*>■ • ' ' . f t MONDAY. OCTOBER B, 1«H i I Avsn^lM t^NH AnM Ron TktW eBlher riwMet ef O. B Weeine Get. t , IMS CMaiy, very- esal Baijl wjaHjf w M li^ Mary Cheney Teat Mo. 14, N About Town DUVCw, win meet tomorrow And Here^s Where I Do My Work Judge Decides seeaslsaal rain er IrlwlR MMMO f / night at 8 n^clock at the home of 1 1 ,0 4 0 and Isau rrsw w sfalag. CTsajp ta.' 4 ■< Mrs. Beatrice Manning, 47 Maple v af «i4 Akilt ManehMUr U )df« No. 7S A. r . SL- It- la expected that the depart­ L ^gett Case tMNGE and FUEL OIL m t OmdattoM and A. M., win hold a apaelal com* ment 'president and her staff will itm Mtmehe$Ur^A City gf Viilage Charm munkatlon at tha Maaonlc Tnn- bd Visitors, and all members are plt tomorrow night at 7:S0. The urged to be present. Following thb Gives Judgment Qearim 2 4 Hour DoHyery Sorvico entered apprentice degree will .-be meeting a social hour and penny VOL LXXIIL NO. S (Claaaltlad AdraftklB^ aa Fasa M) MANCHE81ER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1953 ’ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CEMf9 conferred and there will be a iw* auction will be held. Those attend­ House Sale by Eldo^ly clal hour and refreahmenta.. ing are reminded to bring articles for the fair. y / " Father to Hla/Son Teh Rev. Cart E. Oleon, paator HO RlAKn BROTHERS of the Emanuel L«tharan Church, Parents and friends of members' A recent^declel«»^y -Hartford President Wishes Nixon Godspeed' waa reelected aa vice president of of Senior Girl Scout Troop I are County Bupertor Court Judge 315 CENTER STREET T E L M1*i4llS8 invited to see the colored slides the Board of Youth Activities of Kenneth Wynae absolved a Man­ the Augustana Evangelical Lu­ which the group took'on its Long theran Church. Plana were made Trail trip in Vermont tonight at chester m aiief a charge that he for more intensive recruitbig for 7:45 in the Junior Room of the defknudpd hia father and ciit hla the church vocatkms, more twin­ Center Church. Donna Robb, Susan Crockett, Barbara McCann, Bette sistep^t of property ahti had been ing of adult counselors of youth l>p<imtaed. and an increasing emphasia on fel­ Lou Rgbinson and Jacki.e Hoi-- lowship opportunities. lander will act aa narrators. Wynne found In favor of Her­ M IR R O R S - AUTO Q U S S bert J, Leggett of IS Dudley St., A.meetlting o f Den Mothers of St. Bernadette's Mothers Circle in a three-cornered suit tried about will meet .tomorrow evening at > FURNITURE TOFS Cub Pack( No.1^. 113. will be held to- two week! ago. W E INSTALL night at S o’clock at the home o’clock at the home of Mrs. Walter McNally, 6 Morse Rd. Leggett's father, George Leg- of Mrs. Thomaa Morrissey, 138 gett of. Center St., charged that Campfleld Rd. Army Pvt. Johann Cswertek. Jr., he was old and infirm and there­ 23, whose father lives at 40 North for* incapacitated when he signed J.1L W H IT E EJm St., recently arrived in Korea a warrantee deed which he claims In Centin* o f British Guiana Trouble for duty with the 45th Infantry ha did not know conveyed a two- J ‘God’s Hdp’ AMllMr $«v|e« By Division. He entered the Army story, six-room dwelling a t 17 C LA SS CO. Lodge Orders Stu MANCfUSTER last February and completed basic Dudley ' St., to hia son, Herbert, training at Fort Dlx, N. J., before 24 lIR C H ST. AUTO PARTS for $7,000. going to Korea. , Herbert, Leggett's slater, Mrs. TEL. MI-9.7322 1 Necessary 378 Broad St. TeL Ml-f-4838 Edyth L Massey, also of Center On State CartJsage a PISTON EXPANDERS The new craft group of adults', ‘•WE CANT HIDE St., had already broitgHt suit / INSTALLED which is in process of organization, BEHIND Ol'R PRODUCT* will hold a meeting tppiorrow at 8 against Leggett and the elder Leg­ iFor Peace p.m. in the junior room of Center gett alleging they .conspired to de­ Hartford, Oct. 6 (A>)— Governor Lodge today han^ four Church. prive her of the property which she alleged waa promised her In high ranking atate officials the task of determining w! ler Atlantic .City, N. J„ Oct. J5 1939 Tn return for caring for her there is any way in which the state can operate its fleet' (JP) — President Eisenhqw^er FRESH O M O y '''^ Dr. Eugene Davis, local optome­ parents. , some 1,600 automobiles more economically. today pictured “ windrpWa of trist, and Russell W. Johnson, The first action, brought'by Mrs! Neaamea ■ At Beeeiea z ~ Whttnaa. Mmlttp P. A 8. 