RICHARD W. BARSTOW 26, Tregeseal, st. Just, Near Penzance, Cornwall, England. ORDERING INFOhMATION Mail orders are promptly filled and despatched on a 7-day examination basis, subject to approval. Immediate refund guaranteed on return of specimens. Please quote the name and the number of the specimen(s) required, and enclose .O./Cheque with order. No charge is made fo~ postage and packing, except for over­ seas customers and postage over 50p. We reserve the right to make slight substitutions, if necessary, unless advised to the contrary. Special requests and 'wants lists' are welcome. We hope that we may be of some service to you, and assure you of our best attontion at all times. APRIL 1974 1. NATIVE ARSENIC. Burraton Combe Quarry, St. Stephens-by- Saltaoh, Cornwall. Specimen A- Superb, pure, metallic grey irregular shaped mass, with some conchoidal surfaces and odd encrustations of whitish AhSENOLITE. 4x2x2". £10; Specimen B- As specimen A- with much whitish Arsenolite; l~xl". £1. 50; Specimen C ­ As Specimen B- lx'l". £1. 2. ATACAMITE. Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Very rich, cellular mass of bright emerald green crystal aggregates with minor Limonite and fragments of Quartz. 3x3x2~". £12. 3. AURICK~LCITE. Char Kounhi Mine, Iran. Rich, lustrous, turquoise blue crystals scattered over and thickly aggregated in cavities in cellular Limonite. 3x2". £3. 4. BATHITE. Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Apple green, small, well formed crystals thickly scattered over gossan matrix with minor whitish Calcite in association. Specimen A- 2~x2"xl~". £3; Specimen B- Hx1~xl".:f2; Specimen C- l~xl" - without Calcite - 50p. 5. BA.STNAESITE. Torendrika, Madagascar. Pure vitreous clove brown mass with a tan coloured oXidised coating. 2xlt". £1- 6. BAYLDONITE. Wheal ~arpenter, Gwinear, Cornwall. Rich crusts of apple green sparklin9 micro crystals on Quartz matrix. Specimen A - 22 x2"- with a l~xl~" covering of crystals - £3; Specimen B- Itxl". 75p. 7. BERZELIANITE. Bukov, Moravia, ~.S.S.R. Very rich tarnished metallic masses to i" in size richly aggregated in ~alcite. 2xli-xlt". £6. 8. BEODA.NTITE. Wheal Carpenter, Gwinear, Cornwall. Rich crust ofsage green well formed micro crystals covering Quartzose matrix. Spe"imen A- 2tx2". £2; Specimen B ­ ltxl". £1. -2- BISMUTHINITE. Fowey ~onsols Mine, Tywardreath, Cornwall. Rich grey elongated thick needly crystals, showing striations, aggregated with minor Chlorite on and in cellular Quartz/~hlorite/Chalcopyriteveinstuff. The total area the Bismuthinite occurs on is 2txlt" on ma trix 4x3x2t". £8. 10. BOUnNONITE. Herodsfoot Mine, Lanreath, ~ornwall. An intergrown mass of lustrous metallic grey bladed crystals with very minor Quartz in association. 3x2". £6. 11. BROCK4NTITE. Blanchard ~laims, Bingham, New Mexico. U.S.A. Bright, emerald green, small crystals thickly intergrown and encrusting Barytes matrix. Itxlt". £2. 12. ~£CITE. Snailbeach Mine, Shelve, Shropshire. A group of large pale lilac coloured rhombic crystals, the three largest having face edges 2" in size, I'lith a frosting of bright small doubly termin~ted Quartz crystals. Very attractive for display. 5xJ~'x3". £8. 13. CALCITE. Millclose Mine, Nr. MJtlock, Derbys. Two large whitish s alenohedral crystals approxim3tely 2" in size implanted on J plate composed of numerous smaller crystals, the reverse of the specimen being studded with small transparent Fluorite cubes. 4~x4". £4. 14. CASSITERITE. Pell Mine, St. gnes, Cornwall. Bright, lustrous, black terminated crystals of the rare four sided habit intergrovm with minor ~hlorite and small clear uartz crystAls on silicified Slate matrix. Specimen - 3x2". £4; Specimen B- 2xlt". £3. 15; CASSITERITE. Relistian Mine, Gwlnear, ~ornv~ll. An unusual sPecimen consisting of a conglomerate of Chloritised Slate Pebbles cemented by Chlorite and with small sharp Cassiterite crystals implanted in cavities between individual pebbles. 4x2tx2". £5. 16; CASciITERITE. Wheal Emma, Dartmoor, Devon. Lustrous, small, brownish black crystals thick~y intergrown and covering Quartz veinstone. 3x2". £2.50. 17; CASSITERITE. Nevi East Section, Dolcoath Hine, Camborne, Cornwall. Lustrous brovm threads and stringers cementing dark blue fine grained brecciated Tourmaline Quartz veinstuff. Some small needly crystals are implanted wit Quartz in a I" cavity on one end of the specimen. This specimen is a typical example of the very high grade ore from the deep levels of Dolcoath Mine. 3tx3x2".. £3. 18. CASSITERITE variety "\>100D TIN". West Wheal Kitty, St. Agnes, Cornv~ll. Very well developed rounded masses and bands of fibrous Cassiterite with Quartz veinstuff. 2txl-}" • £4. 19. CERUSSITE. Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Superb, intergrovm, large glassy Hhite reticulated crystals thickly covering black Psilomelane matrix. Excellent quality old time specimen, very choice for display. 