3598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 February 11, 2009 VI. GENERAL for reporting legislative matters shall gov- While that alone is a significant All applicable requirements of the Stand- ern rules changes, modification, amend- achievement, the true mark of JOHN ing Rules of the Senate shall govern the ments, or suspension. DINGELL is his devotion to public serv- Committee. f ice that connects him to the great men VII. PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN JOHN and women of America’s storied past (A) Each Presidential nominee whose nom- DINGELL whose statues grace this Capitol, and ination is subject to Senate confirmation the legislation he has influenced that and referred to this Committee shall submit Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, today has so improved the lives of our people. a statement of his or her background and fi- Congressman JOHN DINGELL of Michi- He contributed to the creation of Med- nancial interests, including the financial in- gan becomes the longest serving mem- terests of his or her spouse and of children icaid and Medicare, to the Civil Rights ber in the history of the United States bills, to the Endangered Species Act living in the nominee’s household, on a form House of Representatives. As we ob- approved by the Committee which shall be and the Clean Air Act. He fought to sworn to as to its completeness and accu- serve this notable milestone in time, protect Social Security—which his fa- racy. The Committee form shall be in two however, JOHN DINGELL’s longevity is ther helped create. parts: really a footnote that does not even Like all great fighters, when JOHN (1) Information concerning employment, begin to tell the full story of JOHN and DINGELL is knocked down, he picks education, and background of the nominee his wonderful partner Debbie. himself up. For example, he has helped which generally relates to the position to Fifty-four years from now, or 154 keep the fight for universal health care which the individual is nominated and which years from now, when historians look is to be made public; and alive by introducing legislation to (2) Information concerning the financial back for models of public service, JOHN achieve it in each new Congress, just as and other background of the nominee, to be DINGELL will stand among the best his father did. made public when the Committee determines America has to offer. His commitment JOHN can be tough, running proce- that such information bears directly on the to the public good, his sense of fidu- dural circles around even the most nominee’s qualifications to hold the position ciary duty as a public servant and most skilled legislative adversaries. And he to which the individual is nominated. of all the spirit, the passion, and the (B) At any hearing to confirm a Presi- can be gruff, for instance comparing a motivation that JOHN brings to his dential nomination, the testimony of the proposal he thinks is foolish or unnec- nominee and, at the request of any Member, work day in and day out, year after essary to ‘‘side pockets on a cow’’ or any other witness shall be under oath. year, are nothing short of remarkable. ‘‘feathers on a fish.’’ (C) Committee action on a nomination, in- Before JOHN DINGELL became a Mem- But this tough and gruff Congress- cluding hearings or a meeting to consider a ber of the House, he was a son and a man has a softer side. His wife Debbie motion to recommend confirmation, shall student of the House. His father, Con- is personable and glowing and brings not be initiated until at least five days after gressman John Dingell Sr., was a New extraordinary energy to everything she the nominee submits the form required by Dealer and a passionate advocate of touches. JOHN and Debbie are each this rule unless the Chairman, with the con- FDR’s agenda. currence of the Ranking Minority Member, powerhouses in their own right, and waives this waiting period. As a House page in the late 1930s and their relationship is a perfect synergy. early 1940s, JOHN learned the intrica- VIII. NAMING OF DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS While Debbie is everywhere, raising AFFAIRS FACILITIES cies of House procedure. He got to funds for great causes, creating per- know his way around, and developed a It is the policy of the Committee that no sonal relationships that enrich so Department of Veterans Affairs facility shall profound respect for leaders like Sam many lives, JOHN is only where he be named after any individual unless: Rayburn. needs to be—focusing like a laser on (A) Such individual is deceased and was: Even in his youth, JOHN was any- legislative and policy goals. (1) A veteran who (i) was instrumental in thing but a passive observer. When There is a common thread in the Din- the construction or the operation of the fa- Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and FDR gells’ legislative maneuvers, charitable cility to be named, or (ii) was a recipient of came to Congress and declared it a endeavors and even JOHN’s unique use the Medal of Honor or, as determined by the ‘‘date which will live in infamy,’’ JOHN Chairman and Ranking Minority Member, of language: they are all devoted to the otherwise performed military service of an was in the Chamber. In fact, JOHN saw goal of helping working people. People extraordinarily distinguished character; to it that one audio recorder continued back home love ‘‘Big JOHN’’ because (2) A Member of the United States House of to run even after FDR’s speech ended, they know he is on their side—fighting Representatives or Senate who had a direct so thanks to him we have a fascinating for their jobs, their health, their chil- association with such facility; record of the deliberations afterward dren. (3) An Administrator of Veterans Affairs, a that quickly led to the declaration of That is why, as much evidence as Secretary of Veterans Affairs, a Secretary of war on Japan. there is of John’s influence and respect Defense or of a service branch, or a military or other Federal civilian official of com- When he was 18, JOHN enlisted in the in the House of Representatives, the parable or higher rank; or Army. After the war he returned to best way to really understand JOHN’s (4) An individual who, as determined by Washington, and, ever a student of the impact on the people he represents is the Chairman and Ranking Minority Mem- House, he worked as an elevator oper- to make a visit to ‘‘Dingell Country.’’ ber, performed outstanding service for vet- ator here in the Capitol while attend- In JOHN’s district, people have placed erans. ing Georgetown, where he received un- JOHN’s name on a road, a bridge, a park (B) Each Member of the Congressional del- dergraduate and law degrees. As a and a library not just to honor him but egation representing the State in which the young lawyer, JOHN served as a clerk designated facility is located must indicate to inspire others. Just talk to a few of in writing such Member’s support of the pro- for Sandy’s and my uncle, Theodore JOHN’s fellow veterans at the VA Med- posal to name such facility after such indi- Levin, a Federal judge in Michigan ical Center in Detroit. Those vets feel a vidual. who, along with our Dad, had actually little better and a little stronger know- (C) The pertinent State department or campaigned for JOHN’s Dad in the 1930s. ing that they live in the JOHN DINGELL chapter of each Congressionally chartered A few years later, when his father VA Medical Center. Or stop by the veterans’ organization having a national passed away, JOHN Jr. won the special UAW Region 1a headquarters in Tay- membership of at least 500,000 must indicate election to fill the vacant seat. The son lor, Michigan, and tell them you’ve in writing its support of such proposal. and student became a Member of the stood shoulder to shoulder with JOHN IX. AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES institution that he had studied so DINGELL fighting for American work- The rules of the Committee may be closely and that he respected so deeply. ers—and you won’t get a warmer wel- changed, modified, amended, or suspended at And over the years, the Member would any time provided, however, that no less come anywhere in America. than a majority of the entire membership so become the Chairman, and the Chair- JOHN is beloved in his district, and he determine at a regular meeting with due no- man would become the Dean—the most has been a role model to me and to my tice or at a meeting specifically called for senior member of the House of Rep- older brother Sandy since we arrived in that purpose. The rules governing quorums resentatives. Congress. He has also been a wonderful VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:07 May 17, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S11FE9.001 S11FE9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD February 11, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 3599 mentor to us and to the entire Michi- of a coronary bypass procedure. The ernment workers he regarded as good gan delegation. doctor also determined that because he civil servants dedicated to serving the JOHN has been a son of the House, a had been denied prescribed diabetes public interest. He also loved the indi- student of the House, a Member and a medication, Mr.
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