4 chairman of the State board of unidentifiable dead, P08- O u a d j Oi$io«rd ' ^ Massey attached the property at ONLY ManiJiester Dry Qeaaeri At a long-heralded cabinet fiible doom o f eveyy natioiV In examiners, have re-appointed 17 Dudley St., which Herbert Leg­ meeting, open to newsmen, he by Gov. John LobM^for another named a aubcommittee consist­ this. H-bomblb AffS unlass Rus­ ArUrar O iig Storas^ three-year term. W ?'Davis was gett had renovated and waa plan­ Ships Sent ning to aeli. Ftasldmt Btoeahewrr gives Y>«e Pmsldeat BIcIhM Nltea a smllbic haadrtialie aver the Mg glebe ing of Attorney General 'William sia joins withwiih the United first named to the boa^ by the L. Beers, Comptroller Fred R. lata Gov. Jamea MeConaughy- Wynne entered judgment for G ves You UNIT CLEANING la the White Haase where Nbaa epUsd hefers the Msrt ef Us wsrW tear. Nlxsa was taUag with Statea to rcxluce "thia titanic Herbert Leggett in both actions hint bath wftttea sad verbal niew ^ s far the heads etxia rwoatrles aad ether dlgaitartea with whom Zeller, Finance Commissioner force to the fruitful aenrlce of hag served continuously since that against him and for George Iwg- Frank M. fLynch and Labor Com- time. ha la ta eanter daring the 1S.day Joamey ea “a i the great^prablensi Which eoafranl the tree haUaws.- To Guiana mapkind.” . gett in the action hla' daughter Tha Vlae PreaMeat’a wtfa wM aeeonipany him Slang with aitarty af sevea aides aad loretgn esperta. mlesioner John J. Egan to study brought. A the problem, which ha termed Tlie Presidsnt solemnly pUdged. Pfc. Earl D. Everett, Jr., of 22 What Is - r that "if it la' within tha power of ^ / Herald Photn,' Excerpts from Judge Wynne’s complex and difficult one. BANtLY Doane St., is spending a furlough -NOfflc participating in y^terday'a Waddell School dedication ceremonies are ahoam a thlrd- He said he hoped they would‘ By Britain your leadcra with God’a halp" t h a t ^ ^ with hia parents, prtor to leaving grade r«<om by one of the small reasons the school waa built—8-year-old Sandra Ekatrom. Sandra decision follow: peaceful objaetlv* will be achieved. "There can be. no question that have a report and a directive oh _ _ _ _ for California en r^te to Japan. daugh^r of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Ekatrom, of 60 West Middle Tphe^ shows here third-grade room off aUU car \ia* by Nov. 1. __, _ . Speaking in the Atlantic City OIL CO. Ha has been st^pned at Fort to (frPm left to right) Superintendent of Schools Arthur H. Illlng. Mayor Sherwood M. Bowers, Judge he (George Leggett) did know Unit Cleaning ? State-Wide Election Tabbed —Britain Convention Hall to an audienc* of what he waa doing on the occasion The auocamiiuimaubcommittee wmwill barsamirw lU London. ()ct. 6 (/P) Bennlng, Ga. / Chartes S. House, recently resigned chairman of the Board of ESucatiomxThomas Waddell, father of PROCESS I. ’ investigation on statisUca concern- 9,100-ton about 6,000 at a meeting of the TEL MI.M598 when he transferred hla property dispatched the Prime Minister Cheddi Jagaih: right, e f BritWi OMana Me United Church Women of the Na­ / th^late General Manager for whom the school was named, and Ray Goali^ chairman of the School ing state car us* compiled by a cruiser Sheffield from Scot­ orMI.9-4596 The South Mancheater Atixiliary Building Committee, to his son Herbert, Nor la there U Is Conalant flltratlon of soap during the heavy soap cycle ar AMertcan-hofa wif*. the former Jbnet Itoaeaberg, left, of tional Gouncil ot Churche* of any question that the amount that .Cleaning cycle. The system does not allow the soap to re^poslt study conducted since last March land to the West Indies today, weVe charged by Colonial Office oBleUMa’ In Leaj)*n as leading a Christ in the U.B.A., Eisenhower Firemen wll have ladder drill at As ^Operation Little Switch ’ by Lynch’s department. the Spruce .St. firehouae at 6:30 waa to be paid to him waa a fair or break ^own because the aoap and aolvent la filtered coastaat- sending the warship to fhe Coniaaalst party. A British force wW racing t* Georgetown, Brit declared peace can be won alowly RANGE AND FUEL Pvt. Robert T. Delnicki, 111 Concordia Lutheran Ladita Aid Local Orangemen are sponsoring estimate of the value of the prem- ly la a separate ayatem during the cleaning eycle. The governor ordered the study tonight. Demlng St., Pvt. Elwln K. Doody, doorstep of her lefust- Isb Ouiaaa, where Britein’s governor, StrisAHr^ W.
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