GAME PRICE SYSTEM MANUAL? NOTES SOLD? Baten Kaitos $ 8.00 Gamecube Yes Eternal Darkness $ 25.00 Gamecube Yes F-Zero GX $ 14.00 Gamecube Yes Mario Party 4 $ 12.00 Gamecube No DVD Case SOLD Mario Party 5 $ 17.00 Gamecube No Mario Party 6 $ 20.00 Gamecube Yes SOLD Mario Party 7 $ 18.00 Gamecube Yes SOLD Metroid Prime $ 5.00 Gamecube Yes Metroid Prime 2 $ 10.00 Gamecube Yes Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door $ 25.00 Gamecube Yes SOLD Pikmin $ 20.00 Gamecube Yes Pikmin 2 $ 40.00 Gamecube Yes Resident Evil $ 12.00 Gamecube Yes Resident Evil 2 $ 30.00 Gamecube Yes Resident Evil 3: Nemesis $ 20.00 Gamecube Yes Resident Evil 4 $ 5.00 Gamecube Yes Resident Evil Zero $ 7.00 Gamecube Yes Tales of Symphonia $ 20.00 Gamecube Yes Viewtiful Joe $ 5.00 Gamecube Yes Viewtiful Joe 2 $ 5.00 Gamecube Yes Zelda Collector's Edition $ 45.00 Gamecube Yes Zelda Master Quest $ 30.00 Gamecube Yes Zelda Twilight Princess $ 40.00 Gamecube Yes Zelda Wind Waker $ 40.00 Gamecube Yes Cartridge Only, Bomberman 64 $ 13.00 N64 No Written on Diddy Kong Racing $ 8.00 N64 No Cartridge Only Donkey Kong 64 $ 13.00 N64 No Cartridge Only Gauntlet Legends $ 20.00 N64 No Cartridge Only Goldeneye 007 $ 8.00 N64 No Cartridge Only SOLD Mario Party $ 30.00 N64 No Cartridge Only Mario Party 3 $ 40.00 N64 No Cartridge Only Mario Tennis $ 15.00 N64 No Cartridge Only Paper Mario $ 25.00 N64 No Cartridge Only Pokemon Snap $ 6.00 N64 No Cartridge Only SOLD Super Mario 64 $ 15.00 N64 No Cartridge Only SOLD Super Smash Bros $ 40.00 N64 No Cartridge Only SOLD Chrono Cross $ 6.00 Playstation Yes SOLD Crack on front, Soundtrack Final Fantasy Anthology $ 5.00 Playstation No included SOLD Final Fantasy Chronicles $ 10.00 Playstation Yes Greatest Hits SOLD Cracks on front and Final Fantasy IX $ 5.00 Playstation Yes back, Greatest Hits SOLD Final Fantasy Origins $ 5.00 Playstation Yes SOLD Small crack on Final Fantasy VII $ 20.00 Playstation No back, Greatest Hits SOLD Small crack on Final Fantasy VIII $ 10.00 Playstation Yes back, Greatest Hits SOLD Beatmania $ 3.00 Playstation 2 Yes Beyond Good & Evil $ 4.00 Playstation 2 Yes Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter $ 4.00 Playstation 2 Yes Clock Tower 3 $ 4.00 Playstation 2 No Dark Cloud $ 5.00 Playstation 2 Yes Greatest Hits Dark Cloud 2 $ 20.00 Playstation 2 Yes Devil May Cry $ 3.00 Playstation 2 No Greatest Hits Devil May Cry 2 $ 4.00 Playstation 2 Yes Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening $ 5.00 Playstation 2 Yes Greatest Hits Devil Summoner 2 $ 15.00 Playstation 2 Yes Dirge of Cerberus $ 8.00 Playstation 2 Yes Dragon Ball Z Budokai $ 3.00 Playstation 2 No Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 $ 5.00 Playstation 2 Yes Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 $ 7.00 Playstation 2 No Dragon Quest VIII $ 8.00 Playstation 2 Yes Fatal Frame $ 16.00 Playstation 2 Yes SOLD Fatal Frame 2 $ 19.00 Playstation 2 Yes SOLD Fatal Frame 3 $ 19.00 Playstation 2 Yes SOLD Final Fantasy X $ 5.00 Playstation 2 No Final Fantasy X-2 $ 5.00 Playstation 2 Yes Final Fantasy XII $ 5.00 Playstation 2 Yes Grand Theft Auto 3 $ 3.00 Playstation 2 Yes Grand Theft Auto Vice City $ 4.00 Playstation 2 Yes Jak 2 $ 3.00 Playstation 2 No Jak and Daxter $ 2.00 Playstation 2 No Greatest Hits Kingdom Hearts $ 8.00 Playstation 2 No