An alert and vigorous newspaper .Before you shop, it will be wise to devoted to the activities and inter- TOWNSHIP study carefully the Values and ser- ests of the residents of this area. vices offered by our advertisers. Each, Read it regularly each week to be edition carries merchandise news of fully informed of every newsworthy utmost importance to the thrifty event in your home town! buyer. You can trust our advertisers 1 VOL. XI—NO. 45 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1949 PRICE THREE CENTS 'dance, Honesty Pays Off Status as Disabled istration Increase Yet Gets Yacovlno •"••: : .' - /• ••• ••••...' Cop Job Priority Places 16th in Original Revealed as 580 ; List; Withheld Citing By CHARLES E. GKKGORY Hurts on Exam Paper I have known all along WOODBRIDGE — Philip Yaco- that the Communist party- vino, 9 Birch Street, Port Reading, Shown as False line leadership in the union who finished 16th on the Civil Service Examination list for ap- which holds captive the em- j pointment to the police depart- ployes of the U. S. Metals in j ment, lias been placed at the top ; Carmel CWV Officers Assume Duties Enthusiastic Party Carteret, is crumbling. of the list as a disabled veteran.. 9 $: * K- # it was learned Tuesday. Workers Estimate The workers are grateful Dr. William S. Carpenter, chair- for finally having been man of the Civil Service Com- shown the real facts about mission, told the Independent- Grossly in •or Maurice Travis, the con- Jay Jones, Star Street, Iselin, is shown receiving a check for Leader Trenton correspondent SoO from the Railway Express Agency for helping- the authorities yesterday that Mr. Yanoovino and WOODBRIDGE—The bot- fessed Communist whose recover 81,000 worth of dresses stolen from a railroad car in New State Senator B. W. Vogel, Town- luxurious living comes out Brunswick and dumped off.in Iselin. Mr. Jones's cooperation rlso ship Attorney, had conferred with tom fell out of boastful po- of their union dues. They resulted in the arrest of two men responsible for the theft. Left him. litical workers' claims that are burned up good now that to rig-ht are Police Chief Georgre E. Keating:, Mr. Jones and -"red Dr. Carpenter said he asked why at least 1,500 new voters they know that Herbert Ler- Lanzara, special agent for Railway Express Agency, Newark office. the young man had not clahned his have been added to the rolls " ner, whose living also comes | extra points as a disabled veteran for, next month's general out of their sweat, lined him- i and was told that he (Yacovino'f election when official figures had feared that such awadmission released early this week by self on behalf of the 11 Com- would keep him from passing a munists who have since been physical examination. The Civil the Middlesex County Board jailed and given the hoose- Service head explained he told the of Elections reveals that gow for conspiring in a wick- Port Reading man to bring papers Woodbridge Township regis- ed plot to overthrow the free w.ith him proving his disability tration this year shows a net United States by force and Jones Spied Stolen Goods in Woods A'ear Colonia; which he did on Monday. As a re- gain of only 580. sult he was placed at the top of violence. Merchandise Valued by Express Co. at $1,000 the list-, as a disabled veteran auto- While an accurate story of matically goes to the top if he the registration figures could I also blew the whistle on Bar- WOODBRIDGE—As a reward for aiding in the recovery passes the examination. easily have been obtained, relmouth Trosko when I Caught of over $1,000 in merchandise stolen from .a Railway Ex- List, is Promised •publicists more eager than him in a lie and then smeared press car at New Brunswick and for the subsequent arrest Told that Senator Vogel at Tues- thorough have been spread- him with it. Trosko and Lerner of a Colonia man and a Jersey City resident, Jay Jones, day's session of the Township ing the unconfirmed reports called in the reserves when I got Star Street, Iselin, was presented with a check for $50 Committee claimed he had been that 1,500 new voters were them in a corner and started bat- promised an official list of candi- yesterday afternoon by the Railway Express Agency. dates in time for the meeting. Dr. At a juini installation of officers held in Car- Carmel Post and county publicity..director; John signed up. This figure, how- ting them around, and all I had The presentation took'place in -' ' teret, where officers of St. James', St. Elias' and J. Arva, coiiiiiiander; Paul Sisan, trustee: Louis ever, included many dupli- to do was to show them up as Carpenter