N° 280 INDEX FEBRUARY 2015 Capuchins in the East: Presence 01 and ‘de facto minority’ Capuchins in the East: Cardinal Seán O’Malley: a Presence and ‘de facto minority’ 02 Capuchin councilor of the Pope Br. Raniero Cantalamessa: Br. Pio Murat, General Councilor OFMCap 03 Lenten preaching 2015 The Capuchin friary of Monterosso is a ‘place of the urrent events continue to doc- communities, they—in the spirit of heart’ for Italians ument the daily drama of the C St. Francis (Earlier Rule XVI), wit- Appointment of two new Middle East. Barbarous killings in ness to the Gospel simply with their Capuchin bishops Syria and in Iraq, attacks in the Holy lives. Land, repeated violations of human Latin America looks To understand better the value of 04 toward PCO VIII rights. We know all too well, unfor- our presence (encouraged by the tunately, these realities, hostile and 15 years of the joy of being General Minister), the brothers of sisters cruel. Powerless, we note also that ASMEN have begun a path of re- Christians, among others, are easy Palestine will have two new fl ection: “In the countries where we saints objects of a violence that knows no are, how can we live our condition of end. ‘de facto minority,’ imposed by the In this region of the world, the Ca- context in which we live? In relation puchins are present and share the to ecumenical dialogue, to interreli- drama of these humiliated people. gious dialogue or facing the possibili- Let us recall: one of our friaries in ty of losing our churches, what sense Syria completely destroyed; a million does our presence have? What does and a half Syrians fl eeing to Leba- perseverance mean?” non; others – thousands – in exile in The process of development under- Mersin in Turkey. In such contexts taken by the Conference will cer- Deir Ezzor - Syria our brothers, directly involved, work tainly be a support not only for the in silence to comfort and soothe the brothers involved, but will also raise suff erings. awareness in the whole of our Capu- In the Middle East, we are present in chin fraternity. Jerusalem, in Greece, in Lebanon, in PCO VII clearly affi rms: “Inspired Turkey, in the Arabian peninsula, and by the teaching to proclaim the in Pakistan. Thus we form ASMEN, Good News even in the midst of the smallest among the Conferences trials and persecutions (cf. Mt 24:9), of the Order. The prospects for the the Capuchin Order encourages our ‘implantatio ordinis’ are truly thin brothers in those countries where Pakistan and our fraternities – in large part – Christianity is a negligible minority are made up of foreign brothers. to bear witness to the Gospel, like The ‘common denominator’ of all of leaven in the dough (cf. Lk 13:21), our presence in the Middle East is through example and word in a spirit the condition of ‘de facto minority.’ of minority akin to that of St Francis Here, in the political, religious, and before the Sultan. Our brotherhood social context of these countries, pledges to stand by and support our ‘minority’ is anything but an ab- brothers, especially in those lands stract and theoretical concept; it is where the freedom of religion is at a concrete condition of life. Almost risk, religious intolerance is on the Meryem Ana - Turkey everywhere the brothers are living increase and religious fundamental- in misunderstood Christian commu- ism is spreading rapidly.” (PCO VII, nities, deprived of their fundamental 16) rights and, at times, as prey of hate May these intentions, good and just and persecution. In some situations, in themselves, lift up the spirit of fra- the brothers cooperate to maintain ternal solidarity in as many forms of the life of the Church, but, in oth- expression as are possible. er cases, when there aren’t Christian Jerusalem HIGHLIGHTS CARDINAL SEÁN O’MALLEY a Capuchin councilor of the Pope ou are the only American – and Ca- poor and sick as “our liege lords.” adoption. In 1988 I read Paul Ypuchin – called to counsel the Pope on Mother Teresa said the poor are Swope’s article in First Things, the reform of church governance. What Christ in a “distressing disguise.” We “Abortion: A Failure to Communi- can you tell us about the council’s mission? need to see the value of people who cate.” Swope pointed to research As has been announced, there is a might be invisible to the culture, that showed how women in diffi cult desire to reform the Curia, to make and that includes the unborn child, pregnancies ended up choosing it more at the service of the Holy the Alzheimer’s patient, the drug abortion. They see three options Father and the local Churches. The addict. Some of these people have available to them: keeping the child, goal is to make the Curia more very challenging situations, and they having an abortion or putting their child up for an adoption. Keeping effi cient and thus to allow the Holy aren’t the beautiful or productive the child is often interpreted as a Father to govern more eff ectively. people, the glitterati. We are called personal death. Giving the child up It is important to review the func- to see their value in God’s eyes. in an adoption is seen as a terrible tions of the dicasteries and pontif- Socrates said, “People believe me ical councils, to see how they can because I am poor.” The witness option — they are a bad mother who work better. The Holy Father is also of a simple lifestyle is important in is exposing the child to abandon- concerned about the pastoral care of the Church. It doesn’t mean that ment, abuse and neglect. Somehow people working in the Curia. Many people shouldn’t live according to we have to break through that view within the Curia have given their the demands of their station of of adoption and help women see lives in service to the Church. But life — not everybody has a vow of that there are many wonderful child- there should not be an approach of poverty. When we read about the less couples who are well-equipped careerism, but of mission. The Holy fi rst Christians and see how they to be loving parents. We need to Father wants to make sure that is shared with each other, there was a do more to support adoptive par- the spirit of the Curia. Further, the sense of responsibility for the poor, ents. The USCCB Pro-life Activi- 02 Church has grown so much and is the orphan and the strangers in their ties Committee is also promoting more international. So there is a de- midst. We need to do more. post-abortion care. So many women sire to internationalize the Curia to have had an abortion. They believe In his interview in America magazine, they have committed an unspeakable some extent. The council is not only Pope Francis spoke about his own deep crime beyond forgiveness, and they to reform the Curia, but to advise experience of spiritual paternity, but he the Holy Father on the government. live with that guilt. We need to help also made it clear that all Church leaders them fi nd the path to reconciliation Recently, there has been discussion and pastors should reach out to others like and experience God’s mercy. That about expanding consultation within a spiritual father. is one of the beautiful things about the Church more widely. Is this council For any priest, it is important to see Pope Francis. He is showing how the appointed by the Pope a model for Church ourselves as the spiritual father of Church must be a “fi eld hospital,” governance at other levels? our people. The Holy Father, during reaching out to those who have been The Church is not a democracy. his chrism Mass homily, said, “The devastated by sin. But the Church can only function if shepherd should have the smell there is a sense that you are trying In many countries and also in the USA, of the sheep.” As the father of the there legalization of same-sex marriage to discern God’s will, and we don’t family makes many sacrifi ces for has begun. What has been the experience do that just as individuals; we do his children, a priest needs to make of the Church, pastors, and families? that in an atmosphere of dialogue many sacrifi ces for his people. When In Boston, we have a commission and prayer. But ultimately, the Holy the father makes those sacrifi ces, he Father will make decisions, and we doesn’t feel sorry for himself; he sees set up to study the impact of same- will abide by them. this as his mission. And that is the sex “marriage” and the issue of way a good priest has to function. I homosexuality. We are looking at Pope Francis has asked us to be a “Church what is being taught in the public for the poor.” Does that involve leading a fear, however, that the clergy-abuse schools. We know it is an entirely crisis has led some priests to stay simpler lifestyle? apart from people so their motives diff erent anthropology from that of the Church. There is such an In the Church, we have always en- won’t be suspect. couraged people to adopt a simpler aggressive attitude toward anyone lifestyle. The Holy Father’s interest In 2012, you were elected the chairman defending traditional marriage that in ecology gives another dimension of the USCCB Committee for Pro-life many people are intimidated.
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