I IIw i I I 4-I I I nI II4-IIIA11 tlita 'Donahue' show sabotaged. .5 UF whips Oklahoma No- oil I WIy tso- -110 11h r r 1 , 1 - 1 d, State. 20 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 Search still on for killer Early link between Humphrey, slaying falls through By DONYA CURRIE \Igatcr sta tr \c, tile orange Und )Iuo t ir 11o . k ' 1 Gatti homle foenor took 5N( Tw :, s lot , IT or ase2 ,o - e a sa -o r i pa ii I I still surrounded the inte 'lg Iget I LI I Ii1 I I I to i iI t r Iatt ie possible suspect .n Ihe bi ,.Lid1N JO. T II \Ithough ploote s I dwthi I w s u n phrey, 1$. is oily ilte right op I A k a l r Iat [ I IlI Ia idr sIE a in - SIt I i it I N1k 1v 1ne l 1 1t 1 11t1/ I~ a k: tir i suspects, he ha' g.Inec 'iplrielv It t I I .ne I 411 1T- T" k 'm is i I state Cor a string (It tn k tkooed i i m kI ('I IIt iI trIt oci' I Z. 11i~ . ' 11 t iLt'1 [ TI K oI gL 1 tter I mr V III I On Aug 28. Humtptrev i oI1., iTe t S\g -I ;ll I n|osa o\ rm Brevard County Sheriffs (ilik Itil report ihidl T Ik I i T t IIII i I:~ , iii , I I I (I I i t ]1 beaten his 79-year o ganldmituTle: I 'hi Itd var nd Bre tiIIIt /kha kt : hu It ay Hlavaty in her [ndialint huom, luImpilT' w I'liI ,Lt'~ Is li I ( i iT IS I I IIu I I j III arrested Aug 29, and a judge sel his h, it If million, citing HumplI .itogroo iSbehi lor and (he criuly t' Is niiig ia ilt I ]I 111 1an eI I Polite a 8\n1,"e person I lit Ill sl d orhw reported iet iUuprvtraee a Sept hiearig, HIlau .aikd ll ITLrIvet1 r'loo igJ u /[1 t1rlid 1 I ar1;Nik wall((tcalIn I .111tI d]Li tr %I I11 N I a(I charges against HmIIiIiphrn s II (I r p,)1e1I bit I! IT ),r Il>k ](I, Lite' I pioa 'ard ,]k i' l 1ne. TmV (It ,I 11a im le Brevard County Circuit ludge Martin ulitdiik ,lIt I Iss sent I ( iITIil lilt nflu jikemit refused her request and did iot reduce the bl "It , nor n iormmkin bacr i nms it) bherepored( amount dav, I i Ier Ih l t l IillIt n d II t.e snd st - Although H umph rev has no t been oh, rged i (itensfoin d]Onl know who il all To ffler acrimso the murders. State Atriey Norrm Wointigor or how it) report it said the unusually high bail A sit hactst ho IT)ves II i IorIs a r( (iI I11ng IT sean IN o I is a possible suspect for those killings Humpred d Gamledvlle aporelmem and 110m)( On Sept 4, the Indian River County Sheriffs ,i"( 'air in Brievard ( ottiv last [ hursl a Office charged Humphrey i a l)$8 attemrpted sl""I Ida G'" i 'evne p" oe poke"llo"it" sexual assault and armed burglary A woman [I II 0ai arniell said she saw H umiphi aL ure Ina ne .spaI er see Police page 8 and cietfied hun as the maTn wit, It 'o 3 consider running for student body president By CARRIE SEGAL ,II Imi :o pt- oorol gko: I c 'holtn1, 1 th., umversluv niund Vt (,raps'ki sid goal' Ino 1liri Sltttli (,ov'rn Alligator Writer aren't going ,o bC Ii ih usI il Five months before st]detsi his possible kamdida( Ir lil who iIahd' an un go to the polls to choose the "'dormt Things are lor I esnt.l hit tar III it1I dt'ii mi1 next student body president poriamt Ih~ far m sper111t ICh 1kI s (I h v i mutusi lirsi tot Is three possible candidates at gidelinesIthe said ITiher IT [it s(1oolvork Ir he ready have shown interest in all philisopl hv o how govern make, ' decision bot rn the top job meni should be rT on ihis ling Former Student Sen Charlie camiptIs I ilmore inip)riaIlt Its osSiblt but right .1,1w Grapskt said he will most I think the (VI ) adiniostra my No I kn eti i) to do well likely" run for the postion, non is sirainglhng the Greeks mo s i I evmtesaid "I don'I while Student Body Ice 're- But that's One symptom ot a biehe' that student body laS udent Kevin Mayux and for- mruc h larger disease Phat ds ilen is a ly by ughi job I mer Student Body treasurer ease is he lae that college want to think about it Alan [evine said they may an administrations all over the Grapski also I thinking nounce their candidacies country are treating college about it H id one it his closer to the February election student lke T children' long tme aiint i ir mkc date Gripski lieoed that tu a "ie 'eprt'.