Cover Art is Worn Kingdom Hearts 2 $ 10.00 Playstation 2 Yes Legacy of Kain: Defiance $ 3.00 Playstation 2 Yes Metal Gear Solid 2 $ 4.00 Playstation 2 Yes Metal Gear Solid 3 $ 4.00 Playstation 2 Yes Okami $ 15.00 Playstation 2 Yes Greatest Hits Persona 3 $ 15.00 Playstation 2 Yes Persona 4 $ 15.00 Playstation 2 Yes Soundtrack Ratchet & Clank $ 3.00 Playstation 2 No included Resident Evil: Code Veronica X $ 4.00 Playstation 2 Yes Shadow Hearts: From the New World $ 12.00 Playstation 2 Yes Shadow of the Colossus $ 8.00 Playstation 2 Yes Silent Hill 2 $ 11.00 Playstation 2 Yes SOLD Soundtrack Silent Hill 3 $ 15.00 Playstation 2 Yes included SOLD Silent Hill 4: The Room $ 14.00 Playstation 2 Yes SOLD Silent Hill Origins $ 10.00 Playstation 2 Yes SOLD Siren $ 3.00 Playstation 2 Yes Star Ocean Till the End of Time $ 5.00 Playstation 2 Yes Suikoden III $ 10.00 Playstation 2 No Suikoden IV $ 8.00 Playstation 2 Yes Tales of the Abyss $ 18.00 Playstation 2 Yes The Suffering $ 5.00 Playstation 2 Yes Valkyrie Profile 2 $ 7.00 Playstation 2 Yes Wild Arms 3 $ 4.00 Playstation 2 Yes Xenosaga $ 5.00 Playstation 2 Yes Greatest Hits Xenosaga 2 $ 7.00 Playstation 2 Yes Xenosaga 3 $ 33.00 Playstation 2 Yes Rare 3D Dot Game Heroes $ 7.00 Playstation 3 Yes Catherine $ 14.00 Playstation 3 Yes Tin Case/Artbook Dark Souls $ 10.00 Playstation 3 Yes Included Darksiders $ 7.00 Playstation 3 Yes Demon's Souls $ 8.00 Playstation 3 Yes Dishonored $ 12.00 Playstation 3 Yes Dragon Age Origins $ 5.00 Playstation 3 Yes Eternal Sonata $ 15.00 Playstation 3 Yes Final Fantasy XIII $ 6.00 Playstation 3 Yes Final Fantasy XIII-2 $ 9.00 Playstation 3 Yes God of War Ascension $ 17.00 Playstation 3 Yes SOLD God of War Collection $ 7.00 Playstation 3 Yes SOLD God of War III $ 6.00 Playstation 3 Yes SOLD God of War Origins Collection $ 11.00 Playstation 3 Yes SOLD Heavenly Sword $ 5.00 Playstation 3 Yes ICO/Shadow of the Colossus $ 12.00 Playstation 3 Yes SOLD Infamous $ 5.00 Playstation 3 Yes Journey Collector's Edition (with Flower) $ 16.00 Playstation 3 Yes LA Noire $ 6.00 Playstation 3 Yes LittleBigPlanet $ 6.00 Playstation 3 Yes Greatest Hits LittleBigPlanet 2 $ 9.00 Playstation 3 Yes Artwork Printed Medal of Honor Myself (Looks Warfighter $ 5.00 Playstation 3 No good) Metal Gear Solid 4 $ 6.00 Playstation 3 Yes Metal Gear Solid HD Collection $ 18.00 Playstation 3 Yes Ni No Kuni $ 16.00 Playstation 3 Yes SOLD Nier $ 5.00 Playstation 3 Yes SOLD Oblivion: Game of the Year $ 9.00 Playstation 3 Yes Map Included Prince of Persia $ 3.00 Playstation 3 Yes Prince of Persia Trilogy $ 12.00 Playstation 3 Yes Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands $ 3.00 Playstation 3 Yes Resistance 2 $ 4.00 Playstation 3 Yes Greatest Hits Resistance Fall of Man $ 3.00 Playstation 3 Yes Skate $ 4.00 Playstation 3 Yes Skyrim $ 13.00 Playstation 3 Yes Map Included The Last of Us $ 40.00 Playstation 3 Yes Artwork Printed Myself (Looks Tomb Raider $ 18.00 Playstation 3 Yes good) Uncharted $ 6.00 Playstation 3 Yes Uncharted 2 $ 8.00 Playstation 3 Yes Greatest Hits Uncharted 3 $ 10.00 Playstation 3 Yes XCOM: Enemy Unknown $ 12.00 Playstation 3 Yes Dead Space Extraction $ 7.00 Wii Yes Kirby's Epic Yarn $ 7.00 Wii Yes MadWorld $ 3.00 Wii Yes Metroid Prime 3: Corruption $ 5.00 Wii No Tin Case, but no Metroid Prime Trilogy $ 50.00 