indicated the revised Police Chief George E. Keating's „, „ . _,_, „ list would be mailed today, due to Sacred Heart Posts, Catholic War Veterans, were Nemeth, firs^ vice president; Ray Krushenski, cations—changes of address, being completely willing to share office. Representing the Express IO Direct IB tampfUgn also installed,, the above officers of Mt. Carmel officer of the day; James Gyurics, treasurer; a platform with" Travis, the con- the new development. There also Post, CWV, Woodbridge, • were also inducted into Joseph Nagy, trustee: Joseph Kocsis, judge advo- Movement from one ward to fessed Commie, and Reid Robin- Company was Fred Lanzara, spe- apDears to be a possibility that office. Left to right are John Buiiwinkle, of Hi. cate, and John Mihalko, adjutant. another, changes from single son, who still hasn.'t answered to cial agent, Newark office. some of the other veterans may to married names. The cor- thfe satisfaction of a large section Mr. Jones, who came to Iselin claim disability. rect total will undoubtedly of the union about the time he from Texas a year ago, related With Mr. Yacovino at the top of tf cause a prompt revision in' was accused of trying to borrow yesterday that on August 24 he the list it appears now thaWEdward in-Bid to Army to Acquire many a political forecast of five grand from an employer with was walking through the woods Culver. 134 Wedgewcod Avenue, probable results next month. whom the union had a contract. between Iselin and Colonia. He Woodbridge, who was sixth on the Travis, as you and they remem- had been at home several days original list, will be dropped if six oin women V-AcreCarteretOrdnahce TractAn active campaign has ber, was kicked out of the Steel because of burns received at work men are appointed. If only five been waged by the local Workers for tipping the union till at a Railway plant. He had gone men are named, Andrew C. Ludwig. RARITAN TWONSHIP'—Mrs. only a short way, he said, when 30 Liberty Street, Fords, will lose Donald Turner, Mrs. Adrian Bailey, informal Application Presented to Alexander by Democratic organization to to support Communist activities. he noticed a number of new car- out. capitalize on the steady in- s * * * Mrs. Remsen Hansmann, Mrs. Barker, Wilents; Early Decision Sought tons. Although the woods are used In the' original list, there were Lloyd Harris and Airs. Jessie Beck- flux of new residents, and it I knew, of course, that the] as illegal dumping grounds, it no residents of the Third Ward WOODBRIDGE—Informal. application^ was made by the is extremely likely that these workers would want nothing to do seemed peculiar to Jones that among the first six. hold were welcomed as new mem-Shell Oil Company to the War Department Tuesday for pur- party workers are respon- with this motley crew the minute they were brand-new, sealed and At Tuesday's session of the bers of the Clara Barton Woman's chase of the 160-acre tract in Carteret now accupied as an sible in the main for the in- they knew the truth about it. tied. He investigated and found' Township Committee, Senator Club at a mssting held Tuesday. crease as shown. The Reptfo- I'm sorry that I had the job to that, one of the cartons ^contained j (.Continued on "Page" 6) : Ordnance Depot.,, If the .purchase can be made, the. tract do all alone—because- apparently a . quantity of dresses. He . called A letter of thanks was received will-be added to that already owned by the company and on licans undoubtedly can claim .everyone else is scared of them police headquarters and Patrol- from the Raritan Township Safety which it intends to build a multi-million dollar refinery. credit for a share of the boost, but for some reason—since with a men Henry Dunham, Anthony Council for the club's donation of Sale to Shell . apparently de- most of them have taken out their liltle help we could have cleaned Peterson and , Patrol Driver Ste- New Traffic Signal towels, blankets and cash. A let- pends on the Army's ability to activity in this direction in talk— out the sty a little more prompt- phen Pelertag were sent out to ter of appreciation was also re- find a suitable resting place for and thus the net advantage out ly. I know the men and their Drunken Driving (Continued on Page 6) ceived from Mrs. T. Mount Apple- approximately 18,000 rusty pieces of the relatively small increase wives are anxious for me to com- System in Prospect of automotive equipment. gate, former third district vice must be assigned to the Demo- plete my chore so that the pay The matter was presented to cratic tickefi.
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