('ii't Grapski said many peopl deiisshildbei thn'loppriority boo and to kN 1p ( oit have asked him to ion and le's at I' and i a udeltI body pies botng all I xcnsol l - il II inu t'rstnn ti tud ome been thinking about it or a doi should light !o keep it SI "lit lai "t" l SI sh id long time thai way he an ii it th admc1 a the hIl shown "I see a lot of problems and Althoig ItlIn but he wN i ta I see a lot of potential and I mierst in the t b. ntilhier May khai don't think either of Ihose are cUX nor Itvmi would giV( NWs A lit eds (i to hart I being properly approached' kink s aboor Their possle GI sod 'stdetI (ult 1 Grapski said "The things that candy idWitis Painting the town ' ~ to start being lore students need to be aware of mi has Jim Evangelist works into the night Friday on his latest project "'mtionsidering running or responsible t the student "Manatee, Mother and Child." aren't being addressed student body president, May Although he doesn't have eIx said I wall[ to make sut see Elections. page 9 2. AI1GATVR MONDAY, SI01EMfER 10 19) r - - K CLIP & SAVE N CUP & SAVE *a CLIP & SAVE a - -- ALAN'S CUBANA & SALTY DOG SALOON VOLUNTEERS 1 1712 W University AveI Public relations volunteers needed for poster and pbI( lor alI (ompttive aspect of the May gaie-. I.o Call Ahead for Pick-Up lI(r layout, mailings and reprodcion work 3R x held 1 GtLaesvilit Sieduled sports iretrack and titld! pitint helpful but not required volleyball. cyclig, equestnan soccer and rollerskiting 37546969 Study hall supervisor needed for girls in ifter Public speaking volunteers needed to speak tip School program Tutoring experiene lielplul Choose s hool hildren about nforniatinial progriii LUNCH SPECIALS two afternoons between .3 30 and 5 I. ,it her Monda s( hed i will be arranged dirmog sool hours (1100 am -3pm -Mon - Fn) ,iimd Wedriesday or Tuesday and [IIIrsdriv Tutors needed to assist iigh school students wli Certified lieguards needed from I :13 to 3 p i for sdhoolwork Ability t) tooiioctoI( eewith teens evr d BBQ PORK SANDWICH $330 ildre n with special needs on Sept 15 calling For repore information cal 478-2552 or rte ]lhe BBQ BEEF SANDWICH $345 Special Olympics chairperson needed for Florida Volunteer Center, PO Box 14561. Garnesvile -la I CHAR-BROILED CHEESEBURGER $315 cpea i Oly mpic s State Games Voliuin t-r will be resxn, 12604 RED BEANS & RICE OR BLACK BEANS & RICE Sm 240 Med 300 Large 395 SOUP AND. WHAT'S HAPPENING Salad with Hot Bread and Butter $355 Be counted: The Communities Assembly is tonight at 6 in the Ar- vile Scrabble Club meets tonight at Sated . .$305 Affair Cabiiet will register student redondo Room of the Reitz Union 7 at Books on 114 NW l3th SIreIl. Hot Bread & Butter $200 votes for Alacha County todia lPresident Lombardi Is the guest Gator Plana Bring srabble sis and BURRITO through Friday. 9 30-2 30 pm al speaker (all Vtor it a36 1797 SI call 174 4241 Beef $190 Matherly. Turlington and little NAACP rhe Gator ( chapter Ta.-Kwon-Do: 'he traditional $1 60 Halls, the law school and ]h Hietz NAACP itet s torigli at ) il Re itz ],i Koni-> pr)ort lices start ioday Combo $1 s0 430mNorian (ym Cailit kv it Union first floor Picture 11) re I mon Rotai i 60 Call 33 -8090 at QUICHE $2 45 quired Call 392-1165 Kickoff reception: The American 192 91 ITAUAN SUB 6' only $2 70 Night of prayer: The Chi Alpha Marketing Assoc lotion meets Supporting Latin America: Campus Ministries meets tonight at tonight at 730 in the Lw School CISPIA Lumiitte In Supprril I I ALAN'S CUBANA SUB 6 only $260 7 In Little Hall Room 201. Call Elaine afeteria for all members l)ress the People of LAtn Amernca will have 37b-0341 or Dave at 334-7189. casual, no shorts. Call Scott at 377- a talk tonight at i in the Reitz Union Salad with Hot Bread and Butler $3 75 Lombardi to spak: The second 5560 or Shannon at 3752702 Room B 65 Call 468-2609 or 373- Salad 45 annual Hispanic Student and Faculty A way with words: The Gaines 7639 Hot Bread & Butter $2 50 -II DELI SALAD* 500 OFF any Deli Salad.
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