5x3~x2". £35. 20. CERUSSITE. La Croix-aux-Mines, Vosges, France. Attractive small, very well formed, glassy tWinned crystals thickly intergrovm on Limonitic matrix. 3X2t". £4. 21. CERUSSITE. Pentire Gloze Mine, Polzeath, Cornwall. Lustrous, SnOI'l \/hite "Jack-stravl" type crystals, richly scattered over black Psilomel1ne coating uartz. 4x2t". £3. -3- CERUSSITE. Tsumeb, Ot3vi, S.vi. africa. Specimen A- Very choice water clear g13ssy twinned ~rystals to 1 ~m. in size scattered lnd intergrown on 3 reddish matrix. 2;\-xlt". £4; Specimen B- Highly t\,inned gl'J.ssy crystals, well formed and sharp, s~attered over botryoidal Malachite with odd sm3ll whitish crystals of Tarnowitzite. 2;\-xlt". £4; Specimen C- An unusual flat pyramidal shaped crystal exhibiting 3 little twinning and parallel growth, mostly clear 3nd with an attractive pale pink internal zoning. Ii-xli". £5; Specimen D- Intergrown !¥roup of tabular ·,later clear sharp gl'Jssy crystals to "2" in size. ltxl". £3; Specimen E- i1.S Specimen D- but with slightly larger crystals - l;\-xi-". £4. 23. CHAL';OCITE. Bot:tllack Mine, St. Just, Cornwa 11. Sharp, metallic grey hexagonal crystals scattered on cellular Chalcocite m:Jtrix. l;\-xl". £2. 24. CHALCOCITE. Sharp Tor Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall. Rich, bright, metallic grey mass ",ith minor Quartz. 2x2". 50p. 25. CHALCOPYRITE. Consolidated Mines, Gwennap, Cornwall. Pure, golden yellow lustrous mass. an old l3bel is attached to the specimen, which was ~ollected early last century. 3x2txlt". £1.25. 26. CHhLCOPYRITE. Ground Hog Mine, Vanadium, Grant Co., New Mexico, U.S. c. Large, slightly tarnished, sphenoidal crystals to 1 cm. in size, sharp and well formed, implanted on slender uartz crystals with minor crystalised Sphalerite and small cubes of Iron Pyrite 2xltxlt". £8. 27. CHhLCOSIDERITE. Phoenix Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall. Large, dark green, sharp crystals mostly around 3 rom. in size, scattered on botryoidal liver brown Limonite on a dense Ironstone m3trix. 3x2t". £4. 28. CLINO';LhSE. Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall. Rich, blue, crystaline masses and veinlets with Quartz gossan. 2txl". £1. 50. 29. CONNE~LITE. Wheal EQ~ard, st. Just, Cornwall. Sky-blue crystaline crust richly covering uartz. 2xlt". £1. 30. NATIVE COPPER. Wheal Virgin, Gwennap, Cornwall. A tarnished coppery red sheet varying from 3 - 5 rom. thick and composed of intergrown distorted crystuls, the largest being 3pproximutely 5 rom. in size. 4;\-x3". £6. 31. NATIVE COPPER. Copper Falls Mine, Keweenaw Peninsular, Michigan, U.S.h. Bright, metallic, crystaline sheets and hackly masses aggregated and protruding from Calcite/Basalt matrix, witt irregularly formed Calcite crystals enclosing bright spots of Native Copper at one end of the specimen. 2i-x2x2". £5. 32. NATIVE COPPER. Botallack ine, st. Just, Cornwall. Tarnished, coppery red, hackly sheet. ltx;\-". 50p. 33. CUPRITE. Marke Valley Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall. h bright shining maroon coloured mass of intergrown octahedral crystals, with odd fragments of white .uartz in association. 3tx2;\-x2". £6. 34. CUPRITE. Wheal Damsel, Gwennap, Cornwall. Smull, sharp, cubic deep red crystals richly scattered over QU3rtzose goss3n. 2;\-xli-". £3. 35. CUPRITE. Bisbee, Conchise Co., arizona, U.S.a. Bright, deep red, sharp small modified rystals richly s~lttered on goss::m with mi.cro crysto.ls of blRCk De1:lfossite.2xl".£3. -4- DOLOMITE. Beckermet Mine, Egremont, West Cumberland. Lustrous pink curved saddle shaped crystals thickly intergrown on massive Dolomite. 3X2t". £1.50. DUFREN ITE. Rockbridge Co., VirginiJ, U.S.~. hn unusual radiated dark greyish-blJck mass ",ith a rounded surface, and slight alteration in thin bands to Goethite. ltx2". £3. 38. EMPLECTITE. Tannenbaum, Nr. Schwarzenberg, Saxony, Germany. Rich, metallic, tarnished bladed maSS8S thickly scattered throu h -uartz matrix with minor Chalcopyrite in association. 2xlixlt". £5. 39. ERYTHRITE. Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany. Bright pink elongated flattened needly crystals radiated on and covering both sides of a dark uartzose matrix. 2tx2t. £4. 40. ERYTHhITE. Ennys Wheal Virgin, st. Hilary, Cornwall. Bright pink crystaline masses and micro cr~stals encrusting Quartz/Chlorite matrix. 2tx2x14'" £1. 41. FLUORITE. Florence Mine, Egremont, W. Cumberland. Turquoise blue sharp transparent cubic crystJls, some exhibiting internal zoning scattered on and intergro"m with creamy coloured saddle shaped Dolomite crystals enveloping botryoidal Hematite. The Fluvrite crystals are mostly Jround I cm. in size. 3tx3". £5. 42. FLUORITE. East Pool Mine, Illogan, Corm.al1. Specimen B.- TurqUOise blue ubic crystals to t" in size intergrown on drusy uartz with odd sharp Chalcopyrite
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