Wii Yes sleeve Metroid: Other M $ 4.00 Wii Yes Muramasa: The Demon Blade $ 11.00 Wii Yes No More Heroes $ 4.00 Wii Yes Resident Evil 4 $ 5.00 Wii Yes Silent Hill: Shattered Memories $ 15.00 Wii Yes SOLD Super Mario Galaxy $ 10.00 Wii Yes Trauma Center: New Blood $ 3.00 Wii Yes Trauma Center: Second Opinion $ 3.00 Wii Yes Xenoblade Chronicles $ 90.00 Wii Yes New, Sealed, Rare Zack & Wiki $ 6.00 Wii Yes Fable: The Lost Chapters $ 6.00 Xbox Yes Halo: Combat Evolved $ 5.00 Xbox Yes SOLD Indigo Prophecy $ 6.00 Xbox Yes Jade Empire $ 3.00 Xbox Yes Morrowind $ 5.00 Xbox Yes Army of Two $ 4.00 Xbox 360 Yes Army of Two: The 40th Day $ 6.00 Xbox 360 Yes Assassin's Creed $ 5.00 Xbox 360 Yes Assassin's Creed II $ 6.00 Xbox 360 Yes Artwork Printed Assassin's Creed: Myself (Looks Brotherhood $ 7.00 Xbox 360 Yes good) Assassin's Creed: Revelations $ 7.00 Xbox 360 Yes Batman: Arkham Asylum $ 7.00 Xbox 360 Yes Batman: Arkham City $ 8.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Bioshock $ 7.00 Xbox 360 Yes Holographic Sleeve SOLD Bioshock 2 $ 5.00 Xbox 360 Yes Bioshock Infinite $ 20.00 Xbox 360 Yes Blue Dragon $ 5.00 Xbox 360 Yes Borderlands 2 $ 11.00 Xbox 360 Yes Condemned 2: Bloodshot $ 3.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Condemned: Criminal Origins $ 3.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Dead Space $ 10.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Top of case is Dead Space 2 $ 8.00 Xbox 360 Yes chipped SOLD Dead Space 3 $ 18.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Deus Ex: Human Revolution $ 5.00 Xbox 360 Yes Holographic Sleeve Dragon's Dogma $ 13.00 Xbox 360 Yes Enslaved $ 6.00 Xbox 360 Yes Eternal Sonata $ 8.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Fable 2 $ 3.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Fable 3 $ 4.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Fallout 3: Game of the Year $ 10.00 Xbox 360 Yes Holographic Sleeve Fallout: New Vegas $ 5.00 Xbox 360 Yes Holographic Sleeve FEAR $ 4.00 Xbox 360 Yes FEAR 2 $ 5.00 Xbox 360 Yes Grand Theft Auto IV $ 8.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Hunted: The Demon's Forge $ 6.00 Xbox 360 Yes Kameo: Elements of Power $ 3.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning $ 18.00 Xbox 360 Yes Lost Odyssey $ 10.00 Xbox 360 Yes Mass Effect $ 8.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Mass Effect 2 $ 6.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Mass Effect 3 $ 10.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Metro 2033 $ 18.00 Xbox 360 Yes Portal 2 $ 22.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Prey $ 2.00 Xbox 360 Yes Resident Evil 5 $ 5.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Resident Evil 6 $ 10.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Sega Superstar Tennis $ 2.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Silent Hill Downpour $ 12.00 Xbox 360 Yes Silent Hill Homecoming $ 10.00 Xbox 360 Yes Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection $ 8.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD Tales of Vesperia $ 20.00 Xbox 360 No The Darkness $ 4.00 Xbox 360 Yes SOLD The Darkness II $ 6.00 Xbox 360 Yes Poster Included SOLD The Witcher 2 $ 13.00 Xbox 360 Yes Timeshift $ 2.00 Xbox 360 Yes.
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