printer as part of swap-out program. County Administrator 1. Receipt and filing of the minutes received by the Agenda Development Office of various advisory board meetings for the official Board record. (Agenda Development Office) 2. Approval of a) Orange County, Florida and Economic Development Commission of Mid-Florida, Inc. Master Agreement for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 and authorization to disburse $617,617 as provided in the FY 2013-14 adopted budget; and b) Orange County, Florida and Economic Development Commission of Mid-Florida, Inc. Agreement Related to an Industrial Development Authority Fiscal Year 2013-2014. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development) 3. Approval to disburse CRA funds totaling $21,392,847 to Orange County's 15 Community Redevelopment Agencies. (Office of Management and Budget) 4. Approval to disburse payment for the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) membership fee totaling $109,273 as provided in the FY 2013-14 adopted budget. (Office of Management and Budget) 5. Approval of budget amendment #14-01. (Office of Management and Budget) 6. Approval of payment of Intergovernmental claims of August 8, 2013, August 29, 2013, and September 12, 2013, September 26, 2013, in the total amount of $1 ,262,264.50. (Risk Management Division) Administrative Services Department 1. Approval of Change Order No.3, Contract No.Y13-739, with Construct Co., Inc. in the amount of $2,689, for the East State Road 50 Boat Ramp construction project. October 22, 2013 page 2 of 18 ---------------------- The revised lump sum contract amount will be $565,551.76. (Capital Projects Division) 2. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y14-101-DG, Repair of Synthetic Liners at the Landfill, to the sole responsive and responsible bidder, Comanco Environmental Corporation, in the estimated contract award amount of $235,500 for a period of twelve months. Further, authorized the Purchasing and Contracts Division to renew the contract for four additional twelve month periods. ([Utilities Department Solid Waste Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 3. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y14-117-PD, Environmental Remediation Services, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Simpson Environmental Services, Inc., for a 1-year term contract in the estimated contract award amount of $513,825. Further, authorized the Purchasing and Contracts Division to renew the contract for an additional four years. ([Office of Accountability Risk Management Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 4. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y14-123-JS, Motor Oils and Lubricants, to the low responsive and responsible bidders, Palmdale Oil Company, Inc., Lot 1 for Motor Oil, Lubricants and Fluids, and Seaboard Distribution, Inc. dba Seaboard Neumann, Lot 2 for Heavy Truck, Heavy Equipment and Other Products for 1-year term contracts in the estimated annual contract award amounts of $230,098.45 and $313,415.45, respectively. ([Administrative Services Fleet Management Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) (This item was deleted.) 5. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y13-7017-J2, Regency Industrial Park Culvert Improvements, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Prime Construction Group, Inc., in the estimated contract award amount of $1,317,535. ([Public Works Department Highway Construction Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 6. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y13-7046-PH, Pump Station No. F3167 Sea World Manhole Rehabilitation, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Cathcart Construction Company, in the total contract award amount of $624,000. ([Utilities Department Engineering Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 7. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y13-7052-PH, Lake Eve Pump Station No. 3541 Rehabilitation, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, RTD Construction, Inc., in the total contract award amount of $4,852,990. ([Utilities Department Engineering Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 8. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y13-7053-PH, Western Regional Water Supply Facility Phase Ill A, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, PCL Construction, Inc., in the total contract award amount of $8,300,000. ([Utilities Department Engineering Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) October 22, 2013 page 3 of 18 -------------------------------------------------- 9. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y13-7070-PH, Breezewood No. 3014, Lake Sparling 1 No. 3028 and Lake Sparling 2 No. 3202 Pump Station Improvements, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Prime Construction Group, Inc., in the total contract award amount of $956,000. ([Utilities Department Engineering Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 10. Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y13-7082-SB, Orange County Convention Center External Wayfinding Signage Infrastructure Upgrade, to the sole responsive and responsible bidder, Cafe Construction & Development, Inc., in the total contract award amount of $375,500. ([Convention Center Capital Planning Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 11. Approval to award the Purchase of Handtevy Pediatric Boxes to Pediatric Emergency Standards, Inc., in the contract award amount of $177,910. ([Health Services Department] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 12. Approval of Contract Y14-2067-LC, Family Drug Court Substance Abuse Treatment and Case Management Program with The Center for Drug Free Living Inc. in the estimated contract award amount of $222,729 for a 1-year period. ([9th Circuit Court Drug Court Division] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 13. Approval of payment to Community, A Walgreens Pharmacy for Pharmaceutical Services rendered to Ryan White eligible HIV/AIDS consumers in the estimated amount of $500,000. ([Family Services Department] Purchasing and Contracts Division) 14. Approval and execution of Resolution and authorization to initiate condemnation proceedings for All American Boulevard (Forest City Road to Clarcona-Ocoee Road). District 2. (Real Estate Management Division) 15. Approval of Special Warranty Deed from Goldenrod & Valencia College, LLC to Orange County and authorization to perform all actions necessary and incidental to closing for WAWA@ Goldenrod Road (RAC). District 3. (Real Estate Management Division) Community, Environmental and Development Services Department 1. Approval of Orange County, Florida, Resolutions Establishing Special Assessment Liens for Lot Cleaning Services and approval to record Special Assessment Liens on property cleaned by Orange County, pursuant to Orange County Code, Chapter 28, Nuisances, Article II, Lot Cleaning. All Districts. (Code Enforcement Division) LC 13-0986 LC 13-1288 LC 13-1013 LC 13-0310 LC 13-0918 LC 13-1086 LC 13-0858 LC 13-1014 LC 13-0682 LC 13-0920 LC 13-1089 LC 13-0889 LC 13-1076 LC 13-0762 LC 13-1008 October 22, 2013 page 4 of 18 - ---------------------------------- LC 13-1142 LC 13-0890 LC 13-1081 LC 13-0767 LC 13-1132 LC 13-1199 LC 13-0899 LC 13-1257 LC 13-0777 LC 13-1180 LC 13-1201 LC 13-0912 LC 13-1312 LC 13-0778 LC 13-1182 LC 13-1206 LC 13-0922 LC 13-0968 LC 13-0780 LC 13-1183 LC 13-1209 LC 13-0981 LC 13-1153 LC 13-0869 LC 13-1187 2. Approval of Resolution 2013-M-45 of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding Orange County Procedures for Exempting Certain Residential Developments from School Concurrency. All Districts. (Concurrency Management Office) 3. Approval of DEP Agreement No. S0657 State
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